First Acoustic Records of the Brazilian Free-Tailed Bat (Tadarida brasiliensis) In British Columbia
Ommundsen, P., Lausen, C.L., and Matthias, L.
Northwestern Naturalist 98: 132-136
This study reports the1st evidence of the Brazilian Free-tailed Bat (Tadarida brasiliensis) in Canada. The historic distribution records of this species was in the Pacific Northwest region of North America including southern Oregon and southern Idaho, but not British Columbia. During 2014–2016 they conducted bat acoustic surveys in Canada on Salt Spring Island, British Columbia, sampling 1342 detector-nights. They recorded multiple bat-call sequences during 2016 showing pulse and sequence attributes consistent with those of the Brazilian Free-tailed Bat. The Brazilian Free-tailed Bat is a fast long-distance flyer, and acoustic surveys outside of its historic range may benefit from surveillance for this species.
Full Citation
First Acoustic Records of the Brazilian Free-Tailed Bat (Tadarida brasiliensis) In British Columbia Peter Ommundsen, Cori Lausen, and Laura Matthias Northwestern Naturalist 2017 98 (2), 132-136

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