Working protocols for photo-trapping: Andean bear
Márquez, R.;Bianchi, G.;Gómez, C.;Cifuentes, A.;Melchor, A.;Pérez, A.;Goldstein, I.
The work protocols presented below are the operational complement to the Guide for the use of camera traps: Andean bear. Both the guide and these protocols present the experience accumulated by WCS and its partners in relation to the use of camera traps, and focus on increasing the probability of detection of the species, as well as the success in the identification of individuals. The guide discusses aspects related to the species and its habitat, the types of camera traps and aspects of sampling design such as: location of photo-trapping stations, number and position of camera traps in the photo-trapping station, setting of camera trap parameters, duration of sampling and identification of individuals.

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