Use of Agroforestry Systems and Rotational Grazing for the Maintenance and Restoration of Ecosystem Services
Santos, M. C. A.; Keuroghlian, A.; Eaton, D. P.
Cadernos de Agroecologia
After identifying problems with streams and forest degradation in a region where wildlife diversity and ecological corridors are valuable for conservation, WCS-Brazil initiated a project to transfer sustainable land-use techniques to rural property owners and producers of the upper Rio Taboco region. More than 380 people participated, including small farmers, INCRA’s Agrarian Reform Settlements and rural community members, this project aimed to teach agroecological farming techniques to ensure ecofriendly productions. Besides promoting sustainable land-use techniques, we also teach topics covering forest and wildlife conservation and ecosystem services to increase knowledge and change underlying values towards the environment and develop a positive land use and ranch management practices. Periodic follow-up interviews are made with our participants to evaluate profitability for rural property and environmental improvements in the streams and biodiversity.
ecological restoration; Agroecology; sustainable land-use system

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