Permanent Monitoring Sites - Methodology and Examples of Photo Plots and Data
Bedunah, D. J.
In order to determine changes in overall condition of a site over time, whether that includes improvements or further degradation, time-sensitive measurements of parameters such as vegetation levels must be made on a consistent basis. Without such data, it becomes almost impossible to predict the conservation potential of a site, particularly within the context of planning for a future protected area network. This was exactly the challenge facing the WCS Rangeland Team; thus their first job within the Wakhan Corridor was to establish permanent monitoring sites in 2006, 2007 and 2008. This photographic report details their mission, their methodology and their results, that will aid efforts to preserve the delicate landscape in the Wakhan.
Rangeland use, degradation, rangeland health, livestock grazing, landcover, permanent monitoring, photo plot

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