Does plant diversity benefit agroecosystems- A synthetic review
Letourneau, D.K, I. Armbrecht, B. Salguero, J. Montoya, E. Jiménez, M.C. Daza, S. Escobar, V. Galindo, C. Gutiérrez, S. Duque, J. López, A.M. Acosta, J. Herrera, L. Rivera, C.A. Saavedra-Rodríguez, A.M. Torres, A. Reyes.
Predictive theory on how plant diversity promotes herbivore suppression through movement patterns, host associations, and predation promises a potential alternative to pesticide-intensive monoculture crop production. We used meta-analysis on 552 experiments in 45 articles published over the last 10 years to test if plant diversification schemes reduce herbivores and/or increase the natural enemies of herbivores as predicted by associational resistance hypotheses, the enemies hypothesis, and attraction and repellency model applications in agriculture.
Agroecosystems; Crop damage; Diversification; Effect sizes; Herbivores; Intercropping; Meta-analysis; Natural enemies; Pest regulation; Statistical outcome; Vote-counting; Yield

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