Description of Wakhan Corridor Vegetation Land Classes Delineated in the Supervised Land Classification.
Bedunah, D.J and WCS Rangeland Assessment Team
The Wakhan Corridor in far north-eastern Afghanistan is one of the harshest environments on earth. It is subject to extremely cold and dry weather so the small area that is actually covered by vegetation is dominated by very hardy, desert-type species. Rangelands cover most of the landscape and plant communities appear to be changing constantly in line with the changing environment. This add-on report to "Land Classification of the Wakhan Study Area" describes the different classes of vegetation that were used in the WCS rangeland classification study of the Wakhan Corridor. Additional information is also provided on community types and abiotic features of the land such as elevation, slope and rock coverage.
Vegetation class, Wakhan Corridor, Badakhshan, land classification, community type, soil cover, standing crop rangeland use, degradation, rangeland health

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