Kinosternon dunni Schmidt 1947 –Dunn’s Mud Turtle, Cabeza de Trozo
Iverson, John; Carr, John; Castaño -Mora, Olga; Galvis -Rizo, CarLos; Rentería-Moreno, Luis; Forero–Medina, Germán
Chelonian Research Monographs
Dunn’s Mud Turtle, Kinosternon dunni (Family Kinosternidae), is a medium-sized aquatic turtle (carapace length to at least 180 mm) found in streams and marshes in the Río Baudó, Río Docampadó, Río San Juan, and Río Atrato drainage basins of the Departamento del Chocó in western Colombia. It is most similar and closely related to K. angustipons from Central America, and belongs to the K. leucostomum species group. Very little is known of the natural history of this species. It is apparently carnivorous and probably highly aquatic. It may reproduce nearly year-round, laying multiple clutches of one or two eggs each. A field survey of each of the four inhabited basins is urgently needed to assess the population status of this species. Because of its restricted range and apparent rarity, and because it is eaten locally, it could be more threatened than currently recognized.

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