Using multiple agency perspectives to improve communication strategies for bat recovery from WNS
Dr. Heidi E. Kretser
White‐nose syndrome (WNS) is a devastating disease caused by the fungus Pseudogymnoascus destructans (Pd), which is responsible for killing more than 6 million bats in 32 states and 5 provinces. To encourage recovery of bat populations and to limit spread of this deadly disease, we need effective communication efforts that successfully encourage landowners and the general public to take actions that benefit bats. This report shares the findings of a project that is part of a larger effort of the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) to facilitate conservation and recovery of bats affected by WNS by determining how the public reacts to inconsistent messages about bats from wildlife and public health agencies and recommending communication strategies to meet diverse agency mandates.
bats, communication strategies, white-nose syndrome, WNS
Full Citation
Kretser, H.E. 2017. Using multiple agency perspectives to improve communication strategies for bat recovery from WNS. Final Report to the Wildlife Management Institute. Wildlife Conservation Society: Americas Program.

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