Select general bird reference sources

Bird Coloration (2 vols.) - Hill, G. E. and K. J. McGraw, eds.
ISBN: 9780674018938
Publication Date: 2006



Speciation and Biogeography of Birds - Newton, I.
ISBN: 012517375X
Publication Date: 2003


Conserving Bird Biodiversity - Norris, K. and D. Pain
ISBN: 0521789494
Publication Date: 2002



Handbook of the Birds of the World (15+ vols.)
ISBN: 9788487334108

Hand-Rearing Birds - Gage, L. J. and R. S. Duerr
ISBN: 0813806666
Publication Date: 2007




Raptors in Captivity - Arent, L.
ISBN: 0888396139

Publication Date: 2007

Select general bird reference sources for geographical regions.

Neotropical Birds: Ecology and Conservation - Stotz, D. F., et al.
ISBN: 0226776301
Publication Date: 1996

  • BirdNet
    (TOC) Online repository of information about science of ornithology.
  • eBird
    (Cornell and National Audubon Society) Online database of bird observations, providing scientists, researchers and amateur naturalists with real-time data about bird distribution and abundance.
  • Global Raptor Information Network (GRIN)
    (TPG) Species account database provides information on diurnal raptors. See also the Bibliography for 53,000+ literature citations.
Resource guides created by other institutions.

Organizations related to the study, care, and conservation of birds.

  • OSNA
    Ornithological Societies of North America. Includes American Ornithologists' Union, Association of Field Ornithologists, Cooper Ornithological Society, Raptor Research Foundation, Waterbird Society, and Wilson Ornithological Society.