Biodiversity surveys of the Nyungwe Forest Reserve
Andrew J. Plumptre, Michel Masozera, Peter J. Fashing, Alastair McNeilage, Corneille Ewango, Beth A. Kaplin, and Innocent Liengola
In this report, three measures of conservation importance are used: a) species richness; b) species endemism and c) complementarity of sites within the forest. Each of these measures is quantified at each survey site, thereby allowing a comparison to be made between the relative importance of each site for each method. Three taxa were selected for study primarily based on the ease of identification using existing taxonomic keys. By choosing very different taxa (mammals, birds and trees), it was hoped that the analysis of all three taxa combined would allow these taxa to act as ‘umbrellas’ for the weighting of sites for other unsurveyed taxa.
biodiversity, surveys, Nyungwe Forest, Rwanda

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