Caatinga Potiguar Project - Cartogram
Eduardo Venticinque, Marina Fonseca e Carlos Roberto Fonseca
The Caatinga is extremely rich in plant and animal species, and this biodiversity has been used by the human population for thousands of years. If on the one hand about 50% of the Caatinga area has already been deforested, in the remaining 50% there are still numerous opportunities for biodiversity conservation. O Projeto Caatinga Potiguar, a cooperation between WCS-Brasil, UFRN and IDEMA, aims to generate ecological and social subsidies for the creation of new Conservation Units in the Caatinga Potiguar. Central Objective To promote the establishment of new Conservation Units in the Caatinga potiguar. Specific objectives 1) Select the main Priority Areas for the creation of new Conservation Units in the Caatinga potiguar. 2) To increase the level of knowledge about the biodiversity of Priority Areas through field surveys. 3) Understand how social actors use the resources provided by the Potiguar biodiversity and how they would respond to conservation actions through participatory mapping and socioecological analysis. 4) Promote the dissemination of the importance of the biodiversity of the Caatinga potiguar and the urgency of conservation actions for its maintenance for future generations. 5) Establish partnerships and encourage the creation of innovative mechanisms that promote the establishment of biodiversity conservation actions in the Priority Areas.
Caatinga, Unidades de Conservação, Caatinga Potiguar, Rio Grande do Norte
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Projeto Caatinga Potiguar - Cartograma

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