Markhor and Siberian ibex occurrence and conservation in northern Afghanistan
Moheb, Zalmai ;Mostafawi, Said Naqibullah ;Zahler, Peter I. ;Fuller, Todd K.
Caprinae News
In Asia, markhor Capra falconeri and Siberian ibex Capra sibirica occur in six and eleven countries respectively, and both species have been reported in Afghanistan. However, few wildlife studies in Afghanistan have been made in recent years and the current distribution of markhor and ibex is largely unknown. We conducted field surveys in northern Badakhshan Province, Afghanistan in July-October 2011, and documented the presence of markhor and ibex there for the first time. We made direct observations of markhor in Shahr-e Buzurg District and the Darwaz region, and collected indirect field evidence and community reports of markhor and ibex. The strip of land along the Amu Darya River from western Darwaz to Shahr-e Buzurg district through Khawahan and Raghistan districts should be a priority site for future markhor and ibex conservation in Afghanistan. If protection measures are taken, this area along with the adjacent protected area in Tajikistan, could act as valuable and viable refuge for sustaining markhor and other wild species that inhabit the region.
Shahr-e Buzurg;Darwaz;Capra falconeri;markhor;Capra sibirica;ibex;conservation

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