WCS Canada Comments - Endangered Species Act Approvals - February 2013
Cheryl Chetkiewicz, Justina Ray, and Jenni McDermid
As part of the 2012/13 provincial budget, the MNR moved forward with a transformation plan to modernize and more sustainably manage Ontario’s natural resources. We had several major concerns, including how striving for efficiency in the absence of adequate strategies and safeguards heightens risks to the natural resources the MNR is mandated to protect. We acknowledge funding cutbacks and complaints from development proponents mean that a revised Endangered Species Act approach is necessary. The approaches proposed in this posting, however, will heighten risk to many already-imperiled species in Ontario and undermine the purposes of the Act. We outline nine critical concerns and provide four recommendations to help remedy these major concerns. Overall, it is incongruent for the Ministry to weaken standards and government oversight of species at risk while publicly declaring its full confidence that impacts to these species will be "neutral."
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[Correspondence] Chetkiewicz, Cheryl, Justina Ray, Justina and McDermid, Jennie (2013).Proposed approaches to the implementation of the Endangered Species Act which could include regulatory amendments to authorize activities to occur subject to conditions set out in regulation consistent with the MNR’s Modernization of Approvals, including document with "further details" posted on January 24 (Ontario EBR Registry Number: 011-7696)

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