Karimunjawa national park
Wildlife Conservation Society Indonesia Program
Indonesia is the world’s largest archipelago with 17,508 islands and the second longest (54,716 km) coastline (after Canada) in the world. Small coastal island communities are therefore integral to the development of Indonesia’s economic future. The islands of Karimunjawa lie 120 km north of Semarang in Central Java, Indonesia and are renowned as the ‘jewel of the Java Sea’. The islands are within one of only seven marine national parks in Indonesia and are popular with local and international tourists alike. The park is made up of 22 individual islands (five of which are inhabited) with 8,000 people living in three communities. WCS has been instrumental in driving a new management process to increase awareness of marine resource management and re-design management regulations with community and government support. Karimunjawa is an ideal site to test this innovative approach and enhance conservation efforts for the benefit of Indonesia’s diverse marine environments.
Karimunjawa national park

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