WCS Canada Comments - MOECC Draft Exemption from EPA Requirements for Reflected Light Bird Kills - December 2015
Cheryl Chetkiewicz and Hilary Cooke
We are concerned about the current proposal for exemption, and request that reflected light be regulated as a contaminant given its impact on migratory birds traveling through our cities and urban spaces. Research suggests that light reflected by glass can confuse birds and cause bird strikes, especially during night migration. Regulation could help reduce the number of dead and injured migratory birds moving between their wintering grounds and boreal regions in Canada. We request the Ontario Ministry of Environment and Climate Change require building owners comply with mitigation measures like this, which is one of the only methods Ontario can employ to address the conservation of boreal birds traveling through urban centres.
Full Citation
[Correspondence] Chetkiewicz, Cheryl and Cooke, Hillary (2015). Exemption from EPA Requirements for Reflected Light that Kills or Injures Birds (Ontario EBR Registry Number: 012‐3605)

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