Quest to Save the Snow Leopard
Two decades after he first aimed his rifle at one of the world's rarest mammals, Karmal was again on the hunt for the elusive snow leopard. Stalking through the mountains of north-eastern Afghanistan, he was getting closer. There were paw prints in the sand and scratch marks on the limestone boulders, signs that the leopard was marking its territory. Karmal knew it could be anywhere, peering down at him from an unseen bluff. He moved quietly. But this time, Karmal wasn't carrying a gun. He held a metal snare that he would use to trap the animal. He was working for an environmental conservation organisation attempting to better understand one of the most vulnerable species in the world. After Karmal caught the animal, it would be tagged with a GPS collar and tracked as it traversed Afghanistan's hinterlands. "The full paper is available for purchase from the Guardian website (www.theguardian.com)and the abstract is avilable at this link"
Afghanistan,Snow leopard,Conservation,Wakhan corridor, Persian leopard

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