Camera trap surveys of Atlantic Forest mammals: A data set for analyses considering imperfect detection (2004–2020)
Franceschi, Ingridi Camboim;Dornas, Rubem Augusto da Paixão;Lermen, Isabel Salgueiro;Coelho, Artur Vicente Pfeifer;Vilas Boas, Ademir Henrique;Chiarello, Adriano Garcia;Paglia, Adriano Pereira;de Souza, Agnis Cristiane;Borsekowsky, Alana Rafaela;Rocha, Alessandro;Bager, Alex;de Souza, Alexander Zaidan;Lopes, Alexandre Martins Costa;de Moura, Aloysio Souza;Ferreira, Aluane Silva;García-Olaechea, Alvaro;Delciellos, Ana Cláudia;Bacellar, Ana Elisa de Faria;Campelo, Ana Kellen Nogueira;Paschoal, Ana Maria Oliveira;Rolim, Anderson Claudino;da Silva, André Luiz Ferreira;Lanna, Andre Monnerat;da Silva, André Pereira;Guimarães, Andresa;Cardoso, Ângela;Cassol, Angelica Soligo;da Costa-Pinto, Anna Ludmilla;do Nascimento, Ariel Guilherme Santos;Fernandes, Arthur Soares;Clyvia, Aryanne;Santos, Aureo Banhos dos;Lima-Silva, Barbara;Beisiegel, Beatriz de Mello;Luciano, Beatriz Fernandes Lima;Leopoldo, Bernardo de Faria;Krobel, Bruna Nunes;Kubiak, Bruno Busnello;Saranholi, Bruno Henrique;Correa, Bruno Senna;Sant Anna Teixeira, Caio;Ayroza, Camila Rezende;Cassano, Camila Righetto;Benitez-Riveros, Camilo;Gestich, Carla Cristina;Tedesco, Carla Denise;Gheler-Costa, Carla;Hegel, Carla Grasiele Zanin;Evangelista Junior, Carlito da Silva;Ferreira, Carlos Eduardo Morando Faria;Grelle, Carlos Eduardo Viveiros;Esteves, Carolina Franco;Espinosa, Caroline da Costa;Leuchtenberger, Caroline;Sanchéz-Lalinde, Catalina;Machado, Cauanne Iglesias Campos;Andreazzi, Cecilia;Bueno, Cecília;Cronemberger de Faria, Cecilia;Novaes, Claudio;Widmer, Cynthia Elisa;Santos, Cyntia Cavalcante;Ferraz, Daniel da Silva;Galiano, Daniel;Bôlla, Daniela Aparecida Savariz;Behs, Daniela;Rodrigues, Daniele Pereira;de Melo, Danielle Picão;Ramos, Déborah Maria Soares;de Mattia, Denise Lidório;Pavei, Diego Dias;Loretto, Diogo;Huning, Douglas da Silva;Dias, Douglas de Matos;Paetzhold, Éder Ricardo;Rios, Elaine;Setz, Eleonore Zulnara Freire;Cazetta, Eliana;Cafofo Silva, Emanuel Giovani;Pasa, Emanuelle;Saito, Erica Naomi;de Aguiar, Erick Francisco Silva;Castro, Érika Paula;Viveiros de Castro, Ernesto Bastos;Pedó, Ezequiel;Pereira, Fabiane de Aguiar;Bolzan, Fábio;Roque, Fábio de Oliveira;Mazim, Fábio Dias;Comin, Fábio Henrique;Maffei, Fábio;Peters, Felipe Bortolotto;Fantacini, Felipe Moreli;da Silva, Felipe Pessoa;Machado, Felipe Santana;Vélez-Garcia, Felipe;Lage, Fernanda Stussi Duarte;Perini, Fernando Araújo;Passos, Fernando Camargo;Carvalho, Fernando;de Azevedo, Fernando Cesar Cascelli;Ferreira, Fernando;de Pinho, Fernando Ferreira;Chaves, Flávia Guimarães;Miranda, Flavia Regina;Rodrigues, Flavio Henrique Guimarães;Ubaid, Flávio Kulaif;Gabriel, Francisco Homem;de Souza, Franco Leandro;de Oliveira, Fred Victor;Cupolillo, Gabriel;Moreira, Gabriela de Araújo Pires;Mette, Gabriela;Duarte, Gabriela Teixeira;Beca, Gabrielle;Corso, Gilberto;Perbiche-Neves, Gilmar;Souto, Glauber Henrique Borges de Oliveira;Vilarroel, Glenda Jéssica da Silva;Batista, Graziele O.;Ferreira, Guilherme Braga;Toledo, Gustavo Alves da Costa;Senger, Gustavo;Bergallo, Helena de Godoy;dos Santos, Hellen Cristina Pinheiro;Gazola, Humberto Angelo;Melo, Isabel;Brack, Ismael Verrastro;Veríssimo, Iuri;Viana, Ivan Réus;Laurentino, Izabela Costa;Diehl, Jaime Luis;Zocche, Jairo José;Martins-Silva, Jimi;Just, João Paulo Gava;Cherem, Jorge José;Nascimento, Jorge Luiz;Marinho, Jorge Reppold;Dantas, José Oliveira;de Matos, Jose Roberto;Pires, José Salatiel Rodrigues;Cerveira, Josi Fernanda;Ruiz-Esparza, Juan;da Silva, Juliana Paulo;Bogoni, Juliano André;Molina, Karina Theodoro;Pereira, Karla Dayane de Lima;Ceron, Karoline;de Vleeschouwer, Kristel;Lautenschlager, Laís;Bailey, Larissa;Fornitano, Larissa;Rampim, Lilian Elaine;Sforza, Lorena;Bissa, Luan Gonçalves;Santucci, Luca Mattos;da Silva, Lucas Gonçalves;Perillo, Lucas Neves;Correa, Lucas Ribeiro;Hufnagel, Ludmila;Alberti, Luis Fernando;Recalde Mello, Luis Jose;Bernardo, Luis Renato Rezende;Oliveira-Santos, Luiz Gustavo Rodrigues;Guimarães, Luiza Neves;Benchimol, Maíra;Twardowschy, Manuela Catharina;Ferreira-Riveros, Marcela;da Silva, Marcelo;Jardim, Márcia Maria de Assis;Fontes, Marco Aurélio Leite;Tortato, Marcos Adriano;do Nascimento, Marcos Tadeu;Sekiama, Margareth Lumy;Nascimento-Costa, Maria Clara;dos Santos, Maria Ester Bueno;Morini, Maria Santina de Castro;Nagy-Reis, Mariana Baldy;Kaizer, Mariane da Cruz;Sant'Anna, Mariano José Ribeiro da Silva;Hartmann, Marilia Teresinha;Favarini, Marina Ochoa;Olivo, Marina Oliveira;Montes, Martín Alejandro;Alvaréz, Martin Roberto del Valle;Haddad, Matheus Feldstein;Costa, Maurício Djalles;Graipel, Maurício Eduardo;Konzen, Mauricio Quoos;Galetti, Mauro;Almeida, Meyline de Oliveira Souza;Faria, Michel Barros;Luiz, Micheli Ribeiro;Baptista, Michelle Noronha da Matta;Marini, Miguel Ângelo;Ribeiro, Milton Cezar;Olifiers, Natalie;de Albuquerque, Natasha Moraes;Cantero, Nicolás;Peroni, Nivaldo;Zanella, Noeli;Mendonça-Furtado, Olívia;Pays, Olivier;Ferretti, Orlando Ednei;Rocha-Barbosa, Oscar;Santos, Paloma Marques;de Farias, Patrícia Menegaz;da Rocha, Patrício Adriano;Colas-Rosas, Paul François;Ribeiro-Souza, Paula;Ferracioli, Paula;Hartmann, Paulo Afonso;Antas, Paulo de Tarso Zuquim;Ribeiro, Paulo;Tomasi Sarti, Paulo;Mônico, Paulo Ivo;de Castilho, Pedro Volkmer;Pereira, Peônia Brito de Moraes;Crawshaw Jr, Peter Gransden;Renaud, Pierre-Cyril;Romagna, Rafael Spilere;de Sousa, Rafael Turíbio Moraes;Spagnol, Raíssa Soares;Beltrão-Mendes, Raone;Mariano, Ravi Fernandes;Rocha, Renata Reinoso;Sousa-Lima, Renata;Pagotto, Renata Valls;de Faria, Rhayssa Terra;Arrais, Ricardo Corassa;Moratelli, Ricardo;Sartorello, Ricardo;Bianchi, Rita de Cassia;Guimarães, Roberto de Carvalho;Massara, Rodrigo Lima;Costa, Romulo Theodoro;Marques, Rosane Vera;Nunes, Ruan Márcio Ruas;Hartz, Sandra Maria;Silvestre de Sousa, Saulo Meneses;Lima, Saulo Ramos;Barbosa, Sergio Lutz;Godoy, Silvia Neri;Ferrari, Stephen Francis;de Araújo-Piovezan, Talita Guimarães;Góes, Talita Laura;Trigo, Tatiane Campos;de Freitas, Thales R. O.;Maccarini, Thiago Bernardes;de Castro, Thiago Marcial;Bella, Thiago Ribas;de Oliveira Junior, Tonny Marques;Cunha, Uslaine Maciel;Kanaan, Vanessa Tavares;Pfannerstill, Vera;Pimentel, Victor Siqueira;Picinatto Filho, Vilmar;Alves, Vinícius Nunes;Rojas-Bonzi, Viviana;Mottin, Viviane;Rocha, Vlamir José;Kindel, Andreas;Coelho, Igor Pfeifer
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Camera traps became the main observational method of a myriad of species over large areas. Data sets from camera traps can be used to describe the patterns and monitor the occupancy, abundance, and richness of wildlife, essential information for conservation in times of rapid climate and land-cover changes. Habitat loss and poaching are responsible for historical population losses of mammals in the Atlantic Forest biodiversity hotspot, especially for medium to large-sized species. Here we present a data set from camera trap surveys of medium to large-sized native mammals (>1 kg) across the Atlantic Forest. We compiled data from 5380 ground-level camera trap deployments in 3046 locations, from 2004 to 2020, resulting in 43,068 records of 58 species. These data add to existing data sets of mammals in the Atlantic Forest by including dates of camera operation needed for analyses dealing with imperfect detection. We also included, when available, information on important predictors of detection, namely the camera brand and model, use of bait, and obstruction of camera viewshed that can be measured from example pictures at each camera location. Besides its application in studies on the patterns and mechanisms behind occupancy, relative abundance, richness, and detection, the data set presented here can be used to study species' daily activity patterns, activity levels, and spatiotemporal interactions between species. Moreover, data can be used combined with other data sources in the multiple and expanding uses of integrated population modeling. An R script is available to view summaries of the data set. We expect that this data set will be used to advance the knowledge of mammal assemblages and to inform evidence-based solutions for the conservation of the Atlantic Forest. The data are not copyright restricted; please cite this paper when using the data.
abundance; activity pattern; Atlantic Forest; camera trap; imperfect detection; integrated population modeling; medium to large-sized mammals; occupancy; richness; species distribution modeling

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