Celebrating Nature-Culture Relationships: Documenting Cultures and Traditions of Tiger Folklore in Coastal Karnataka through the Annual Pilivesha Celebrations
Rohan Sharma
The intricate connections between human cultures and nature have shaped diverse relationships, influencing attitudes and perceptions over time. However, industrialisation and capitalist ideologies have often portrayed humans as distinct from the natural world, neglecting the profound intersection of human and animal lives. This paper explores the nuanced dynamics of human-big cat relationships, particularly focusing on the tiger, within the cultural landscape of Tulunadu in Karnataka, India. Through an interdisciplinary lens, it examines the Pilivesha tradition, a folk dance celebrating the tiger as a symbol of divinity and power, and delves into the historical roots of animal worship traditions like Bhutaaradhane. Drawing on interviews with performers, organisers, and subject experts, the study documents the cultural significance of Pilivesha, tracing its origin and evolution over time. Additionally, it explores instances of tiger folklore and reverence in other parts of Karnataka, shedding light on the diverse manifestations of human-nature interactions across different communities and regions. Through this exploration, the paper underscores the importance of integrating social and natural sciences in conservation efforts, emphasising the need for culturally attuned and inclusive approaches that honour traditional knowledge, and foster harmonious sharing of spaces between humans and wildlife.
Full Citation
Sharma, R. (2024). Celebrating Nature-Culture Relationships: Documenting Cultures and Traditions of Tiger Folklore in Coastal Karnataka through the Annual Pilivesha Celebrations. Karnataka, India: Wildlife Conservation Society, India, 1-24.

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