WCS Canada Comments - Alpine Ungulates and Raptors, Spatial Buffers and Timing Windows - April 2014
Robert Hayes and Don Reid
We summarize the nature of human disturbance and findings of scientific studies addressing this management problem in alpine ungulates and raptors. We recommend using distance buffers and timing of disturbances to minimize impact, and provide recommendations on ways that buffers and timing windows can be integrated into land management decisions. We recommend that the Department of Environment within the Yukon Territorial Government take the lead in developing clear definitions of the habitats and formalizing a database where these habitats are mapped and adequately documented, and that the Department of Energy, Mines and Resources in the Yukon Environmental and Socio-economic Assessment Board require the mapping of these habitats in environmental impact assessments and implement spatial buffers and timing windows in a variety of land use permitting processes.
Full Citation
[Correspondence] Reid, Donald and Hayes, Robert. (2014). Re: Avoiding Disturbance to Yukon's Alpine Ungulates and Raptors: A summary of Scientific Knowledge on Spatial Buffers and Timing Windows

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