Incorporating climate change into conservation planning: Iden-tifying priority areas across a species’ range
Blair, M.E.;Rose;, R.A.;Ersts, P.J.;Sanderson;, E.W. ;Redford;, K.H. ;Didier;, K.;Sterling, E.J. ;Pearson, R.G.
Frontiers of Biogeography
Theoretical and practical approaches associated with conservation biogeography, including ecological niche modeling, have been applied to the difficult task of determining how to incorporate climate change into conservation prioritization methodologies. Most studies have focused on identifying species that are most at risk from climate change, but here we asked which areas within a species’ range climate change threatens the most. Here we explore methods for incorporating climate change within the Wildlife Conservation Society’s (WCS) Range-Wide Priority Setting (RWPS) framework. We used eco-logical niche models to estimate exposure to climate change and incorporated these estimates into habitat quality scores for re-prioritization of high-priority areas for conservation. Methods such as these are needed to guide prioritization of geographically specific actions for conservation across a species’ range.

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