First assessment of Nomrog and Dornod Mongol Strictly Protected Areas for the re-introduction of Przewalski’s horses in the Eastern Steppe of Mongolia
Petra Kaczensky
When roughly comparing Nomrog and Mongol Dorod SPAs with the 17 areas assessed in the period 1987-1991 by the Russian-Mongolian Complex Biological Expedition (RMCBE) of the Russian Academy of Science (RAS) and the Mongolian Academy of Science (MAS), Nomrog SPA receives a similar risk factor score as Hustain Nuruu, whereas Dornod Mongol SPA scores much higher. However, the comparison has to be treated with caution because the spatial scale of the original assessments was often rather small (e.g., instead of assessing the whole of the Great Gobi B SPA, only the foothills of the Takhin Shar Nuruu mountains were assessed) and our knowledge of takhi behavior and habitat requirements in the meantime has greatly improved.

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