Research Publications

Since our founding as the New York Zoological Society in 1895, one of WCS’s core strengths has been the quality of our research. Our world-class scientific staff—based in our zoos, aquarium, and conservation programs around the globe—produce hundreds of research publications each year. We use this science to discover and understand the natural world. This knowledge helps us engage and inspire decision-makers, communities, and millions of supporters to take action with us to protect  the wildlife and wild places we all care about.


WCS-authored publications from this year are listed below and updated weekly. For annual bibliographies of WCS-authored publications or to search our database of WCS publications, use the links above. Media inquiries about these and other WCS publications can be directed to WCS Communications staff. For all other inquiries, please contact the WCS Library.



Peer-Reviewed Literature Citations

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 1 of 10

Ayambire, R. A., T. Rytwinski, J. J. Taylor, ..., D. S. Wilkie et al. (Early View). "Challenges in assessing the effects of environmental governance systems on conservation outcomes." Conservation Biology, e14392.

Abstract: Effective governance is crucial for the success of conservation projects aimed at protecting wildlife populations and supporting human well-being. However, few large-scale, comprehensive syntheses have been conducted on the effects of different environmental governance types on conservation outcomes (i.e., biological and ecological effectiveness or effects of conservation on human well-being), and clarity on the quantity and quality of evidence remains dispersed and ambiguous. We attempted a systematic map of the evidence on the effectiveness of different governance types to meet desired conservation outcomes in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. However, early in this effort, we observed a general lack of empirical research on the links between governance and conservation outcomes. To fill observed data gaps in the evidence base, we tried triangulating governance data from alternative sources (Protected Planet database) and pooling evidence from research conducted within the same conservation areas. Limited data were contained in the Protected Planet database, and governance types in conservation areas and landscapes were complex, making it difficult to use these approaches to assign governance types to conservation areas. To illustrate our observations from the failed systematic map attempt, we prepared a rapid evidence map that outlines a subset of the evidence base of articles linking governance types and governance principles with conservation outcomes. Only 3.2% (34 of 1067) of the articles we screened directly related conservation outcomes to governance type, and even fewer related governance principles to conservation outcomes. Based on our findings, we recommend improving the evidence base by supporting empirical research and increasing the availability and quality of governance data in freely accessible databases. These recommendations are critical for enhancing understanding of the role of governance in conservation projects and improving conservation outcomes.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 2 of 10

Hague, E. L., W. D. Halliday, J. Dawson et al. (Early View). "Not all maps are equal: Evaluating approaches for mapping vessel collision risk to large baleen whales." Journal of Applied Ecology.

Abstract: 1. A growing and increasingly globalised human population, requiring the movement of goods and commodities, is placing increasing demands on the maritime industry, resulting in a concurrent increase in global shipping activities. This has consequences for the marine environment, particularly for species vulnerable to the impacts of vessel traffic. For example, vessel collisions can result in sub-lethal or fatal injuries for marine mammals, whilst vessel noise can cause acoustic masking that effectively reduces an animal's listening space, potentially impacting their communication, navigation and foraging capacity. 2. While a number of parallel approaches to mapping collision risk to large whales have arisen, these methods vary in their focus, usually on either co-occurrence, collision probability, or probability of mortality. However, little attention has been given to the implications of methodological choice and data selection on subsequent risk predictions. 3. To assess differences between these approaches, we used a standardised input dataset comprised of telemetry-point data from tagged bowhead whales, and satellite-based Automated Identification System (AIS) data of spatial vessel movements covering the Davis-Baffin Arctic Marine Area. We applied this data to eight different, previously published analyses for deriving areas of vessel risk. 4. We found that the choice of risk mapping approach affected the location, and total area, identified as ‘high risk’, and that more computationally complex approaches did not necessarily equate to different predictions. There was considerable variation in the total area of ‘high risk’ predicted within each map (range = 20–42,246 km2). 5. Synthesis and Applications. The results underscore the importance of methodological transparency, informed data selection and careful interpretation when predicting collision risk. We provide practical recommendations for enhancing transparency when predicting risk, and discuss choice of approach suitable for different situations or management applications. It is critical that managers and policy makers are aware of the implications of applying different approaches when interpreting risk evaluation outputs.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 3 of 10

Haidir, I. A., O. R. Wearn, N. J. Deere, ... and M. Linkie (2024). "Prioritizing wildlife conservation along habitat gradients in Sumatra." Biological Conservation 299, e110795.

Abstract: Managing protected areas (PAs) requires measurable indicators to assess effectiveness. The status of populations and guilds of multiple species are potential indicators that should be useful in biodiversity-rich tropical countries. We quantified such indicators using data from an intensive camera trap survey of seven sites at the forest-farmland interface of Kerinci Seblat National Park, Sumatra, Indonesia. Surveys between 2014 and 2016 covered 671 camera locations set along habitat gradients comprising primary to degraded forest and lowland to sub-montane forest. We ran Bayesian multi-species occupancy models that incorporated landscape covariates and patrol intensity to generate four population parameters: relative abundance, probability of habitat use, species richness and detection probability. Model-derived beta coefficients summarized at the guild-level were extrapolated using detailed spatially-explicit data on landscape covariates to produce multi-guild occurrence maps to explore the role of habitats in supporting multiple overlapping functional groups. From 55,856 trap nights, we recorded 33 species from six guilds: carnivores; frugivores; granivores; herbivores; insectivores; and omnivores. All guilds were negatively correlated with elevation and positively correlated with primary forest. Five areas with high multi-guild overlap were identified and recommended for increased protection and other conservation measures, such as increasing the frequency of SMART patrols. Our data-driven guild-level approach for improving conservation practice has high relevance to other biodiversity-rich countries. Further utility of this guild approach, with potential future refinement and improvement, should greatly assist PA managers with improving area-based conservation effectiveness, such as higher patrol frequencies and or prioritizing wildlife, and habitat and ecosystem inventory, under-pinned by enhanced research, and cost-efficient budget allocation.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 4 of 10

Hayes, F. P., & Berger, J. (2024). Inadvertent climate refugia. Conservation Letters, e13063.

Abstract: For centuries, humans have intentionally moved species around the world, and such actions have rarely been laudable from conservation perspectives. The notion that introduced populations of cold-adapted species hold conservation value despite their non-native status remains controversial. Many such populations exist as a legacy of humans moving wildlife to novel environments with little true consideration of species conservation. Herein, we identify cases in which individuals from inadvertent climate refugia (ICR) are returned to formerly occupied ranges or used to augment declining native populations. While conservation benefits have been infrequently realized, the global distribution of ICR offers a potentially untapped resource. Lessening biodiversity loss under increasing climate challenges will likely require assisted migration of many species and necessitate novel valuation of extant introduced populations—such as those within ICR. While ecological costs of translocated species are widely known, we highlight how species moved generations ago to ICR offer a reservoir for reintroductions and a buffer against rapidly changing climates.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 5 of 10

Kyaw, Pyae P., Samuel A. Cushman, Ż. Kaszta, D. Burnham, T. Zaw, H. Naing, S. Htun, K. Moe, Aung Y. Tun, O. Myo, Z. Aung, Khin M. Myo, Htet A. Aung, Saw Htoo T. Po, Saw E. Po, Saw William L. Tun, Saw H. Nay and David W. Macdonald (Early View). "Seeing the big- to fine-grained picture: Exploring the baseline status of mammal occupancy across Myanmar using scale-optimised modelling." Diversity and Distributions, e13934.

Abstract: Aim: Myanmar, an Indo-Burmese biodiversity hotspot, lacks baseline data on species occurrence and distribution. This hinders biodiversity monitoring and optimisation of conservation and development plans. We aim to document baseline mammal occupancy, interactions with environmental factors and scale-dependent responses. Location: Hkakaborazi National Park, Htamanthi Wildlife Sanctuary, Alaungdaw Kathapa National Park, Rakhine Yoma Elephant Range, Say Taung and Myinmoletkhat Key Biodiversity Areas distributed across Myanmar. Methods: Camera trap data throughout Myanmar were used to analyse species occupancy. We conducted a multiscale hierarchical spatial modelling process, using local and pooled data across Myanmar. We also optimised spatial scale across five scales and six predictors, using univariate occupancy models. We then selected scale-optimised variables for multivariate modelling, repeating this process for each species across local, regional and national datasets. Results: The study identified 47 terrestrial species and observed strong scale-dependent nonstationarity in occupancy estimates. Relationships with environmental variables differed among species and were highly scale dependent. Importantly, occupancy estimates produced by pooling data across sites were greatly different from any of the estimates for the individual sites, suggesting that high heterogeneity in occurrence and abundance across sites among species requires local or nested occupancy estimates to account for spatial heterogeneity and variation. Main Conclusions: Future conservation efforts should focus on Northern Myanmar if range-restricted and rare species are to be protected, while focus should still be given to common species which serve as potential indicators of overall community structure. The nonstationarity of occupancy results from different datasets underscores the potential for misleading interpretations from aggregated data in nonstationary ecological systems. Metareplicated analyses of local, geographically and ecologically proximal regional datasets provide an important view of spatial variation in occupancy patterns guiding conservation design and improving understanding of the drivers of biodiversity patterns and change across large regions, such as Southeast Asia.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 6 of 10

Lubis, M. I., M. Linkie and J. S. H. Lee (2024). "Tropical forest cover, oil palm plantations, and precipitation drive flooding events in Aceh, Indonesia, and hit the poorest people hardest." PLoS ONE 19(10), e0311759.

Abstract: Tropical forest loss and degradation in watersheds disrupt essential ecosystem services that regulate water flow, often causing devastating floods that impact agricultural productivity and impoverish downstream communities. Despite its importance, evaluations of the interconnectedness between the depletion of hydrological services and flooding lack an evidence-base in the Global South and, therefore, have little influence on policy dialogue. In this study, we focus on the forest-rich province of Aceh, Indonesia, using local and national newspaper articles to compile information on flood events between 2011 and 2018. We explored spatio-temporal flood patterns with a combination of climatic, topographic, and environmental factors. We compiled 2,029 reported flood events in mainland Aceh located in 20 of the 21 districts/cities, with a disproportionately high occurrence (71%) in four districts. The trend of flood events exhibited an increasing pattern between 2011 and 2018. Over this period, floods displaced ~158,000 people and damaged ~24,500 houses and ~11,500 ha of agricultural land. Our generalized linear mixed-effect model found that reported flood events were more likely to occur in areas with lower tree cover, more oil palm plantations, and higher precipitation. Areas with a lower human population density and higher poverty rates were found to be most susceptible to flooding events. Our findings highlight the critical link between forest preservation and flood prevention, and the irreplaceable role that forests play in ensuring the well-being of local communities, especially those affected by poverty. Our study underscores the importance of considering these interconnected factors in future land use and economic development plans and policies.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 7 of 10

Patel, H., T. Thackeray, C. Sheth et al. (2024). "A new small-sized Calotes Cuvier (Squamata: Agamidae: Draconinae) from the Subansiri river basin, Arunachal Pradesh, India." Zootaxa 5523(2), 151-170.

Abstract: We describe a new species of small-sized Calotes from mid-elevation (~1270 m asl.), swidden or shifting cultivation areas in the Subansiri river basin, Upper Subansiri District, Arunachal Pradesh, India. Mitochondrial sequence data (ND2) recovers Calotes sinyik sp. nov. as the closely related sister taxon to an unnamed species from Medog, Tibet; the two falling in a broader clade including C. paulus + C. zolaiking and species of the C. emma and C. mystaceus groups. The new species is 7.8% divergent in ND2 sequence data from the unnamed lineage from Medog and deeply divergent (≥ 21.6–28.1%) from other congeners. The new species can easily be distinguished from regional congeners by its small adult body size (maximum snout to vent length of 65 mm) and heterogenous dorsal scales, and from its closest relatives C. paulus and C. zolaiking by having 54 or 55 midbody scale rows and 42 or 43 vertebral scales. It is likely that many more allied species remain to be discovered from Northeast India, which remains poorly surveyed across taxonomic groups.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 8 of 10

Thomas-Walters, L., Cologna, V., de Lange, E., Ettinger, J., Selinske, M., & Jones, M. S. (2024). Reframing conservation audiences from individuals to social beings. Conservation Letters, e13064.

Abstract: Environmental practitioners often develop communications and behavior change interventions that conceptualize individuals as consumers or as other limited, standalone personae. This view neglects the role of conservation audiences as social beings with complex social relationships and networks, potentially resulting in lost opportunities to increase the effectiveness of conservation interventions. We offer a reframing of individuals as members of social networks who can influence others through their many different societal roles. This framing may help individuals recognize their potential to affect large-scale societal structures and empower them to contribute to systemic changes. In practice, conservation organizations might increase the impact and reach of their behavioral interventions by targeting social referents (individuals or groups who people reference for accepted and desired behaviors) and leveraging interpersonal relationships. This includes encouraging individuals to make use of their networks to discuss issues such as biodiversity loss with a variety of acquaintances to normalize them as a topic of conversation. We argue that organizations can leverage the power of social networks to amplify change and promote the message that people change the world through their social ties, thereby inspiring audiences to further engage in conservation behaviors.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 9 of 10

Young, J. C., Alexander, J. S., Agvaantseren, et al. (2024). Collaborative conservation for snow leopards: Lessons learned from successful community-based interventions. Conservation Letters, e13062.

Abstract: Collaborative conservation interventions based on engagement with local communities are increasingly common, especially for large carnivores that negatively impact people's livelihoods and well-being. However, evaluating the effectiveness of large-scale community-based conservation interventions is rarely done, making it problematic to assess or justify their impact. In our study focused on snow leopards (Panthera uncia) in five countries, we show that bespoke and well-implemented community-based and conflict management intervention efforts can lead to more sustainable conservation outcomes. Collaborative interventions, spread over about 88,000 km2 of snow leopard habitat, reduced livestock depredation and disease and associated economic costs. Additionally, they generated conservation-linked livelihoods and enhanced community decision-making, leading to more positive behavioral intent toward snow leopards and improved communities’ cooperation, economic security, and confidence. Our results provide lessons learned and recommendations for practitioners and governments to alleviate conflicts and foster coexistence with snow leopards and large carnivores more broadly. These include prioritizing locally led tailored solutions based on the PARTNERS principles, recognizing local community rights in conservation decision-making, and recognizing the role of social norms in ensuring accountability.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 10 of 10

Zhang, L., N. Leonard, R. Passaro, ..., A. E. Fine, N. T. T. Nga, N. Van Long et al. (2024). "Genomic adaptation to small population size and saltwater consumption in the critically endangered Cat Ba langur." Nature Communications 15(1), e8531.

Abstract: Many mammal species have declining populations, but the consequences of small population size on the genomic makeup of species remain largely unknown. We investigated the evolutionary history, genetic load and adaptive potential of the Cat Ba langur (Trachypithecus poliocephalus), a primate species endemic to Vietnam’s famous Ha Long Bay and with less than 100 living individuals one of the most threatened primates in the world. Using high-coverage whole genome data of four wild individuals, we revealed the Cat Ba langur as sister species to its conspecifics of the northern limestone langur clade and found no evidence for extensive secondary gene flow after their initial separation. Compared to other primates and mammals, the Cat Ba langur showed low levels of genetic diversity, long runs of homozygosity, high levels of inbreeding and an excess of deleterious mutations in homozygous state. On the other hand, genetic diversity has been maintained in protein-coding genes and on the gene-rich human chromosome 19 ortholog, suggesting that the Cat Ba langur retained most of its adaptive potential. The Cat Ba langur also exhibits several unique non-synonymous variants that are related to calcium and sodium metabolism, which may have improved adaptation to high calcium intake and saltwater consumption.


Grey Literature Citations

Grey Literature Citation 1 of 7

Birard, J. and P. Defos du Rau (2024). Appui Méthodologique au Dénombrement des Oiseaux d'Eau de la Réserve Communautaire du lac Télé. Brazzaville, Congo: Wildlife Conservation Society, Congo and Réserve Communautaire du Lac Télé.

Grey Literature Citation 2 of 7

Bondeko, G., R. Mobongo, O. Mbala, L. Moulougna and R. Silaho (2024). Suivi des Prélèvements de Gibier dans 5 Villages Pilotes de la Réserve Communataire du Lac Télé. Brazzaville, Congo: Wildlife Conservation Society, Congo, Ministère de l’Economie Forestière and Réserve Communautaire du Lac Télé.

Abstract: Dans le cadre de cette étude, les tableaux de chasse des chasseurs de 5 villages de la Réserve communautaire du lac Télé (RCLT) ont été suivis pendant 5 à 6 mois (selon le village) de l’année 2023. Les principaux résultats de ce suivi sont les suivants : • Au total, 38 espèces animales pour 10 familles ont été comptées dans les tableaux de chasse des 5 villages. Cela concerne 5 espèces de reptiles et 33 espèces de mammifères ; • La biomasse correspondante est 14 986 kg ; • Le crocodile nain (3 852 kg ; 25,7%), le céphalophe de Peters (2 193 kg ; 14,6%) et le potamochère (2 039 kg ; 13,6%) sont les trois espèces les plus représentées en termes de biomasse. A elles seules, ces trois espèces représentent 53,9% de la biomasse prélevée ; • Sur les 6 mois étudiés (février, avril, mai, juillet, octobre et novembre), le mois de juillet est celui pour lequel les plus fortes biomasses ont été enregistrées. Ce mois correspond à la grande saison de pluies pendant laquelle les activités de pêche sont très réduites ; • La valeur financière des espèces vendues (28 sur les 38 collectée) s’est élevée à 10,4 M F CFA. Si l’on extrapole ces données à une année entière (12 mois) pour les 5 villages étudiés, la biomasse prélevée serait de 29 743 kg et la valeur financière générée par la vente du gibier serait de 21,6 M F CFA. Si l’on considère que les 5 villages étudiées sont représentatifs des 27 villages de la RCLT, la biomasse prélevée sur une année (12 mois) dans ces 27 villages serait de 160 611 kg et la valeur financière générée de 116,7 M F CFA (soit environ 178 000 € ou environ 194 000$).

Grey Literature Citation 3 of 7

Bondeko, G., R. Mobongo, O. Mbala, L. Moulougna and R. Silaho (2024). Suivi des Prélèvements des Stocks de Poissons dans Cinq Villages Plotes de la Rserve Comunautaire du Lac Télé. Brazzaville, Congo: C. Wildlife Conservation Society, Ministère de l’Economie Forestière and Réserve Communautaire du Lac Télé.

Abstract: Dans le cadre de cette étude, les captures des pêcheurs de cinq villages de la Réserve Communautaire du Lac Télé (RCLT) ont été suivies pendant une période de 6 à 7 mois en 2023, selon les villages. Les résultats principaux de cette observation sont les suivants : • Un total de 33 espèces de poisson appartenant à 17 familles a été recensé dans les captures des cinq villages ; • La biomasse totale enregistrée est de 10 763,03 kg ; • Les familles les plus dominantes en termes de biomasse sont le Clariidae (3 965,3 kg ;36,8%), le Channidae (2 058,1 kg ; 19,1%) et le Cichlidae (1 905,1 kg ; 17,7%), qui représentent à elles seules 73,66% de la biomasse totale prélevée ; • Parmi les sept (7) mois analysés (février, mars, avril, mai, juillet, octobre et novembre), les mois de février et avril ont enregistré les biomasses les plus élevées. Le mois de novembre correspondant à la grande saison des pluies, est marqué par une réduction significative des activités de pêche. Si l’on extrapole ces données à une année entière (12 mois) pour les 5 villages étudiés, la biomasse prélevée serait de 20 017,75 kg. Si l’on considère que les 5 villages étudiées sont représentatifs des 27 villages de la RCLT, la biomasse prélevée sur une année (12 mois) serait de 108 095,85 kg.

Grey Literature Citation 4 of 7

Servicio Nacional Forestal y de Fauna Silvestre and Wildlife Conservation Society, Peru (2024). Guía: Identificación y Cuidados Iniciales de Animales Silvestres Decomisados o Hallados en Abandono. 4ta edición. Lima, Peru: Servicio Nacional Forestal y de Fauna Silvestre and Wildlife Conservation Society, Peru.

Grey Literature Citation 5 of 7

Wildlife Conservation Society, Bolivia (2024). Guía de Monitoreo Integral para Emprendimientos Productivos y de Manejo de Recursos Naturales. La Paz, Bolivia: Wildlife Conservation Society, Bolivia.

Abstract: En el marco del trabajo colaborativo interinstitucional entre la Wildlife Conservation Society y los socios locales en el paisaje Madidi, se han desarrollado valiosos esfuerzos por establecer mecanismos de monitoreo que permitan dar seguimiento a los logros y lecciones aprendidas, pero sobre todo para proveer información precisa para la toma de decisiones. En este contexto, los emprendimientos productivos y de manejo de recursos naturales dentro del paisaje Madidi, han desarrollado indicadores para medir principalmente aspectos económicos, productivos y de manejo. Gracias a estas experiencias y logros alcanzados, se ha considerado oportuna y necesaria la consolidación de sistemas de monitoreo integrales, con los que los emprendimientos puedan medir no solo la sostenibilidad económica y productiva, sino también ambiental, social y organizativa. Se toman como ejemplo a cuatro asociaciones, tres de manejo de vida silvestre (Asociación de manejadores de lagarto Matusha Aidha; Asociación Regional de Manejadores de la Vicuña de Apolobamba - ARCMV; Asociación de Productores Artesanales del Rio Quiquibey – APAI-RQ) y una de producción sostenible (Asociación de Productores de Café Ecológico Regional Larecaja – APCERL). Con base en estos ejemplos, y para contribuir al alcance de este objetivo a través del proyecto “Monitoreo socioambiental en emprendimientos productivos y de manejo de recursos naturales en el Paisaje Madidi”, financiado por la KfW Stiftung, se ha desarrollado una guía de monitoreo integral, que pueda ser aplicada fácilmente por las asociaciones, idealmente con apoyo técnico, para realizar el monitoreo de la sostenibilidad ambiental, social y económica. El contenido de esta guía fue presentado y validado con las cuatro asociaciones que fueron seleccionadas como ejemplos: ARCMV, Matusha Aidha, APAI-RQ y APCERL. Se agradece profundamente a las familias que participaron en el proyecto compartiendo sus valiosos conocimientos y experiencias para el desarrollo de esta guía.

Grey Literature Citation 6 of 7

Wildlife Conservation Society, Bolivia and Asociación de Manejadores de Lagarto Matusha Aidha (2024). Monitoreo Integral en la Asociación de Manejadores de Lagarto Matusha Aidha: Resultados de las Encuestas Económicas y de Percepción Realizadas en Cuatro Emprendimientos del Paisaje Madidi. La Paz, Bolivia: Wildlife Conservation Society, Bolivia.

Grey Literature Citation 7 of 7

Wildlife Conservation Society, Bolivia and Asociación de Productores de Café Ecológico Regional Larecaja (2024). Monitoreo Integral en Asociación de Productores de Café Ecológico Regional Larecaja (APCERL): Resultados de las Encuestas Económicas y de Percepción Realizadas en Cuatro Emprendimientos del Paisaje Madidi. La Paz, Bolivia: Wildlife Conservation Society, Bolivia.





Peer-Reviewed Literature Citations

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 1 of 7

Albizzi, A., A. Raya Rey and J. P. Seco Pon (2024). "Marine debris on Leucocarbo atriceps nests at Beagle Channel, Argentina, under different anthropic scenarios." Waterbirds 47(2), 1-16.

Abstract: Pollution caused by anthropogenic debris is a concern for marine biodiversity conservation due to its impact on biota. Debris in seabird nests has been largely unreported in regions like southern South America. Here, novel information is presented regarding the incorporation of marine debris into the nests of Imperial Cormorant (Leucocarbo atriceps) inhabiting the Beagle Channel, Argentina, along an anthropogenic gradient using a photographic method. In doing so, the incorporation of debris was compared under two different scenarios of anthropogenic activities due to the COVID-19 lockdown. The furthest colony away from the city of Ushuaia had no debris at all, while the colony located close to it had a high impact of anthropogenic debris, most of which was plastic. During the lockdown, the colony close to Ushuaia showed a significantly lower proportion of nests (41%) with debris when compared to the following season, with no lockdown (90%). Even more, the amount of anthropogenic debris items per nest increased significantly during the season with no lockdown. Also, the main type of debris varied between seasons, being plastic ropes more dominant during the first season (26%) and plastic bags during the second season (57%). Our study shows that changes in consumer' habits can have a positive impact on seabirds exposed to plastic pollution. Since such changes are possible, we suggest implementing awareness campaigns and seek to establish legal frameworks along with equitable interventions in order to reduce plastic pollution on seabirds' colonies.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 2 of 7

Caldwell, I. R., T. R. McClanahan, R. M. Oddenyo, ..., B. Randriamanantsoa et al. (2024). "Protection efforts have resulted in ~10% of existing fish biomass on coral reefs." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 121(42), e2308605121.

Abstract: As nations strive to fulfill their commitments to protect 30% of the planet by 2030 (what is often referred to as “30 × 30”), it will be critical to understand what conservation efforts to date have actually achieved and what could be achieved by further protection. Our modeling of ~2,600 global coral reef sites suggests that 1) coral reef management efforts (including both fishing restrictions and outright fishing prohibitions) to date have led to ~10% of existing fish biomass on coral reefs; and 2) if fishing restrictions were implemented on all remaining unmanaged reefs, we predict that it would increase fish biomass by an additional 10.5% of existing fish biomass.The amount of ocean protected from fishing and other human impacts has often been used as a metric of conservation progress. However, protection efforts have highly variable outcomes that depend on local conditions, which makes it difficult to quantify what coral reef protection efforts to date have actually achieved at a global scale. Here, we develop a predictive model of how local conditions influence conservation outcomes on ~2,600 coral reef sites across 44 ecoregions, which we used to quantify how much more fish biomass there is on coral reefs compared to a modeled scenario with no protection. Under the assumptions of our model, our study reveals that without existing protection efforts there would be ~10% less fish biomass on coral reefs. Thus, we estimate that coral reef protection efforts have led to approximately 1 in every 10 kg of existing fish biomass.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 3 of 7

Cancellare, I. A., B. Weckworth, A. Caragiulo, ..., X. Bian, ..., X. Liang, ..., S. Ostrowski et al. (In Press). "Snow leopard phylogeography and population structure supports two global populations with single refugial origin." Biodiversity and Conservation.

Abstract: Snow leopards (Panthera uncia) inhabit the mountainous regions of High Asia, which experienced serial glacial contraction and expansion during climatic cycles of the Pleistocene. The corresponding impacts of glacial vicariance may have alternately promoted or constrained genetic differentiation to shape the distribution of genetic lineages and population structure. We studied snow leopard phylogeography across High Asia by examining range-wide historical and contemporary genetic structure with mitochondrial DNA and microsatellite markers. We genotyped 182 individuals from across snow leopard range and sequenced portions of the mitogenome in a spatially stratified subset of 80 individuals to infer historical biogeographic and contemporary patterns of genetic diversity. We observed a lack of phylogeographic structure, and analyses suggested a single refugial origin for all sampled populations. Molecular data provided tentative evidence of a hypothesized glacial refugia in the Tian Shan-Pamir-Hindu Kush-Karakoram mountain ranges, and detected mixed signatures of population expansion. Concordant assessments of microsatellite data indicated two global genetic populations, though we detected geographic differences between historical and contemporary population structure and connectivity inferred from mitochondrial and microsatellite data, respectively. Using the largest sample size and geographic coverage to date, we demonstrate novel information on the phylogeographic history of snow leopards, and corroborate existing interpretations of snow leopard connectivity and genetic structure. We recommend that conservation efforts incorporate genetic data to define and protect meaningful conservation units and their underlying genetic diversity, and to maintain the snow leopard’s adaptive potential and continued resilience to environmental changes.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 4 of 7

Chatri, M., Y. Ahda, Zulyusri, L. Septiadi, A. Riyanto and F. A. D. Nugraha (2024). "The occurrence of the very rare species Gekko cf. brooksii (Squamata, Gekkonidae) in West Sumatra, Indonesia, based on molecular and morphological evidence." Biodiversitas 26(9), 3369-3379.

Abstract: Sumatra, Indonesia is a region of vast, rich and diverse flora and fauna, yet knowledge of herpetology in Sumatra is limited. One such group is the genus Gekko, which is poorly known, morphologically diverse and taxonomically problematic, especially for canopy-dwelling geckos. During our recent fieldwork in the Barisan Mountains of West Sumatra, we found an unidentified camouflaged gecko and used molecular and morphological approaches to confirm its identity. Based on molecular (NADH dehydrogenase 2 [ND2] and flanking tRNA genes) and morphological comparisons (31 characters), we confirmed a new record and an expansion range of Gekko cf. brooksii to West Sumatra; we also reported several morphological characters that have not been reported in previous studies. The individual was found on the leaves of a young breadfruit plant (Artocarpus communis J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.) located about 1 meter from the hiking trail, where the surrounding vegetation consisted of several tall trees and was mostly dominated by herbaceous plants that did not exceed 1 meter in height. It conclusion, despite a long history of exploration, the herpetofauna of Sumatra continues to yield new discoveries and records. As the geckos inhabiting the higher canopy layers of tropical rainforests in Sumatra remain largely unknown, further intensive surveys for canopy-dwelling geckos are needed to further elucidate the complete taxonomic composition of Sumatra's herpetofauna.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 5 of 7

Couto, T. B. A., C. N. Jenkins, C. F. Beveridge, ..., M. Montoya, M. Varese, S. B. Correa, M. Goulding and E. P. Anderson (Early View). "Translating science into actions to conserve Amazonian freshwaters." Conservation Science and Practice, e13241.

Abstract: Despite the importance of freshwater ecosystems to social-ecological systems of the Amazon, conservation in the region historically has focused on terrestrial ecosystems. Moreover, current information on pressing management and conservation needs specific to freshwaters is scattered across multiple disciplines and generally focused on particular threats, habitats, and taxa. This disparateness of information limits the ability of researchers and practitioners to set priorities and implement actions that comprehensively address challenges faced by freshwater ecosystems. To reduce this research-implementation gap, we reviewed the scientific literature on Amazon freshwater conservation to identify pressing actions to be taken and potential directions for their implementation. We identified 63 actions gleaned from 174 publications. These were classified into six major themes: (i) implement environmental flows, (ii) improve water quality, (iii) protect and restore critical habitats, (iv) manage exploitation of freshwater organisms, (v) prevent and control invasive species, and (vi) safeguard and restore freshwater connectivity. Although each action may face different implementation challenges, we propose three guiding principles to support action planning and decisions on-the-ground. We conclude with a reflection on potential future directions to place freshwaters into the center of policies and agreements that target the conservation of the Amazon.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 6 of 7

Morgan, D., R. Malonga, M. Agnagna, J. R. Onononga, V. Yako, J. Mokoko Ikonga, E. J. Stokes, C. Eyana Ayina, J. A. Funkhouser, K. Judson, J. Villioth, T. Nishihara and C. Sanz (In Press). "A brief history of primate research in the Ndoki forest." Primates.

Abstract: The Nouabalé–Ndoki National Park (NNNP) in Republic of Congo has become a beacon for conservation in Central Africa. This manuscript documents the arrival of primatologists, the establishment of field stations and major discoveries in primate behavior and ecology. Field stations were strategically established to study primate behavior in a variety of different contexts from stationary platforms to forest follows of habituated groups. The implementation of new technologies and analyses have also been a hallmark of research at Ndoki. Scientists are shaping a new era in primatology at NNNP by building on past successes and promoting the next generation of Congolese conservationists to address environmental challenges. Results have proven crucial in discussions with government and industry and led to conservation gains such as the inclusion of the intact forests of the Goualougo and Djéké Triangles into the NNNP. The research stations have also become essential for developing a long-term certified sustainable international gorilla tourism program. Despite the many advancements for conservation such as increased protection of forests, development of internationally recognized protocols and large-scale capacity building initiatives, there are reasons for considerable concern in the near- and long-term for primates and their forest habitats in the Ndoki landscape. To address these concerns, we emphasize the long history of forming partnerships with local communities. We also discuss shared overlap featuring multicultural and environmental use of forest resources that is likely to be crucial in championing the conservation of the Ndoki forests for the next 25 years and beyond.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 7 of 7

Wall, J., J. Lefcourt, C. Jones, ..., J. Palmer, E. Stokes et al. (Early View). "EarthRanger: An open-source platform for ecosystem monitoring, research and management." Methods in Ecology and Evolution.

Abstract: Effective approaches are needed to conserve the planet's remaining wildlife and wilderness landscapes, especially concerning global biodiversity conservation targets. Here, we present a new software system called EarthRanger: an open-source platform built to help monitor, research and manage ecosystems. EarthRanger consists of seven main components (Core Server, API, Storage, Gundi, Web App, Mobile App, Ecoscope) that provide functionality for data (i) aggregation & collection, (ii) storage & management, (iii) real-time and post hoc analysis, (iv) visualisation and (v) dissemination. The mobile application provides field-based data recording and visualisation tools. EarthRanger may be deployed for single project use or can aggregate across multiple geographies as a centralised hub. EarthRanger can be used to collect standardised tracking data (e.g. from wildlife collars, vehicles and ranger patrols) and configurable event information (e.g. a singular recording with associated user-defined attribute information such as a wildlife sighting or encounter with a poacher). Since development began in 2015, the platform has (at the time of writing) been deployed at over 500 sites across 70 countries and with myriad configurations and objectives. EarthRanger has improved the ability to monitor data feeds and manage conservation-related operations in real time. For instance, the deployment of EarthRanger by African Parks has led to the removal of over 50,000 snares, steady population growth of key species of concern and near cessation of poaching. In Liwonde's protected area, enhanced mitigation efforts supported by EarthRanger reduced the number of deaths from wildlife conflict by more than 91%. EarthRanger is also providing a platform to enhance standardisation, aggregation, transfer and long-term storage of ecological information and promote collaboration between groups conducting protected area management and ecology and biodiversity research.


Grey Literature Citations

Grey Literature Citation 1 of 1

Surya, G.S. and R. Neugarten (2024). “Influences of nature on agriculture.” In J. Siikamäki and T. Brooks, Eds., Agriculture and Conservation: Living Nature in a Globalised World, 39-59. IUCN Flagship Report Series No. 2. Gland, Switzerland: IUCN.

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WCS-AUTHORED PUBLICATIONS, 23 September-6 October 2024 [2 weeks]


Peer-Reviewed Literature Citations

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 1 of 5

Beauchamp, A., S.-J. Roberts and D. Johnston (2024). "Increasing teachers' positive science attitudes through zoo- and aquarium-based professional development." Science Teacher Education Hub.

Abstract: Teachers' attitudes towards science have an important impact on classroom practices and students' interest in science. Science-focused professional development (PD) has demonstrated positive effects on teachers' beliefs, with a focus on improving self-efficacy when teaching science. There has been limited research on other aspects of science attitudes, including teacher's perceptions of the value of science, as well as limited research on the role that zoos and aquariums play in teacher learning. We surveyed over 1300 teachers who participated in zoo- and aquarium-based courses to understand the impacts of science-focused PD on two components of science attitudes: self-efficacy teaching science and science value. Results indicated that PD increased positive science attitudes for all teachers, with particularly strong impacts on elementary (primary) science teachers, who, overall, had lower scores compared to secondary science teachers and larger gains after participating. We describe how the experiential components and personal relevance of zoo- and aquarium-based PD may contribute to these results.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 2 of 5

Carruthers, T. J., B. Jones, M. K. Terrell, ..., S. Jupiter et al. (In Press). "Identifying and filling critical knowledge gaps can optimize financial viability of blue carbon projects in tidal wetlands." Frontiers in Environmental Science 12.

Abstract: One of the world's largest 'blue carbon' ecosystems, Louisiana's tidal wetlands on the US Gulf of Mexico coast, is rapidly being lost. Louisiana's strong legal, regulatory, and monitoring framework, developed for one of the world's largest tidal wetland systems, provides an opportunity for a programmatic approach to blue carbon accreditation to support restoration of these ecologically and economically important tidal wetlands. Louisiana's coastal wetlands span ~1.4 million ha and accumulate 5.5-7.3 Tg yr -1 of blue carbon (organic carbon), ~6-8% of tidal marsh blue carbon accumulation globally. Louisiana has a favorable governance framework to advance blue carbon accreditation, due to centralized restoration planning, long term coastal monitoring, and strong legal and regulatory frameworks around carbon. Restoration efforts, planned through Louisiana's Coastal Master Plan, over 50 years are projected to create, or avoid loss of, greater than 200,000 ha of wetland. Current restoration funding, primarily from Deepwater Horizon oil spill settlements, will be fully committed by the early 2030s and additional funding sources are required. Existing accreditation methodologies have not been successfully applied to coastal Louisiana's ecosystem restoration approaches or herbaceous tidal wetland types. Achieving financial viability of accreditation of these restoration and wetland types will require updates to existing blue carbon crediting methodologies, or additional methodologies (and/or standards) but is technically feasible. This study identified twenty targeted knowledge needs to address data and knowledge gaps to maximize financial viability of blue carbon accreditation of Louisiana's tidal wetlands. Knowledge needs were identified in five categories: legislative and policy, accreditation methodologies and standards, soil carbon flux, methane flux, and lateral carbon flux. Due to the large spatial scale and diversity of tidal wetlands, it is expected that progress in coastal Louisiana has high potential to be generalized to similar wetland ecosystems across the northern Gulf of Mexico and globally.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 3 of 5

Horpiencharoen, W., R. L. Muylaert, J. C. Marshall, R. S. John, A. J. Lynam et al. (2024). "Mapping threatened Thai bovids provides opportunities for improved conservation outcomes in Asia." Royal Society Open Science 11(9), e240574.

Abstract: Wild bovids provide important ecosystem functions as seed dispersers and vegetation modifiers. Five wild bovids remain in Thailand: gaur (Bos gaurus), banteng (Bos javanicus), wild water buffalo (Bubalus arnee), mainland serow (Capricornis sumatraensis) and Chinese goral (Naemorhedus griseus). Their populations and habitats have declined substantially and become fragmented by land-use change. We use ecological niche models to quantify how much potential suitable habitat for these species remains within protected areas in Asia and then specifically Thailand. We combined species occurrence data from several sources (e.g. mainly camera traps and direct observation) with environmental variables and species-specific and single, large accessible areas in ensemble models to generate suitability maps, using out-of-sample predictions to validate model performance against new independent data. Gaur, banteng and buffalo models showed reasonable model accuracy throughout the entire distribution (greater than or equal to 62%) and in Thailand (greater than or equal to 80%), whereas serow and goral models performed poorly for the entire distribution and in Thailand, though 5 km movement buffers markedly improved the performance for serow. Large suitable areas were identified in Thailand and India for gaur, Cambodia and Thailand for banteng and India for buffalo. Over 50% of suitable habitat is located outside protected areas, highlighting the need for habitat management and conflict mitigation outside protected areas.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 4 of 5

Martínez, N., T. Goossen-Lebrón, F. Bauer, V. Espínola, M. B. Ortiz and L. O. Gonçalves (2024). "Unveiling the hidden impact: Wildlife roadkill assessment in the Paraguayan Chaco." Austral Ecology 49(9), e13599.

Abstract: The incidence of wildlife roadkill significantly threatens the persistence of wildlife populations and disrupts the ecological functionality of ecosystems. This study investigates the impact of roadkills on wildlife in the Paraguayan Chaco, focusing on a 250-km segment of Route 9 ‘Dr. Carlos Antonio López’ between Villa Hayes and Pozo Colorado. We conducted a road survey for 15 months and recorded 2338 carcasses, identifying 87 species, with mammals (41.3%), reptiles (32.3%) and birds (19.8%) being the most observed groups. The species most frequently killed included Cerdocyon thous, Caracara plancus, Thamnodynastes hypoconia and Procyon cancrivorus. We also recorded species with conservation concern. Additionally, we estimated mortality rates by accounting for sampling errors such as carcass removal and searcher efficiency, revealing annual roadkill rates of 5183 mammals, 19 402 birds and 5020 reptiles on the 250 km per year. Spatial analysis using Ripley's K statistic and HotSpot Identification highlighted significant variation in roadkill distribution across different taxonomic groups and seasons, with 51 km of road identified as hotspots when analysing all groups together. Notably, there was minimal overlap in hotspot locations between seasons and taxonomic groups, emphasizing the need for targeted mitigation strategies. Our findings challenge previous macroecological assessments suggesting low roadkill rates in Paraguay, underscoring the importance of local studies in accurately assessing ecological impacts. This study provides critical baseline data for conservation efforts and calls for further research to develop and implement effective roadkill mitigation strategies in Latin America, especially in Chaco region.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 5 of 5

Seimon, T. A., N. V. Long, M. Le, ..., T. Hoang, S. G. Platt, ..., B. D. Horne, C. A. Barrett, D. McAloose and P. P. Calle (2024). "Development and application of a portable environmental DNA test for the detection of Rafetus swinhoei in Viet Nam." Environmental DNA 6(5), e70011.

Abstract: Swinhoe's (or Yangtze) giant softshell turtle (Rafetus swinhoei) is a large, critically endangered freshwater turtle and considered among the rarest species in the world. As of 2024, only two individuals have been confirmed to remain alive, one at the Suzhou Zoo in China and one in Xuan Khanh Lake, Viet Nam. The only hope for the long-term survival of R. swinhoei is finding additional, as yet undiscovered, animals that have thus far eluded detection by traditional survey methods. In recent years, numerous studies have been published on the use of environmental DNA (eDNA) for species detection and monitoring. This method takes advantage of the persistence of DNA in the environment, such as in water, soil, and air. An organism's DNA is shed into the environment through urine, feces, and the sloughing of skin. Species-specific quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) testing can be used to detect eDNA in samples collected from the environment. eDNA trials to detect R. swinhoei were initiated by the Asian Turtle Program and Washington State University in 2013. To expand the use of eDNA for species detection by conservationists, we developed and validated a first-of-its-kind innovative point-of-detection (POD) qPCR platform for the rapid, onsite detection of R. swinhoei from water samples. Here we show that the portable eDNA test kit can be used for the successful detection of R. swinhoei in a large body of water and that pooling filters may be a useful strategy to reduce test costs and improve detection efficiency. Use of this test can expand the search for R. swinhoei in unexplored and understudied lakes, reservoirs, and other bodies of water where this species may be present and could inform field surveys utilizing eDNA for other threatened species that are rare in nature.

Grey Literature Citations

Grey Literature Citation 1 of 6

Dempsey, A., D. Fernandez, G. McCabe, ..., F. Maisels et al. (2024). Cercocebus and Mandrillus Conservation Action Plan 2024-2028. Gland, Switzerland: IUCN.

Abstract: Collectively, Cercocebus and Mandrillus include nine species and two subspecies of African monkeys: seven species of Cercocebus and two of Mandrillus, including two drill subspecies. Together, they represent some of the least studied and hence least known of the Afro-Eurasian Primates. This Plan includes taxon-specific conservation actions, devised under six overarching themes: increase engagement and local livelihood support, reduce knowledge gaps, promote habitat restoration, raise the profile of Cercocebus and Mandrillus taxa, enhance protection, and respond to public health needs for the neighboring human populations. The Plan aimes to raise the profile of the Cercocebus and Mandrillus species, encourage collaboration amongst conservation practitioners, local communities, government agencies, and other invested parties, and ultimately prevent the extinction of some of the most amazing primate species on the planet.

Grey Literature Citation 2 of 6

Dunn, A., S. Egbe, R. Ashegbofe et al. (2024). National Elephant Action Plan for Nigeria 2024-2034. Calabar, Nigeria: Nigeria Federal Ministry of Environment.

Grey Literature Citation 3 of 6

Gallego-Pedraza, C. D., G. H. Loaiza-Fernandez, G. A. Pisso-Florez, L. Rincon, ... and I. M. Vela-Vargas (2024). Volando Entre Saberes: Explorando las Aves del Parque Nacional Natural Puracé junto a los Pueblos Kokonuko y Papallaqta. Popayán, Colombia: Parques Nacionales Naturales de Colombia, Wildlife Conservation Society, Colombia, Bezos Earth Fund, Asociación Ornitológica del Cauca, and Grupo Etnobotánico Latinoamericano.

Grey Literature Citation 4 of 6

McLaughlin, D., D. McCall-Landry, S. Walker and S. Wang (2024). A Ministry Playbook for Corresponding Adjustments: Pricing Strategies in Carbon Markets. New York: Environmental Defense Fund and Wildlife Conservation Society.

Abstract: Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) are central to global climate action, and carbon markets can be a critical source of finance for achieving the goals of the Paris Agreement. Corresponding Adjustments (CA) credits can play a pivotal role in jurisdictions’ engagement with carbon markets, but governments must navigate complex decisions about issuing carbon credits and authorizing CAs. This paper provides key considerations for national governments, outlining how to strategically manage carbon finance, meet NDC targets, and assess the trade-offs between selling credits in the Voluntary Carbon Market (VCM) or authorizing CA credits.

Grey Literature Citation 5 of 6

Susyafrianto, J., Kuswandono, Hermawan, ..., Sugiyo, F. Tawaqal and M. I. Lubis (2024). “An integrated approach to tackling wildlife crime: Impact and lessons learned from reforming hunters to reduce snaring in a flagship protected area in Sumatra, Indonesia.” 32nd Annual Problem-Oriented Policing Conference, September 12-14, 2024. Baltimore, MD. Arizona State University Center for Problem-Oriented Policing.

Abstract: Scanning: Illegal snaring in Way Kambas National Park (WKNP) causes harm to the ungulate species targeted, like deer and pigs, but also to predators, such as the critically endangered Sumatran tiger. Forest ranger patrol data from 2016-2020 showed that 86% of snaring activity was concentrated in three of the twelve resorts in WKNP; Margahayu, Suskan Baru, and Rawa Bunder (resorts are the smallest administrative sector in the Indonesian national park management system). Patrol data showed that Margahayu and Susukan Baru had chronic snaring problems, whereas snaring in Rawa Bunder was an emerging threat. Margahayu was chosen as the focal resort for the problem analysis and intervention, with the other two resorts acting as ‘controls’ for comparison. Analysis: Data from different organizations and agencies were combined to better understand the snaring problem in Margahayu. Snaring was conducted by seventeen individuals, hunting in four different areas of Margahayu. The analysis showed of these seventeen people, nine were initiators who set up hunting trips, and eight were followers. Subsequent conversations with five individuals (three initiators and two followers) revealed they did not enjoy hunting; it was just a source of income, and they would welcome alternative livelihood options. Response: By the end of 2020, a three-pronged response was initiated. First, in December 2020, support was provided to the five hunters approached during the analysis phase to transition them to duck farming as an alternative livelihood instead of hunting in Margahayu. Concurrently, focused patrols commenced in Margahayu, Susukan Baru and Rawa Bunder targeting notorious snaring locations. Finally, awareness-raising activities were carried out in specific villages in May 2021 to target suspected hunters operating across all three resorts. Assessment: In Margahayu, snare counts decreased by 94% in 2021, 84% in 2022, and 74% in 2023 compared to the 2020 baseline. In Susukan Baru, there was a 33% decrease in 2021, followed by a 56% decrease in 2022, but an alarming 118% increase in 2023. In Rawa Bunder, snare counts dropped by 97% in 2021, 93% in 2022, and 29% in 2023. The five hunters interviewed revealed that the livelihood projects allowed them to reintegrate into their community without resorting to illegal means of earning a living. Despite earning less from duck farming compared to hunting, they valued the social benefits. Most successfully transformed their duck farms into other legitimate businesses, ensuring sufficient income without relying on hunting.

Grey Literature Citation 6 of 6

Texier, N., S. Ngama, G. N. Essomba, ..., G. De Bruyne et al. (2024). Les Zones Clés Pour la Biodiversité du Gabon: Un Outil Pour la Gestion et la Conservation du Patrimoine Naturel. Key Biodiversity Areas, Bird Life International, and Missouri Botanical Garden.

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Peer-Reviewed Literature Citations

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 1 of 8

Abea, G., S. T. N. Ebika, C. Sanz, P. Teberd, T. F. Ebombi, S. Brogan et al. (In Press). "Long-term observations in the Ndoki forest resolve enduring questions about truffle foraging by western lowland gorillas." Primates.

Abstract: While there is growing recognition of the importance of traditional knowledge in science, these perspectives remain underrepresented in research publications. However, the synthesis of these approaches has tremendous potential to improve our understanding of wildlife and ecosystems. Toward realizing this aim, we combined local traditional knowledge with molecular classification techniques to investigate “soil scratching” behavior in western lowland gorillas in two localities in Republic of Congo, the Goualougo Triangle and the Djéké Triangle. Daily observations of four gorilla groups for nearly a decade revealed that soil scratching is a foraging strategy to access a deer truffle species, identified here as Elaphomyces labyrinthinus. We also conducted group scans to calculate the time gorillas spent foraging for deer truffles and video focal observations to assess foraging efficiency. There was considerable variation in soil scratching across groups. It was most common in Buka’s group, followed by Kingo’s group and Mététélé’s group. Truffle foraging was rarely observed in the Loya-Makassa group. While the overall distribution of deer truffles seemingly determines the occurrence of this behavior across populations, we found indications of social influences on soil scratching within populations. For example, an adult female transferred from a group in which the behavior was rare to another group where it is common and adjusted her frequencies of soil scratching to that of her new group. Finally, these findings were included in an ecological impact assessment of the Djéké Triangle that prompted conservation managers to shift the location of tourism-associated construction to safeguard this putative cultural behavior.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 2 of 8

Borras-Chavez, R., R. L. Soteres, G. Gomez, ..., C. Dougnac, C. Arredondo et al. (In Press). "Occurrence, residency, and habitat characterization of leopard seals in Chile." Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 12, e1448098.

Abstract: Leopard seals have traditionally been considered Antarctic predators with a Southern Ocean distribution. Historically, sightings north of the Antarctic Polar Front were considered extralimital. However, recent studies suggest a significant presence of leopard seals in subantarctic regions. Here, we assess the spatial occurrence, residency status, and temporal trends of leopard seals in Chile using historical records, stranding reports, standardized monitoring data, photo-identification (photo ID) catalogs, and sightings from four research expeditions. We also characterize glaciers where sightings are concentrated, identifying glaciological and geomorphic attributes that prolong iceberg residency time, which is linked to high leopard seal concentrations. Based on these attributes, we evaluated other potential suitable glacial habitats in Patagonia. We obtained 438 sighting records of leopard seals from 1927 to 2023. Over the last 15 years, we documented a 4-18% annual increase in stranding events reported to national authorities. Most sightings (75%) were concentrated in two hotspots: National Park San Rafael Lagoon and Parry Fjord in Tierra del Fuego. Using photo ID catalogs, we identified 19 resident leopard seals, including 16 multi-year residents observed between 2010-2023 (10 in San Rafael, 6 in Tierra del Fuego) and 3 potential residents (observed multiple months in the same year in Tierra del Fuego). San Rafael monitoring data showed no inter-annual trend, but seasonal trends were observed. We also provide evidence of breeding in Chile, with records of at least 14 pups born and at least two females giving birth in multiple years. Our habitat characterization suggests that calving flux, fjord sinuosity, and fjord width variation are crucial for prolonging iceberg residency in hotspot areas. Based on these attributes, we identified 13 additional fjords in Patagonia as “very likely” suitable for leopard seals. Our study confirms that Patagonia is part of the species’ breeding distribution, shifting the paradigm that leopard seals are merely visitors north of the Antarctic Polar Front. Given the limited number of suitable glaciers in Chile and the potential impacts of climate change, our assessment highlights glacial retreat as a major threat to the ecosystem of this pagophilic marine apex predator in South America.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 3 of 8

Deléglise, H., D. Justeau-Allaire, M. Mulligan, J.-C. Espinoza, E. Isasi-Catalá, C. Alvarez et al. (2024). "Integrating multi-objective optimization and ecological connectivity to strengthen Peru's protected area system towards the 30*2030 target." Biological Conservation 299, e110799.

Abstract: The Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) of the Convention on Biological Diversity has set the target of protecting 30 % of the world's land and sea by 2030. Previous conservation planning approaches have been based primarily on biodiversity elements, particularly for Peru, a mega-biodiverse country whose protected areas network need to be expanded. However, achieving this ambitious 30 % target requires careful consideration of numerous ecological and social aspects. To cover these aspects, we present a terrestrial conservation planning approach that integrates biodiversity, ecosystem services, human impact, ecological connectivity and ecoregional representativeness. Our approach has been co-produced with national organisations and NGOs and includes advanced Artificial Intelligence (AI) methods. Our results identify areas of high ecological value to supplement the 17.88 % of areas already protected, to reach 30 %. The integration of these areas could close gaps in the current system, particularly those vital for water related ecosystem services, ecoregional representativity and ecological connectivity. Integrated AI-based optimization methods (i.e., integer linear programming, constraint programming, reference point method) enabled us to obtain optimal, constraint-satisfying and balanced protected areas selected on the basis of integrated variables, and constitute a robust alternative compared with heuristic methods (e.g., Marxan, Zonation) commonly used. This work can be used as a fundamental component of Peru's territorial planning, and paves the way on future research on conservation planning, which should integrate advanced spatial conservation planning methods, ecological and social factors in an even more comprehensive way.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 4 of 8

Mehon, F. G., D. N. z. Kiminou and C. Stephan (In Press). "Seasonal variation and group size effects in putty-nosed monkeys’ (Cercopithecus nictitans) heterospecific associations in the Nouabalé-Ndoki National Park." Primates.

Abstract: Many non-human primates form heterospecific associations to increase benefits resulting from group living like antipredation defence and increased foraging efficiency while avoiding costly resource competition that usually arises from large conspecific groups. Previous studies provided profound insight into how these benefits are obtained and what behavioural changes might be elicited through association formation. What remains widely unknown are factors that could account for intra-specific variation in association patterns. For instance, we are still widely lacking a comprehensive assessment of how group size and seasonality affect heterospecific associations across larger number of groups within a species. The current study monitored more than 20 groups of putty-nosed monkeys (Cercopithecus nictitans), a forest guenon known to be frequently in association with other monkey species, for 37 months in the Nouabalé-Ndoki National Park, Republic of Congo. Amongst the five primate species observed in association with C. nictitans, grey-cheeked mangabeys (Lophocebus albigena) and crowned monkeys (C. pogonias) were the most frequently encountered association partners. We did not find any effect of seasonality on association rates. However, larger C. nictitans groups were substantially more in association with L. albigena and C. pogonias than smaller groups during the main dry season. We argue that our findings suggest a major impact of antipredation benefits of heterospecific troops including C. nictitans during periods of increased vulnerability. We discuss how knowledge about variations in association patterns may help to adjust conservation strategies.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 5 of 8

Mehon, F. G., K. Zuberbühler and C. Stephan (In Press). "Population differences in putty-nosed monkey (Cercopithecus nictitans) call order." Primates.

Abstract: Non-human primates generally lack the ability to learn new call structures or to substantially modify existing ones, suggesting that callers need alternative mechanisms to convey information. One way to escape the constraints of limited vocal control is by assembling calls into variable sequences, as has been documented in various animal species. Here, we were interested in the flexibility with which different calls might be assembled in a species known for its meaningful call order, putty-nosed monkeys (Cercopithecus nictitans). Since most information comes from studies conducted at Gashaka Gumti National Park (Nigeria), we tested two further populations in the Nouabalé-Ndoki National Park (Republic of the Congo) and Taï National Park (Côte d’Ivoire) in how males responded to common threats, leopards, and crowned eagles. As predicted, callers produced the same basic call types as seen elsewhere—long ‘pyow’, short ‘pyow’ (‘kek’), ‘hack’—but populations differed in how males assembled calls. To leopards, males from both populations started with ‘pyows’ and ‘keks’, with occasional hacks later, as already reported from Gashaka. To crowned eagle, however, Nouabalé-Ndoki males consistently initiated their responses with ‘pyows’, whereas neither Taï nor Gashaka males ever did, demonstrating that nonhuman primates have some control over sequence production. We discuss possible mechanisms to account for the population differences, predation pressure, and male–male competition, and address implications for linguistic theories of animal call order, notably the Urgency and Informativity Principles.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 6 of 8

Pollom, R. A., J. Cheok, N. Pacoureau, ..., R. H. Bennett et al. (2024). "Overfishing and climate change elevate extinction risk of endemic sharks and rays in the southwest Indian Ocean hotspot." PLOS ONE 19(9), e0306813.

Abstract: Here, we summarise the extinction risk of the sharks and rays endemic to coastal, shelf, and slope waters of the southwest Indian Ocean and adjacent waters (SWIO+, Namibia to Kenya, including SWIO islands). This region is a hotspot of endemic and evolutionarily distinct sharks and rays. Nearly one-fifth (n = 13 of 70, 18.6%) of endemic sharks and rays are threatened, of these: one is Critically Endangered, five are Endangered, and seven are Vulnerable. A further seven (10.0%) are Near Threatened, 33 (47.1%) are Least Concern, and 17 (24.3%) are Data Deficient. While the primary threat is overfishing, there are the first signs that climate change is contributing to elevated extinction risk through habitat reduction and inshore distributional shifts. By backcasting their status, few endemic species were threatened in 1980, but this changed soon after the emergence of targeted shark and ray fisheries. South Africa has the highest national conservation responsibility, followed by Mozambique and Madagascar. Yet, while fisheries management and enforcement have improved in South Africa over recent decades, substantial improvements are urgently needed elsewhere. To avoid extinction and ensure robust populations of the region’s endemic sharks and rays and maintain ecosystem functionality, there is an urgent need for the strict protection of Critically Endangered and Endangered species and sustainable management of Vulnerable, Near Threatened, and Least Concern species, underpinned by species-level data collection and reduction of incidental catch.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 7 of 8

Stiegler, J., C. A. Gallagher, R. Hering, ..., B. Buuveibaatar, ..., J. C. Payne et al. (2024). "Mammals show faster recovery from capture and tagging in human-disturbed landscapes." Nature Communications 15(1), e8079.

Abstract: Wildlife tagging provides critical insights into animal movement ecology, physiology, and behavior amid global ecosystem changes. However, the stress induced by capture, handling, and tagging can impact post-release locomotion and activity and, consequently, the interpretation of study results. Here, we analyze post-tagging effects on 1585 individuals of 42 terrestrial mammal species using collar-collected GPS and accelerometer data. Species-specific displacements and overall dynamic body acceleration, as a proxy for activity, were assessed over 20 days post-release to quantify disturbance intensity, recovery duration, and speed. Differences were evaluated, considering species-specific traits and the human footprint of the study region. Over 70% of the analyzed species exhibited significant behavioral changes following collaring events. Herbivores traveled farther with variable activity reactions, while omnivores and carnivores were initially less active and mobile. Recovery duration proved brief, with alterations diminishing within 4–7 tracking days for most species. Herbivores, particularly males, showed quicker displacement recovery (4 days) but slower activity recovery (7 days). Individuals in high human footprint areas displayed faster recovery, indicating adaptation to human disturbance. Our findings emphasize the necessity of extending tracking periods beyond 1 week and particular caution in remote study areas or herbivore-focused research, specifically in smaller mammals.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 8 of 8

Tillis, S. B., S. B. Chaney, E. E. V. Crouch, D. Boyer, K. Torregrosa, A. D. Shuter, A. Armendaris, A. L. Childress, D. McAloose, J. A. Paré, R. J. Ossiboff and K. J. Conley (2024). "Identification and characterization of novel serpentoviruses in viperid and elapid snakes." Viruses 16, e1477

Abstract: Viruses in the subfamily Serpentovirinae (order Nidovirales, family Tobaniviridae) can cause significant morbidity and mortality in captive snakes, but documented infections have been limited to snakes of the Boidae, Colubridae, Homalopsidae, and Pythonidae families. Infections can either be subclinical or associated with oral and/or respiratory disease. Beginning in June 2019, a population of over 150 confiscated snakes was screened for serpentovirus as part of a quarantine disease investigation. Antemortem oropharyngeal swabs or lung tissue collected postmortem were screened for serpentovirus by PCR, and 92/165 (56.0%) of snakes tested were positive for serpentovirus. Serpentoviruses were detected in fourteen species of Viperidae native to Asia, Africa, and South America and a single species of Elapidae native to Australia. When present, clinical signs included thin body condition, abnormal behavior or breathing, stomatitis, and/or mortality. Postmortem findings included variably severe inflammation, necrosis, and/or epithelial proliferation throughout the respiratory and upper gastrointestinal tracts. Genetic characterization of the detected serpentoviruses identified four unique viral clades phylogenetically distinct from recognized serpentovirus genera. Pairwise uncorrected distance analysis supported the phylogenetic analysis and indicated that the viper serpentoviruses likely represent the first members of a novel genus in the subfamily Serpentovirinae. The reported findings represent the first documentation of serpentoviruses in venomous snakes (Viperidae and Elapidae), greatly expanding the susceptible host range for these viruses and highlighting the importance of serpentovirus screening in all captive snake populations.


Grey Literature Citations

Grey Literature Citation 1 of 2

Sosa Botero, C. and L. Buitrago Garzon (2024). La Gestión de Proyectos Como Herramienta de Acceso a Instrumentos Financieros: Guía de Referencia para Asociaciones Agropecuarias en Colombia. Cali, Colombia: Wildlife Conservation Society, Colombia.

Abstract: WCS Colombia, en el marco del programa Cacao para la Vida (CpV): más bosques para la Amazonía ha buscado promover modelos agroforestales de cacao que preserven y restauren paisajes, mientras garantizan medios de vida sostenibles a los agricultores en los departamentos del Caquetá, Guaviare y Putumayo. Como parte de este trabajo, ha identificado fuentes potenciales de recursos para financiar las acciones necesarias para la consolidación de estos modelos de negocio basados en la propuesta de valor de CpV. Las asociaciones de productores de cacao han sido los actores clave en este proceso de fortalecimiento de la producción y comercialización de cacao. Así, después de un trabajo conjunto de dos años, con aprendizajes construidos con las diversas asociaciones de los municipios de Orito, Valle del Guamuez, Villagarzón, Mocoa, Puerto Guzmán, San José del Fragua, Belén de los Andaquíes, El Doncello, San Vicente del Caguán, San José del Guaviare, El Retorno y Calamar se elabora la siguiente guía que busca ser una herramienta para asociaciones agropecuarias, cacaoteras y de todo tipo, en la formulación de proyectos y planes de inversión, como paso clave para gestionar recursos hacia la financiación de sus necesidades e intereses prioritarios.

Grey Literature Citation 2 of 2

Urbina-Cardona, N., A. Angulo, A. A. Turner, ..., L. D. Acevedo et al. (2024). "Habitat loss: Protection and management" In S. Wren, A. Borzee, R. Marcec-Greaves and A. Angulo, Eds., Amphibian Conservation Action Plan: A Status Review and Roadmap for Global Amphibian Conservation, 116-146. Gland, Switzerland: IUCN.

Abstract: Habitat loss is the primary driver of amphibian declines. The protection and management of habitats are thus the most critical conservation actions needed for at least 60% of amphibians, with habitat loss accounting for population declines and extinctions at local and regional levels. Habitat loss is directly related to pollution, but it also exacerbates other major threats to amphibians, such as disease, illegal trade, and invasive species. Habitat loss also reduces the ability of amphibian species to disperse and alter their distribution within their ecophysiological tolerance ranges in order to adapt to climate change. Currently, less than 30% of amphibian species are represented in the global protected-area system. The restricted geographic distribution, high habitat-specificity, and dependence on narrow climatic envelopes of many amphibian species mean that amphibians are particularly prone to local extinctions. Of the 37 amphibian species reported as extinct as of 2021, 48.6% were distributed in South and Southeast Asia, and 21% in Mesoamerica. These species mainly inhabited inland wetlands and forests. Considerable research into understanding the effects of habitat loss, fragmentation and degradation on amphibians have been undertaken over the past 15 years, including a review on the effectiveness of amphibian-targeted conservation interventions. Habitat protection and management priorities must include the urgent preservation of remnant native forest habitats, given that over 85% of amphibian species occur in these systems. Conservation actions must also include the protection and rehabilitation of other aquatic and terrestrial breeding habitats critical for supporting viable amphibian populations. Given the limited resources for conservation, protection of globally important sites for amphibians (such as Alliance for Zero Extinction- AZE, and Key Biodiversity Areas - KBA), and their integration with protected areas into a network of conservation areas, is a key priority. The creation, rehabilitation and restoration of amphibian habitats, including in urban and agricultural landscapes, must not be excluded from the toolkit of interventions needed to avoid declines of more generalist species. Beyond implementing direct habitat protection mechanisms, it is essential to ensure targeted management of newly created protected areas and improve that of existing protected areas, inclusive of amphibians. For these actions to be sustainable, it is critical to facilitate the participation, communication, and involvement of a broad range of stakeholders, including government entities, productive-extractive sectors, NGOs, academia, local communities, and civil society.

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Peer-Reviewed Literature Citations


Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 1 of 4

Auliya, M., A. R. Rasmussen, K. L. Sanders and A. S. Lobo (2024). "Challenges of regulating commercial use of marine elapid snakes in the Indo-Pacific." Conservation Biology 38(5), e14336.

Abstract: Marine elapid snakes are a diverse, predominantly Indo-West Pacific species group. The persistent removal of some species has an unquantified but potentially dire impact on populations. We conducted the first comprehensive review of the trade in marine elapid snakes based on published literature (1974–2022) and trade data from the only species (i.e., Hydrophis [Lapemis] curtus) whose trade is monitored internationally. Some species and populations were subjected to targeted harvest for their meat and skins for at least the last century; fisheries are possibly the most significant threat to populations of marine elapids, with the highest numbers being exploited either accidentally, incidentally, or opportunistically in Southeast Asian fisheries targeting other seafood, including demersal trawl and squid fisheries. Southeast Asia is the core region for exploitation of marine elapids. Annual offtake is >225,000 individuals of at least 8 species in the Gulf of Thailand. Of 72 recognized marine elapids (all non-CITES [Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora] species), Hydrophis curtus and Hydrophis cyanocinctus dominate the skin trade. Skins of H. curtus are traded mainly in East and Southeast Asia and, to some extent, Europe. Despite some baseline information on the trade of these species, the sustainability of their harvests, particularly in the context of the burgeoning and unmanaged nature of fisheries in the region, remains the major challenge. In an era of declining fish stocks, there has been an increasing trend to commercialize the harvest and use marine elapids that were once considered accidental bycatch and discarded. This trend will continue to pose a significant risk to these snakes unless appropriate fisheries and trade regulations are enforced. Applying the precautionary principle to prevent the overexploitation of sea snakes is an indispensable measure in which trade in regional populations should be regulated through CITES. Accordingly, management plans to identify core distribution regions of exploited species would be crucial for assigning national responsibilities to sustain species and populations in the long term.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 2 of 4

Morcatty, T. Q., S. Su, P. Siriwat, ..., A. Karve et al. (2024). "Navigating ethical challenges in online wildlife trade research." Conservation Biology 38(5), e14341.

Abstract: The surge in internet accessibility has transformed wildlife trade by facilitating the acquisition of wildlife through online platforms. This scenario presents unique ethical challenges for researchers, as traditional ethical frameworks for in-person research cannot be readily applied to the online realm. Currently, there is a lack of clearly defined guidelines for appropriate ethical procedures when conducting online wildlife trade (OWT) research. In response to this, we consulted the scientific literature on ethical considerations in online research and examined existing guidelines established by professional societies and ethical boards. Based on these documents, we present a set of recommendations that can inform the development of ethically responsible OWT research. Key ethical challenges in designing and executing OWT research include the violation of privacy rights, defining subjects and illegality, and the risk of misinterpretation or posing risks to participants when sharing data. Potential solutions include considering participants? expectations of privacy, defining when participants are authors versus subjects, understanding the legal and cultural context, minimizing data collection, ensuring anonymization, and removing metadata. Best practices also involve being culturally sensitive when analyzing and reporting findings. Adhering to these guidelines can help mitigate potential pitfalls and provides valuable insights to editors, researchers, and ethical review boards, enabling them to conduct scientifically rigorous and ethically responsible OWT research to advance this growing field.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 3 of 4

Platt, S. G. and T. R. Rainwater (2024). "Biomass of mammal carrion available to turkey vultures (Cathartes aura) and black vultures (Coragyps atratus) along a commuter railway in New York, USA." Vulture News 85(1).

Abstract: With 227,000 km of railways in the United States, wildlife-train collisions are more common than generally recognized and could be an important carrion source for Black Vultures (Coragyps atratus) and Turkey Vultures (Cathartes aura). We conducted a five-year study (2018-2022) in Dutchess and Putnam Counties, New York, USA to 1) estimate the biomass of mammal carrion available to vultures along 32.6 km of commuter railway, and 2) determine if vultures utilize train-killed wildlife as a food resource. During our study we recorded 154 individual mammals of 12 species killed by commuter trains. The number of train-killed mammals averaged 30.8/yr (SD ±13.1 mammals/yr), but varied widely, ranging from 13 to 45 individuals/yr. White-tailed Deer (Odocoileus virginianus) contributed the most to this total, followed by Raccoon (Procyon lotor), Virginia Opossum (Didelphis virginiana), and Coyote (Canis latrans). We estimated that 6722.0 kg of mammal carrion resulted from train-wildlife collisions during our five-year study, and of this total, 4778.3 kg were potentially available for consumption by vultures. We estimated that 29.3 kg of mammal carrion per km of railway was available for consumption by vultures each year. During our five-year study, we found evidence that vultures fed on >90% of the train-killed mammal carcasses. Our results suggest the commuter railway is attractive to foraging vultures because 1) carrion occurs at high concentrations relative to the adjacent “natural habitat”, 2) the massive traumatic injuries associated with train-wildlife collisions facilitate utilization of carrion, and 3) disturbance is minimal owing to the infrequent passage of trains (ca. 1 train/hr). Given that train-killed birds, frogs, snakes, and turtles were not included in our analysis, the total biomass of carrion available to foraging vultures along the commuter railway may be considerably greater than we estimated in this study.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 4 of 4

Zheng, W., A. K. Y. Wan, Z. Chen, ..., Y. Gu, ..., X. Zhang, L. Li et al. (2024). "Use of consumer insights to inform behavior change interventions aimed at illegal pet turtle trade in China." Conservation Biology 38(5), e14352.

Abstract: Illegal poaching and overexploitation for the international pet trade are among the greatest threats to freshwater turtles in Southeast Asia. Expanding consumer research in China is crucial to filling knowledge gaps about the scale and structure of illegal trade and developing audience-targeted and relevant interventions that may reduce demand for illegal turtles as pets. We applied mixed methods to provide a detailed understanding of the consumer side of the illegal pet turtle trade in China. We conducted 30 interviews with key stakeholders and online surveys (n = 2456) of turtle keepers via community forums. From these, we identified 3 core consumer groups based on their prior turtle-keeping experience, species exposure, and potential for future purchases. We conducted a thematic qualitative analysis of concepts related to the capability, opportunity, motivation, and behavior (COM-B) model to determine the factors influencing the illegal pet turtle trade and to identify barriers to illegal purchases. Specifically, we identified purchasers’ capabilities, opportunities, and motivations in the context of legality, enforcement risk, captive breeding, and impacts on wild population. We developed consumer journey maps (i.e., visual representations of customer's experiences throughout their buying journey) for core consumer groups. These maps illustrate the sequential behaviors and processes that consumers undertake when purchasing turtles, from initial exposure to sourcing, keeping, and providing a new home. Key factors influencing illegal purchases included convenient purchase channels, misguided cognition and motivations for pet keeping, and weak law enforcement. Effective interventions included messages focusing on shifting cognition and beliefs, increasing legal risk perception, and emphasizing stringent law enforcement, primarily delivered through online channels. Our results underscore the necessity for adaptable, audience-tailored interventions to reduce consumer demand for illegal wildlife products. The mixed-methods approach, combining quantitative and qualitative data, provided a comprehensive understanding of the target behavior and can inform the development of effective intervention strategies.


Grey Literature and Prepublication Citations

Grey Literature and Prepublication Citation 1 of 2

Wildlife Conservation Society (2024). Conservation and Human Rights: Building Together for Nature and Planet: A Common Agenda for Equitable, Just, and Durable Conservation. Bronx, NY: Wildlife Conservation Society.

Abstract: Summary of the meeting, 11-12 April, 2024 at the Bronx Zoo, New York.

Grey Literature and Prepublication Citation 2 of 2

Wessling, E. G., A. Whiten, S. K. Soiret, ... and C. Sanz (Prepublication). “Concerted conservation actions to support chimpanzee cultures.” OSF Preprints.

Abstract: Chimpanzees were amongst the first animals recognised to have culture, and our understanding of the breadth of their cultural repertoire has grown significantly since the 1960s. Throughout their range, chimpanzee populations have come under increasing pressure, with their endangered status necessitating immediate and long-term conservation interventions. Recognizing the importance of diverse behavioural repertoires for chimpanzees’ survival, there has been a recent focus of conservation efforts on preserving their culturally-transmitted behaviours and the environments in which they are exhibited. This article evaluates the practicality of developing conservation measures focused on chimpanzee culture. We highlight innovative conservation strategies aimed at integrating chimpanzee cultural behaviours into conservation policies. We review synergistic conservation initiatives led by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), the UN Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (CMS), and other international and local stakeholders that share the goal of preserving chimpanzee populations and their cultural diversity. We underline how successful conservation implementation requires engagement and collaboration with a diverse group of stakeholders. Finally, we explore lessons learned to date and provide insights aimed at guiding future efforts to incorporate cultural elements into conservation strategies.

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Peer-Reviewed Literature Citations

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 1 of 5

Berger, J. and K. A. Cassidy (Early View). "Play is a privilege in both humans and animals: How our recreation influences wildlife." The Journal of Wildlife Management, e22664.

Abstract: Nature-based tourism nets roughly 8 billion annual travelers globally to all regions of Earth, with many visiting around 200,000 formally protected areas. Financially well-off tourists pay for playful activities and effects on wildlife are potentially large and relatively uncertain. Our commentary makes 3 points. First, variation in resource privileges and associated benefits characterizes not only humans but other species. Among animals, well-nurtured populations engage in more playful and leisurely activities than do those nutritionally impoverished. Privilege depends partially on birth sites, parents, and local conditions, but for humans recreation expands with monetary advantage. Second, nature-based tourism has 2 generalizable effects on wildlife, each involving degree of habituation. Among non-habituated populations, local site abandonment is frequent and modulated by seasonality, individuals' physiological states, and whether recreation is motorized or not. For habituated populations, tolerance emerges to increasing recreational exposure with some populations of species learning to rely on humans to shield as a buffer against possible predation. Third, desert bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis nelsoni) offer a robust example of the issues surrounding the effects of tourism on wildlife because of the geographically complicated relationship between recreational pursuit and wildlife on public lands of the western United States. While protected for decades, females have failed to habituate to different forms of recreation at certain sites. The result has been flight or site abandonment. Biodiversity protection at numerous scales has made strong gains but is still needed where progress is stymied by income disparities, privilege, and increasing recreation ventures.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 2 of 5

Bhadvankar, D. V., P. N. Chogale and S. M. Gupta (2024). "Overview of sustainable fishing practices in selected creeks from Raigad District: A systematic literature review." Chronicle of Aquatic Science 2(1), 19-25.

Abstract: This research paper offers a comprehensive overview of sustainable fishing practices in selected creeks of Raigad District, namely Karanja, Rewas, Revdanda, and Rajpuri Creek. Understanding and implementing sustainable fishing methods are imperative in light of escalating global concerns regarding declining fish stocks and environmental degradation. Drawing on a blend of literature reviews encompassing fisheries data and the cultural dynamics of the local fishing community, this study identifies pivotal factors shaping the sustainability of fishing practices in the region. These factors encompass community engagement, regulatory frameworks, technological advancements, and cultural considerations. Through an evaluation of fishing activities' socio-economic and ecological ramifications, the paper elucidates the challenges and opportunities for advancing sustainability in Raigad District's creek fisheries. Moreover, it delves into the significance of amalgamating traditional wisdom with contemporary approaches to bolster the resilience of indigenous fishing communities and safeguard marine ecosystems. This research offers invaluable insights for policymakers, researchers, and practitioners working towards sustainable fisheries management in coastal areas similar to the Raigad District.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 3 of 5

Huang, C., J. Rice, A. Richter, ..., P. N. Maleko et al. (In Press). "Effects of fishery bycatch-mitigation measures on vulnerable marine fauna and target catch." Nature Sustainability.

Abstract: Reducing fisheries bycatches of vulnerable species is critical to marine biodiversity conservation and sustainable fisheries development. Although various preventive technical measures have been implemented, their overall effects are poorly understood. Here, we used a meta-analysis approach to quantify the effects of 42 technical measures on the target catch and the bycatch of seabirds, elasmobranchs, marine mammals and sea turtles. We showed that these measures generally reduced the bycatch while having no statistically significant effect on the target catch. Sensory-based measures generally outperformed physical-based ones in reducing the bycatch. Mitigation measures that worked well for several fishing gears or taxa, although useful, were very rare. Most of the adoptions by regional fisheries management organizations (59%) were supported by our findings, although many others are yet to be robustly evaluated. Our study encourages the innovation and adoption of technical measures and provides crucial insights for policy-making and further research in sustainable bycatch management.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 4 of 5

Ndoazen, A., P. Mangar, P. Y. Sobdibe and J.-C. Micha (2024). "Etude socio-économique, environnementale et fonctionnelle de la chaîne de valeur poisson dans le Bassin Central du Chari au Tchad / Socio-economic, environmental and functional study of the fish value chain in the Central Chari Basin of Chad." International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences 18(3), 924-937.

Abstract: La pêche est une source vitale de protéines, de revenu et contribue de manière significative à la sécurité alimentaire tout en créant des emplois informels dans les zones rurales. Cependant, l’industrie souffre au Tchad, depuis plusieurs années d’un manque de recherche et de données fiables. L’étude avait pour but de promouvoir le développement durable à toutes les étapes de la chaîne d'approvisionnement de l'industrie de la pêche au Tchad. L’objectif de l'étude consistait à assurer le bien-être des communautés locales et d’améliorer la gestion des zones humides. L'analyse fonctionnelle a montré une révolution récente des organisations travaillant à restaurer les stocks de poissons par la protection des pêcheries, qui a commencé dans le Barh-koh et a fini par s'étendre le long du fleuve Chari et du Barh-keita. Le groupe d’âge le plus courant parmi les pêcheurs est comprise entre 26 à 35 ans, suivi par ceux de 36 à 45 ans. Le taux d'intérêt net est compris entre 0,70 et 1,5% et la valeur ajoutée était inégalement répartie. La pêche contribue à l’épuisement des ressources halieutiques et à la destruction des frayères (45,54%) en raison des techniques de pêche prohibée. Des efforts doivent être faits pour contribuer à la durabilité du secteur. / Fishing is a vital source of protein and income, making a significant contribution to food security and creating informal jobs in rural areas. However, the industry in Chad has suffered for several years from a lack of research and reliable data. The aim of the study was to promote sustainable development at all stages of the fishing industry supply chain in Chad. The aim of the study was to ensure the well-being of local communities and improve wetland management. The functional analysis showed a recent revolution in organizations working to restore fish stocks through fisheries protection, which began in the Barh-koh and eventually spread along the Chari and Barh-keita rivers. The most common age group among fishermen was 26 to 35, followed by 36 to 45. The net interest rate was between 0.70 and 1.5% and value added was unevenly distributed. Fishing contributes to the depletion of fish stocks and the destruction of spawning grounds (45.54%) due to prohibited fishing techniques. Efforts must be made to contribute to the sustainability of the sector.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 5 of 5

Nosetto, M. D., E. Balducci, J. Gaitán, ..., M. G. Roglich et al. (2024). "Changes in soil organic carbon in native forests of Argentina related to land use change and environmental factors." Soil Use and Management 40(3), e13109.

Abstract: Native forests host important pools of soil organic carbon (SOC). This is a key element not only for ecosystem functioning but also for the global carbon cycle. Globally, and particularly in Argentina, native forests are being rapidly replaced by other land uses, raising questions about the impact of these transformations on SOC and its environmental controls. Based on the construction of the largest SOC database in Argentina to date, we investigated the patterns and controls of changes in SOC stocks associated with the replacement of native forests by other land uses. We constructed the database with a total of 818 sites with SOC data (0–30 cm depth), covering the main ecoregions, to which we added environmental information (e.g. satellite data, soil database and climate database), to study the environmental controls on SOC change after deforestation and on the original SOC content of native forests. Considering all ecoregions and all land use alternatives together, we found an average decrease in SOC stock of 18.2 Mg C ha−1, which represents a loss of more than a quarter of the original SOC stock of the native forest sites. A boosted regression tree explained 89% of the variation in SOC stock change and indicated that the initial forest SOC stock and the post-deforestation land use were the most important variables explaining this variation (relative influence of 30.9% and 18.2%, respectively). The replacement of native forests by rainfed annual crops resulted in the largest decrease in SOC (−28 Mg C ha−1), which was twice as large as the decrease observed in rangelands (−14 Mg C ha−1). On the contrary, neither irrigated croplands nor tree plantations of fast-growing species caused a decrease in SOC stocks (p > .10). Climate and soil texture had an indirect effect on SOC changes through a strong influence on the initial SOC stocks in native forests (p < .01). Our study highlighted the significant impact of land use change on SOC stocks, overshadowing other relevant environmental controls. Understanding how the SOC pool responds to land use change, environmental conditions and management practices is essential to increase the effectiveness of practices implemented to improve soil properties and mitigate climate change.

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WCS-AUTHORED PUBLICATIONS, 26 August-1 September 2024


Peer-Reviewed Literature Citations

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 1 of 3

Chea, M., B. T. Fraser, S. Nay, L. Sok, H. Strasser and R. Tizard (2024). "A survey of changes in grasslands within the Tonle Sap Lake Landscape from 2004 to 2023." Diversity 16(8), e448.

Abstract: The Tonle Sap Lake (TSL) landscape is a region of vast natural resources and biological diversity in the heart of Southeast Asia. In addition to serving as the foundation for a highly productive fisheries system, this landscape is home to numerous globally threatened species. Despite decades of recognition by several government and international agencies and the fact that nine protected areas have been established within this region, natural land cover such as grasslands have experienced considerable decline since the turn of the century. This project used local expert knowledge to train and validate a random forest supervised classification of Landsat satellite imagery using Google Earth Engine. The time series of thematic maps were then used to quantify the conversion of grasslands to croplands between 2004 and 2023. The classification encompassed a 10 km buffer surrounding the landscape, an area of nearly 3 million hectares. The average overall accuracy for these thematic maps was 82.5% (78.5–87.9%), with grasslands averaging 76.1% user’s accuracy. The change detection indicated that over 207,281 ha of grasslands were lost over this period (>59.5% of the 2004 area), with approx. 89.3% of this loss being attributed to cropland expansion. The results of this project will inform conservation efforts focused on local-scale planning and the management of commercial agriculture.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 2 of 3

McClanahan, T. R. and E. Sola (In Press). "Comparing modeled predictions of coral reef diversity along a latitudinal gradient in Mozambique." Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 12.

Abstract: Predictive models based on environmental proxy data are being used to predict biodiversity on large and even global scales. Yet, some of the underlying assumptions about the relationship between proxy variables and predictions require investigations and testing the consequences of using model alternatives, data sources, variables choices, and scales, extent, and overlap among the predictions. Mozambican coral reefs provide a good case study to test these assumptions given the paucity of field data, its long coastline, and transitions from tropical to temperate environments. Therefore, 3 modelling formulations and 5 specific models were made using satellite and shipboard measurements and extensive fish and corals field data to test their performance in predicting numbers of fish species and coral taxa from field data. Model predictions were mapped for the 1180 ~6.25 km2 Mozambiquan coral reef cells. Predictions were made and mapped 1) based on ~1000 field sites in the Western Indian Ocean (WIO) faunal province model, 2) using environmental variable selected in the WIO model (WIOMOD) but trained only with Mozambican field data (<113 sites), and 3) using only Mozambican environmental and field data and standard variable redundancy and selection procedures. Training and testing cross validation of models indicated modest predictive ability (R2~0.42-0.56%) and reasonable transferability. Consequently, there was unexplained variation likely due to small-scale environmental variability finer than the mapped cell scale. Differences between model predictions were caused by different variable rankings and response relationship. For example, the Mozambique-only model predicted more fish but fewer coral taxa, a larger role of water quality and sediments, habitats, and temperature variation, and a lesser role of human influence than the WIOMOD. Therefore, differences between models indicate that large scale models (i.e. provincial or global) can contribute to understanding gross patterns but miss important local environmental and human drivers in transitional environments. Nevertheless, 79% of the fish and 88% of coral taxa cell-level predictions of taxonomic diversity had standardized coefficients of variations of <10%.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 3 of 3

Riccialdelli, L., S. Dodino, C. M. Iachetti, ... and A. Raya Rey (In Press). "Stable isotope spatial patterns for the Southwest Atlantic Ocean towards polar waters: Running page head: sub-Antarctic marine isoscapes." Progress in Oceanography, e103337.

Abstract: Mapping stable isotope gradients (isoscapes) has become a powerful tool to understand and forecast the status and variability of marine ecosystems at different levels of ecological organization. To differentiate five marine areas from the Southwest Atlantic Ocean towards oceanic and polar waters, a key foraging area for many marine consumers, we built isoscapes at different spatial scales using carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N) isotope values of phytoplankton, zooplankton and particulate organic matter in sediment. We analyzed the isotopic variability between marine areas in relation with oceanographic parameters (e.g. temperature, salinity) and geographical sampling site data (e.g. latitude, longitude). We collected samples during 6 oceanographic surveys conducted in spring and autumn between 2014 and 2019 at the Beagle Channel, the Atlantic coast of Tierra del Fuego and Burdwood Bank. We included also published isotopic data of zooplankton from two other oceanic areas (the Polar Frontal Zone and Polar Antarctic Peninsula waters) to construct large-scale isoscapes. We found that the marine areas analyzed have substantially different δ13C and δ15N baselines; some differences exist between spring and autumn but the general pattern of isotopic variability remains similar. Combining different biological components and spatial scale analysis, isotopic variability was found to be related to variables such as seawater temperature, depth, chlorophyll and nutrients. The generated data will enhance the efficacy of isoscapes in long-term monitoring initiatives that documents alterations in attributes and features across marine expanses. This is particularly pertinent to areas under legal protection, such as the oceanic Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) established in Argentine waters.


Grey Literature Citations

Grey Literature Citation 1 of 3

Fumey, S., S. Chhoeng, S. Ouk, A. Roberts and J. Luis (2024). Strategy to Prevent Capture and Trade of the Cantor’s Giant Softshell Turtle in the Mekong River. Phnom Penh, Cambodia: Wildlife Conservation Society, Cambodia.

Grey Literature Citation 2 of 3

Fumey, S., S. Chhoeng, S. Ouk, A. Roberts and J. Luis (2024). Strategy to Prevent Capture of the Southern River Terrapin in the Sre Ambel River System. Phnom Penh, Cambodia: Wildlife Conservation Society, Cambodia.

Grey Literature Citation 3 of 3

R., N., A. Gupta, Dhee and R. Sarkar (2024). Celebrating Nature-Culture Relationships: Aralikatte. Karnataka, India: Wildlife Conservation Society, India.


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Peer-Reviewed Literature Citations

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 1 of 5

Adhikari, S., S. Anthony, P. Baleinamau, ..., S. Jupiter, ..., S. Mangubhai, ..., S. Naucunivanua, J. Negin, P. van Nimwegen, A. Ratu, M. Ravoka, A. Tukana et al. (In Press). "An assessment of latrine front-end characteristics and associated surface E. coli indicated faecal contamination in rural Fiji." Environmental Science and Pollution Research.

Abstract: In Fiji, 90% of the population has access to basic sanitation; however, there are still persistent health risks from endemic faecal-oral diseases such as typhoid fever. There is a need to assess the contribution of existing sanitation facilities in the faecal pathogen transmission pathway. This study was conducted as part of a larger planetary health study across 29 rural communities within five river catchments. This specific research aimed to characterise latrine front-ends, both infrastructure and usage behaviour, and to assess the faecal contamination levels on various frequently contacted latrine surfaces in rural Fiji. A sanitation survey, along with observation and latrine swab sampling, was conducted in households over three phases: baseline (n = 311) (Aug–Dec 2019), endline (n = 262) (Jun–Sep 2022) and an in-depth front-end study (n = 12) (Oct–Nov 2022). Of 311 households, almost all had pedestal-type latrines, predominately cistern-flush (83%), followed by pour-flush (13%), and then hole-type (pit) latrines (4%). Washable latrine floors had significantly higher E. coli densities (6.7 × 102 CFU/25 cm2) compared to non-washable floors (1.3 × 102 CFU/25 cm2) (p = 0.05), despite washable floors indicating improved latrines. The in-depth front-end analysis found that moist latrine surfaces had significantly elevated E. coli densities (1.2 × 103 CFU/25 cm2) compared to the dry ones (14.3 CFU/25 cm2) (p < 0.001), highlighting the importance of maintaining dry latrine surfaces. Latrine floors and mid-walls were the most frequently contaminated surfaces, emphasising the need to clean and disinfect these surfaces. Only 46% of the households reported always using soap for handwashing after defecation, exacerbating the risk of transmitting faecal pathogens. This study highlights that latrine cleanliness and hygiene are as crucial as latrine infrastructures for the effective disruption of faecal pathogens transmission during latrine use.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 2 of 5

Ferrier, S., C. Ware, J. M. Austin, H. S. Grantham et al. (Early View). "Ecosystem extent is a necessary but not sufficient indicator of the state of global forest biodiversity." Conservation Letters, e13045.

Abstract: The Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework lays out an ambitious set of goals and targets aimed at halting and reversing biodiversity loss. The extent of natural ecosystems has been selected as one of a small set of headline indicators against which countries will report progress under this framework. We evaluate the effectiveness with which this indicator is expected to capture the overall scope of the ecosystem-focused component of Goal A, and interlinkages with the species-focused component of this same goal, using extensive global data on the integrity, connectivity, and plant species composition of forests. Results generated for all forest-supporting countries demonstrate that consideration of these additional factors can profoundly alter understanding of the state of forest biodiversity relative to that based on extent alone. Employment of ecosystem extent as a headline indicator must therefore be augmented by appropriate use of component and complementary indicators addressing other key dimensions of ecosystem change.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 3 of 5

Lescord, G. L., J. Simard, T. A. Johnston, J. Seguin, C. E. Farrell, N. J. O'Driscoll and C. M. O'Connor (2024). "The long-term effects of water resource development on blood mercury levels and the trophic ecology of Namew (lake sturgeon, Acipenser fulvescens)." FACETS 9, 1-13.

Abstract: Water resource development can alter the movement and ecology of sturgeons. We studied total (THg) and methylmercury concentrations in whole blood sampled non-lethally from namew (Moose Cree L-dialect, lake sturgeon, Acipenser fulvescens), an endangered and culturally important subsistence fish. Namew were sampled from two tributaries within the Moose Cree Homeland: the Lower Mattagami River (an impacted system with four hydroelectric generating stations) and the North French River (a reference system that is free-flowing system with no development). Results indicated namew from the North French River had higher blood [THg] than those from the Mattagami River. Further modeling showed that trophic position was the primary driver of these differences, with North French namew having the highest nitrogen isotope ratios. Based on further isotope modeling, crayfish were major components of namew diet at all sites, while other prey items differed between sites. Specifically, namew with unobstructed access to the lower watershed had notably more enriched isotope values when compared to the freshwater benthic macroinvertebrates sampled, implying that other prey not captured herein may contribute to their diets and [THg]. Overall, we found differences in namew’s trophic ecology but no elevation in blood mercury levels at a site impacted by hydroelectric operations 60+ years post-impoundment.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 4 of 5

Reid, D. G., F. I. Doyle, and R. Stitt (2024). “Spatial scale of stand-replacing forest disturbance influences the amplitude of snowshoe hare population fluctuations in boreal forests of northwest Canada.” Forest Ecology and Management 570, e122173.

Abstract: The natural disturbance model for ecosystem management of timber harvesting promotes the emulation of natural disturbance regimes in the patterns of tree removal. Wildfire is a prominent natural disturbance in boreal forests of western Canada, frequently removing most of the tree canopy from patches of 500–10,000 ha in stand-replacing events. However, fire suppression, coupled with a spatial pattern of timber harvesting dominated by small patch cuts of 10–160 ha, have changed the spatial scale of younger stands away from scales within which boreal organisms evolved. In two regions (Sub-Boreal Spruce biogeoclimatic zone of central British Columbia and Liard Basin of southeast Yukon), we tested the hypothesis that different spatial scales of stand-replacing forest disturbance (wildfire and timber harvesting) result in different amplitudes of change in abundance of snowshoe hare, a keystone boreal forest mammal for which mid-seral stand conditions provide optimal habitat. Landscapes with large patches (>2000 ha) of mid-seral forest following stand-replacing disturbance supported consistently and often significantly more hares, with wider amplitude in cyclic fluctuation, than small patches (20–200 ha) of mid-seral habitat and than mature forest landscapes. Densities of hares high enough to support reproduction by Canada lynx (a specialist hare predator) only occurred in landscapes disturbed at the scale of a moderate to large-sized wildfire (1000 – 10,000 ha). Landscapes unaffected by stand-replacing disturbance for at least 80 years (i.e. mature forests) supported very few hares and without cyclic fluctuations. We recommend that the recent pattern of cutting dominated by small patches (20–200 ha) be shifted to include many larger patches (2000–5000 ha). This can happen with incremental, contiguous patch cutting over a period of years short enough that the completed patch will supply high quality, mid-seral habitat for at least the period of one hare cycle (10 y). In designing relatively large patches, mature green tree retention would be desirable for various values, but would be best as small stands of mature forest dispersed within large patch cuts, similar to the legacy of fire. Silviculture (reforestation and stand tending) should create and sustain a mix of conifer and deciduous regeneration in the mid-seral stands. Emulating spatial patterns of stand-replacing natural disturbance appears necessary to sustain snowshoe hare cycles when most fires are suppressed in intensively managed western Canadian boreal forests.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 5 of 5

Thrikkadeeri, K., C. Sheth, H. C. et al. (In Press). "Birdwatchers piecing together the Locustella jigsaw: Insights on the wintering distribution of the cryptic West Himalayan bush warbler Locustella kashmirensis." Indian BIRDS: Journal of South Asian Ornithology.

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WCS-AUTHORED PUBLICATIONS, 5-18 August 2024 [2 weeks]


Peer-Reviewed Literature Citations

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 1 of 10

Barbosa, M., W. D. Halliday, S. J. Insley and S. E. Dosso (In Press). "Characterisation of the ringed seal (Pusa hispida) acoustic repertoire during spring in the Western Canadian Arctic." Bioacoustics.

Abstract: Understanding the acoustic repertoire of a species is crucial for comprehending its ecology and can also provide a valuable tool in the analysis of passive acoustic monitoring data. Despite being the most abundant seal species in the Arctic, the call repertoire of ringed seals (Pusa hispida) remains poorly studied. This paper aims to provide a comprehensive and quantitative description of the calls produced by ringed seals. Data collection occurred in May 2022 near Ulukhaktok in the Western Canadian Arctic. Acoustic recorders were deployed in cracks in the sea ice that were regularly used by ringed seals as haul-out areas. All calls were counted and classified into one of three categories: yelps, barks and growls. High-quality calls were further analysed with ten acoustic parameters calculated for each signal. Cluster and classification and regression tree (CART) analyses were used to assess if the visual classification of calls was supported by the acoustic parameters calculated. The cluster and CART analyses affirmed the presence of all three distinct call types in the ringed seal acoustic repertoire. Classification of unseen calls using the CART model demonstrated an accuracy of 98%. The findings presented here serve as foundational information on the acoustic repertoire of ringed seals.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 2 of 10

Berger, J. (2024). "Listening to learn: Nature's hot and cold extremes". In B. A. Minteer and J. B. Losos, Eds., The Heart of the Wild: Essays on Nature, Conservation, and the Human Future, 191-204. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 3 of 10

Berger, J., V. C. Bleich and R. Terry Bowyer (2024). "Must we lose our biological connection to nature to endure changing times?" The Journal of Wildlife Management 88(7), e22639.

Abstract: Earth has >8 billion people. Scholarly publications number nearly 7 million annually with >1 million in the life and biomedical sciences, and ≥52 professional journals specializing in conservation, ecology, or related disciplines. The challenges of applying ecological data to conservation and wildlife management can easily become overwhelming. Herein we offer reflective perspectives about the changing face of applied knowledge and engagement from our personal employment histories as ecologists working in agency, university, and non-governmental organization (NGO) biologist positions. We suggest natural history will always be nature's glue, but knowledge steeped mostly in muddy boots and field biology are no longer the soup du jour of our profession. In many ways, new technologies have changed data collection and the scientific questions asked. Arguably, such change is not welcomed by all, but a change in overlap across decades is needed to sustain and improve upon how the planet's biological diversity can coexist with increasingly difficult human conditions. Given that 80% of the people in the United States live in urban areas, with similar numbers internationally, a future possibility may be an even greater divide between wild nature, ecological services, and enjoyment in the field. This is disturbing. Despite fundamental scientific insights that help understand critical components of the natural world, once society loses touch with nature, what will remain?

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 4 of 10

Burt, M. L. and S. Strindberg (2024). "IWC Database-Estimation and Software System." Journal of Cetacean Research and Management Special Issue 4, 69-73.

Abstract: The International Whaling Commission’s (IWC) Database‐Estimation and Software System (DESS) was designed to standardise IWC line‐transect survey data storage and streamline abundance estimation, including abundance estimation by small management area to inform decision making. Not only was DESS designed to accommodate all International Decade of Cetacean Research (IDCR) and Southern Ocean Whale and Ecosystem Research (SOWER) surveys, but also national surveys, such as the Japanese surveys in the Antarctic and North Pacific, and multi‐national surveys conducted in the North Atlantic. The standard software for estimating abundance was program Distance, which could estimate abundance in designed survey blocks, however, management procedures required estimation not just in survey blocks but also in smaller regions that could be defined by the user. This added a spatial component to data selection which led to the inclusion of a geographical information system (GIS). This paper describes the data stored in DESS and the features available for data retrieval and analysis.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 5 of 10

Garrett, R., J. Ferreira, R. Abramovay, ... and M. Varese (In Press). "Transformative changes are needed to support socio-bioeconomies for people and ecosystems in the Amazon." Nature Ecology & Evolution.

Abstract: Current social-technical and political conditions threaten the integrity of the Amazon biome. Overcoming these lock-ins requires structural transformations away from conventional economies towards ‘socio-bioeconomies’ (SBEs). SBEs are economies based on the sustainable use and restoration of Amazonian ecosystems, as well as Indigenous and rural livelihood systems in the region. They include sustainable eco-tourism as well as diversified production and innovative processing of fruits, nuts, oils, medicines, fish and other products deriving from socio-biodiversity. Using a sustainability transitions perspective, we argue for multi-scalar policy changes to sustain, enhance and scale-out and scale-up SBE initiatives. To nurture niche SBE acitivities, we advocate for improvements in infrastructure, value chains and social organizations. To dismantle structural barriers, we call for an end to harmful subsidies, greater representation of marginalized communities in territorial planning, enhanced rural–urban and intersectoral linkages, international collaboration, shifts in demand, and changes in conservation and production narratives. Policies for SBEs must also use clear definitions, participatory processes and a multi-biome approach to avoid perverse outcomes.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 6 of 10

Mouy, X., S. K. Archer, S. E. Dosso, ..., W. D. Halliday et al. (In Press). "Automatic detection of unidentified fish sounds: A comparison of traditional machine learning with deep learning." Frontiers in Remote Sensing 5.

Abstract: Many species of fishes around the world are soniferous. The types of sounds fishes produce vary among species and regions but consist typically of low-frequency (< 1.5 kHz) pulses and grunts. These sounds can potentially be used to monitor fishes non-intrusively and could complement traditional monitoring techniques. However, the significant time required for human analysts to manually label fish sounds in acoustic recordings does not yet allow passive acoustics to be used as a viable tool for monitoring fishes. In this paper, we compare two different approaches to automatically detect fish sounds. One is a more traditional machine learning technique based on the detection of acoustic transients in the spectrogram and the classification using Random Forest (RF). The other is using a deep learning approach and is based on the classification of overlapping segments (0.2 s) of spectrogram using a ResNet18 Convolutional Neural Network (CNN). Both algorithms were trained using 21,950 manually annotated fish and non-fish sounds collected from 2014 to 2019 at five different locations in the Strait of Georgia, British Columbia, Canada. The performance of the detectors was tested on part of the data from the Strait of Georgia that was withheld from the training phase, data from Barkley Sound, British Columbia, and data collected in the Port of Miami, Florida, USA. The CNN performed up to 1.9 times better than the RF (F1 score: 0.82 vs. 0.43). In some cases, the CNN was able to find more faint fish sounds than the analyst and performed well in environments different from the one it was trained in (Miami F1 score: 0.88). Noise analysis in the 20-1000 Hz frequency band shows that the CNN is still reliable in noise levels greater than 130 dB re 1 μPa in the Port of Miami but becomes less reliable in Barkley Sound past 100 dB re 1 μPa due to mooring noise. The proposed approach can efficiently monitor (unidentified) fish sounds in a variety of environments and can also facilitate the development of species-specific detectors. We provide the software FishSound Finder, an easy-to-use open-source implementation of the CNN detector with detailed documentation.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 7 of 10

Seal, S., S. Bayyana, A. Pande et al. (2024). "Spatial prioritization of dugong habitats in India can contribute towards achieving the 30 × 30 global biodiversity target." Scientific Reports 14(1), e13984.

Abstract: Indian coastal waters are critical for dugong populations in the western Indian Ocean. Systematic spatial planning of dugong habitats can help to achieve biodiversity conservation and area-based protection targets in the region. In this study, we employed environmental niche modelling to predict suitable dugong habitats and identify influencing factors along its entire distribution range in Indian waters. We examined data on fishing pressures collected through systematic interview surveys, citizen-science data, and field surveys to demarcate dugong habitats with varying risks. Seagrass presence was the primary factor in determining dugong habitat suitability across the study sites. Other variables such as depth, bathymetric slope, and Euclidean distance from the shore were significant factors, particularly in predicting seasonal suitability. Predicted suitable habitats showed a remarkable shift from pre-monsoon in Palk Bay to post-monsoon in the Gulf of Mannar, indicating the potential of seasonal dugong movement. The entire coastline along the Palk Bay-Gulf of Mannar region was observed to be at high to moderate risk, including the Gulf of Mannar Marine National Park, a high-risk area. The Andaman Islands exhibited high suitability during pre- and post-monsoon season, whereas the Nicobar Islands were highly suitable for monsoon season. Risk assessment of modelled suitable areas revealed that < 15% of high-risk areas across Andaman and Nicobar Islands and Palk Bay and Gulf of Mannar, Tamil Nadu, fall within the existing protected areas. A few offshore reef islands are identified under high-risk zones in the Gulf of Kutch, Gujarat. We highlight the utility of citizen science and secondary data in performing large-scale spatial ecological analysis. Overall, identifying synoptic scale ‘Critical Dugong Habitats’ has positive implications for the country's progress towards achieving the global 30 × 30 target through systematic conservation planning.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 8 of 10

Sop, T., S. M. Cheyne, H. S. Kuhl, F. Maisels et al. (2024). "Abundance annex: Ape population abundance estimates". In A. Lanjouw, H. Rainer and A. White, Eds., State of the Apes: Disease, Health and Ape Conservation. Volume 5. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press and Arcus Foundation.

Abstract: This annex presents ape abundance estimates at the site level. The term "site" refers to a protected area and/or its buffer zone, a logging concession or group of concessions, or any discrete area where a survey has taken place in the past two decades. This annex also lists a few sites that were last surveyed in the 1970s and 1980s.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 9 of 10

Wear, S., S. Cunningham, I. C. Feller, ... and A. Wenger (2024). "Wastewater pollution impacts on estuarine and marine environments". In D. Baird and M. Elliott., Eds., Treatise on Estuarine and Coastal Science (Second Edition), volume 6, 434-466. Oxford: Academic Press.

Abstract: Wastewater pollution is a ubiquitous threat to the health of marine and estuarine ecosystems, yet it has been severely underestimated in the past. In light of the global sanitation crisis, growing water quality concerns, and rapid aging of wastewater infrastructure worldwide, wastewater inputs have come under greater scrutiny because they are now known to introduce problematic amounts of nutrients, pathogens, and novel contaminants into waterways. Although there have been a few comprehensive investigations of wastewater outfall impacts on nearshore and coastal waters in the past, scientists and environmental managers have increasingly begun to expose the repercussions of wastewater pollution on marine and coastal environments in recent years. This cross-ecosystem synthesis details the extent of domestic wastewater impacts, from individual organisms to ecosystem functions to global trends, and demonstrates a need for a paradigm shift towards sustainable wastewater management.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 10 of 10

White, J., A. Rasphone, A. Thoyar and V. Nijman (2024). "Examining predictive meteorological variables in the singing behavior of northern white-cheeked gibbons (Nomascus leucogenys) in northern Lao PDR." American Journal of Primatology, e23679.

Abstract: Considering the conservation attention needed to keep viable the few remaining wild populations of the Critically Endangered northern white-cheeked gibbon (Nomascus leucogenys), there has been a serious paucity of research undertaken for the species. To improve the effectiveness of surveys of this and other gibbon species, and ultimately their conservation, it is important to better understand the variables that affect their singing behavior—the feature that is currently used in most gibbon population surveys. We collected singing and meteorological data from 320 days, between October 2020 and March 2021, at 80 different locations, during an auditory presence/non-detection survey of N. leucogenys in northeastern Lao PDR. Songs were detected on 100 of the 320 days, a total of 154 song bouts. We analyzed the differences in song bout frequency, song bout timing (in relation to sunrise), and song bout length in relation to the meteorological variables of temperature, relative humidity, cloud cover, rain, fog, and wind. We found song bout frequency to be significantly greater on mornings with cloud cover (as a function of improved detection), on mornings without fog, on mornings without rain, and on warmer mornings. We found song bouts to start significantly earlier on mornings without fog and on warmer mornings when fog was present. Finally, we found song bouts lasted longer on mornings with fog and on warmer mornings. We did not find any significant relationships with relative humidity or wind. These patterns fit with prior research on behavioral responses of gibbons to weather and improve the understanding of gibbon vocal behavior to better prepare researchers for designing auditory surveys of Nomascus and other gibbon species.

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WCS-AUTHORED PUBLICATIONS, 22 July-4 August 2024 [2 weeks]


Peer-Reviewed Literature Citations

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 1 of 10

Emogor, C. A., L. Coad, B. Balmford, D. J. Ingram, D. Detoeuf, R. J. Fletcher Jr, I. Imong, A. Dunn and A. Balmford (Early View). "Changes in wild meat hunting and use by rural communities during the COVID-19 socio-economic shock." Conservation Letters, e13042.

Abstract: There is limited quantitative evidence of the effects of socio-economic shocks on biological resource use. Focusing on wild meat hunting, a substantial livelihood and food source in tropical regions, we evaluated the impacts of the shock from Nigeria's coronavirus disease (COVID-19) lockdown on species exploitation around a global biodiversity hotspot. Using a 3-year quantitative dataset collected during and after the lockdown (covering 1008 hunter-months) and matching by time of year, we found that successful hunting trip rates were more frequent during the lockdown, with a corresponding increase in the monthly number, mass, and value of animals caught. Moreover, hunters consumed a larger proportion of wild meat and sold less during lockdown, compared to non-lockdown periods. These results suggest that local communities relied on wild meat to supplement reduced food and income during the lockdown, buffering the COVID-19's socio-economic shock. Our findings also indicate that wild species may be especially vulnerable to increased hunting pressure during socio-economic shocks.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 2 of 10

Funkhouser, J. A., M. Gregory and C. Sanz (In Press). "Promoting inclusivity in ecology, evolution, and behavioral biology education through course-based undergraduate research experiences." BioScience, biae060.

Abstract: Access to independent research experiences is a persistent barrier that stifles the recruitment and retention of students from diverse backgrounds in ecology, evolution, and behavioral biology. The benefits of field experiences are not equitably available to historically excluded and minoritized students. In this article, we summarize evidence that indicates course-based undergraduate research experiences (CUREs) provide a solution to ensure equitable access to independent research experiences in the life sciences. We draw from our own experiences of teaching CUREs in ecology, evolution, and behavioral biology and provide the complete curriculum for our effective and largely materials-free CURE in behavioral ecology (CURE-BxEco). We advocate for greater access to and synthesize the benefits of CUREs to promote inclusivity in education. The proliferation of such innovative pedagogical practices benefits science because these classroom methods are critical in recruiting and retaining historically excluded and minoritized students, who offer diverse perspectives in research.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 3 of 10

Hordijk, I., L. Bialic-Murphy, T. Lauber, ..., B. Swanepoel et al. (Early View). "Dominance and rarity in tree communities across the globe: Patterns, predictors and threats." Global Ecology and Biogeography, e13889.

Abstract: Aim: Ecological and anthropogenic factors shift the abundances of dominant and rare tree species within local forest communities, thus affecting species composition and ecosystem functioning. To inform forest and conservation management it is important to understand the drivers of dominance and rarity in local tree communities. We answer the following research questions: (1) What are the patterns of dominance and rarity in tree communities? (2) Which ecological and anthropogenic factors predict these patterns? And (3) what is the extinction risk of locally dominant and rare tree species? Location: Global. Time period: 1990–2017. Major taxa studied: Trees. Methods: We used 1.2 million forest plots and quantified local tree dominance as the relative plot basal area of the single most dominant species and local rarity as the percentage of species that contribute together to the least 10% of plot basal area. We mapped global community dominance and rarity using machine learning models and evaluated the ecological and anthropogenic predictors with linear models. Extinction risk, for example threatened status, of geographically widespread dominant and rare species was evaluated. Results: Community dominance and rarity show contrasting latitudinal trends, with boreal forests having high levels of dominance and tropical forests having high levels of rarity. Increasing annual precipitation reduces community dominance, probably because precipitation is related to an increase in tree density and richness. Additionally, stand age is positively related to community dominance, due to stem diameter increase of the most dominant species. Surprisingly, we find that locally dominant and rare species, which are geographically widespread in our data, have an equally high rate of elevated extinction due to declining populations through large-scale land degradation. Main conclusions: By linking patterns and predictors of community dominance and rarity to extinction risk, our results suggest that also widespread species should be considered in large-scale management and conservation practices.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 4 of 10

Kudalkar, S. and D. Veríssimo (Early View). "From media campaign to local governance transition: Lessons for community-based conservation from an Amur falcon hunting ban in Nagaland, India." Conservation Science and Practice, e13191.

Abstract: Media campaigns can spur conservation action but may alienate local communities. Transforming such action into self-sustaining community-based conservation involves effective governance that rapidly integrates knowledge of resource dynamics, establishes flexible institutions, and fosters multilevel networks. This study examines the emergence of community-based conservation in response to a media campaign to protect migratory Amur falcons, illustrating shifts in governance and power dynamics that enabled local community ownership. Although conservation developed in the absence of an adequate preparation phase, external engagement, incentives, and recognition of local institutions' legitimacy were instrumental in fostering collective action. This research showcases how community-based conservation initiatives can be triggered by external social pressure but also how the long-term sustainability relies on effective governance that respects local institutions and employs cooperative strategies to build trust and foster ownership among local communities.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 5 of 10

Mamalis, L., K. E. Arnold, S. P. Mahood, M. Khean and C. M. Beale (2024). "Quantifying the availability of seasonal surface water and identifying the drivers of change within tropical forests in Cambodia." PLOS ONE 19(7), e0307964.

Abstract: Surface freshwater is a vital resource that is declining globally, predominantly due to climate and land use changes. Cambodia is no exception and the loss threatens many species, such as the giant ibis a Critically Endangered waterbird. We aimed to quantify the spatial and temporal (2000–2020) change of surface water availability across northern and eastern Cambodia and to assess the impact of this on the giant ibis. We used a Random Forest Classifier to determine the changes and we tested the impact of land use and geographical covariates using spatially explicit regression models. We found an overall reduction of surface water availability of 4.16%. This was predominantly driven by the presence of Economic Land Concessions and roads which increased the probability of extreme drying and flooding events. The presence of protected areas reduced these probabilities. We found changes in precipitation patterns over the wider landscape did not correlate with changes in surface water availability, supporting the overriding influence of land use change. 98% of giant ibis nests recorded during the time period were found within 25m of surface water during the dry season, highlighting their dependency on surface water. The overall surface water decline resulted in a 25% reduction in dry season suitable habitat for the giant ibis. Although absolute changes in surface water over the whole area were relatively small, the impact on the highest quality habitat for ibis is disproportionate and therefore threatens its populations. Defining the threats to such an endangered species is crucial for effective management.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 6 of 10

Martinez, J., Z. Porcel, P. Carvajal, C. Flores-Turdera, C. Jurado, H. Lopez-Strauss, L. Lopez, M. Campera and R. Wallace (In Press). "Promoting long-term local ownership of natural heritage through outreach: The case of the endemic Bolivian titi monkeys." Folia Primatologica.

Abstract: Adequate knowledge and learning about local biodiversity are a prerequisite for effective attitudinal changes in favour of species protection. Outreach activities are considered a useful tool for sharing information with local stakeholders who play a crucial role in conserving wildlife. We conducted two outreach campaigns focused on schoolchildren in two villages to share information on the natural history of the Bolivian endemic titi monkeys, Plecturocebus olallae and Plecturocebus modestus, to promote their conservation. We assessed the students’ ability to retain new information and their understanding of biodiversity through pre- and post-questionnaires, finding an improvement in the knowledge about these two endemic primates from pre- to post-talk assessments, as well as an increase in their awareness about local efforts to preserve biodiversity between outreach campaigns. We also found signals of appropriate experiential learning on wildlife value and its relationship with human activities. Additional outreach work across two decades resulted in important achievements that reflect positive attitudinal changes in favour of the endemic primates and biodiversity, with a remarkable involvement of local people. In this way, we show how outreach work can promote important local support for biodiversity conservation, how primates can act as flagship species, and the need to reinforce knowledge acquisition and learning processes to consolidate conservation actions in the long-term.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 7 of 10

McClanahan, T. R. (In Press). "Reconsidering and rescaling climate change predictions for coral reefs." Nature Climate Change.

Abstract: Coral reefs are at risk from ongoing climate change. We can best serve the reefs by invoking realistic scenarios, empiricism, artificial intelligence and falsification to self-correct the current scientific limits that hinder climate science predictions, communication and policies.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 8 of 10

McClanahan, T. R. and R. M. Oddenyo (Early View). "Stimulating the capacity to govern the commons." Conservation Biology, e14333.

Abstract: The ability to strengthen governance institutions and fisheries restrictions and laws is needed to improve conservation and management of common-pool resources. We evaluated the potential for stimulating change with modest interventions by studying fishing village households before and after a 27-month intervention period in a high-priority coral reef conservation area. Interventions included training in catch monitoring, stock assessment, mapping fishing grounds, microcredit, gender inclusion, theatrical skills, fuel efficient stoves, and participation in the planning of a conservation proposal. There was a background increase in reported formal education, household size, group membership, and household wealth but a decrease in fish consumption and public services. Of conservation importance, the perceived strength of 13 governance institutions and benefits of 6 fisheries restrictions increased over the intervention period. Finally, correspondence between knowledge of and agreement with recent national fisheries laws was moderate to high and positively correlated. The intervention period was stronger than demographic factors that often influence perceptions, such as village, government services, gender, household size, membership in community groups, and age responses. In general, perceptions of strengths of governance and benefits of restrictions increased more among women and youth than adult men respondents. The largest changes in perceptions of increased benefits were among strict restrictions initially ranked low, specifically fisheries closures, parks, and species restrictions. Consequently, capacity building overrode demographic factors common to poor people with limited employment capacity that can have negative perceptions of strict conservation.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 9 of 10

Nykol, J., M. Americo and C. Benjamin (2024). "The roles of alpha, beta, and functional diversity indices in the ecological connectivity between two sub-Antarctic macrobenthic assemblages." Diversity 16(7), e430.

Abstract: The study of ecological connectivity is a global priority due to the important role it plays in the conservation of diversity. However, few studies in this context have focused on marine benthic ecosystems. To address this issue, the present work determines the ecological connectivity between two sub-Antarctic macrobenthic assemblages through assessment of the α-, β-, and functional diversity indices. Samples were collected using a van Veen grab at stations located in Bahia Inútil and Seno Almirantazgo. The ecological analysis was based on a total of 113 invertebrate taxa. The mean abundance values were lower in Bahia Inútil (888.9 ± 26.8 ind m−2) than in Seno Almirantazgo (1358.6 ± 43.4 ind m−2). While the mean α-diversity values showed significant differences between assemblages, β- and functional diversity indices presented no significant differences. These results indicate that, despite the distance (56 km) separating the two basins from each other, there is a high degree of connectivity at the functional level between the assemblages due to the high number of shared species and their functional traits. The species most responsible for this observation were the polychaetes Capitela capitata and Aricidia (Acmira) finitima, as well as the bivalves Nucula pisum and Yoldiella sp. 1. In terms of functional biodiversity, species characterized as omnivorous and with lecithotrophic larval development were mostly responsible for connectivity between assemblages. These results suggest the importance of including β- and functional diversity indices as criteria in the future planning of marine protected areas for the maintenance of marine ecosystem integrity.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 10 of 10

Wrege, P. H., F. B.-D. Bambi, P. J. F. Malonga, O. J. Samba and T. Brncic (2024). "Early detection of human impacts using acoustic monitoring: An example with forest elephants." PLOS ONE 19(7), e0306932.

Abstract: The impacts of human activities and climate change on animal populations often take considerable time before they are reflected in typical measures of population health such as population size, demography, and landscape use. Earlier detection of such impacts could enhance the effectiveness of conservation strategies, particularly for species with slow population growth. Passive acoustic monitoring is increasingly used to estimate occupancy and population size, but this tool can also monitor subtle shifts in behavior that might be early indicators of changing impacts. Here we use data from an acoustic grid, monitoring 1250 km2 of forest in northern Republic of Congo, to study how forest elephants (Loxodonta cyclotis) assess risk associated with human impacts across a landscape that includes a national park as well as active and inactive logging concessions. By quantifying emerging patterns of behavior at the population level, arising from individual-based decisions, we gain an understanding of how elephants perceive their landscape along an axis of human disturbance. Forest elephants in relatively undisturbed forests are active nearly equally day and night. However, they become more nocturnal when exposed to a perceived risk such as poaching. We assessed elephant perception of risk by monitoring changes in the likelihood of nocturnal vocal activity relative to differing levels of human activity. We show that logging is perceived to be a risk on moderate time and small spatial scales, but with little effect on elephant density. However, risk avoidance persisted in areas with relatively easy access to poachers and in more open habitats where poaching has historically been concentrated. Increased nocturnal activity is a common response in many animals to human intrusion on the landscape. Provided a species is acoustically active, passive acoustic monitoring can measure changes in human impact at early stages of such change, informing management priorities.

Prepublication Citations

Prepublication Citation 1 of 1

Jorgewich-Cohen, G., M. Wheatley, L. Gaspar, ... and C. R. Ferrara (Prepublication). "Prehatch sounds and coordinated birth in turtles." Authorea.

Abstract: Hatching synchronisation is widespread in oviparous taxa. It has been demonstrated that many species use sounds to coordinate synchronous hatching, being widespread among archosaurs (birds and crocodilians). Recent studies have shown that some turtle species produce sounds from within the egg, but the role of this behaviour in synchronising hatch is untested. The reduced amount of information about sound production by turtle embryos, limited to a handful of species, mostly close related, precludes any inferences based on differences in their ecology, reproductive behaviour and phylogenetic context. With the goal to investigate if coordinated synchronous behaviour is mediated by within-egg vocalisations in turtles, we recorded clutches from six different turtle species. The selected animals present different ecological and reproductive niches and belong to distinct phylogenetic lineages at the family level. We aimed to understand: 1. what is the phylogenetic distribution of within-egg vocal behaviour among turtles; 2. if asynchronous-hatching turtle species vocalise from within the egg; 3. If clutch size influences synchronous behaviour; and 4. If within-egg turtle sounds follow any phylogenetic signal. Our results expand our understanding of the association of hatching emergence and pre-emergence sound production in chelonians and challenge previous hypothesis that within-egg sounds are accidentally produced as side-effects of other behaviours.

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Peer-Reviewed Literature Citations

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 1 of 7

Barragán-Barrera, D. C., C. Gálvez, C. Bermúdez-Rivas, M. del Pilar Aguirre-Tapiero et al. (2024). "Systematic review of pinniped sightings and strandings along the Pacific coast of Colombia: Implications for pinniped conservation." Aquatic Mammals 50(4), 284-301.

Abstract: Sightings of pinnipeds in Colombian waters of the Pacific Ocean have sporadically been reported since 1970. Despite the Colombian Pacific region (CPR) not being within their typical distribution range, six pinniped species—the Galápagos fur seal (Arctocephalus galapagoensis), the Galápagos sea lion (Zalophus wollebaeki), the South American fur seal (Arctocephalus australis), the South American sea lion (Otaria byronia), the Juan Fernández fur seal (Arctocephalus philippii), and the southern elephant seal (Mirounga leonina)—have been recorded in recent times. This study presents an overall systematic review of pinniped sightings and strandings from 1970 to 2023 along the Pacific coast of Colombia, with a total of 68 sightings of 80 individuals. Pinnipeds were recorded most often in 1998 (13 individuals), followed by 2014 (nine individuals); 1997 (eight individuals); 1983 (seven individuals); and 1993, 1996, 2015, and 2020 (with three individuals each year). Most pinniped observations correspond to vagrants—solitary, young individuals sighted on the southern coast of the Colombian Pacific, specifically in Tumaco. Some records of these species appear to be influenced by upwelling events and changes in climatic-oceanographic phenomena (ENSO episodes) in the region. Further monitoring is necessary to determine whether species presence and abundance in the CPR is a response to (1) vagrant behavior of the species, (2) altered habitat use associated with bioecological changes in the species populations, and/or (3) shifts in distribution ranges related to potential new habitat suitability.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 2 of 7

Bernal-Hoverud, N., D. Morales-Moreno, E. E. Quispe, J. Rojas, O. Torrico, R. B. Wallace and J. Salazar-Bravo (2024). "First record of Neogale africana (Desmarest, 1818), Amazon Weasel (Carnivora, Mustelidae), in Bolivia." Check List 20(3), 828-832.

Abstract: Neogale africana (Desmarest, 1818), Amazon Weasel, is a poorly known South American carnivore, with records from north-central Brazil to Ecuador and south to central Peru and central Brazil. Based on two videographic records, we report the presence of this species in Bolivia and document a new elevational record. Furthermore, our new record extends the species&rsquo; distribution by 900 km from the nearest locality in Peru, and by 1500 km from the nearest Brazilian locality. Current gaps in its distribution are attributable to the low detectability and rarity of this mustelid.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 3 of 7

Ortiz, B., F. Bauer, Y. Ramos and L. Villalba (2024). "Presencia de Axis axis, una especie exótica potencialmente invasora, en la Reserva de Biósfera del Chaco, Paraguay / Presence of Axis axis, a potentially invasive alien species, in the El Chaco Biosphere Reserve, Paraguay." Boletín del Museo Nacional de Historia Natural del Paraguay 28, 22-29.

Abstract: El ciervo axis (Axis axis) es una especie de cérvido originario del subcontinente indio (Asia), y ya ha sido registrado en vida silvestre en varios países de la región del cono sur de Sudamérica. El presente artículo informa sobre el registro de un individuo de Axis axis durante un monitoreo de mamíferos con cámaras trampa en propiedades productivas ubicadas en la zona de amortiguamiento del Parque Nacional Defensores del Chaco. Este registro, más algunas descripciones y reportes de informantes locales, hace suponer que esta especie podría estar generando una serie de impactos negativos sobre especies nativas en el Chaco paraguayo. La revisión de literatura sobre los efectos de la introducción de especies exóticas a ambientes naturales también hace inferir que los efectos de estos impactos serían negativos a raíz de las averiguaciones sobre la situación de esta especie en Paraguay. Esta publicación tiene por objetivo poner en relieve este registro y los reportes mencionados en la misma para generar la implementación de estrategias de manejo de especies exóticas invasoras en el Chaco paraguayo. / Axis axis, the chital or axis deer is a cervid that is native to the Indian subcontinent (Asia) and has already been recorded in the wild in several countries in the region of the South American Southern Cone. The present article reports on an individual Axis axis during mammal monitoring with camera traps in productive properties located in the buffer zone of the Defensores del Chaco National Park. This record, plus some descriptions and reports from local informants, suggests that this species could be generating a series of negative impacts on native species in the Paraguayan Chaco. The review of literature on the effects of the introducing exotic species to natural environments leads to infer that the effects of these impacts would be harmful due to the inquiries on the status of this species in Paraguay. This publication aims to highlight this record and the reports mentioned in it to generate the implementation of management strategies for invasive alien species in the Paraguayan Chaco.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 4 of 7

Raya Rey, A., U. Balza, I. Domato et al. (In Press). "Breeding confirmation and habitat utilization of Sooty Shearwater (Ardenna grisea) on Isla de los Estados, Argentina." Polar Biology.

Abstract: The Sooty Shearwater (Ardenna grisea) is a species facing global decline, nesting on southern hemisphere islands, and migrating to the northern hemisphere during the non-breeding season. Historical groundwork on Wollaston Island in Chile suggested a possible dispersion of breeding grounds along the seaward fringe of the Fuegian islands, including Isla de los Estados. Recent records ranked the species as the second most abundant during the summer near Isla de los Estados, emphasizing the need for continued exploration to locate and understand the potential breeding site on the island. This study confirms the species ́ breeding presence on Isla de los Estados in the Fuegian archipelago, Argentina. Additionally, we present a preliminary evaluation of its habitat utilization. Active burrows were found along the northern coast of the island on slopes with dense, stumpy subantarctic forests and beneath or alongside rocky outcrops overlooking the coast. Future research should aim at estimating the total population for Isla de los Estados, explore habitat use, and gain insights into the year-round distribution of sooty shearwaters at sea for formulating effective conservation strategies.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 5 of 7

Slovikosky, S. A., L. S. Petracca, L. T. B. Hunter and J. L. Frair (2024). "Scaling issues in the study of livestock depredation by carnivores." Landscape Ecology 39(8), e131.

Abstract: Context: Many studies have documented the magnitude and socioecological drivers of livestock depredation, yet few have assessed how observations of depredation might vary with spatiotemporal scale. Understanding scaling relationships may allow for more accurate aggregation of observations collected across diverse extents and resolutions to better inform management actions. Objectives: Herein we examine how reported metrics of livestock depredation varied by spatial and temporal scale (extent and resolution) after controlling for other drivers of differences among studies. Methods: From 213 published studies we extracted conflict metrics (i.e., number of animals killed, number of attack incidents, and percent annual loss of stock) and regressed each against spatiotemporal extent (i.e., size of study area, duration of study) and resolution (i.e., minimum mapping unit, frequency of observations) while controlling for potential biases. Results: The number of attacks or animals killed was positively related to spatial and temporal extent whereas percent annual loss of stock declined with extent. Further, the effects of scaling variables were modified through interactions with other factors (e.g., human density) known to influence human-carnivore conflict. The data available for spatiotemporal resolution were too sparse to draw conclusions. While scaling relationships were generally linear, they became increasingly noisy at broader extents. Conclusions: Consistent with other ecological investigations, the scale of observation influenced the observed outcomes in human-carnivore conflict metrics. Authors should report the spatiotemporal dimensions of their observations to improve robust inference in comparative studies. Enhanced understanding of scaling relationships in human-carnivore conflict metrics should improve strategic allocation of resources to better mitigate future conflict.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 6 of 7

Udell, B. J., B. R. Straw, S. C. Loeb, ..., C. L. Lausen et al. (2024). "Using mobile acoustic monitoring and false-positive N-mixture models to estimate bat abundance and population trends." Ecological Monographs, e1617.

Abstract: Estimating the abundance of unmarked animal populations from acoustic data is challenging due to the inability to identify individuals and the need to adjust for observation biases including detectability (false negatives), species misclassification (false positives), and sampling exposure. Acoustic surveys conducted along mobile transects were designed to avoid counting individuals more than once, where raw counts are commonly treated as an index of abundance. More recently, false-positive abundance models have been developed to estimate abundance while accounting for imperfect detection and misclassification. We adapted these methods to model summertime abundance and trends of three species of bats at multiple spatial scales using acoustic recordings collected along mobile transects by partners of the North American Bat Monitoring Program (NABat) from 2012 to 2020. This multiscale modeling spanned individual transect routes, larger NABat grid cells (10 km × 10 km), and across the entire extent of modeled species ranges. We estimated relationships between species abundances and a suite of abiotic and biotic predictors (landcover types, climatological variables, physiographic diversity, building density, and the impacts of white-nose syndrome [WNS]) and found varying levels of support between species. We present clear evidence of substantial declines in populations of tricolored bats (Perimyotis subflavus) and little brown bats (Myotis lucifugus), declines that corresponded in space and time with the progression of WNS, a devastating disease of hibernating bats. In contrast, our analysis revealed that similar population-wide declines probably have not occurred in big brown bats (Eptesicus fuscus), a species known to be less affected by WNS. This study provides the first abundance-based species distribution predictions and population trends for bats in their summer ranges in North America. These models will probably be applicable to assessing wildlife populations in other monitoring programs where acoustic data are used or where false-negative and false-positive detections are present. Finally, our abundance framework (as a spatial point pattern process) can serve as a foundation from which more sophisticated integrated species distribution models that incorporate additional streams of monitoring data (e.g., stationary acoustics, captures) can be developed for North American bats.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 7 of 7

White, T. B., J. Serratosa, T. Allinson, ..., K. R. Jones and W. J. Sutherland (2024). "Assessing costs and cost-effectiveness across the mitigation hierarchy: An example considering the reduction of bird mortality at power lines." Biological Conservation 296, e110651.

Abstract: There is an increasing expectation for companies to revise their activities to minimize impacts on biodiversity, as well as undertake compensatory and proactive actions to restore biodiversity. To contribute towards global biodiversity goals, such actions need to be both ambitious and effective. Yet, implementation of mitigation actions to avoid impact is often poor or omitted, and actions to minimize and restore can be of varying effectiveness. The financial costs of actions are often seen as a barrier. Here we argue that mitigation costs, both costs incurred or avoided, are often overlooked or over-simplified when designing mitigation strategies. This includes limited quantification of management costs, the costs of potential impacts, assumed counterfactuals (i.e., what would happen without mitigation?), the distribution of costs between stakeholders, and the value gained by enhancing biodiversity. A more detailed and nuanced understanding of the economic costs and benefits of mitigation actions can both help prioritize resources more efficiently and reveal the true cost-effectiveness of mitigation at the project and portfolio levels, particularly for actions that avoid damage to biodiversity. This could improve the implementation of the mitigation hierarchy, as project developers or decision makers have a better understanding of the actual costs and benefits of different potential mitigation strategies. We exemplify this thinking with a detailed case study that determines the costs and effectiveness of a range of actions to reduce bird collisions on power lines.


Grey Literature and Prepublication Citations

Grey Literature and Prepublication Citation 1 of 4

K., N. (2024). Celebrating Nature-Culture Relationships: Monkey Shrines: Documenting the Practice and its Prevalence in and Around the City of Bengaluru. Karnataka, India: Wildlife Conservation Society, India.

Abstract: This report explores the prevalent yet overlooked practice of constructing monkey shrines in and around Bengaluru, India, shedding light on the intricate relationship between humans and primates. Drawing from multiple disciplines like wildlife biology, ethno-primatology, human ecology, and religion, this study documents the practice of honouring deceased monkeys through the construction of shrines. Through a combination of secondary research and primary fieldwork, including interviews with caretakers, priests, and local residents, the study brings to light the multifaceted nature of this cultural tradition. A total of 19 sites were identified where deceased monkeys were honoured, with practices ranging from simple burials to elaborate temples. Findings revealed that the construction of monkey shrines often stemmed from a deep-seated cultural reverence for monkeys, particularly as a symbol of Lord Hanuman, a prominent deity in Hindu mythology. These shrines serve as focal points for communal rituals, fostering a sense of connection and empathy toward primates within local communities. The evolution of these shrines, from makeshift idols to fully-fledged temples, reflects the dynamic interplay between religion, socio-economic factors, and urban development. The study also reinforces the need and significance of documenting and understanding such cultural perspectives for conservation efforts and interdisciplinary research.

Grey Literature and Prepublication Citation 2 of 4

Noguera Z, L. P., C. Kappel, M. M. Uhart, ..., D. O. Joly, ..., S. H. Olson and M. Pruvot (Prepublication). “Theory of change for building stronger wildlife health surveillance systems globally.”

Abstract: Background: Emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases that infect wildlife, such as African swine fever, avian influenza, and SARS-CoV-2, have highlighted the necessity for wildlife health surveillance (WHS) due to their direct and indirect impacts on wildlife species, ecosystems, domestic animals, and human health. While global policies and guidelines exist, a critical gap remains in local-to-national implementation of WHS systems. A group of local, national, and global actors in WHS have formed a working group to address this gap. Methods and Findings: The working group reports on a theory of change (ToC) developed to implement WHS from local to global scales. Through brainstorming, plenary exercise, and building on peer-reviewed science and existing surveillance systems, we identified six transformative pathways to be implemented via collaborations across scales and contexts: mindset change, policy and investment, user-driven science, user-driven technologies, capacity enhancement, and mobilization of a global community of practice. Interpretation: This ToC serves as a roadmap to develop effective WHS systems that support adaptive management and implementation. WHS is fundamental to understanding the impacts of health threats to biodiversity and human and domestic animal health. This ToC presents an approach to operationalize integration of wildlife health into collaborative One Health surveillance. Funding: The Science for Nature and People Partnership.

Grey Literature and Prepublication Citation 3 of 4

Pal, K. (2024). Celebrating Nature-Culture Relationships: Assessing and Documenting the Socio-Cultural Angles of Human-Bat Interactions in Tamil Nadu. Karnataka, India: Wildlife Conservation Society, India.

Abstract: Over the years, bats and humans have shared various relationships, often influenced by cultural, societal, and ecological factors. People's perceptions of bats have been diverse, ranging from fear and superstition to admiration and reverence. In this study, we aimed to explore these dynamics by documenting interactions between humans and bats in different settings such as temples, urban areas, crop fields, and sacred groves. Through this research, we sought to uncover stories and traditions that illustrate the interconnectedness of humans and bats, with a focus on how these interactions contribute to bat conservation from a socio- cultural perspective. We delved into the roots of literature, art, and tradition that have either directly or indirectly protected bats through people's actions. Furthermore, our study uncovered narratives of gods and worship associated with bats, highlighting a unique research prospect in understanding the cultural significance of these creatures.

Grey Literature and Prepublication Citation 4 of 4

Sharma, R. (2024). Celebrating Nature-Culture Relationships: Documenting Cultures and Traditions of Tiger Folklore in Coastal Karnataka through the Annual Pilivesha Celebrations. Karnataka, India: Wildlife Conservation Society, India.

Abstract: The intricate connections between human cultures and nature have shaped diverse relationships, influencing attitudes and perceptions over time. However, industrialisation and capitalist ideologies have often portrayed humans as distinct from the natural world, neglecting the profound intersection of human and animal lives. This paper explores the nuanced dynamics of human-big cat relationships, particularly focusing on the tiger, within the cultural landscape of Tulunadu in Karnataka, India. Through an interdisciplinary lens, it examines the Pilivesha tradition, a folk dance celebrating the tiger as a symbol of divinity and power, and delves into the historical roots of animal worship traditions like Bhutaaradhane. Drawing on interviews with performers, organisers, and subject experts, the study documents the cultural significance of Pilivesha, tracing its origin and evolution over time. Additionally, it explores instances of tiger folklore and reverence in other parts of Karnataka, shedding light on the diverse manifestations of human-nature interactions across different communities and regions. Through this exploration, the paper underscores the importance of integrating social and natural sciences in conservation efforts, emphasising the need for culturally attuned and inclusive approaches that honour traditional knowledge, and foster harmonious sharing of spaces between humans and wildlife.

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Peer-Reviewed Literature Citations

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 1 of 5

Crouch, E. E. V., A. G. Armién, T. A. Seimon, B. Zarate and K. J. Conley (2024). "Mycoplasmopsis-associated proliferative pneumonia in a bog turtle (Glyptemys muhlenbergii)." Journal of Wildlife Diseases 60(3), 783-785.

Abstract: Lower respiratory tract disease associated with mycoplasmal infection was detected in a free-ranging bog turtle (Glyptemys muhlenbergii) from New Jersey, USA. The presence of a mycoplasmal organism was confirmed by PCR and electron microscopy. Fluid-filled lungs were observed grossly, and there was proliferative pneumonia on histopathology.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 2 of 5

Gonzalez, J. F., N. Sánchez-Carnero, E. Frere, P. Yorio and J. E. Ciancio (2024). "Developing δ15N and δ13C isoscapes using whole blood from Magellanic penguins." Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 38(18), e9860.

Abstract: Rationale Understanding the migration of marine animals is hindered by the limitations of traditional tracking methods. It is therefore crucial to develop alternative methods. Stable isotope-based tracking has proven useful for this task, although it requires detailed isoscapes in the focal area. Here, we present predator-based isoscapes of the coastal zone of the Patagonian Shelf Large Marine Ecosystem (PSLME), which offers a novel tool for geolocation. Methods Whole-blood samples from breeding Magellanic penguins nesting at 11 colonies were used to create δ15N and δ13C isoscapes. Isotopic values were assigned to random positions inside their corresponding foraging area. Spatial analysis and data interpolation resulted in δ15N and δ13C isoscapes for the coastal zone of the PSLME, which were validated through cross-validation. Results The isoscapes mean standard error ranged from 0.05 to 0.41 for δ15N and from 0.07 to 0.3 for δ13C, similar to the error range of the mass spectrometer used for measuring isotope ratios. Predictive surfaces reflected the latitudinal trends, with δ13C and δ15N values increasing northwards. δ13C values showed a strong latitudinal gradient, while δ15N values had two distinct domains, with higher values in the north. The error surface indicated the highest certainty within 130?km from the shore and within the reported Magellanic penguin foraging areas. Conclusions Both isoscapes revealed strong spatial variation. The δ13C isoscape showed a latitudinal gradient, consistent with patterns in other oceans. The δ15N isoscape clearly separated northern and southern colonies, likely influenced by nitrogen sources. The error obtained fell within the measurement error ranges, adding credibility to the models.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 3 of 5

Long, M. E., K. M. Stewart, K. T. Shoemaker, ... and J. P. Beckmann (2024). "Selection of den sites and chronology of denning by black bears in the eastern Sierra Nevada and western Great Basin." Ecology and Evolution 14(7), e11689.

Abstract: Use of dens during winter is an important strategy for American black bears (Ursus americanus) for both energy conservation and reproduction; and occupancy of suitable den sites has implications for reproductive fitness. Denning strategies may change as a result of changing climatic conditions and habitat loss. Black bears occupy arid environments in the eastern Sierra Nevada and the western ranges of the Great Basin Ecosystem. Our objectives were to identify: (1) which physical characteristics of habitat influenced selection of den sites at multiple spatial scales and (2) which environmental factors influenced timing of entrance and exit of dens by females and males. We evaluated selection of den sites by black bears at three spatial scales (300, 1000, and 4000?m) from 2011 to 2022. Terrain ruggedness was important for selection of den sites at all spatial scales. Within a 300-m buffer from the den, bears selected den sites with rugged terrain, lower horizontal visibility, and greater canopy cover, resulting in more concealment and protection than that of the surrounding environment. Within 1000- and 4000-m buffers around each den, bears selected den sites with rugged terrain, northern aspects, and steep slopes. At the 4000-m scale, we observed interactions between sex with slope and distance to roads; females selected den sites on steeper slopes and closer to roads than did males. Females remained in the dens longer than males by entering earlier in the autumn and exiting later in the spring. Male bears exited their dens earlier with increasing consecutive days above freezing temperatures, but that relationship was weak for females. Knowing what characteristics are important for selection of den sites, and influence timing of denning, will be important for understanding how shifting climatic patterns will affect bears, particularly in arid environments that may be prone to wider fluctuations in climatic drivers of denning in the future.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 4 of 5

Pauly, M., W. Crosse, C. Moore, K. Brown, O. Griffin et al. (In Press). "A holistic approach to assessing REDD+ forest loss baselines through ex post analysis." Environmental Research Letters.

Abstract: The implementation of REDD+ (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation) projects has become a key Nature Based Solutions (NBS) strategy to protect at-risk forests using the sale of verified emission reductions (carbon credits) as financing, generated by reducing forest loss against counterfactual baseline scenarios. Controversy over the reasonableness of such baseline scenarios has thrown this nascent market mechanism into disarray. While new technical approaches to baseline-setting that promise wider market acceptance are set to roll out in the coming years, existing projects are becoming unviable, as carbon credit buyers reduce investment due to lost confidence in the integrity of emissions reduction claims. Transparent, reproducible methods to assess existing REDD+ project baselines are needed in order to provide a clearer picture of the real impact of projects, and provide an objective basis on which investment decisions can be made today. Here we introduce such a method. In contrast to existing studies which utilize only one method to create a single “control,” we integrate actual forest loss rates from a variety of control sites to establish a “zone of reasonable accuracy (or ZORA)”. Application of our method in Cambodia, using two geospatial datasets (one global and one locally calibrated), shows that all three project baselines fall within or below ZORA. This approach is fully reproducible, and provides a transparent way for analysts to assess REDD+ baselines during this critical time when investment in forest protection must increase dramatically and without delay.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 5 of 5

Pinondang, I. M. R., N. J. Deere, M. Voigt, ..., F. Surahmat, ..., M. I. Lubis et al. (First View). "Safeguarding Asian tapir habitat in Sumatra, Indonesia." Oryx.

Abstract: The Asian tapir Tapirus indicus is the only tapir species in Southeast Asia. It is declining across its range and is categorized as Endangered on the IUCN Red List. The forests of Sumatra are critical to Asian tapir conservation as they contain some of the last remaining populations of the species, yet conservation efforts are hindered by a lack of information on habitat suitability. We collated camera-trap data from nine landscapes across 69,500 km2 of Sumatran rainforest to help predict suitable habitat for Asian tapirs on the island. Predictions from Bayesian occupancy models demonstrated that tapir occupancy was greatest in forests below 600 m elevation and exclusively in forests with high aboveground biomass. Forests around the Barisan Mountains on the west of Sumatra provide the most suitable habitat for the species. Only 36% of the most critical habitat (i.e. 80th percentile of predicted occupancy values, or above) for tapirs is formally protected for conservation, with much of the remainder found in forests allocated to watershed protection (35%) or logging (23%). We highlight several key areas in Sumatra where tapir conservation could be bolstered, such as by leveraging existing conservation efforts for other charismatic flagships species on the island.

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WCS-AUTHORED PUBLICATIONS, 24 June-7 July 2024 [2 weeks]


Peer-Reviewed Literature Citations


Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 1 of 10

Amorntiyangkul, P., P. Jornburom, A. Pattanavibool, ... and T. Thongthai (2024). "First dispersal records of the endangered banteng (Bos javanicus) in Thung Yai Naresuan West Wildlife Sanctuary, Thailand." Ecology and Evolution 14(6), e11602.

Abstract: Banteng (Bos javanicus) is listed as an endangered species because of a global population decline of at least 50% over the last 25 years. The Western Forest Complex (WEFCOM) of Thailand has been identified as a priority site for banteng population recovery, and Huai Kha Keang Wildlife Sanctuary (HKK) is the most important source site for this species within the WEFCOM. We have provided evidence and discussed banteng dispersal from HKK to Thung Yai Naresuan West Wildlife Sanctuary (TYW). We sampled an area of 147 km2 in banteng habitat next to the border between HKK and TYW using camera traps. We divided the sampled area into four grid cells and placed camera traps during January to December 2022. We setup the camera traps near saltlicks and natural water sources, as important resources for banteng, to maximize capture probability. In total, 2835 trap days were obtained. Bantengs were captured in all seasons (RAI = 1.66), especially in dry dipterocarp forest, which contains the ground forage availability for banteng, and the low-slope area with elevation 600–700 m adjacent to the border between HKK and TYW. The results highlighted that banteng, which had never been reported in TYW before, appeared there for the first time. They most likely dispersed from the population source in HKK and settled in a habitat that is considered suitable for them. The habitat management and protection are significant for the future recovery of banteng populations in the TYW and the rest of protected areas in the WEFCOM.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 2 of 10

Arandjelovic, M., C. R. Stephens, P. Dieguez, ..., V. Estienne et al. (Early View). "Highly precise community science annotations of video camera-trapped fauna in challenging environments." Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation.

Abstract: As camera trapping grows in popularity and application, some analytical limitations persist including processing time and accuracy of data annotation. Typically images are recorded by camera traps although videos are becoming increasingly collected even though they require much more time for annotation. To overcome limitations with image annotation, camera trap studies are increasingly linked to community science (CS) platforms. Here, we extend previous work on CS image annotations to camera trap videos from a challenging environment; a dense tropical forest with low visibility and high occlusion due to thick canopy cover and bushy undergrowth at the camera level. Using the CS platform Chimp&See, established for classification of 599 956 video clips from tropical Africa, we assess annotation precision and accuracy by comparing classification of 13 531 1-min video clips by a professional ecologist (PE) with output from 1744 registered, as well as unregistered, Chimp&See community scientists. We considered 29 classification categories, including 17 species and 12 higher-level categories, in which phenotypically similar species were grouped. Overall, annotation precision was 95.4%, which increased to 98.2% when aggregating similar species groups together. Our findings demonstrate the competence of community scientists working with camera trap videos from even challenging environments and hold great promise for future studies on animal behaviour, species interaction dynamics and population monitoring.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 3 of 10

Bosch, S. N., N. I. Stacy, A. G. Armien, C. Hollinger et al. (2024). "A mystery revealed: An update on eosinophil and other blood cell morphology of the Argentine black and white tegu (Salvator merianae)." Frontiers in Veterinary Science 11, e1387178.

Abstract: Reptile white blood cell (WBC) morphological features are strikingly variable across species. In the Argentine black and white tegu (Salvator merianae), red tegu (Salvator rufescens), and Savannah monitor (Varanus exanthematicus), previous reports described a WBC type with a single distinct, clear, linear- to ovoid- to crescent-shaped inclusion of presumptive monocytic origin. The objective of this study was to further investigate the origin of this unique WBC type with crescent-shaped inclusions. Blood samples from two Argentine black and white tegus, tegu 1, a 4-year-old female, and tegu 2, a 2-year-old presumed male, were submitted for routine hematological evaluation. Additional blood films were prepared and stained with these cytochemical stains: alkaline phosphatase (ALP; naphthol AS-MX phosphate substrate), alpha-naphthyl butyrate esterase, alpha-chloroacetate esterase, myeloperoxidase, Periodic acid-Schiff, and Sudan black B. Blood films from tegu 1 were also stained with a second ALP stain (5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indoxyl-phosphate and nitroblue tetrazolium substrate), Luna, luxol fast blue, and toluidine blue. The blood from tegu 1 was cytocentrifuged to isolate and fix the buffy coat in glutaraldehyde 2.5% aqueous solution for transmission electron microscopy. Six morphologically distinct WBC types were identified from tegu 1, including heterophils, basophils, monocytes, azurophils, lymphocytes, and the unique WBC type, which were identified as eosinophils with inclusions. WBC types in tegu 2 were similar; however, eosinophils lacked a discernable inclusion. Proper WBC identification will be useful in obtaining accurate hemogram data for this species.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 4 of 10

Cerutti-Pereyra, F., E. J. Drenkard, M. Espinoza, ..., P. A. Mejía-Falla et al. (2024). "Vulnerability of Eastern Tropical Pacific chondrichthyan fish to climate change." Global Change Biology 30(7), e17373.

Abstract: Climate change is an environmental emergency threatening species and ecosystems globally. Oceans have absorbed about 90% of anthropogenic heat and 20%–30% of the carbon emissions, resulting in ocean warming, acidification, deoxygenation, changes in ocean stratification and nutrient availability, and more severe extreme events. Given predictions of further changes, there is a critical need to understand how marine species will be affected. Here, we used an integrated risk assessment framework to evaluate the vulnerability of 132 chondrichthyans in the Eastern Tropical Pacific (ETP) to the impacts of climate change. Taking a precautionary view, we found that almost a quarter (23%) of the ETP chondrichthyan species evaluated were highly vulnerable to climate change, and much of the rest (76%) were moderately vulnerable. Most of the highly vulnerable species are batoids (77%), and a large proportion (90%) are coastal or pelagic species that use coastal habitats as nurseries. Six species of batoids were highly vulnerable in all three components of the assessment (exposure, sensitivity and adaptive capacity). This assessment indicates that coastal species, particularly those relying on inshore nursery areas are the most vulnerable to climate change. Ocean warming, in combination with acidification and potential deoxygenation, will likely have widespread effects on ETP chondrichthyan species, but coastal species may also contend with changes in freshwater inputs, salinity, and sea level rise. This climate-related vulnerability is compounded by other anthropogenic factors, such as overfishing and habitat degradation already occurring in the region. Mitigating the impacts of climate change on ETP chondrichthyans involves a range of approaches that include addressing habitat degradation, sustainability of exploitation, and species-specific actions may be required for species at higher risk. The assessment also highlighted the need to further understand climate change's impacts on key ETP habitats and processes and identified knowledge gaps on ETP chondrichthyan species.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 5 of 10

Ford-Learner, N., J. Addison and P. Smallhorn-West (Early View). "Conservation and human rights: The public commitments of international conservation organizations." Conservation Letters, e13035.

Abstract: To ensure the protection of both people and nature, conservation practitioners have a responsibility to integrate human rights considerations into their conservation policies and practices. Here, we (i) develop a human rights-based scoring framework for international conservation organization (NGO) policy commitments and (ii) use this to conduct a gap analysis of policy commitments for nine NGOs, which collectively contribute approximately $1.86 billion USD annually to the global conservation budget. While progress has been made, critical gaps remain in commitments to certain rights and recognizing local groups' rights and knowledge, particularly around social development and decent work, recognitional equity, and commitments to implement human rights-based approach principles. Given the influence of these organizations in global public discourse, more comprehensive public commitments to human rights will likely increase compliance with international law, drive organizational change, and help rebuild trust with vulnerable communities.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 6 of 10

Ruano-Chamorro, C., G. G. Gurney, S. Mangubhai, M. Fox, J. Lau, W. Naisilisili, S. Dulunaqio and J. E. Cinner (2024). "Perceived equity in marine management and conservation: Exploring gender intersectionality in Fiji." Biological Conservation 296, e110692.

Abstract: Ensuring equitable decision-making and distribution of costs and benefits in conservation and natural resource management is morally right and instrumental to achieving positive social and ecological outcomes. Understanding perceived equity is key; equity is subjective, context-dependent and has implications for legitimacy, cooperation and wellbeing. Since gender, in combination with other social characteristics, influences how people benefit or participate in management, examining perceived fairness from an intersectional perspective is crucial. However, few studies have examined people's perceptions of equity and how those perceptions are related to intersecting identities. Using data from ten villages in Fiji, we assess how perceptions of distributional and procedural equity differ by gender and the intersection between gender and other social identity characteristics (migrant status, age, education, marital status and wealth). We found that the majority of respondents identified the broader community as benefiting the most from management, while women were the most negatively affected. Overall, respondents' perceptions of distributional and procedural fairness were high regardless of gender. The intersection between gender and other social identity characteristics was not significantly related to perceived fairness, except in relation to migrant status; migrant men were less likely to perceive distributional fairness. Our study provides new insights into patterns of perceived (un)fairness in marine management and conservation. It reveals a discrepancy between conservation costs (women are seen as more negatively affected by conservation) and fairness perceptions (women are not more likely to perceive unfairness). Our findings can inform conservation theory and practice aimed at fostering equity in conservation and management.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 7 of 10

Sánchez, M. E., L. D. Llambí, L. E. Gámez, ... and E. Vilanova (2024). "Diversity, structure and dynamics of tropical montane forests: Insights from permanent-plot monitoring in the Venezuelan Andes / Diversidad, estructura y dinámica de los bosques montanos tropicales: Perspectivas del monitoreo de parcelas permanentes en los Andes Venezolanos." Ecología Austral 34, 286-304.

Abstract: Tropical montane forests in the Andes are hotspots for species diversity and constitute important ecosystems for the provision of numerous services critical for local populations, including biomass/carbon accumulation and hydrological regulation. Additionally, in many countries in the region, these forests are being lost or degraded at alarming rates. Understanding their dynamics in terms of the composition, diversity, structure and function is a key challenge in the region that can inform policies for their sustainable management and conservation. This study focused on the use of monitoring data from ground-based permanent plots (part of the Andean Forest Network) in the two main mountain ranges of the Venezuelan Andes to analyze forest structure, diversity and dynamics over six years (2016-2023), and their potential drivers. We found that although the wetter forests of La Mucuy (northeast) and the more seasonal stands of San Eusebio (northwest) are very similar in terms of overall species richness, they show substantial differences in their species assemblages and their biogeographic origins. Both sites share similarities in tree dispersal strategies and stem turnover rates (mean=1.16%/year), but forests in La Mucuy are significantly more productive, with a mean annual woody productivity rate of 3.09±1.42 Mg C.ha-1.y-1, while this rate was 0.73±0.48 Mg C.ha-1.y-1 in SEU plots. Interestingly, although species richness and composition has not shown significant changes during this 6-year period, both sites have increased their total aboveground biomass, acting as a significant carbon sink, which appears to be largely driven by the growth of large trees in these forests. These results emphasize the need of maintaining long-term monitoring efforts to be able to link more explicitly changes in composition, biodiversity and ecosystem services with changes in environmental drivers under climate change scenarios. / Los bosques montanos tropicales de los Andes son hotspots de biodiversidad y constituyen ecosistemas importantes que proveen numerosos servicios para las poblaciones locales (e.g., acumulación de biomasa/carbono, regulación hidrológica). En países de la región, estos bosques se están perdiendo o degradando a tasas alarmantes. Entender su dinámica en términos de composición de especies, diversidad, estructura y función es un reto clave en la región, y serviría de base para políticas que favorezcan su conservación y gestión sostenible. En este estudio se usaron datos de monitoreo de parcelas permanentes (parte de la Red de Bosques Andinos) en las dos principales cordilleras de los Andes venezolanos para analizar la estructura, diversidad y dinámica de los bosques entre 2016 y 2023, y sus posibles elementos causales. Aunque los bosques más húmedos de La Mucuy (noreste) y los más estacionales de San Eusebio (noroeste) son similares en riqueza general de especies, difieren en la composición de especies y sus orígenes biogeográficos. Ambos sitios comparten similitudes en las estrategias de dispersión de los árboles y en las tasas de reemplazo de los tallos (promedio: 1.16%/año), pero los bosques de La Mucuy son significativamente más productivos (tasa media de productividad leñosa: 3.09±1.42 Mg C.ha-1.y-1), mientras que en las parcelas de SEU la tasa fue 0.73±0.48 Mg C.ha-1.y-1. Asimismo, aunque la riqueza y composición de especies no mostró cambios significativos durante los 6 años, ambos lugares incrementaron su biomasa aérea total, actuando como un importante sumidero de carbono, impulsado quizás por el crecimiento de grandes árboles en estos bosques. Los resultados enfatizan la necesidad de mantener los esfuerzos de seguimiento a largo plazo para vincular de forma explícita los cambios en la composición, biodiversidad y servicios ecosistémicos con los cambios en los factores ambientales bajo escenarios de cambio climático.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 8 of 10

Sandoval Calderon, A. P., M. Van Kuijk, Y. Hautier, H. Alberto and P. A. Verweij (In Press). "Mining expansion may reduce livestock but facilitate vicuñas recovery in tropical Puna of South America." Frontiers in Conservation Science 5.

Abstract: High-elevation tropical grasslands in South America are vital for sustaining the livelihoods of indigenous communities, particularly in the Central Andes where herding of both wild and domesticated camelids has been a primary socio-economic activity for centuries. However, these grasslands are facing challenges due to changes in land use, economic activities, and climate, posing threats to the sustainability of camelid herding. Here, we determine the intricate relationship between land use management and camelid populations of the highlands of Apolobamba National Park in Bolivia. We identified two critical milestones in land use management across the indigenous communities: the creation of the Tierra Comunitaria de Origen (TCO) in 1999 and the expansion of the National Park in 2000. These initiatives collectively resulted in the diversification of livelihood sources by increasing the number of mining concessions and facilitating the management of wild camelids for their wool and fibers, catering to international markets. We found that this diversification of livelihood sources was negatively related to the densities of domesticated camelids across the studied communities. In contrast, the densities of wild camelids populations increased with an increasing number of mining concessions, likely due to local conservation efforts and reduced competition with livestock. Our results indicate a potential shift in land use management strategies and suggest that mining activities encroach upon pastoralism practices within indigenous communities. Understanding the long-term effects of land use changes is essential for providing comprehensive and sustainable land use strategies that will support both grasslands and animal conservation while providing livelihood security in this ecologically sensitive region.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 9 of 10

Seidu, I., L. K. Brobbey, O.-T. Paul, D. van Beuningen et al. (2024). "Practices and informal institutions governing artisanal gillnet fisheries in Western Ghana." Maritime Studies 23(3), e32.

Abstract: Understanding the informal institutions arising from cultural norms, taboos, and beliefs can improve conservation efforts and resource management in Africa. However, little is known of their potential for governing the management of artisanal gillnet fisheries, as well as, the practices and activities of fishers in Ghana. Here, we explore the practices of artisanal gillnet fishers landing shark and ray as their major components and the informal institutions governing the management of these fisheries. We interviewed 33 active and retired fishers in five fishing communities in Western Ghana, complemented with participant observations to collect data for the study. While fishing effort and the financing of fishing trips vary between fishers using drift gillnets and bottomset gillnets, the sharing systems and payment of crew members are relatively uniform in both fisheries and across the study communities. Despite the absence of state regulation, the species-specific taboos recorded offer protection for Whale Shark (Rhincodon typus) and whales (Cetacea), which are considered threatened by the International Union for Conservation of Nature. The role of modern religions (like Christianity and Islam) and the influx of different people with different values, beliefs, and cultures explain the erosion of some resource management taboos and beliefs. The results of this study demonstrate the importance of officially recognizing these informal institutions as legitimate institutions for the effective management of imperiled marine species targeted by gillnet fishers at the local level.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 10 of 10

Venegas-Li, R., H. S. Grantham, H. Rainey, A. Diment, R. Tizard and J. E. M. Watson (Early View). "An operational methodology to identify Critical Ecosystem Areas to help nations achieve the Kunming–Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework." Conservation Letters, e13037.

Abstract: The Kunming–Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) will become the most important multilateral agreement to guide biodiversity conservation actions globally over the coming decades. An ecosystem goal and various targets for maintaining integrity, restoring degraded ecosystems, and achieving representation in conservation areas feature throughout the GBF. Here, we provide an operational framework that combines disparate information on ecosystem type, extent, integrity, protection levels, and risk of collapse to support identifying irreplaceable “Critical Ecosystem Areas” (CEAs), to help implement these ecosystem targets. The framework classifies each component ecosystem based on its integrity, importance in ensuring no ecosystem collapse, and relative value in achieving ecosystem-specific representation targets. These CEAs are immediate conservation opportunities given that they achieve multiple ecosystem GBF goals and targets, and we showcase its application using Myanmar's forested ecosystems as a case study.


Grey Literature and Prepublication Citations

Grey Literature and Prepublication Citations 1 of 3

Chea, M., B. T. Fraser, S. Nay, L. Sok, H. Strasser and R. Tizard (Prepublication). “A survey of changes in grasslands within the Tonle Sap Lake landscape: 2004–2023.”

Abstract: The Tonle Sap Lake (TSL) landscape is a region of vast natural resources and biological diversity in the heart of Southeast Asia. In addition to serving as the foundation for a highly productive fisheries system, this landscape is home to numerous globally threatened species. Despite recognition by several governmental and international agencies for decades, nine protected areas have been established within this region, natural landcover such as grasslands have experienced considerable declines since the turn of the century. This project used local expert knowledge to train and validate a random forest supervised classification of Landsat satellite imagery in Google Earth Engine. The time series of thematic maps was then used to quantify the conversion of grasslands to croplands between 2004 and 2023. The classification encompassed a 10-kilometer buffer surrounding the landscape, an area of nearly 3 million hectares. The average overall accuracy for these thematic maps was 82.5% (78.5% - 87.9%), with grasslands averaging a 76.1% user’s accuracy. The change detection indicated that over 207,281 ha of grasslands were lost over this period (&gt; 59.5% of the 2004 area), with approx. 89.3% of this loss could be attributed to cropland expansion. The results of this project will inform conservation efforts focused on local scale planning and management of commercial agriculture.

Grey Literature and Prepublication Citation 2 of 3

Elsen, P. R., S. P. Faryabi, G. S. Surya and H. Grantham (2024).گزارش ارزیابی آسیب پذیری برای حوزه دریای پنج آمو افغانستان. Bronx, NY: Wildlife Conservation Society.

Grey Literature and Prepublication Citations 3 of 3

Elsen, P. R., G. S. Surya, S. P. Faryabi et al. (2024). Downscaled and Bias-Adjusted Climate Projections for Afghanistan. Bronx, NY: Wildlife Conservation Society.

Abstract: Climate scenario analysis: • Historical climate datasets and an ensemble of climate projections have been downscaled and bias-adjusted to enable analysis of climate-driven hazards and risks to ecosystems, wildlife, hydrology, and communities across Afghanistan and in portions of neighboring countries. Overview of the changing climate • Climate model projections indicate that climate change will impact a range of sectors and alter the bioclimatic conditions across Afghanistan. Climate-related hazards will also shift, as critical variables such as precipitation (total and intensity), temperatures, extreme heat, soil moisture, snow, and permafrost change over time. • The balance of changes across average and extreme climate conditions suggest disruptive pressures on society and natural ecosystems, which are important to recognize in current and future planning for Afghanistan. • As future climate is likely to be different from past and current conditions, incorporating a range of possible projections in planning and decision-making is essential to minimize impacts and build resilience. A range of results is provided in this report by using two climate change scenarios, RCP2.6 (a low emissions pathway) and RCP8.5 (a high emissions pathway), accounting for uncertainty by examining eight separate downscaled climate models. Projected mean temperature changes • Projected warming is uniformly higher under the higher emissions RCP8.5 scenario compared to a lower emissions (higher mitigation) RCP2.6 scenario. • RCP2.6 has a temperature peak in the 2050s and then declines slightly by the 2080s due to a substantial decrease in greenhouse gas concentrations under this pathway. By end century, temperatures are projected to increase by approximately 1.0-1.5 o C compared to the recent past. • Warming under RCP8.5 continues throughout the 21 st century, with accelerated warming between mid-century and end-century, resulting in an average temperature increase of approximately 4-6 o C. • Warming trends generally shift current temperature zones to higher elevations and lengthen the warmer seasons of the year. • Warming is highest in the central portions of the country, in areas such as Bamyan, Ghor, Wardak and Daykundi provinces. Warming is lowest in the periphery of the country, in provinces such as Kunduz, Jawzjan and Nimroz. Projected total precipitation changes • Projected precipitation changes vary widely across the country, with some regions becoming drier and others becoming wetter by end century. The projected magnitude of changes is much greater under RCP8.5 compared to RCP2.6, although uncertainty across climate projections also increases. As with temperature projections, differences under RCP2.6 peak by mid-century, before returning closer to baseline by end-century; differences under RCP8.5 accelerate after mid-century, making those projections diverge widely from RCP2.6 by end-century. • Under RCP2.6 by end-century, the largest decreases in precipitation are ~30 mm, in portions of provinces including Zabul and Kabul. The largest increases are ~60 mm, in portions of Kunar and Badakhshan provinces. • Under RCP8.5 by end-century, decreases of ~200 mm are projected to occur in portions of Kabul and Kunar provinces (the latter of which has among the largest differences in projections under RCP2.6 and RCP8.5). On the other hand, portions of Badakhshan province are expected to experience increases of up to 100 mm. Projected changes in natural hazards • Extreme heat: The country is expected to experience ~0-15 extra days of extreme heat by end-century under RCP2.6, and ~0-60 extra days of extreme heat by end-century under RCP8.5. The spatial variation is pronounced. Generally, the coldest parts of the country such as eastern Badakhshan have the least risk; the warmest parts of the country such as Nimroz province have intermediate risk; and the portions of the country with intermediate temperatures such as Paktika and Khost provinces have the highest risk. • Extreme precipitation: The frequency of extreme precipitation events is expected to increase in some areas and decrease in others, with the magnitude of the change depending on the threshold for considering a precipitation event to be extreme. Using 20 millimeters in a day as an illustrative threshold, northeastern provinces such as Badakhshan and Panjshir are expected to experience up to 5 more events per year compared to baseline by end-century under RCP8.5. On the other hand, provinces such as Laghman and Kunar are expected to experience 2-3 fewer events per year under the same scenario. • Snow cover: The number of days per year with snow will decline across the entire country by mid-century, even under RCP2.6, and will not recover to baseline by end-century. Declines are much larger under RCP8.5 (up to 80 fewer days per year in provinces such as Ghazni); generally, the warmest parts of the country and the coolest parts of the country have the lowest projected changes, while areas of intermediate temperature (broadly the central provinces) have the largest projected difference. • Soil moisture drought: Under RCP2.6, the frequency of 1-in-10-year soil moisture droughts is expected to decrease across the entire country using baseline thresholds for drought events, with the exception of portions of a few provinces such as Kunar and Faryab. Generally, the increase in drought risk for those places is of far lower magnitude than the decrease in drought risk for much of the rest of the country, with the biggest decreases in risk in southeastern provinces such as Zabul and Paktika. However, under RCP8.5, by end-century, several parts of the country will see significant increases in drought risk, such as Kunar, Khost and Nangarhar provinces. • Growing season length: Growing season length will increase across the country, in line with the increased temperatures across the country. As with temperature, the largest increases will occur under RCP8.5 and by end-century. The warmest provinces, such as Nimroz, will see little to no increase as the baseline growing season spans virtually the entire year. The largest increases in growing season length are projected to occur in provinces such as Kapisa, Panjshir and Paktya, with those increases being up to 60 days by mid-century under RCP8.5.

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Peer-Reviewed Literature Citations

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 1 of 4

Dingwall, J. T., W. D. Halliday, N. Diogou, ... and S. J. Insley (2024). "The Arctic marine soundscape of the Amundsen Gulf, Western Canadian Arctic." Marine Pollution Bulletin 204, e116510.

Abstract: The underwater soundscape, a habitat component for Arctic marine mammals, is shifting. We examined the drivers of the underwater soundscape at three sites in the Amundsen Gulf, Northwest Territories, Canada from 2018 to 2019 and estimated the contribution of abiotic and biotic sources between 20 Hz and 24 kHz. Higher wind speeds and the presence of bearded seal (Erignathus barbatus) vocalizations led to increased SPL (0.41 dB/km/h and 3.87 dB, respectively), while higher ice concentration and air temperature led to decreased SPL (−0.39 dB/% and − 0.096 dB/°C, respectively). Other marine mammals did not significantly impact the ambient soundscape. The presence of vessel traffic led to increased SPLs (12.37 dB) but was quieter at distances farther from the recorder (−2.57 dB/log m). The presence of high frequency and broadband signals produced by ice led to increased SPLs (7.60 dB and 10.16 dB, respectively).

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 2 of 4

Harper, S. J., G. G. Gurney, E. Darling, S. Mangubhai, S. Jupiter, ..., M. Fox and N. C. Ban (2024). "Gender differences in the perceived impacts of coastal management and conservation." npj Ocean Sustainability 3(1), e34.

Abstract: Gender influences the ways that people are involved in and rely on coastal resources and spaces. However, a limited understanding of gender differences in this context hinders the equity and effectiveness of coastal management and conservation. Drawing on data collected through purposive sampling from 3063 people in Fiji, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Indonesia, Kenya, and Madagascar, we explored how men and women perceived the effects of coastal management and conservation on human well-being. We found significant gender differences in perceptions of the presence of impacts, whereby 37% of women and 46% of men perceived individual-level impacts, while 47% of women and 54% of men perceived community-level impacts. When asked about the degree and direction of impacts, the responses were not significantly different by gender. When describing the types of impacts, women and men articulated these differently, particularly impacts related to economic, governance, and health aspects of well-being. These findings highlight pathways for developing more equitable and gender-responsive coastal management and conservation initiatives aimed at safeguarding biodiversity, sustaining fisheries, and supporting the well-being of all those who depend on the marine environment.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 3 of 4

Mancilla García, M., C. Abunge, S. O. Bandeira, C. Cheupe, ..., N. Muthiga et al (Early View). "Exploring a process-relational approach to qualitative research methods for sustainability science." People and Nature.

Abstract: 1. As sustainability scientists increasingly put forward the relevance of process-relational approaches to make sense of social-ecological phenomena, an inquiry on which methods would fit a process-relational approach is necessary. 2. This paper discusses how a process-relational approach can be applied to traditional qualitative research methods, namely interviews and coding and the tensions associated with it. 3. Process-relational perspectives share commonalities with interpretative approaches but also present specific characteristics, such as the importance of material aspects and the understanding of the phenomenon as a moment in which different elements become defined respective to each other. 4. The paper uses data and researchers' experiences from an action research project seeking to support collective action among coastal communities affected by environmental changes in Kenya and Mozambique.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 4 of 4

Nurrofik, A., L. Hakim, L. Septiadi and N. Kurniawan (2024). "Could road structures impact the avian community? A study case from the South Coast Remained Forest in Malang region, East Java Province, Indonesia." Journal of Tropical Life Science 14(2), 295-308.

Abstract: The remaining tropical forest on the south coast of the Malang region is one of the secluded areas that served as an important habitat for its biodiversity, particularly for avians. Nevertheless, the presence of the road structure that crosses over the forest might impact avian communities, which needs to be investigated. The avian survey was conducted to investigate the diversity, community profiles, abundance, and feeding guild based on two different ecosystem patches (on the roads versus outside the road structures) during January–April 2022. The audiovisual encounter methods were performed during the surveys on a total of ten sampling points. Avian species were identified using field guides where the conservation status was based on the national regulation (P106 KLHK), CITES, and IUCN Redlist. The comparison through the avian community based on species richness was analyzed using Venn Diagrams and predicted using rarefaction and interpolation curves on INEXT packages. Additionally, the comparison of sizes of avian abundance was investigated using the α-diversity parameter index, and the feeding guild was determined by five diet guilds. In total, 2536 individuals from 67 species, 34 families, and 13 orders were found during the survey. The avian communities were richer outside the road structure, but their abundance qualitatively reveals that both different ecosystem patches showed relatively good condition. Overall, road structures generate both positive (unique habitat patches) and negative (physical barriers that could disrupt natural ecological processes) impacts on avian diversity. In light of these, sustainable management and conservation action plans were urgently needed to prevent the negative effects on avian communities posed by the road structure.

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WCS-AUTHORED PUBLICATIONS, 3-16 June 2024 [2 weeks]


Peer-Reviewed Literature Citations

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citations 1 of 12

Chagnon-Lafortune, A., É. Duchesne, P. Legagneux, ..., D. Reid et al. (2024). "A circumpolar study unveils a positive non-linear effect of temperature on arctic arthropod availability that may reduce the risk of warming-induced trophic mismatch for breeding shorebirds." Global Change Biology 30(6), e17356.

Abstract: Seasonally abundant arthropods are a crucial food source for many migratory birds that breed in the Arctic. In cold environments, the growth and emergence of arthropods are particularly tied to temperature. Thus, the phenology of arthropods is anticipated to undergo a rapid change in response to a warming climate, potentially leading to a trophic mismatch between migratory insectivorous birds and their prey. Using data from 19 sites spanning a wide temperature gradient from the Subarctic to the High Arctic, we investigated the effects of temperature on the phenology and biomass of arthropods available to shorebirds during their short breeding season at high latitudes. We hypothesized that prolonged exposure to warmer summer temperatures would generate earlier peaks in arthropod biomass, as well as higher peak and seasonal biomass. Across the temperature gradient encompassed by our study sites (>10°C in average summer temperatures), we found a 3-day shift in average peak date for every increment of 80 cumulative thawing degree-days. Interestingly, we found a linear relationship between temperature and arthropod biomass only below temperature thresholds. Higher temperatures were associated with higher peak and seasonal biomass below 106 and 177 cumulative thawing degree-days, respectively, between June 5 and July 15. Beyond these thresholds, no relationship was observed between temperature and arthropod biomass. Our results suggest that prolonged exposure to elevated temperatures can positively influence prey availability for some arctic birds. This positive effect could, in part, stem from changes in arthropod assemblages and may reduce the risk of trophic mismatch.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citations 2 of 12

Conley, K. J., M. T. Jones, E. Crouch, S. L. Bartlett, A. Sirois-Pitel, D. McAloose and M. Murray (2024). "Hepatic neoplasia in two bog turtles (Glyptemys muhlenbergii) from the same Massachusetts fen." Northeastern Naturalist 31(sp12), 18-27.

Abstract: Massachusetts populations of Glyptemys muhlenbergii (Bog Turtle) encompass the northeasternmost limit of the species' range. Populations of this species have declined primarily as a result of habitat alterations and fragmentation. We report hepatic neoplasia in 2 adult Bog Turtles from the same fen in Massachusetts in the spring and summer of 2020. The presence of neoplasia in 2 turtles from the same site is notable and has potential conservation implications for disease surveillance and research, population monitoring, and threats assessment of this critically endangered species that often occurs in small, isolated populations.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citations 3 of 12

Eggen, M., R. Heilmayr, P. Anderson, R. Armson, K. Austin et al. (2024). "Smallholder participation in zero-deforestation supply chain initiatives in the Indonesian palm oil sector: Challenges, opportunities, and limitations." Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene 12(1), e00099.

Abstract: As actors in tropical agricultural commodity supply chains implement commitments to end deforestation, they risk exacerbating social inequities by excluding smallholder farmers, who are important producers of many tropical commodity crops. Here, we explore the potential for independent oil palm smallholders in Indonesia to participate in zero-deforestation supply chains. We find that these smallholders are underrepresented in the share of zero-deforestation compliant oil palm production. We then synthesize perspectives from key actors in the oil palm industry including smallholders and their representatives, palm oil producing and consulting companies, nongovernmental organizations, and academic researchers. Based on these perspectives, we find that challenges to smallholder supply chain participation include limitations in knowledge (e.g., smallholders may not know the location of protected forests), institutional issues (e.g., absence of trust between oil palm growing companies and smallholder farmers), and financial constraints (e.g., the opportunity cost of not clearing forest). To address these shortcomings, we encourage oil palm growing and milling companies to take the lead on incentivizing, supporting, and facilitating smallholder participation in zero-deforestation initiatives. Specifically, these companies could build and use their technical and political resources to identify and map all forests in their entire supply shed and ensure small producers have land rights that enable participation in zero-deforestation supply chains. These policy levers would need to be combined with economic incentives such as access to improved inputs or price premia for their products. However, we caution that smallholder integration into existing zero-deforestation supply chains alone is unlikely to result in significant additional forest conservation at scale in Indonesia due to selection bias, leakage, and existing land tenure norms. Community-led and jurisdictional or landscape-scale supply chain initiatives that acknowledge multi-commodity production are more likely to provide equitable and just avenues for Indonesian smallholder farmers to steward forest resources.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citations 4 of 12

Glass, T. W. and M. D. Robards (2024). "Wolverine population density and home range size in Arctic Alaska." The Journal of Wildlife Management 88(5), e22600.

Abstract: Understanding the spatial requirements of exploited wildlife species, including population density and home range size, is important for wildlife management and conservation. Wolverines (Gulo gulo) are hunted and trapped across the Arctic, and are vulnerable to numerous, often interrelated, threats resulting from anthropogenic changes in their environment. Previous population density estimates for wolverines in the Arctic range tenfold, from the lowest to highest available for the species, limiting their utility outside the specific areas and times they were derived. The most recent density estimate in Arctic Alaska, USA, was produced 4 decades ago and was derived from a relatively small study area. We evaluated wolverine population density and home range size across the North Slope of Alaska during 2017–2022 using global positioning system (GPS)-based collar data and spatial capture-recapture models. Population density estimates were 2.0 individuals/1,000 km2 (95% credible interval = 1.3–3.5) in 2018 and 2.8 individuals/1,000 km2 (95% credible interval = 1.7–3.5) in 2021. Median home range sizes modeled with autocorrelated kernel density estimators and Ornstein-Uhlenbeck foraging movement processes were 699 km2 (range = 158–2,895 km2) among 12 females and 2,332 km2 (range = 797–4,699 km2) among 10 males. These population density estimates are nearly 10 times lower than the previous estimate for Arctic Alaska. We recommend incorporating this information into management strategies to ensure sustainable harvest, particularly as the region's remote areas are more efficiently accessed by hunters and are being considered for transportation corridors supporting new industrial development.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citations 5 of 12

Kacker, S., S. Krishna, A. Das and G. Shahabuddin (2024). "Patterns of tree regeneration and their implications for succession in Himalayan pine-oak forests, India." Forest Ecology and Management 562, e121941.

Abstract: Factors affecting successional processes are critical determinants of the structural and compositional changes in a plant community. The present study examines the role of plant traits, such as seed size and dispersal mode, habitat factors such as canopy closure, leaf litter, soil moisture, disturbance, fire frequency, and landscape forest cover, in arrival and establishment of tree species in the oak-pine forests of the Western Himalayas. For this, we compared the regeneration, abundance, and composition of tree species in pine forests (pioneer stage) with that in oak-dominated hardwood forests (climax stage). The microsite factors and landscape forest cover varied significantly between the two stages. While species diversity was comparable across seedling, sapling, and pole stages, density of regenerating individuals was relatively lower in oak forest sites. The extent of overlap in species composition between oak and pine forest sites was also found to be low for both regeneration and adult stages. The amount of forest cover surrounding the study sites (landscape forest cover) did not significantly impact regeneration. Instead, factors related to establishment were determined to be more important. Regeneration density decreased with an increase in canopy closure (light environment) and litter depth, implying their crucial role in driving the successional trajectories. When plant traits were considered, all three regeneration stages of large-seeded and animal-dispersed species were of comparable densities in pine and oak forests, suggesting an absence of dispersal or arrival limitation. However, anthropogenic disturbance was found to negatively impact density of zoochorous species while fire frequency negatively influenced the diversity of large-seeded species. Control of extractive pressures, reducing incidence of fire, and retention of protected oak stands may be necessary to enable regeneration of zoochorous and of large-seeded species and thereby, natural succession to oak-dominated hardwood forest in this human-dominated landscape.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citations 6 of 12

Kesuma, A., L. I. Bernawis, B. Subhan, Muhidin and N. M. Sangadji (2024). "Distribution of coral life forms based on sea current velocity in Kei Besar Island, Maluku, and Mare Island, North Maluku." IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1350(1), e012017.

Abstract: Diverse life forms found on coral reefs indicate resilience to environmental change, sustaining marine biodiversity and ensuring the stability of the coastal community’s ecosystems. This study investigates the relationship between sea currents and the life forms of coral reefs in Indonesia and focuses on two primary locations: Kei Besar Island, Maluku, and Mare Island in North Maluku. Sea current data from the current real-time global forecasting and coral cover data were analysed to assess the influence of current velocities on the percentage of hard coral cover and the morphological composition of corals. The dominant bottom substrate in both locations is hard coral, with varying percentages of cover. Thirteen distinct life forms of coral were identified in both study sites, with massive and sub-massive forms being the most prevalent on Kei Besar Island (41%) having average current velocities of 0.159 m/s, and branching forms (40%) being dominant on Mare Island with average current velocities were 0.103 m/s. The massive form (CM) is strongly positively (negatively) correlated with faster (slower) currents, with a correlation coefficient of 0.81 (-0.69). On the other hand, several life form of fragile coral reefs particularly Acropora branching (ACB); Acropora sub-massive (ACS); and coral Tubipora (CTU) were found to be positively (negatively) correlated with slower (faster) currents, with a correlation coefficient of 0.55 (-0.63); 0.77 (-0.75); and 0.58 (-0.67).

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citations 7 of 12

Muñoz Lobos, C. and A. Vásquez (2024). "Overlapping protected areas and other designations in Central Chile: A multiscale governance analysis." HCIAS Working Papers on Ibero-America 3(13), 2-18.

Abstract: The protected areas have four types of governance in multiple scales: government, private, community, and shared. However, the lack of coordination among these has hindered the effectiveness of nature heritage protection efforts. This issue becomes apparent when protected areas overlap with other designations, resulting in a variety of regulations and administrators. Chile’s central zone there is overlapping in different protection units seek to compatibility the urban and productive growth with the protection of natural heritage. The analysis of synergies and/or duplications in protected areas’ overlaps with a multi-scale governance approach was the focus of the study. For this, was combined SIG analysis and review governance and protected areas’ rule system using secondary information sources. The results show that, out of 40 protection units, there are 88 spatial overlaps. Reviewing the case of overlapping in Sanctuary Nature Cerro El Roble, some duplications found were: 1) redundant protection functions distributed in different government sections; and 2) the regulation system does not generate accumulative protection benefits when designations are overlapped. On the other hand, synergies were: 3) a combination of global, regional and/or local protections makes more visible the relevance of protecting. The shared governance between private, local and government agents can be seen as a synergy and duplicity to protection. It is recommended to develop mixed regulatory models that consider both state regulations at different levels and contributions from the private sector. In this point, is crucial to emphasize that overlap can be a beneficial strategy to create synergies, as long as the different protection efforts and interests among stakeholders are effectively coordinated and aligned.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citations 8 of 12

Ocampo, M., J. Aparicio, N. Bernal-Hoverud, E. Domic and R. B. Wallace (2024). "Amphibian diversity in Madidi National Park and Natural Integrated Management Area, Bolivia, one of the most diverse parks in South America." Herpetology Notes 17, 371-389.

Abstract: Bolivia has a great diversity of ecoregions and is home to a large number of amphibian species. Many of these ecoregions are protected in several national parks. However, Madidi National Park and Natural Integrated Management Area is especially striking among them, for having the largest number of ecoregions represented. In this study we carried out a thorough literature search for information on amphibian records within the national park, as well as extensive field work to understand the alpha, beta, gamma, and dark diversity of amphibians in different ecoregions of Madidi. We confirmed the presence of 127 amphibian species in the park. Diversity indices indicate that the ecoregions are quite different from one another, with high species turnover and many unique species in each ecoregion. Our results show that the amphibian diversity found in this protected area exceeds the diversity reported for other megadiverse protected areas in the Tropical Andes, such as Manu in Peru or Yasuní in Ecuador, further suggesting that it may be the most diverse national protected area in the world.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citations 9 of 12

Ogurek, S. D.-L., W. D. Halliday, M. B. Woods et al. (2024). "Boat noise impedes vocalizations of wild plainfin midshipman fish." Marine Pollution Bulletin 203, e116412.

Abstract: Marine noise is recognised as a growing threat that can induce maladaptive behavioural changes in many aquatic animals, including fishes. The plainfin midshipman is a soniferous fish with a prolonged breeding period, during which males produce tonal hums that attract females, and grunts and growls during agonistic interactions. In this study, we used acoustic recordings to assess the effects of boat noise on the presence, peak frequencies, and durations of plainfin midshipman calls in the wild. We found that all three call types were less likely to occur, and the peak frequencies of hums and grunts increased in the presence of boat noise. We also show that loud and quiet boat noise affected plainfin midshipman vocalizations similarly. As anthropogenic noise is likely to increase in the ocean, it will be important to understand how such noise can affect communication systems, and consequently population health and resiliency.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citations 10 of 12

Ruiz-Miranda, C., F. Michalski, V. Hull, M. Krofel, L. Hunter, and Z. Xiang, Eds. (2024). Science-Based Conservation of Tigers: Assessing the Past to Prepare for the Future. Lausanne, Switzerland: Frontiers Media.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citations 11 of 12

Shajahan, N., W. D. Halliday, J. Dawson, ... and S. J. Insley (2024). "Opportunistic ship source level measurements in the Western Canadian Arctica." The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 155(6), 3807-3821.

Abstract: Increased ship traffic due to climate change increases underwater noise in the Arctic. Therefore, accurate measurements of underwater radiated noise are necessary to map marine sound and quantify shipping's impact on the Arctic ecosystem. This paper presents a method to calculate opportunistic source levels (SLs) using passive acoustic data collected at six locations in the Western Canadian Arctic from 2018 to 2022. Based on Automatic Identification System data, acoustic data, and a hybrid sound propagation model, the SLs of individual ships were calculated within a 5 km radius of each measurement site. A total of 66 measurements were obtained from 11 unique vessels, with multiple measurements from the same vessel type contributing more SLs. For vessels with propeller cavitation, measured SLs correlated positively with vessel parameters, such as speed and length. SL and speed did not correlate well for vessels without propeller cavitation. The JOMOPANS-ECHO SL model produced good agreement with measured SL for certain ship types (container ships, a tanker, and a passenger vessel). However, significant differences between measurement and model are evident for certain polar-class ships that travel in the Arctic, indicating that more controlled SL measurements are needed.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citations 12 of 12

Strahan, E. K., J. Witherbee, R. Bergl, ..., R. Ikfuingei et al. (2024). "Potentially zoonotic enteric infections in gorillas and chimpanzees, Cameroon and Tanzania " Emerging Infectious Diseases 30(3), 577-580.

Abstract: Despite zoonotic potential, data are lacking on enteric infection diversity in wild apes. We employed a novel molecular diagnostic platform to detect enteric infections in wild chimpanzees and gorillas. Prevalent Cryptosporidium parvum, adenovirus, and diarrheagenic Escherichia coli across divergent sites and species demonstrates potential widespread circulation among apes in Africa.



Grey Literature and Prepublication Citations

Grey Literature and Prepublication Citation 1 of 2

Nykol, J., M. Americo and C. Benjamin (Prepublication). “The roles of alpha, beta, and functional diversity indices in the ecological connectivity between two sub-Antarctic macrobenthic assemblages.”

Abstract: The study of ecological connectivity is a global priority due to the important role it plays in the conservation of diversity. However, few studies in this context have focused on marine benthic ecosystems. To address this issue, the present work determines the ecological connectivity between two sub-Antarctic macrobenthic assemblages through assessment of the α-, β-, and functional diversity indices. Samples were collected using a van Veen grab at stations located in Bahia Inútil and Seno Almirantazgo. The ecological analysis was based on a total of 113 invertebrate taxa. The mean abundance values were lower in Bahia Inútil (888.9 ± 26.8 ind m-2) than in Seno Almirantazgo (1358.6 ± 43.4 ind m-2). While the mean α-diversity values showed significant differences between assemblages, β- and functional diversity indices presented no significant differences. These results indicate that, despite the distance (56 km) separating the two basins from each other, there is a high degree of connectivity at the functional level between the assemblages, due to the high number of shared species and their functional traits. The species most responsible for this observation were the polychaetes Capitela capitata and Aricidia (Acmira) finitima, as well as the bivalves Nucula pisum and Yoldiella sp. 1. In terms of functional biodiversity, species characterized as omnivorous and with lecithotrophic larval development were mostly responsible for connectivity between assemblages. These results suggest the importance of including β- and functional diversity indices as criteria in the future planning of marine protected areas for the maintenance of marine ecosystem integrity.

Grey Literature and Prepublication Citation 2 of 2

Wildlife Conservation Society, Peru (2024). Guía de Facilitación para el Fortalecimiento de Liderazgos de Hombres y Mujeres de las Comunidades Amazónicas. Lima, Peru: Wildlife Conservation Society, Peru.

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Peer-Reviewed Literature Citations

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 1 of 9

Berger, J. and N. Kusi (2024). "Meeting your ancestors – Sticks, stones, and discord in Earth’s outposts." Global Ecology and Conservation 52, e02959.

Abstract: An unusual problem at the extreme edges of Earth involves marginalized people and associated livelihoods when their domestic stock is lost to wild ancestors. Animosity to wildlife results due to economic costs, personal injury, and death. Despite IUCN recognition of biodiversity at a policy front, justice and equity for humans have not been well integrated in these realms. In particular, Tibetans, Uyghurs, Changpas, Nepalis, Bhutanese, and Brokpa, as well as Mongolians in the Gobi Desert deal with these realities when the wild progenitors of their livestock attempt to appropriate genetically-related domestic females to biologically propagate. Among the highly endangered ancestors are the likes of wild camels, wild yaks, banteng, and gaur. Beyond Asia, some similarity of issues still thwart African, and South and North American pastoralists and involve species from caribou and bison to wild sheep and goats, and guanacos. Biologically reality has trumped our evolutionary innovation to benefit ourselves through domestication because of the powerful mutual attraction between descendent domestics and their wild ancestors. Conservation biologists and on-the-ground practitioners must engage more with local pastoralists to tackle these complex and infrequently described conflicts on how best to implement protective policies. Sticks and stones are neither the answer for pastoral safety nor for avoiding introgression among these iconic mammals.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 2 of 9

Duangchantrasiri, S., M. Sornsa, D. Jathanna, P. Jornburom et al. (In Press). "Rigorous assessment of a unique tiger recovery in Southeast Asia based on photographic capture-recapture modeling of population dynamics." Global Ecology and Conservation, e03016.

Abstract: Tigers and other large predatory carnivores have suffered population extirpations and range contractions. This is particularly true for tiger populations in southeastern Asia, which harbours one-third of their remaining habitats. In stark contrast, a sustained recovery of a wild tiger population has occurred between 2007-2023, in three reserves of Thailand: Huai Kha Khaeng (HKK), Thung Yai East (TYE) and Thung Yai West (TYW), which together cover 6470km2 (36%) of the larger Western Forest Complex (WEFCOM). We quantitatively monitored this recovery employing closed and open model analyses of data from photographic capture-recapture sampling. The resulting estimates of tiger population dynamic parameters showed: mean (±SE) tiger abundance annually varied from 36 (1.0) to 79 (1.53) in HKK, 2 (0.26) to 20 (4.45) in TYE and 3 (0.26) to 44 (2.11) in TYW, driven by mean annual survival rates of 0.79 (0.02) in HKK, 0.72 (0.05) in TYE, and 0.69 (0.05) in TYW. The annual numbers of recruits fluctuated from 0 (1.69) to 33 (1.93) tigers in HKK, 0 (0.47) to 13 (0.57) in TYE and 0 (1.13) to 36 (2.28) in TYW. Overall, the mean tiger population densities/100km2 ranged between 1.3 (0.19) and 2.9 (0.29) in HKK, 0.2 (0.08) and 1.8 (0.34) in TYE, and 0.2 (0.07) and 3.1 (0.56) in TYW. Generally, the tiger population trended upward, with reserves protected over longer periods leading the tiger recovery. Our results are further backed by ancillary records on births of 67 cubs, 47 tiger dispersal events, as well as the recovery corresponding with incremental spatio-temporal coverage by the patrols. Cumulatively, our results provide evidence that effective law enforcement should be a critical component for achieving tiger population recoveries in Asia. Alternative conservation strategies that ignore this component do not appear to be evidence-based. Our results also demonstrate the utility of the independent collaborative monitoring framework adopted by the Thailand Government.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 3 of 9

Glasier, J. R. N. and M. Rudy (2024). "First records of the ant genus Dolichoderus (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) from Saskatchewan, Canada." The Canadian Field-Naturalist 137(3), 272-275.

Abstract: We report the first provincial records of the genus Dolichoderus in Saskatchewan, represented by two species: Taschenberg’s Long-necked Ant (Dolichoderus taschenbergi) and Mary’s Long-necked Ant (Dolichoderus mariae). These species are previously known from eastern Canada and the eastern United States. The new discoveries fill in the range for D. taschenbergi, which has previously been found in Alberta and Manitoba, but has not been reported from Saskatchewan, and they represent a significant westerly range expansion of D. mariae, which has previously been reported in southeastern Manitoba and Ontario.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 4 of 9

Ramachandran, N., J. Irvin, H. Sheng, ... and K. Austin (2024). "Automatic deforestation driver attribution using deep learning on satellite imagery." Global Environmental Change 86, e102843.

Abstract: Deforestation is a leading contributor to greenhouse gas emissions globally. Understanding the direct drivers of forest loss is essential for developing targeted forest conservation and management policies. However, this data is hard to collect at scale due to the complexity of forest loss drivers and expertise required for accurately identifying them. To address this challenge, we developed a deep learning model called ForestNet which uses publicly available satellite imagery to automatically classify the drivers of primary forest loss. We validated ForestNet on a test set of expert-annotated forest loss events and showed that ForestNet achieved high performance across four major driver classes. We used ForestNet to identify these drivers on over 2 million forest loss events in Indonesia between 2012 and 2019, with significant improvement in spatial and temporal resolution over previously available data. We found that plantations and smallholder agriculture were the primary direct drivers of deforestation in Indonesia during this period, accounting for 64 % of total forest loss. Deforestation has decreased steadily since 2012 after increasing steadily from 2001 to 2009 and peaking from 2009 to 2012, trends that we found are primarily due to changes in plantation-driven deforestation. Our approach can serve as a general framework for scalably attributing deforestation to specific drivers and can be extended to other regions of interest, providing a flexible and cost-effective way for countries to regularly monitor, understand, and address their unique and dynamic drivers of deforestation.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 5 of 9

Saisamorn, A., S. Duangchantrasiri, M. Sornsa et al. (2024). "Recovery of globally threatened ungulate species in Huai Kha Khaeng Wildlife Sanctuary, Thailand." Global Ecology and Conservation 53, e03012.

Abstract: The forests of Southeast (SE) Asia support large ungulate species listed as globally threatened by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature’s Red List. In Thailand, Huai Kha Khaeng Wildlife Sanctuary (HKK) still contains the endangered banteng (Bos javanicus) and the vulnerable gaur (Bos gaurus) and sambar (Rusa unicolor). These species have been declining for decades in SE Asia. HKK is within the core area of the Western Forest Complex, one of the largest protected forest landscapes in SE Asia. This area is one of the few remaining that have the capacity to support species recovery for large ungulates and the tiger that depend on them. However, critical knowledge gaps remain on ungulate population metrics and trends of the species. In 2021, we revisited the locations surveyed in 2007–2008 and used distance sampling methodology to estimate density and abundance of banteng, gaur, and sambar. Using 32 transects in 2007, 2008 and 2021, we conducted replicated sample surveys with a total walk-efforts of 1,000 km per year and collected Distance-sampling data on target species. Banteng density increased two-fold from 0.91 ± 0.40–1.71 ± 0.79 individuals/km2, and sambar density doubled from 2.03 ± 0.51–3.99 ± 0.95 individuals/km2. In 2021, HKK supported 2,736 ± 1,264 banteng and 9,855 ± 2,347 sambar, the largest populations of these two globally threatened species in SE Asia. These results indicate evidence for recovery of large ungulate species in HKK and hope for the conservation of these globally threatened species. Our results illustrate the value of HKK as an important tiger recovery site in SE Asia, as these species are primary prey for tigers and underscore the value of ongoing efforts to eradicate poaching.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 6 of 9

Sun, C., A. Granados, C. Beirne, ..., P. Soroye et al. (2024). "A toolkit for greater equity, diversity, and inclusion in early-career ecology funding." FACETS 9, 1-9.

Abstract: Funding is critical in ecology and related fields, as it enables research and sustains livelihoods. However, early-career researchers (ECRs) from diverse backgrounds are disproportionately underrepresented as funding recipients. To help funding programs self-evaluate progress towards increasing equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) in their funding opportunities, we introduce the Stage-based Assessments of Grants for EDI (SAGE) Toolkit. Developed using existing literature, semi-structured interviews, and coauthors? experiences, the toolkit considers how each funding stage (Advertisement, Application, Review, Awarding) interacts with applicants from racialized and other underrepresented backgrounds. The toolkit offers specific criteria and recommendations, with explanations and examples from funding agencies, to support applicants who have been historically marginalized in ecology and are often left out of equitable funding consideration. Changes in funding mechanisms alone will not reverse the marginalization of communities and peoples in the field of ecology, but advancing EDI must include action throughout the grant process. Efforts to increase EDI must be sustained, and the toolkit allows for additional considerations and evolving best practices. With the SAGE Toolkit, efforts to increase EDI can help to transition away from a transactional dynamic between funder and applicant to instead supportive community and collaboration. The SAGE Toolkit is available online at

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 7 of 9

Vences, M., J. Kohler, M. D. Scherz, C. R. Hutter, H. M. Rabe Maheritafika, J. M. Rafanoharana, H. Raherinjatovo et al. (2024). "Four new species of forest-dwelling mantellid frogs from Madagascar allied to Gephyromantis moseri (Amphibia, Anura)." SPIXIANA 46(2), 297-319.

Abstract: The Gephyromantis moseri complex, classified in the mantellid subgenus Duboi mantis, currently contains one species of frog, G. moseri (Glaw & Vences, 2002) from the Andasibe area in the Northern Central East of Madagascar, as well as several genetically divergent populations from the North East that have been provisionally assigned to the species. We here analyse DNA sequences of one mitochondrial (16S rRNA) and one nuclear-encoded gene (RAG-1), morphology, and advertisement calls of newly collected material of this species complex from various localities in Madagascar. Based on this integrative evidence, in particular concordant nuclear gene differentiation between seven highly divergent (> 4 %) mitochondrial lineages, as well as differences in advertisement call structure, body size and head shape between some of these lineages, we conclude that the G. moseri complex contains several additional species of which four are formally named and described in this study: G. fuscus sp. nov., a rather small-sized species sister to G. moseri, occurring in two sites (Mahasoa and the western part of the Makira Reserve), G. makira sp. nov., a species known from only one available voucher specimen from eastern Makira, G. bemiray sp. nov. from eastern Makira, Masoala, and Ambolokopatrika; and G. ampondo sp. nov. from Marojejy in the North East. Two further lineages for which voucher specimens were not available in the framework of this study are considered unconfirmed candidate species G. sp. Ca19 and G. sp. Ca33, pending the collection of further material. The revision of the G. moseri complex adds to the diversity of Duboimantis and once more demonstrates the existence of secretive or genuinely rare restricted-range species among the Malagasy frogs whose inventory can only be completed by further fieldwork and integrative taxonomic research.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 8 of 9

Wijaksana Extrada Dumas, D., R. Lasabuda, I. Shelovita Manembu, D. M. Makapedua, S. Darwasito, A. Luasunaung, D. A. Sumilat and O. P. Darmono (2024). "Institutional domain assessment of the EAFM approach to snapper and grouper fisheries in the waters of the Sangihe Islands, North Sulawesi / Penilaian Domain Kelembagaan pada Pendekatan EAFM Perikanan Kakap dan Kerapu di Perairan Kepulauan Sangihe Sulawesi Utara." Jurnal Ilmiah PLATAX 12(1), 379-387.

Abstract: This research aims to assess the status of snapper and grouper fisheries management in the Sangihe Islands district using an ecosystem approach (EAFM) in the institutional domain. The research method uses observation and interview methods (questionnaires). Data collection used semi-structured interview (SSI) techniques. As a result of the assessment of 6 (six) institutional indicators, there are 2 indicators with a value of 1 (less, red flag model), namely indicators of compliance with the principles of responsible fisheries and indicators of fisheries management plans. 3 indicators each: decision-making mechanism indicators, indicators of the level of synergy of fisheries management policies & institutions, and stakeholder capacity indicators) with a value of 2 (medium, yellow model flag). Only the indicator for the completeness of the rules in fisheries management has a value of 3 (good, green model flag). The average score for the 6 indicators is 1.76 while the composite value is 58.53. This value shows that the application of the EAFM institutional domain in the management of snapper and grouper fisheries in the Sangihe Islands district is in the medium category (yellow model flag). / Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menilai  status pengelolaan perikanan kakap dan kerapu di kabupaten Kepulauan Sangihe dengan pendekatan ekosistem (EAFM) pada domain kelembagaan. Metode penelitian menggunakan metode observasi dan wawancara (kuisioner). Pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik semi structured interview (SSI).  Hasil penilaian dari 6 (enam) indikator kelembagaan, ada 2 indikator yang nilai-nya 1 (kurang, flag model merah) yaitu  indikator kepatuhan terhadap prinsip-prinsip perikanan yang bertanggung jawab dan indikator rencana pengelolaan  perikanan. 3 indikator masing-masing : indikator mekanisme pengambilan  keputusan, indikator tingkat sinergisitas kebijakan & kelembagaan pengelolaan perikanan, indikator kapasitas pemangku  kepentingan) bernilai 2 (sedang, flag model kuning). Hanya indikator kelengkapan aturan main dalam  pengelolaan perikanan yang bernilai 3 (baik, flag model hijau).  Nilai skor rerata 6 indikator adalah 1,76 sedangkan  nilai komposit-nya 58,53. Nilai ini menunjukkan bahwa penerapan domain kelembagaan EAFM pada pengelolaan perikanan kakap dan kerapu di kabupaten Kepulauan Sangihe kategori sedang (flag model kuning).

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 9 of 9

Zou, Y., C. M. Zohner, C. Averill, ..., B. Swanepoel et al. (2024). "Positive feedbacks and alternative stable states in forest leaf types." Nature Communications 15(1), e4658.

Abstract: The emergence of alternative stable states in forest systems has significant implications for the functioning and structure of the terrestrial biosphere, yet empirical evidence remains scarce. Here, we combine global forest biodiversity observations and simulations to test for alternative stable states in the presence of evergreen and deciduous forest types. We reveal a bimodal distribution of forest leaf types across temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere that cannot be explained by the environment alone, suggesting signatures of alternative forest states. Moreover, we empirically demonstrate the existence of positive feedbacks in tree growth, recruitment and mortality, with trees having 4–43% higher growth rates, 14–17% higher survival rates and 4–7 times higher recruitment rates when they are surrounded by trees of their own leaf type. Simulations show that the observed positive feedbacks are necessary and sufficient to generate alternative forest states, which also lead to dependency on history (hysteresis) during ecosystem transition from evergreen to deciduous forests and vice versa. We identify hotspots of bistable forest types in evergreen-deciduous ecotones, which are likely driven by soil-related positive feedbacks. These findings are integral to predicting the distribution of forest biomes, and aid to our understanding of biodiversity, carbon turnover, and terrestrial climate feedbacks.


Grey Literature Citations

Grey Literature Citation 1 of 2

Reid, D., N. Barichello, M. Leung, B. Sagar and H. Cooke (2024). Towards a National Park in Natural Region 7: The Ross River Dena Council's Indigenous Protected and Conserved Area - Science Background. WCS Canada Conservation Report No. 18. Toronto, Canada: Wildlife Conservation Society, Canada.

Grey Literature Citation 2 of 2

Vermeulen, E., P. Tixier, E. L. Carroll, S. Cerchio, T. Collins et al. (2024). Multi-method observations suggest recolonization of the Crozet Islands by southern right whales with links to different coastal calving grounds. Impington, England: International Whaling Commission.

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Peer-Reviewed Literature Citations

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 1 of 11

Esmaeili, S., M.-R. Hemami, P. Kaczensky, ..., C. Walzer and J. R. Goheen (2024). "Rainfall reduces the potential for competitive suppression of a globally endangered ungulate by livestock." Biological Conservation 292, e110476.

Abstract: Protected areas often are too small to house populations of wide-ranging species. Viability of wildlife populations therefore depends on whether interactions with humans and their land uses are negative, neutral, or positive. In central Iran, we measured interactions between globally endangered onagers (Equus hemionus onager) and livestock by analyzing remotely-sensed vegetation metrics within livestock grazing areas, tracking 9 animals with GPS telemetry, and assessing onagers' diet quality through analysis of fecal samples. Resource selection by onagers depended both on season and the presence of livestock. During the dry season, livestock reduced forage (some combination of forage biomass and forage quality) compared to pre-grazing periods, demonstrating potential for competitive suppression of onagers by livestock when resources are scarce. Additionally, and during both seasons, selection for forage by onagers was accentuated at night when livestock were absent, indicating onager avoidance of livestock. During the wet season, onagers exposed to livestock exhibited higher-quality diets than those that did not co-occur with livestock, suggesting that livestock grazing may potentially enhance forage quality for onagers. Consequently, collaboration with pastoralists to regularly rotate the locations of dry and wet season leases could alleviate negative effects of livestock grazing on onagers. Similar to other cases in multi-use landscapes, temporal shifts in the strength of competition—driven by diel cycles and seasonal rainfall—may characterize wildlife-livestock interactions in Iran and elsewhere in Asian rangelands. Our study is the first in-depth investigation of one of the world’s remaining populations of onager, and highlights the possibility that conservation of an endangered mammal could be compatible with livestock production, at least during wet seasons.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 2 of 11

Gerstenhaber, C., A. Ipavec, V. Lapeyre, C. Plowman et al. (2024). "Illegal wildlife trade: An analysis of carnivore products found in markets in Benin and Niger." Global Ecology and Conservation 51, e02880.

Abstract: West Africa is home to one of the largest protected area systems in Africa, the W-Arly- Pendjari (WAP) Complex, which provides a last refuge for many threatened carnivore species extirpated from most other protected areas in the region. However, rising global demand for wildlife products has increased concerns about the impacts of Illegal Wildlife Trade (IWT) on these species. To assess the extent of IWT, covert market surveys were conducted in Benin and Niger to identify wildlife products and derivatives coming from carnivore species (African civet, serval, caracal, lion, cheetah, leopard, and spotted hyena) suspected to be targeted by IWT. When possible, information about product origin was gathered to understand trading routes. Data were analysed to determine if products were available in markets due to their proximity to source populations or due to accessibility to trade and transport hubs. A variety of products from several threatened species, including multiple lion skins, were found in Benin and Niger. Products were found more frequently in markets near the WAP Complex and main trade and transport hubs. Sellers reported that a large majority of products originated from international trade, but some could also have been sourced from the WAP Complex. There was little evidence indicating that product availability was more affected by the distance to the WAP Complex than by the distance to international transport hubs, suggesting that trade was widespread across both countries. The study provides an evidence base and monitoring baselines to identify and assess interventions to address IWT and ultimately reduce illegal trafficking of wildlife. / L’Afrique de l’Ouest abrite l'un des plus grands systèmes d’aires protégées d’Afrique, le complexe W-Arly-Pendjari (WAP), qui constitue le dernier refuge aux grands félins qui ont disparu de la plupart des autres zones protégées de la région. Cependant, l’augmentation de la demande mondiale de produits issus de la faune sauvage a suscité des inquiétudes quant à l’impact du commerce illégal sur ces espèces. Afin d’évaluer l’ampleur de ce commerce illégal, des enquêtes sous couverture ont été menées sur des marchés du Bénin et du Niger. L’objectif de ces enquêtes était d’identifier les produits et dérivés provenant d’espèces de carnivores (civette africaine, serval, caracal, lion, guépard, léopard et hyène tachetée) soupçonnées d'être ciblées par le commerce illégal. Lorsque cela a été possible, des informations sur leur provenance ont été recueillies afin de comprendre les itinéraires commerciaux. Les données ont été analysées pour déterminer si les produits étaient disponibles sur les marchés en raison de leur proximité avec les populations sources ou de l’accessibilité des centres de commerce et de transport. Une variété de produits provenant de plusieurs espèces menacées, y compris une grande quantité de peaux de lion, a été trouvée au Bénin et au Niger. Les rapports des vendeurs indiquent qu'une grande majorité des produits provient du commerce international, mais certains pourraient également provenir du Complexe WAP. Peu d'éléments indiquent que la disponibilité des produits est plus affectée par la distance au complexe WAP que par la distance aux centres de transport internationaux, ce qui suggère que le commerce est largement répandu dans les deux pays. Cette étude fournit les informations de base nécessaires pour identifier et évaluer les interventions visant à lutter contre le trafic illicite d'espèces sauvages et, à terme, le réduire.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 3 of 11

Goetze, J. S., M. R. Heithaus, M. A. MacNeil, ..., T. Boslogo, ..., S. D. Jupiter, ..., C. F. Razafindrakoto et al. (In Press). "Directed conservation of the world’s reef sharks and rays." Nature Ecology & Evolution.

Abstract: Many shark populations are in decline around the world, with severe ecological and economic consequences. Fisheries management and marine protected areas (MPAs) have both been heralded as solutions. However, the effectiveness of MPAs alone is questionable, particularly for globally threatened sharks and rays (‘elasmobranchs’), with little known about how fisheries management and MPAs interact to conserve these species. Here we use a dedicated global survey of coral reef elasmobranchs to assess 66 fully protected areas embedded within a range of fisheries management regimes across 36 countries. We show that conservation benefits were primarily for reef-associated sharks, which were twice as abundant in fully protected areas compared with areas open to fishing. Conservation benefits were greatest in large protected areas that incorporate distinct reefs. However, the same benefits were not evident for rays or wide-ranging sharks that are both economically and ecologically important while also threatened with extinction. We show that conservation benefits from fully protected areas are close to doubled when embedded within areas of effective fisheries management, highlighting the importance of a mixed management approach of both effective fisheries management and well-designed fully protected areas to conserve tropical elasmobranch assemblages globally.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 4 of 11

Green, A. R., C. Plowman, R. Mwinyihali, M. Wieland and M. L. Gore (2024). "Women and urban wildmeat trafficking in the Republic of Congo." Biological Conservation 293, e110587.

Abstract: As a result of declining biodiversity and increasing rates of urbanization, the illegal urban wildmeat trade is projected to become an integral sector of the wildlife crime industry. Adequate assessment of urban wildmeat trafficking requires investigation into the roles and behaviors of individuals who engage in wildlife crimes. However, akin to much of wildlife crime literature, women's engagement within the urban wildmeat trade have received little investigation. The objectives of our investigation were to (1) explore relationships between women and wildlife products across the supply chain, and (2) determine whether a significant relationship exists between women and specific wildlife products. Through systematic social observations, we evaluate the gendered dimensions of urban wildmeat trafficking in the Republic of Congo between the urban centers of Brazzaville and Pointe-Noire. We place particular emphasis on species of conservation concern, namely great apes, African pangolins, and dwarf crocodiles. Results indicate that there are gendered variations at the species and the geographic level, indicating that women are sourcing and sending their products to different locations than men, and that women are specializing in trade of different species. We attest that urban wildmeat trafficking prevention strategies implement a gender-aware approach due to the unique ways that individuals engage with the industry and how that engagement is gendered.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 5 of 11

Koch Liston, A. L., X. Zhu, T. V. Bang, ..., C. Agger, S. Ai, E. Auda et al. (2024). "A model for the noninvasive, habitat-inclusive estimation of upper limit abundance for synanthropes, exemplified by M. fascicularis." Science Advances 10(21), eadn5390.

Abstract: Accurately estimating population sizes for free-ranging animals through noninvasive methods, such as camera trap images, remains particularly limited by small datasets. To overcome this, we developed a flexible model for estimating upper limit populations and exemplified it by studying a group-living synanthrope, the long-tailed macaque (Macaca fascicularis). Habitat preference maps, based on environmental and GPS data, were generated with a maximum entropy model and combined with data obtained from camera traps, line transect distance sampling, and direct sightings to produce an expected number of individuals. The mapping between habitat preference and number of individuals was optimized through a tunable parameter ? (inquisitiveness) that accounts for repeated observations of individuals. Benchmarking against published data highlights the high accuracy of the model. Overall, this approach combines citizen science with scientific observations and reveals the long-tailed macaque populations to be (up to 80%) smaller than expected. The model?s flexibility makes it suitable for many species, providing a scalable, noninvasive tool for wildlife conservation. A flexible model estimates the upper limit of animal population sizes by accounting for habitat diversity and species? behavior.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 6 of 11

Lepage, A. T., B. Laird, K. Skinner, J. M. Gunn and G. L. Lescord (In Press). "A review of arsenic speciation in freshwater fish: Perspectives on monitoring approaches and analytical methods." Environmental Reviews.

Abstract: Arsenic accumulation in fish poses concerns for subsistence and recreational fishers worldwide. However, the toxicity of arsenic to consumers strongly depends on the chemical forms, or species, present. Risk assessments often rely on total arsenic concentrations ([As]), adjusting for assumed small percentages of the most harmful inorganic species. While studies on arsenic speciation in marine fish are widespread, and commonly report less toxic arsenobetaine (AsB) as the dominant form, fewer studies have been conducted on freshwater fish, where arsenic speciation may be more variable. To assess these findings, we conducted a systematic literature review on arsenic speciation in freshwater fish using Covidence? review management software. From over 1100 screened studies, 41 were selected for inclusion based on predefined criteria. These studies reported highly variable arsenic speciation patterns in freshwater fish, calling into question the assumption that AsB is the dominant form present. Sites with suspected or known arsenic contamination issues were prominent, with >50% of data reviewed originating from a contaminated river or lake, but the effect of contamination on arsenic speciation was variable. Although AsB and other organic forms typically dominated, some studies (6/41; 15%) identified fish with elevated concentrations of inorganic arsenic (>1 mg/kg dry wt.), most often corresponding to over 20% of total arsenic. Furthermore, arsenic speciation results accounted for a highly variable proportion of total [As] in fish, often less than 50%. Assuming 20% inorganic arsenic appears to be a poor approximation that cannot be applied to all fish. Based on this considerable variability, we recommend the direct measurement of arsenic species whenever possible, especially when total [As] is elevated above relevant guidelines for the most toxic species (e.g., 0.1-2 mg/kg inorganic arsenic wet wt.). We also recommend future works communicate their results in more detail, including complete description of QAQC protocols, to improve the potential for future meta-analyses. Additional work is needed to characterize arsenic speciation in freshwater fish and assess the toxicity of various arsenic species to accurately evaluate the environmental and human health risks associated with arsenic in fish.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 7 of 11

Mangubhai, S., M. Fox, Y. Nand and N. Mason (Early View). "Value chain analysis of a women-dominated wild-caught mud crab fishery." Fish and Fisheries.

Abstract: A value chain analysis (VCA) is a cost-effective tool to guide targeted value chain development interventions to address social wellbeing and environmental performance. Examining value chains through a gender lens can help design and implement interventions that enhance opportunities for women in the fisheries and address gender inequalities in the sector. We conducted a VCA in 2015 of the wild-caught mud crab (Scylla serrata) fishery in Bua Province, Fiji. We found five main players involved in the selling of mud crabs – fishers, traders, retail shops, restaurants and exporters. The value chain was dominated by Indigenous (iTaukei) women fishers (88.1% of fishers) and characterised by low technological input, targeted largely for domestic markets or consumption, and with limited value-adding activities. Although most women harvested mud crabs on a part-time basis, it was an important source of income for most with 30% relying on it as their main livelihood. Despite being a lucrative commodity, there are several bottlenecks in the fishery – the relative informality of relationships amongst players in the value chain, the independent livelihood-driven harvest behaviours of fishers, and opportunistic sale of products. As a result, the fishery did not meet the demands of the domestic market. Our study concluded the gendered-skewness in the fishery increases the vulnerability of the chain to declines in economic productivity because of its reliance on irregular suppliers, and gender-based constraints. However, the low frequency and intensity of harvesting and use of low technological harvesting methods meant the fishery was not over-exploited and likely sustainable.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 8 of 11

Marina, T. I., I. R. Schloss, G. A. Lovrich, ..., A. Raya Rey et al. (2024). "Complex network of trophic interactions in Burdwood Bank, a sub-Antarctic oceanic marine protected area." Marine Ecology Progress Series 736, 1-18.

Abstract: The world's oceans designated under marine protection have increased recently. Most marine protected areas (MPAs) target vulnerable, keystone, charismatic, and/or endemic species. In the sub-Antarctic, ocean protection is associated with oceanic islands, except for the MPAs Namuncurá-Burdwood Bank I and II (MPA N-BB; ~53-55°S, ~56-62°W), which are associated with a submarine plateau and a southern deep slope, respectively. We present the first analysis of the predator-prey network for the MPA N-BB, applying a topological network approach to characterise the complexity and structure of the food web and to identify the species role. The MPA N-BB food web consists of 1788 interactions and 379 species, with a connectance of 0.01. Almost half of the consumers feed at more than one trophic level (0.48), and the network displays a small-world pattern (short path length, high clustering of compartments). This network pattern suggests that the ecosystem might be vulnerable to perturbations targeting highly connected species, although some properties might provide resilience and resistance, resulting in a rearranged structure that preserves its original functions. Several species arise as being important in trophic structure and functioning and response to perturbations. Generalist species, mainly fishes, play a crucial role in the bentho-pelagic coupling and should be considered as relevant energy transfer agents for the ecosystem. We argue that the diversity of species, including both the benthic and pelagic habitats, is responsible for securing the connectivity within the food web to withstand perturbations, thereby contributing to the structure and stability of the ecosystem.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 9 of 11

Platt, S. G., W. Ko Ko, K. Platt, T. Lwin, S. H. N. Aung, K. Myo Myo, M. M. Soe, ..., H. Thu, S. Hsu Hsu Naing, B. D. Horne and T. R. Rainwater (2024). "Range-wide demographic collapse and extinction dynamics of the endemic Burmese roofed turtle, Batagur trivittata, in Myanmar." Chelonian Research Monographs 9, 1-26.

Abstract: The Burmese Roofed Turtle (Batagur trivittata) is endemic to the major rivers of Myanmar. Once widespread and abundant, by the late 1990s B. trivittata was considered extinct until “rediscovered” in the Dokhtawady and Chindwin rivers during the early 2000s; the Dokhtawady has since been greatly altered by construction of the Yeywa Hydropower Dam and Reservoir (YHDR). Although a combination of ex- and in-situ conservation measures has averted biological extinction, B. trivittata remains critically endangered in the wild. We conducted a multi-year (2009–2019) investigation into the conservation status of B. trivittata with the following objectives: 1) determine the fate of the species in the Dokhtawady River and YHDR; 2) determine its conservation status in rivers not previously surveyed; and 3) query individuals with first-hand knowledge of the species to understand the processes that resulted in its near-extinction. Our investigation included Dokhtawady and YHDR, and the Shweli, Chindwin (including tributaries and headwaters), and Sittaung rivers. Our investigation relied heavily on the traditional ecological knowledge of villagers living along these rivers. We visited 243 villages, towns, and encampments, interviewed ca. 1433 persons, identified six vernacular names applied to B. trivittata, and accompanied villagers to 26 sandbanks used by nesting turtles (5 active and 21 former nesting sites). We determined that B. trivittata is no longer extant in the Dokhtawady River and YDHR, Sittaung, Shweli, and lower Chindwin rivers, or the Chindwin tributaries of Myitthar River, Nam Thalet Chaung, and creeks of Htamanthi Wildlife Sanctuary. The year of the last known occurrence of B. trivittata varied among rivers, ranging from the early 1990s to 2012. Residents along the Sittaung River had no knowledge of B. trivittata and the most recent museum specimen was collected in 1961. The Thanlwin is the only major river in Myanmar that remains unsurveyed for B. trivittata. A small number of turtles in the upper Chindwin River constitute the only surviving—and reproducing—wild population. Here B. trivittata is confined to a 21-km stretch of the river (based on active nest sites), i.e., approximately 1.7% of its historical distribution in the Chindwin. Our results and previous surveys of other rivers suggest an overall reduction of >99% in the historical geographic range of B. trivittata. Based on extensive interviews along the Chindwin River, we propose the following extirpation scenario. First, long-term, chronic over-harvesting of eggs created a “decadent” population composed largely of reproductively mature adults. Despite the traditional practice of leaving in-situ a small number of eggs from each clutch to complete incubation, low juvenile survival meant that few hatchlings attained adulthood. However, because B. trivittata is long-lived, the number of nests produced each year was not perceived to diminish over time and traditional practices therefore appeared effective in ensuring a sustainable crop of eggs. Second, nylon (and later monofilament) fishing nets introduced in the 1960s resulted in an increasing number of adults being drowned as fisheries by-catch. Transient fishers from elsewhere moved onto the Chindwin in the 1980s, failed to respect traditional proscriptions protecting turtles, and greatly increased mortality rates by killing adults and harvesting eggs. With no juveniles to replace adults, B. trivittata populations declined rapidly to near-extinction by the 1990s and early 2000s. The extinction scenario in the Dokhtawady River and YDHR is somewhat different. This area was formerly a war zone between an Ethnic Armed Organization (EAO) and the Myanmar Government, where fishers could venture only at great personal risk. As such, the war zone functioned as a de facto protected area, where B. trivittata was able to persist until being rediscovered in 2001. Population declines began with the cessation of hostilities, which was followed by a sudden influx of fishers. Completion of the YDHR intensified fishing pressure on the now rapidly declining B. trivittata population and inundated the only nesting sandbank. With the extirpation of B. trivittata in the Dokhtawady, the few turtles surviving in the upper Chindwin became the sole remaining known wild population of this species.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 10 of 11

Robinson, J. G., D. LaBruna, T. O’Brien, P. J. Clyne, N. Dudley, S. J. Andelman, E. L. Bennett, A. Chicchon, C. Durigan, ..., S. Lieberman, F. Maisels, A. Moreira, M. Rao, E. Stokes, J. Walston and J. E. M. Watson (2024). "Scaling up area-based conservation to implement the Global Biodiversity Framework’s 30x30 target: The role of Nature’s Strongholds." PLOS Biology 22(5), e3002613.

Abstract: The 2022 Global Biodiversity Framework set out target of conserving a global area of 30% by 2030. This Essay provides a framework for area-based conservation that preferences "Nature’s Strongholds", arguing that these areas are disproportionately important for the conservation of biodiversity.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 11 of 11

Tavera, E. A., D. B. Lank, D. C. Douglas, ..., M. Robards et al. (2024). "Why do avian responses to change in Arctic green-up vary?" Global Change Biology 30(5), e17335.

Abstract: Global climate change has altered the timing of seasonal events (i.e., phenology) for a diverse range of biota. Within and among species, however, the degree to which alterations in phenology match climate variability differ substantially. To better understand factors driving these differences, we evaluated variation in timing of nesting of eight Arctic-breeding shorebird species at 18 sites over a 23-year period. We used the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index as a proxy to determine the start of spring (SOS) growing season and quantified relationships between SOS and nest initiation dates as a measure of phenological responsiveness. Among species, we tested four life history traits (migration distance, seasonal timing of breeding, female body mass, expected female reproductive effort) as species-level predictors of responsiveness. For one species (Semipalmated Sandpiper), we also evaluated whether responsiveness varied across sites. Although no species in our study completely tracked annual variation in SOS, phenological responses were strongest for Western Sandpipers, Pectoral Sandpipers, and Red Phalaropes. Migration distance was the strongest additional predictor of responsiveness, with longer-distance migrant species generally tracking variation in SOS more closely than species that migrate shorter distances. Semipalmated Sandpipers are a widely distributed species, but adjustments in timing of nesting relative to variability in SOS did not vary across sites, suggesting that different breeding populations of this species were equally responsive to climate cues despite differing migration strategies. Our results unexpectedly show that long-distance migrants are more sensitive to local environmental conditions, which may help them to adapt to ongoing changes in climate.


Grey Literature and Prepublication Citations

Grey Literature and Prepublication Citation 1 of 3

Loaiza, C., W. A. Ramirez, A. F. Claros, F. Ayerbe, F. Salazar and S. J. Alvarez (2024). Aves del Cacao de Conservación de Calamar. Cali, Colombia: Wildlife Conservation Society, Colombia.

Grey Literature and Prepublication Citation 2 of 3

Loaiza, C., D. F. Rocha, A. F. Claros, F. Ayerbe, F. Salazar and S. J. Alvarez (2024). Aves del Cacao de Conservación de Orito. Cali, Colombia: Wildlife Conservation Society, Colombia.

Grey Literature and Prepublication Citation 3 of 3

Stevens, T., R. Zimmerman, G. Albery, ..., D. Montecino-Latorre, Z. O'Donoghue, S. H. Olson et al. (Prepublication). “A minimum data standard for wildlife disease studies.” EcoEvoRxiv.

Abstract: Thousands of scientists and practitioners conduct research on infectious diseases of wildlife. Rapid and comprehensive data sharing is vital to the transparency and actionability of their work, but unfortunately, most efforts designed to publically share these data are focused on pathogen determination and genetic sequence data. Other facets of existing surveillance data – particularly negative results – are often withheld or, at best, summarized in a descriptive table with limited metadata. As a result, very few datasets on wildlife disease dynamics over space and time are publicly available for synthesis research or applied uses in conservation or public health. Here, we propose a minimum data and metadata reporting standard for wildlife disease studies. Our checklist identifies a minimum set of 30 fields required to standardize and document a dataset consisting of records disaggregated to the finest possible spatial, temporal, and taxonomic scale. We illustrate how this standard is applied to an example study, which documented a novel alphacoronavirus found in bats in Belize. Finally, we outline best practices for how data should be formatted for optimal re-use, and how researchers can navigate potential safety concerns around data sharing.

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Peer-Reviewed Literature Citations

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 1 of 6

Claudet, J., J. Blythe, D. A. Gill, ..., S. D. Jupiter et al. (In Press). "Advancing ocean equity at the nexus of development, climate and conservation policy." Nature Ecology & Evolution.

Abstract: Achieving inclusive and sustainable ocean economies, long-term climate resilience and effective biodiversity conservation requires urgent and strategic actions from local to global scales. We discuss fundamental changes that are needed to allow equitable policy across these three domains.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 2 of 6

Jagadish, A., A. Freni-Sterrantino, Y. He, ..., S. Mangubhai et al. (2024). "Corrigendum to “Scaling Indigenous-led natural resource management” [Glob. Environ. Chang. 84 (2024) 102799]." Global Environmental Change 86, e102824.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 3 of 6

Márquez-García, M., C. Nuñez-Godoy, A. Eguren, ..., N. Püschel, ..., M. Varese et al. (2024). "Overcoming gender-related challenges and supporting women in conservation in Latin America." Biological Conservation 294, e110625.

Abstract: Long-term solutions to environmental problems will not succeed without representative, collaborative, and inclusive approaches. Supporting women in conservation science and practice requires policymakers and organizations to consider a range of actions from those that mitigate biases to those that actively promote equality. Selecting a suitable course of action involves assessing information on both the hurdles and the potential for improvement. Here, we provide a perspective into challenges and opportunities gleaned from four workshops with women from 16 countries. These workshops and a final encounter, involving 163 women, culminated in bottom-up development of a regionally-constructed, gender-conscious conceptual model for change. The model encompasses the multiple domains in which nature conservation is implemented: resource management and local actor agency, knowledge co-production and management, and planning and policymaking. It also considers major challenges that disproportionately impact women: 1) Social, institutional, and cultural context; 2) Training and capacity building; 3) Production, reproduction, and dependent care; 4) Violence, safety, and recognition. We have a challenging task ahead, and the future of our field rests on our ability to provide more diverse, inclusive, and equitable spaces. Our workshops series fostered community and empowerment for women conservation scientists and practitioners in Latin America. We experienced how this empowerment and energy decisively translated into a practical conceptual model, a broad-based, growing network of over 1000 women, and an endorsed living Agenda of Women in Conservation for Latin America and the Caribbean (RedMeC) that supports women caring for nature worldwide.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 4 of 6

Molder, Z. A., W. D. Halliday, R. Reidy et al. (Early View). "Humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) social calls in southern British Columbia." Marine Mammal Science, e13138.

Abstract: Humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) nonsong vocalizations, or social calls, are much more poorly understood than humpback song. We examined humpback whale social calls from a foraging ground in southern British Columbia (BC) and developed a catalog for humpback social calls in BC. We tagged four humpback whales on the eastern edge of Swiftsure Bank, BC, in early September 2020, with a passive acoustic and movement tag. We manually classified 32 call types in our data set based on comparisons with published classifications of humpback social calls. Many of the calls identified in our data set had similar characteristics to calls from other locations. We also used two statistical classification methods, a cluster analysis and a random forest. The cluster analysis grouped 20 of these call types into four categories, and the random forest classifier was able to accurately classify all 20 call types 87.6% of the time. This study fills a geographical gap of humpback whale social calls on foraging grounds and is a first step towards categorizing the social calls of humpback whales in BC.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 5 of 6

Waller, S. J., K. Morelle, I. V. Seryodkin, ... and D. G. Miquelle (Early View). "Resource-driven changes in wild boar movement and their consequences for the spread of African Swine Fever in the Russian Far East." Wildlife Biology, e01276.

Abstract: Knowledge of animal movement patterns is invaluable to understanding the spread of diseases among wildlife populations. One example is the recent African swine fever (ASF) outbreak among wild boar Sus scrofa populations across East Asia, where there is a lack of information on movements of this species. During a wild boar tracking project to inform abundance estimation methods in the Russian Far East's Sikhote-Alin Biosphere Zapovednik, the combination of high variability in pulsed resources of acorns and pine nuts between fall 2019 and fall 2020, and the outbreak of ASF during the latter year, offered the unique opportunity to investigate the relationship between wild boar movements to exploit pulsed resources and the potential for disease spread. We analyzed relocation data from GPS-collared wild boar in fall 2019 and 2020 and compared them to reference data in Belgium, representative of western Europe. We found remarkable differences in movement patterns, with Far East wild boar travelling large distances in fall 2020 (maximum observed of 77 km in four days) when the availability of acorns was low. In our resource selection analysis, we found clear selection for mast-producing forest types that corresponded with the species of greater mast production (oak or pine) for that year. Comparing the displacement of individual wild boar along a moving window of 1–7 days (time between infection and the onset ASF symptoms) highlighted the potential of rapid ASF spread over long distances when wild boar are in search of pulsed resources. This work demonstrates the capacity of wild boar to move long distances to exploit resources and emphasizes the need to consider resource availability when predicting the speed and extent to which diseases such as ASF can spread.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 6 of 6

Young, R. E., H. R. Akçakaya, E. L. Bennett et al. (2024). "Opportunity: Assess programme impact by testing an adaptation of the IUCN Green Status of Species." Oryx 58(3), 281-281.


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Peer-Reviewed Literature Citations

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 1 of 4

Farrell, C. E., J. Simard, S. Louttit, M. Southee, L. Cruz-Font, D. P. Struthers, J. L. Seguin and C. M. O'Connor (2024). "Occupancy, movement, and behaviour of namew (lake sturgeon Acipenser fulvescens) in an intact river in Canada." Endangered Species Research 54, 59-81.

Abstract: Most sturgeon populations are imperilled and living in fragmented rivers. Here, we studied namew (lake sturgeon Acipenser fulvescens), fish important to Ililiwak (Moose Cree Peoples), in the North French River: a free-flowing, intact river in Kit Aski Nahnuun (the Moose Cree Homeland) in northern Ontario, Canada. This study was co-created alongside members of Moose Cree First Nation and used acoustic telemetry to passively track 20 tagged namew over 6 yr (2016-2022). Namew occupied the entire monitored river reach: about 45 km. Namew used 2 overwintering areas and occupied more overall river sections during spring and summer (out of 6 total seasons often used by Ililiwak). We did not detect namew moving upstream or downstream during freeze-up and winter. Generally, namew showed the greatest acceleration and travelled the longest distances during spring and summer, and they occupied shallower water during summer at lower water levels and deepest waters during freeze-up. We found an interaction between season and diurnal period, where namew occupied shallower depths and had higher acceleration at dawn and night relative to morning and afternoon in most seasons; dusk behaviour was variable among seasons. However, this pattern was absent in spring, when namew showed no diurnal pattern in acceleration and were in shallower water during morning and afternoon. Diurnal patterns were less pronounced, but detectable, during ice-affected seasons. This river provides year-round habitat for namew, and our data reveal distinct patterns of namew occupancy, movement, and behaviour in a free-flowing, intact river. Our work is an example of successfully co-creating research that addresses both scientific and community priorities.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 2 of 4

Jiménez-Ruiz, S., N. Santos, J. A. Barasona, A. E. Fine and F. Jori (In Press). "Editorial: Pathogen transmission at the domestic-wildlife interface: A growing challenge that requires integrated." Frontiers in Veterinary Science, e1415335.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 3 of 4

Keany, J. M., P. Burns, A. J. Abraham, ..., F. Maisels et al. (Early View). "Using multiscale lidar to determine variation in canopy structure from African forest elephant trails." Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation.

Abstract: Recently classified as a unique species by the IUCN, African forest elephants (Loxodonta cyclotis) are critically endangered due to severe poaching. With limited knowledge about their ecological role due to the dense tropical forests they inhabit in central Africa, it is unclear how the Afrotropics are influenced by elephants. Although their role as seed dispersers is well known, they may also drive large-scale processes that determine forest structure through the creation of elephant trails and browsing the understory, allowing larger, carbon-dense trees to succeed. Multiple scales of lidar were collected by NASA in Lopé National Park, Gabon from 2015 to 2022. Utilizing two airborne lidar datasets in an African forest elephant stronghold, detailed canopy structural information was used in conjunction with elephant trail data to determine how forest structure varies on and off trails. Forest along elephant trails displayed different structural characteristics than forested areas off trails, with lower canopy height, canopy cover, and different vertical distribution of plant density. Less plant area density was found on trails at 1 m in height, while more vegetation was found at 12 m, compared to off trail locations. Trails in forest areas with previous logging history had lower plant area in the top of the canopy. Forest elephants can be considered as “logging light” ecosystem engineers, affecting canopy structure through browsing and movement. Both airborne lidar scales were able to capture elephant impact along trails, with the high-resolution discrete return lidar performing higher than waveform lidar.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 4 of 4

McGuire, R. L., M. Robards, B. J. Lagassé, W. Egelhoff and J. Helmericks (2024). "Migratory and winter movements of Arctic Alaska breeding Sabine's gulls (Xema sabini)." Waterbirds 46(2-4), 243-250.

Abstract: The Sabine's Gull (Xema sabini) is a pelagic, Arctic-breeding species with a circumpolar breeding distribution. Little is known about migration routes for northern Alaska-breeding Sabine's Gulls. We tagged Sabine's Gulls on their northern Alaska breeding grounds to identify migration routes and wintering areas and compare geolocators and GPS pinpoint tags for use on small-bodied gulls. Twelve geolocators were deployed in northern Alaska in 2011 (Colville River delta) of which four were recovered, and five GPS pinpoint tags in 2021 (Qupaluk). Although the GPS pinpoint tags provided more accurate locations allowing for finer-scale habitat evaluation, and did not require recapture of birds, the overall coverage provided by geolocators was superior given constraints on the number of locations GPS pinpoint tags record. Broadly, Sabine's Gulls migrated away from the breeding grounds as expected, passing along the west coast of Alaska and south along the west coast of the Americas to winter in the Humboldt Current off the coast of Peru. Our tracked gulls used the same migratory staging and wintering areas as did Sabine's Gulls breeding in the Canadian Arctic (Davis et al. 2016). Such reliance on specific marine areas presents risks from climate-related changes or ecological damage to those areas.

Grey Literature Citations

Grey Literature Citation 1 of 1

Parra Bastos, J. E., G. Chaves-Rosero and Y. Murillo-Posso (2024). Aves Playeras del Pacífico Colombiano. Cali, Colombia: Wildlife Conservation Society, Colombia.

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Peer-Reviewed Literature Citations

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 1 of 2

Ardiantiono, N. J. Deere, E. Ramadiyanta, M. C. Sibarani, A. N. Hadi, N. Andayani et al. (2024). "Selecting umbrella species as mammal biodiversity indicators in tropical forest." Biological Conservation 292, e110511.

Abstract: Conservation managers often monitor umbrella species as indicators of broader biodiversity patterns, but this assumption is seldom evaluated due to lack of survey data and objective umbrella criteria. We evaluated the performance of eight candidate umbrella species in representing broader patterns of mammal biodiversity in Sumatra, Indonesia, using a comprehensive camera trap dataset from the island's largest remaining tropical rainforest. We employed an occupancy modeling framework to quantify the association between species-level occupancy and four community-level biodiversity parameters while accounting for imperfect detection. Sambar deer and clouded leopard were consistently ranked the top umbrellas. Areas where these species were prevalent were associated with higher levels of community occupancy, species richness, functional and phylogenetic diversity. Sumatran tiger and rhino were among the lower ranked umbrellas, and inadequately represented other biodiversity parameters despite being the main subjects of monitoring. Our results demonstrate that the occurrence status of charismatic species commonly regarded as umbrellas does not necessarily represent broader patterns of biodiversity. Species that are frequently overlooked by conservation decision-making may better represent overall mammal diversity. We advocate utilizing umbrella fleets with multiple species monitored to better represent biodiversity patterns, and encourage broader application of our data-driven framework to assess umbrella species performance.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 2 of 2

Robira, B., S. Benhamou, E. Obeki Bayanga, T. Breuer and S. Masi (2024). "Changes in movement patterns in relation to sun conditions and spatial scales in wild western gorillas." Animal Cognition 27(1), e37.

Abstract: For most primates living in tropical forests, food resources occur in patchworks of different habitats that vary seasonally in quality and quantity. Efficient navigation (i.e., spatial memory-based orientation) towards profitable food patches should enhance their foraging success. The mechanisms underpinning primate navigating ability remain nonetheless mostly unknown. Using GPS long-term tracking (596 days) of one group of wild western lowland gorillas (Gorilla gorilla gorilla), we investigated their ability to navigate at long distances, and tested for how the sun was used to navigate at any scale by improving landmark visibility and/or by acting as a compass. Long episodic movements ending at a distant swamp, a unique place in the home range where gorillas could find mineral-rich aquatic plants, were straighter and faster than their everyday foraging movements relying on spatial memory. This suggests intentional targeting of the swamp based on long-distance navigation skills, which can thus be efficient over a couple of kilometres. Interestingly, for both long-distance movements towards the swamp and everyday foraging movements, gorillas moved straighter under sunlight conditions even under a dense vegetation cover. By contrast, movement straightness was not markedly different when the sun elevation was low (the sun azimuth then being potentially usable as a compass) or high (so providing no directional information) and the sky was clear or overcast. This suggests that gorillas navigate their home range by relying on visual place recognition but do not use the sun azimuth as a compass. Like humans, who rely heavily on vision to navigate, gorillas should benefit from better lighting to help them identify landmarks as they move through shady forests. This study uncovers a neglected aspect of primate navigation. Spatial memory and vision might have played an important role in the evolutionary success of diurnal primate lineages.


Grey Literature and Prepublication Citations

Grey Literature and Prepublication Citation 1 of 3

Bravo-Pedraza, W., L.M. Caro, S. Torres, and F. Gonzalez-Zapata (2023). Un Vistazo a las Plantas Emblemáticas del Sur del Tolima. Cali, Colombia: Alianza Río Saldaña, una cuenca de vida, Wildlife Conservation Society, and Foundation Franklinia, 1-79.

Grey Literature and Prepublication Citation 2 of 3

Chang, C. H., J. T. Erbaugh, P. Fajardo, ..., K. Austin et al. (Prepublication). “A global evidence map of human well-being and biodiversity co-benefits and trade-offs of natural climate solutions.” arXiv.

Abstract: Natural climate solutions (NCS) are critical for mitigating climate change through ecosystem-based carbon removal and emissions reductions. NCS implementation can also generate biodiversity and human well-being co-benefits and trade-offs ("NCS co-impacts"), but the volume of evidence on NCS co-impacts has grown rapidly across disciplines, is poorly understood, and remains to be systematically collated and synthesized. A global evidence map of NCS co-impacts would overcome key barriers to NCS implementation by providing relevant information on co-benefits and trade-offs where carbon mitigation potential alone does not justify NCS projects. We employ large language models to assess over two million articles, finding 257,266 relevant articles on NCS co-impacts. We analyze this large and dispersed body of literature using innovative machine learning methods to extract relevant data (e.g., study location, species, and other key variables), and create a global evidence map on NCS co-impacts. Evidence on NCS co-impacts has grown approximately ten-fold in three decades, although some of the most abundant evidence is associated with pathways that have less mitigation potential. We find that studies often examine multiple NCS pathways, indicating natural NCS pathway complements, and each NCS is often associated with two or more coimpacts. Finally, NCS co-impacts evidence and priority areas for NCS are often mismatched--some countries with high mitigation potential from NCS have few published studies on the broader co-impacts of NCS implementation. Our work advances and makes available novel methods and systematic and representative data of NCS co-impacts studies, thus providing timely insights to inform NCS research and action globally.

Grey Literature and Prepublication Citation 3 of 3

Montecino-Latorre, D., M. Pruvot and S. H. Olson (Prepublication). “Wildlife health perceptions and monitoring practices in globally distributed protected areas.” EcoEvoRxiv.

Abstract: Diseases are a threat to biodiversity conservation and global health, however, wildlife health (WH) surveillance systems remain uncommon. This deficit is especially relevant in protected areas (PAs) facing anthropogenic pressures. Integration of field conservation actors patrolling PAs can drastically strengthen WH surveillance. Nevertheless, baseline information regarding current WH monitoring mandates and practices at these sites is missing. To address this gap, we surveyed globally distributed protected area data managers (PADMs). PADMs considered WH as relevant to the conservation goals of PAs and >90% of them confirmed that non-healthy and dead wildlife are encountered. However, >50% and >20% of PADMs claimed that these animals were not recorded, respectively. When these animals were documented, the recording methods and information collected differed. Although domestic animal presence was common and considered a conservation concern, these animals and their health status were not always recorded. Health data were often stored in a database, but paper forms and spreadsheets were also used. Responses suggest that valuable syndromic WH surveillance data from PAs are being lost due to non-collection or inadequate management and their value could be limited by unstandardized documentation. Rangers could become a globally distributed “One Health workforce” but these flaws must be addressed first.

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Peer-Reviewed Literature Citations

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 1 of 5

Bardales, R., V. Boron, D. F. Passos Viana, ..., E. Payán et al. (2024). "Neotropical mammal responses to megafires in the Brazilian Pantanal." Global Change Biology 30(4), e17278.

Abstract: The increasing frequency and severity of human-caused fires likely have deleterious effects on species distribution and persistence. In 2020, megafires in the Brazilian Pantanal burned 43% of the biome's unburned area and resulted in mass mortality of wildlife. We investigated changes in habitat use or occupancy for an assemblage of eight mammal species in Serra do Amolar, Brazil, following the 2020 fires using a pre- and post-fire camera trap dataset. Additionally, we estimated the density for two naturally marked species, jaguars Panthera onca and ocelots Leopardus pardalis. Of the eight species, six (ocelots, collared peccaries Dicotyles tajacu, giant armadillos Priodontes maximus, Azara's agouti Dasyprocta azarae, red brocket deer Mazama americana, and tapirs Tapirus terrestris) had declining occupancy following fires, and one had stable habitat use (pumas Puma concolor). Giant armadillo experienced the most precipitous decline in occupancy from 0.431 ± 0.171 to 0.077 ± 0.044 after the fires. Jaguars were the only species with increasing habitat use, from 0.393 ± 0.127 to 0.753 ± 0.085. Jaguar density remained stable across years (2.8 ± 1.3, 3.7 ± 1.3, 2.6 ± 0.85/100 km2), while ocelot density increased from 13.9 ± 3.2 to 16.1 ± 5.2/100 km2. However, the low number of both jaguars and ocelots recaptured after the fire period suggests that immigration may have sustained the population. Our results indicate that the megafires will have significant consequences for species occupancy and fitness in fire-affected areas. The scale of megafires may inhibit successful recolonization, thus wider studies are needed to investigate population trends.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 2 of 5

Linder, J. M., D. T. Cronin, N. Ting, ..., D. Kujirakwinja, B. Long, F. Maisels et al. (Early View). "To protect African tropical forests, invest in the conservation of its most endangered group of monkeys, red colobus." Conservation Letters, e13014.

Abstract: Forest loss and overhunting are eroding African tropical biodiversity and threatening local human food security, livelihoods, and health. Emblematic of this ecological crisis is Africa's most endangered group of monkeys, the red colobus (genus Piliocolobus). All 17 species, found in forests from Senegal in the west to the Zanzibar archipelago in the east, are threatened with extinction. Red colobus are among the most vulnerable mammals to gun hunting, typically disappearing from heavily hunted forests before most other large-bodied animals. Despite their conservation status, they are rarely a focus of conservation attention and continue to be understudied. However, red colobus can act as critical barometers of forest health and serve as flagships for catalyzing broader African tropical forest conservation efforts. We offer a plan for conservation of red colobus and their habitats and discuss conservation and policy implications.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 3 of 5

Mendes, C. P., W. R. Albert, Z. Amir, ..., A. Latinne, M. Linkie, F. Loi, A. J. Lynam, ..., T. O'Brien, ..., D. M. Rayan et al. (Early View). "CamTrapAsia: A dataset of tropical forest vertebrate communities from 239 camera trapping studies." Ecology, e4299.

Abstract: Information on tropical Asian vertebrates has traditionally been sparse, particularly when it comes to cryptic species inhabiting the dense forests of the region. Vertebrate populations are declining globally due to land-use change and hunting, the latter frequently referred as “defaunation.” This is especially true in tropical Asia where there is extensive land-use change and high human densities. Robust monitoring requires that large volumes of vertebrate population data be made available for use by the scientific and applied communities. Camera traps have emerged as an effective, non-invasive, widespread, and common approach to surveying vertebrates in their natural habitats. However, camera-derived datasets remain scattered across a wide array of sources, including published scientific literature, gray literature, and unpublished works, making it challenging for researchers to harness the full potential of cameras for ecology, conservation, and management. In response, we collated and standardized observations from 239 camera trap studies conducted in tropical Asia. There were 278,260 independent records of 371 distinct species, comprising 232 mammals, 132 birds, and seven reptiles. The total trapping effort accumulated in this data paper consisted of 876,606 trap nights, distributed among Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, Bhutan, Thailand, Myanmar, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Nepal, and far eastern India. The relatively standardized deployment methods in the region provide a consistent, reliable, and rich count data set relative to other large-scale pressence-only data sets, such as the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) or citizen science repositories (e.g., iNaturalist), and is thus most similar to eBird. To facilitate the use of these data, we also provide mammalian species trait information and 13 environmental covariates calculated at three spatial scales around the camera survey centroids (within 10-, 20-, and 30-km buffers). We will update the dataset to include broader coverage of temperate Asia and add newer surveys and covariates as they become available. This dataset unlocks immense opportunities for single-species ecological or conservation studies as well as applied ecology, community ecology, and macroecology investigations. The data are fully available to the public for utilization and research. Please cite this data paper when utilizing the data.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 4 of 5

Scrafford, M. A., J. L. Seguin, L. K. McCaw, M. S. Boyce and J. C. Ray (Early View). "Wolverine density, survival, and population trends in the Canadian boreal forest." The Journal of Wildlife Management, e22587.

Abstract: There is limited information available on wolverine (Gulo gulo) population density and trends in the boreal forest of North America. We estimated wolverine density using spatial capture-recapture methods across 2 boreal forest study areas in Red Lake, Ontario (26,568 km2) and Rainbow Lake, Alberta (19,084 km2), Canada. We also used radio-telemetry data to estimate annual survival of adult and sub-adult wolverines and evaluated population trends with a stage-based matrix model. We used an array of run poles and live traps to detect wolverines. In Red Lake over 3 winter field seasons (2019–2022), we detected 56 individual wolverines (17 females, 32 males, and 7 unknown sex), and in Rainbow Lake over 2 field seasons (2014–2016), we detected 48 individuals (19 females, 18 males, and 11 of unknown sex). Average densities in Red Lake and Rainbow Lake were 3.64 and 6.74 wolverines/1,000 km2, respectively. Adults and sub-adults occurred at equal abundance. Spring snow cover, roads, and industrial developments were not associated with spatial patterns of wolverine density. Most deaths occurred near roads; wolverines were killed in fur traps set along roads, by wolves using roads to travel, and by vehicles. The largest source of death was from incidental (n = 6 in Red Lake) or licensed fur trapping (n = 8 in Rainbow Lake) and we report 8 injuries from fur trapping sets. Red Lake survival estimates for adults (0.87) and sub-adults (0.86) contributed to a stable population trend. Rainbow Lake survival estimates for adults (0.66) and sub-adults (0.50) contributed to a declining population trend based on a relatively low sample of radio-days. Red Lake and Rainbow Lake combined survival estimates for adults (0.77) and sub-adults (0.73) also contributed to a declining population trend. Our survival and population modeling suggests that human-caused mortality is a significant risk to these populations. Our results can be applied to wolverine status assessments and used as benchmarks for future monitoring. Wolverine population stability or growth might be achieved by reducing incidental trapping deaths or injury and hindering human access to wolverine habitats through decommissioning or limiting development of industrial roads or other anthropogenic linear features.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 5 of 5

Wagner, E. L., G. A. Rebstock and P. D. Boersma (2024). "A fearful scourge to the penguin colonies: Southern giant petrel (Macronectes giganteus) predation on living Magellanic penguins (Spheniscus magellanicus) may be more common than assumed." Ecology and Evolution 14(4), e11258.

Abstract: Southern giant petrels (Macronectes giganteus) are important consumers that range across the oceans throughout the southern hemisphere. In Argentina, previous studies have shown they eat primarily pinnipeds and penguins, which they are assumed to scavenge, although there are occasional anecdotes of them attacking living penguins. Here we describe a predation attempt by a trio of southern giant petrels on a molting adult Magellanic penguin (Spheniscus magellanicus) at the large colony at Punta Tombo, Argentina. We relate giant petrel attendance patterns at the colony to the penguins' phenology, showing how giant petrel numbers rise with the increasing prevalence of vulnerable penguins. We suggest that living penguins—both fledglings and adults—may constitute a more seasonally significant proportion of the giant petrel diet than previously assumed, and their capture may represent a specialized predation technique.

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Peer-Reviewed Literature Citations

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 1 of 7

Arévalo-González, G. K., L. Cabrias-Contreras, A. Venturotti N. Carneiro, ..., C. A. Saavedra-Rodríguez and et al. (Early View). "Stranding reports of the Antillean manatee in the middle Magdalena Basin, Colombia 2011 to 2023." Latin American Journal of Aquatic Mammals.

Abstract: The aim of this study was to conduct an analysis of reported events concerning Antillean manatee (Trichechus manatus manatus) strandings in the middle Magdalena Basin region of Colombia from January 2011 to December 2023. To achieve this, a literature search was conducted in newspapers, news broadcasts, as well as gray and published reports, complemented by interviews and workshops with various governmental and non-governmental organizations. This search resulted in reliable information regarding past experiences involving stranded manatees over the years. Cases attended to by the environmental authority and its partners were also considered. Forty-four stranding events were recorded, with 34 deaths and 10 live manatees. Of the cases discovered, 79.5% of the reported cases were addressed. This effort highlighted the current lack of an official database that would provide firsthand knowledge of Antillean manatee stranding events in Colombia, thereby hindering timely and appropriate territorial management during response to the challenges faced by this species in the region. Furthermore, it underscores the need to implement a standardized response pathway for manatee cases, following appropriate protocols, and promoting the coordination of stakeholders within the regional stranding network in the middle Magdalena Basin. This approach, in addition to supporting the capacity building of communities, institutions, and organizations for improving response knowledge, conservation, and manatee recovery, is of paramount importance for the long-term sustainability of manatee populations in the region.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 2 of 7

Buuveibaatar, B., S. Strindberg, B. Ariunbaatar, ..., E. Shiilegdamba, J. Tsolmon, ... and K. A. Olson (First View). "Assessment of the global population size of the Mongolian gazelle Procapra gutturosa." Oryx.

Abstract: The Mongolian gazelle Procapra gutturosa is a wild ungulate ubiquitous across the largest remaining temperate grasslands of Mongolia, Russia and China. The species is nomadic and ranges over long distances, resulting in widely fluctuating abundance in any given location. Therefore, a comprehensive and range-wide survey is required to accurately estimate its global population size, but challenges are posed by the expansive geographical distribution and the political boundaries across the species’ vast range. To obtain an estimate of the total population, we compiled data from recent range-wide surveys. During 2019–2020, we estimated the population size in Mongolia by conducting line transect distance surveys and total counts, and by deriving numerical predictions for unsurveyed areas through data analysis. The gazelle's population in Russia was surveyed in 2020 across its summer range using simultaneous counts, transect surveys and expert knowledge. The distance sampling surveys in Mongolia revealed that slightly more than half of the gazelles along the transects were detected. Our assessment of the gazelle population, although probably an underestimate, suggests there are c. 2.14 million individuals in Mongolia and c. 30,000 in Russia. These results confirm that the Mongolian gazelle is the most abundant nomadic ungulate in the open plains across its range. However, to obtain more accurate estimates across all range states and effectively monitor the gazelle's population status, it is essential to implement standardized survey protocols that correct for imperfect detection. At present, the management of the Mongolian gazelle is inadequate, as there is a lack of regular monitoring to identify any adverse population changes that could necessitate conservation interventions.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 3 of 7

Harmsen, B. J., S. Williams, M. Abarca, ..., E. Payán and et al. (Early View). "Estimating species distribution from camera trap by-catch data, using jaguarundi (Herpailurus yagouaroundi) as an example." Diversity and Distributions, e13831.

Abstract: Aim: Planning conservation action requires accurate estimates of abundance and distribution of the target species. For many mammals, particularly those inhabiting tropical forests, there are insufficient data to assess their conservation status. We present a framework for predicting species distribution using jaguarundi (Herpailurus yagouaroundi), a poorly known felid for which basic information on abundance and distribution is lacking. Location: Mesoamerica and South America. Time Period: From 2003 to 2021. Taxa: Herpailurus yagouaroundi. Methods: We combined camera-trap data from multiple sites and used an occupancy modelling framework accounting for imperfect detection to identify habitat associations and predict the range-wide distribution of jaguarundis. Results: Our model predicted that the probability of jaguarundi occupancy is positively associated with rugged terrain, herbaceous cover, and human night-time light intensity. Jaguarundi occupancy was predicted to be higher where precipitation was less seasonal, and at intermediate levels of diurnal temperature range. Our camera data also revealed additional detections of jaguarundis beyond the current International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) range distribution, including the Andean foothills of Colombia and Bolivia. Main Conclusion: Occupancy was predicted to be low throughout much of Amazonian lowlands, a vast area at the centre of jaguarundi known range. Further work is required to investigate whether this area represents sub-optimal conditions for the species. Overall, we estimate a crude global jaguarundi population of 35,000 to 230,000 individuals, covering 4,453,406?km2 of Meso- and South America at the 0.5 probability level of occupancy. Our current framework allows for an initially detailed, well-informed species distribution that should be challenged and refined with improved habitat layers and additional records of jaguarundi detection. We encourage similar studies of lesser-known mammals, pooling existing by-catch data from the growing bank of camera-trap surveys around the world.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 4 of 7

Heniff, A. C., D. McAloose, E. Crook and T. M. Harrison (In Press). "SARS-CoV-2 morbidity, treatment interventions, and vaccination practices in tigers (Panthera tigris ssp) in North American zoos." Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association.

Abstract: OBJECTIVE: Evaluate SARS-CoV-2 morbidity, mortality, clinical signs, treatment interventions, and vaccination practices in tigers under professional care. ANIMALS: Amur (Panthera tigris altaica), Sumatran (Panthera tigris sumatrae), and Malayan (Panthera tigris jacksoni) tigers managed under the Tiger Species Survival Plan (SSP). METHODS: A retrospective, voluntary online survey was sent to all North American zoos holding SSP tigers between January 2020 and June 2023. RESULTS: Responses were received from 55 of 108 institutions (51%) housing 162 tigers in total, and SARS-CoV-2 infection was diagnosed in 39 tigers from 15 institutions (20 Amur, 8 Sumatran, and 11 Malayan [1 to 18 years old; 17 males and 22 females]). This corresponds to a minimum study group infection incidence of 24% over 42 months. Clinical signs included dry cough (82%), inappetence (64%), lethargy (62%), nasal discharge (46%), wheezing (31%), wet cough (18%), and ocular discharge (15%). Most cases were characterized as mild (n = 22) or moderate (14). A single case was characterized as severe. Two cases were asymptomatic. Seventeen positive tigers had been vaccinated once (n = 8) or twice (9) for SARS-CoV-2 prior to infection. No deaths due to SARS-CoV-2 were reported in the study group. Treatment interventions included antibiotics (49%), NSAIDs (18%), antiemetics (15%), and fluids (13%). No treatments were administered in 19 of 39 cases (49%). Amongst participating institutions, 69% reported fully vaccinating tigers for SARS-CoV-2 (≥ 2 doses). CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Most SARS-CoV-2–infected tigers presented with mild to moderate clinical signs and recovered with limited to no treatment interventions. Asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infections can occur in tigers and may be underreported. Tigers vaccinated for SARS-CoV-2 remain susceptible to infection.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 5 of 7

Kasinsky, T., N. Rosciano, J. A. Vianna, P. Yorio and L. Campagna (2024). "Population structure and connectivity among coastal and freshwater Kelp Gull (Larus dominicanus) populations from Patagonia." PLoS ONE 19(4), e0301004.

Abstract: The genetic identification of evolutionary significant units and information on their connectivity can be used to design effective management and conservation plans for species of concern. Despite having high dispersal capacity, several seabird species show population structure due to both abiotic and biotic barriers to gene flow. The Kelp Gull is the most abundant species of gull in the southern hemisphere. In Argentina it reproduces in both marine and freshwater environments, with more than 100,000 breeding pairs following a metapopulation dynamic across 140 colonies in the Atlantic coast of Patagonia. However, little is known about the demography and connectivity of inland populations. We aim to provide information on the connectivity of the largest freshwater colonies (those from Nahuel Huapi Lake) with the closest Pacific and Atlantic populations to evaluate if these freshwater colonies are receiving immigrants from the larger coastal populations. We sampled three geographic regions (Nahuel Huapi Lake and the Atlantic and Pacific coasts) and employed a reduced-representation genomic approach to genotype individuals for single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). Using clustering and phylogenetic analyses we found three genetic groups, each corresponding to one of our sampled regions. Individuals from marine environments are more closely related to each other than to those from Nahuel Huapi Lake, indicating that the latter population constitutes the first freshwater Kelp Gull colony to be identified as an evolutionary significant unit in Patagonia.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 6 of 7

Orbell, C., K. A. Abernethy, E. F. Akomo-Okoue, ..., F. Ebouta, ..., W. M. Tsongue and et al. (2024). "Updated distribution of spotted hyaenas in Gabon reveals resident populations." African Journal of Ecology 62(2), e13272.

Abstract: Spotted hyaena distribution currently widely encompasses sub-Saharan Africa, apart from the Congo Basin. Formerly described as residents of Gabon but considered extinct, vagrant individuals have been recorded since 2003, but no systematic species presence assessment has been made. Based on records of killed individuals, tracks and camera-trap sightings, we show that not only vagrant individuals are roaming in Gabon, but a small resident population occurs in the North-East of the country. The records collated here formed the basis for spotted hyaenas to be listed as protected in Gabon, were included in the IUCN Red List species' range map update and showcased the importance of large-scale by-catch data analysis in updating species distributions.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 7 of 7

Wen, D., J. Qi, W. Cheng, ..., E. Yang and G. Jiang (2024). "Spatial population distribution dynamics of big cats and ungulates with seasonal and disturbance changes in temperate natural forest." Global Ecology and Conservation 51, e02881.

Abstract: Wildlife conservation and management in human-dominated landscapes are major concerns for wildlife ecologists and managers. The dynamics of human disturbance, combined with seasonal limitations in the availability of nutritious foods, may restrict wildlife population growth and recovery. However, understanding how large mammal species adjust their population distribution in forest habitats with seasonal changes in food and disturbances requires a deeper and more extensive analysis. In this study, we found that three ungulate species, roe deer (Capreolus pygargus), sika deer (Cervus nippon), and wild boar (Sus scrofa), employ robust, conservative, and flexible distribution strategies, respectively, to adapt to the effects of seasonal changes and human disturbances. Moreover, croplands, villages, and grazing have some negative effects on the distribution of roe deer and sika deer, while wild boar can be highly abundant near human land use. Additionally, roe deer, sika deer, and wild boar are also affected by the abundance of shrub species they consume. During the cold season, the populations of the Amur tiger (Panthera tigris altaica) and Amur leopard (P. pardus orientalis) were primarily located near roads and dense forests, respectively. In the warm season, the distribution of both big cats was influenced by prey abundance, and Amur tigers also avoided grazing livestock. Nevertheless, the negative effects of human land use on Amur tigers and wild boars increased during the warm season, which was attributed to more frequent human activities during that time. Consequently, it is crucial to implement season-specific habitat management, particularly by regulating human disturbances during the warm season, in order to promote the recovery and expansion of populations of big cats and ungulates.


Grey Literature Citations

Grey Literature Citation 1 of 1

Wildlife Conservation Society, Bolivia, Grupo de Trabajo para los Llanos Moxos, Centro de Investigación en Biodiversidad y Medio Ambiente and Dirección de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales del Gobierno Autónomo Municipal de Trinidad (2024). Reto Ciudad Naturaleza 2023: Una Experiencia de Ciencia Ciudadana en Trinidad. Informe de Resultados. Trinidad, Bolivia: Grupo de Trabajo para los Llanos Moxos.

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Peer-Reviewed Literature Citations

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 1 of 6

Franceschi, I. C., R. A. d. P. Dornas, I. S. Lermen, ..., R. R. Rocha et al. (Early View). "Camera trap surveys of Atlantic Forest mammals: A data set for analyses considering imperfect detection (2004–2020)." Ecology, e4298.

Abstract: Camera traps became the main observational method of a myriad of species over large areas. Data sets from camera traps can be used to describe the patterns and monitor the occupancy, abundance, and richness of wildlife, essential information for conservation in times of rapid climate and land-cover changes. Habitat loss and poaching are responsible for historical population losses of mammals in the Atlantic Forest biodiversity hotspot, especially for medium to large-sized species. Here we present a data set from camera trap surveys of medium to large-sized native mammals (>1 kg) across the Atlantic Forest. We compiled data from 5380 ground-level camera trap deployments in 3046 locations, from 2004 to 2020, resulting in 43,068 records of 58 species. These data add to existing data sets of mammals in the Atlantic Forest by including dates of camera operation needed for analyses dealing with imperfect detection. We also included, when available, information on important predictors of detection, namely the camera brand and model, use of bait, and obstruction of camera viewshed that can be measured from example pictures at each camera location. Besides its application in studies on the patterns and mechanisms behind occupancy, relative abundance, richness, and detection, the data set presented here can be used to study species' daily activity patterns, activity levels, and spatiotemporal interactions between species. Moreover, data can be used combined with other data sources in the multiple and expanding uses of integrated population modeling. An R script is available to view summaries of the data set. We expect that this data set will be used to advance the knowledge of mammal assemblages and to inform evidence-based solutions for the conservation of the Atlantic Forest. The data are not copyright restricted; please cite this paper when using the data.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 2 of 6

Guzmán, D. A., E. Diaz, C. Sáenz, H. Álvarez, R. Cueva, G. Zapata-Ríos et al. (2024). "Domestic dogs in indigenous Amazonian communities: Key players in Leptospira cycling and transmission?" PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases 18(4), e0011671.

Abstract: Background: Leptospirosis is the world’s most common zoonotic disease. Mitigation and control rely on pathogen identification and understanding the roles of potential reservoirs in cycling and transmission. Underreporting and misdiagnosis obscure the magnitude of the problem and confound efforts to understand key epidemiological components. Difficulties in culturing hamper the use of serological diagnostics and delay the development of DNA detection methods. As a result, especially in complex ecosystems, we know very little about the importance of different mammalian host species in cycling and transmission to humans. Methodology/principal findings: We sampled dogs from five indigenous Kichwa communities living in the Yasuní National Park in the Ecuadorian Amazon basin. Blood and urine samples from domestic dogs were collected to assess the exposure of these animals to Leptospira and to identify the circulating species. Microscopic Agglutination Tests with a panel of 22 different serovars showed anti-leptospira antibodies in 36 sampled dogs (75%), and 7 serogroups were detected. Two DNA-based detection assays revealed pathogenic Leptospira DNA in 18 of 19 dog urine samples (94.7%). Amplicon sequencing and phylogenetic analysis of 16S rRNA and SecY genes from 15 urine samples revealed genetic diversity within two of three different Leptospira species: noguchii (n = 7), santarosai (n = 7), and interrogans (n = 1). Conclusions/significance: The high prevalence of antibodies and Leptospira DNA provides strong evidence for high rates of past and current infections. Such high prevalence has not been previously reported for dogs. These dogs live in the peridomestic environment in close contact with humans, yet they are free-ranging animals that interact with wildlife. This complex web of interactions may explain the diverse types of pathogenic Leptospira observed in this study. Our results suggest that domestic dogs are likely to play an important role in the cycling and transmission of Leptospira. Future studies in areas with complex ecoepidemiology will enable better parsing of the significance of genotypic, environmental, and host characteristics.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 3 of 6

Klüg-Baerwald, B. J., C. L. Lausen, S. M. Burns and R. M. Brigham (In Press). "Physiological and behavioural adaptations by big brown bats hibernating in dry rock crevices." Journal of Comparative Physiology B: Biochemical, Systems, and Environmental Physiology.

Abstract: Winter energy stores are finite and factors influencing patterns of activity are important for overwintering energetics and survival. Hibernation patterns (e.g., torpor bout duration and arousal frequency) often depend on microclimate, with more stable hibernacula associated with greater energy savings than less stable hibernacula. We monitored hibernation patterns of individual big brown bats (Eptesicus fuscus; Palisot de Beauvois, 1796) overwintering in rock-crevices that are smaller, drier, and less thermally stable than most known cave hibernacula. While such conditions would be predicted to increase arousal frequency in many hibernators, we did not find support for this. We found that bats were insensitive to changes in hibernacula microclimate (temperature and humidity) while torpid. We also found that the probability of arousal from torpor remained under circadian influence, likely because throughout the winter during arousals, bats commonly exit their hibernacula. We calculated that individuals spend most of their energy on maintaining a torpid body temperature a few degrees above the range of ambient temperatures during steady-state torpor, rather than during arousals as is typical of other small mammalian hibernators. Flight appears to be an important winter activity that may expedite the benefits of euthermic periods and allow for short, physiologically effective arousals. Overall, we found that big brown bats in rock crevices exhibit different hibernation patterns than conspecifics hibernating in buildings and caves.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 4 of 6

Luiselli, L., O. Le Duc, T. Pham Van, ..., L. McCaskill et al. (2024). "A threat analysis for the world’s most threatened turtle (Rafetus swinhoei)." Journal for Nature Conservation 78, e126577.

Abstract: We conducted a comprehensive threat analysis of the Swinhoe’s softshell turtle (Rafetus swinhoei), the most endangered freshwater turtle in the world, historically occurring along river systems in Vietnam and China, but currently almost extinct. Here, our goal was to identify the pressures along two main rivers in Vietnam (Black and Red rivers, both extending into Yunnan, People’s Republic of China), building a conceptual framework to understand the causal relationships among driving forces, threats, and the target species. We involved a panel of experts who identified two priority direct threats in Vietnam, classified following the IUCN standard taxonomy, and showing the highest Magnitude (as a proxy of threat pressure): (i) Habitat loss at nesting sites (LOS; code 1.2 - Commercial & industrial areas) and, (ii) Land conversion due to settlements (LAN; code 1.1 - Housing & urban areas). Threats showed a comparable (i.e., not significantly different) Magnitude in the two rivers (Mann-Whitney U test). Experts also identified the underlying driving forces behind these threats: (i) demographic drivers (due to a rapid population growth in the last decades) causing LAN and LOS, as the priority threats, but also sand mining, and water pollution; (ii) economic drivers induced by high poverty in local populations and causing harvesting (fishing activities and related markets), the needs of power supply for economic activities (e.g., dams), and recreational activities; (iii) ethical drivers linked to conservation project teams (limited funds and divergent points about strategies to carry out). Preliminary data for China suggest HAR (Harvesting by native fishers; code 5.4) and POL (water pollution; code 9.2) as priority threats. Threat analysis is an useful tool in the early stages of a conservation project during the context analysis, helping to define priorities for conservation and management.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 5 of 6

Rubiano-Pérez, J. C., F. S. Gomez-Castañeda, L. Lemus-Mejía, I. M. Vela-Vargas and J. F. González-Maya (In Press). "State of knowledge and distribution of the Andean white ear opossum (Didelphis pernigra, Allen 1900) in Colombia." Mammalia.

Abstract: The Andean white ear opossum (Didelphis pernigra, Allen 1900) is one of the three species of the genus Didelphis reported in Colombia. Here we present a systematic review of D. pernigra in Colombia, with a geographical and altitudinal distribution hypothesis from the country. We reported geographic records and scientific available information of D. pernigra in 40 studies, 55.26 % of the available literature corresponded to local and regional inventories; 23.68 % of other documents were studies about mammal assemblages, while 21.05 % were specific studies about the species and the genus Didelphis in Colombia. We classified literature according to the following subcategories: natural history, diet, inventories, threats, reproduction, uses and perceptions. Most of the literature corresponded to detection in inventories (55.26 %), followed by natural history information (21.05 %) and threats (7.89 %). Research about diet, uses, perception and reproduction, had the lowest proportion with 5.26 %. Regarding distribution, geographic records ranged between 1060 and 3740 m across the three Andean ranges of Colombia. In general, little is known about the ecology or natural history of the species, efforts should be focused on filling the information gaps about natural history, and surveys should fill the distribution gaps along the Western and Central ranges of Colombia.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 6 of 6

Zwerts, J. A., E. H. M. Sterck, P. A. Verweij, F. Maisels et al. (In Press). "FSC-certified forest management benefits large mammals compared to non-FSC." Nature.

Abstract: More than a quarter of the world’s tropical forests are exploited for timber1. Logging impacts biodiversity in these ecosystems, primarily through the creation of forest roads that facilitate hunting for wildlife over extensive areas. Forest management certification schemes such as the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) are expected to mitigate impacts on biodiversity, but so far very little is known about the effectiveness of FSC certification because of research design challenges, predominantly limited sample sizes2,3. Here we provide this evidence by using 1.3 million camera-trap photos of 55 mammal species in 14 logging concessions in western equatorial Africa. We observed higher mammal encounter rates in FSC-certified than in non-FSC logging concessions. The effect was most pronounced for species weighing more than 10 kg and for species of high conservation priority such as the critically endangered forest elephant and western lowland gorilla. Across the whole mammal community, non-FSC concessions contained proportionally more rodents and other small species than did FSC-certified concessions. The first priority for species protection should be to maintain unlogged forests with effective law enforcement, but for logged forests our findings provide convincing data that FSC-certified forest management is less damaging to the mammal community than is non-FSC forest management. This study provides strong evidence that FSC-certified forest management or equivalently stringent requirements and controlling mechanisms should become the norm for timber extraction to avoid half-empty forests dominated by rodents and other small species.

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WCS-AUTHORED PUBLICATIONS,  25 March-7 April 2024 [2 weeks]


Peer-Reviewed Literature Citations

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 1 of 14

Chen, C., A. Granados, J. F. Brodie, ..., C. Kiebou-Opepa et al. (Early View). "Combining camera trap surveys and IUCN range maps to improve knowledge of species distributions." Conservation Biology, e14221.

Reliable maps of species distributions are fundamental for biodiversity research and conservation. The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) range maps are widely recognized as authoritative representations of species’ geographic limits, yet they might not always align with actual occurrence data. In recent area of habitat (AOH) maps, areas that are not habitat have been removed from IUCN ranges to reduce commission errors, but their concordance with actual species occurrence also remains untested. We tested concordance between occurrences recorded in camera trap surveys and predicted occurrences from the IUCN and AOH maps for 510 medium- to large-bodied mammalian species in 80 camera trap sampling areas. Across all areas, cameras detected only 39% of species expected to occur based on IUCN ranges and AOH maps; 85% of the IUCN only mismatches occurred within 200 km of range edges. Only 4% of species occurrences were detected by cameras outside IUCN ranges. The probability of mismatches between cameras and the IUCN range was significantly higher for smaller-bodied mammals and habitat specialists in the Neotropics and Indomalaya and in areas with shorter canopy forests. Our findings suggest that range and AOH maps rarely underrepresent areas where species occur, but they may more often overrepresent ranges by including areas where a species may be absent, particularly at range edges. We suggest that combining range maps with data from ground-based biodiversity sensors, such as camera traps, provides a richer knowledge base for conservation mapping and planning.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 2 of 14

Cooper, D. L. M., S. L. Lewis, M. J. P. Sullivan, ..., P. Boundja, ..., V. Estienne, ..., M. B. N. Hockemba, ..., M. E. Leal, ..., P. M. Umunay, ..., E. Vilanova Torre et al. (2024). "Consistent patterns of common species across tropical tree communities." Nature 625(7996), 728-734.

Abstract: Trees structure the Earth’s most biodiverse ecosystem, tropical forests. The vast number of tree species presents a formidable challenge to understanding these forests, including their response to environmental change, as very little is known about most tropical tree species. A focus on the common species may circumvent this challenge. Here we investigate abundance patterns of common tree species using inventory data on 1,003,805 trees with trunk diameters of at least 10 cm across 1,568 locations1–6 in closed-canopy, structurally intact old-growth tropical forests in Africa, Amazonia and Southeast Asia. We estimate that 2.2%, 2.2% and 2.3% of species comprise 50% of the tropical trees in these regions, respectively. Extrapolating across all closed-canopy tropical forests, we estimate that just 1,053 species comprise half of Earth’s 800 billion tropical trees with trunk diameters of at least 10 cm. Despite differing biogeographic, climatic and anthropogenic histories7, we find notably consistent patterns of common species and species abundance distributions across the continents. This suggests that fundamental mechanisms of tree community assembly may apply to all tropical forests. Resampling analyses show that the most common species are likely to belong to a manageable list of known species, enabling targeted efforts to understand their ecology. Although they do not detract from the importance of rare species, our results open new opportunities to understand the world’s most diverse forests, including modelling their response to environmental change, by focusing on the common species that constitute the majority of their trees.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 3 of 14

Esch, M. M., C. S. Jarnevich, N. Simões, T. R. McClanahan and A. R. Harborne (In Press). "Modeling the potential spread of the non-native regal demoiselle, Neopomacentrus cyanomos, in the western Atlantic." Coral Reefs.

Predicting the potential distribution of a non-native species can assist management efforts to mitigate impacts on recipient ecosystems. However, such predictions are lacking for marine species, such as the non-native regal demoiselle, Neopomacentrus cyanomos, that is currently expanding its distribution in the western Atlantic. We used correlative species distribution models with three common algorithms to predict suitable habitat for N. cyanomos in the region. We compared models developed using native, non-native, and global occurrences to differentiate drivers across separate ranges using a suite of 12 environmental characteristics. While final models included an ensemble of variables, the majority ranked the combined effect of temperature variables as a key predictor correlated with the distribution of N. cyanomos. Habitat suitability increased as water temperatures increased beyond 16 °C and where annual thermal ranges were greater than 10 °C at the shallowest depth with substrate within a study cell (~ 9.2 km2 resolution). Habitat suitability also increased where maximum surface temperatures were greater than 27 °C. In the non-native range, the proportion of reef available in each cell was another important variable increasing the suitable habitat for N. cyanomos. Our models predicted high habitat suitability for N. cyanomos throughout the Greater Caribbean, in higher latitudes along North and South American Atlantic coasts, in the eastern Pacific Ocean, and highlights key areas where managers can monitor and target potential removal efforts. The distribution of this non-native species is likely to continue expanding throughout the region with little known about potential implications on native communities.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 4 of 14

Glennon, M. J. and H. E. Kretser (In Press). "Factors influencing avian nest success in exurban residential areas in the Adirondack Park." The Adirondack Journal of Environmental Studies 26(1), 63-74.

Abstract: Exurban development is characterized by low density residential development on large lots generally outside of urban service boundaries, and in which the surrounding matrix remains in its original ecosystem type. This widespread pattern of rural sprawl has a variety of consequences for wildlife and ecological communities, as well as social costs. In 2012-2014, we conducted a large-scale field study to investigate the relative impacts of exurban development on bird and mammal communities in the Adirondack Park and the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. The larger project involved documentation of bird, mammal, and plant communities, as well as social survey methods aimed at understanding landowner behaviors, attitudes, and management actions taken around their homes that may subsequently influence ecological communities in these regions. Because presence and abundance of wildlife are not always directly correlated with reproductive success, we also located and monitored the fate of songbird and woodpecker nests in areas of residential development and nearby control sites. Here we describe the factors associated with bird nest success and the potential influence of human disturbance and predation in areas of exurban development. Our sample sizes limited the extent of analysis and therefore the conclusions that can be drawn; however, we found a clear pattern of sensitivity of open cup nesting species, with cavity nesting birds much more likely to successfully fledge young in both residential areas and control sites. Our findings highlight the challenges and tradeoffs that birds and other wildlife face in these landscapes.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 5 of 14

Groeneveld, M. J., J. D. Klein, R. H. Bennett, A. S. Abdulla, ..., J. J. Sitoe et al. (2024). "Population genetic structure of bottlenose and whitespotted wedgefishes from the Southwest Indian Ocean using a dual marker approach." Endangered Species Research 53, 409-427.  

Abstract: Wedgefishes (Rhinidae) are threatened by unsustainable fishing globally, and especially in the Southwest Indian Ocean (SWIO), due to their high-value fins in the shark trade. The whitespotted wedgefish Rhynchobatus djiddensis and the bottlenose wedgefish R. australiae are both classified as Critically Endangered on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, yet a lack of species-specific knowledge and taxonomic uncertainty still exists within this genus. Genetic approaches aid in taxonomic classification and identifying distinct populations for targeted conservation. Morphological specimen identification of samples (n = 189) collected across the SWIO was confirmed based on the cytochrome oxidase c subunit I (COI) and/or nicotinamide adenine dehydrogenase subunit 2 (ND2) gene regions. The genetic diversity and population structure within and between species and sampling locations were investigated using a dual marker approach: (1) 2 concatenated mitochondrial gene regions, namely COI and the control region (n = 117), and (2) 9 nuclear microsatellite markers (n = 146). The overall genetic diversity was moderate, with an indication that different evolutionary forces are at play on a mitochondrial versus nuclear level. The 2 species were delineated based on both marker types, and for R. djiddensis, the sampling locations of South Africa and Mozambique were genetically homogeneous. For R. australiae, significant differentiation was found between sampling locations, with Madagascar and Tanzania being genetically the most similar. This information provides critical insights into the distribution range and population structure of the whitespotted wedgefish species complex that can support the sustainable management of wedgefishes.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 6 of 14

Householder, J. E., F. Wittmann, J. Schöngart, ..., E. Vilanova Torre et al. (In Press). "One sixth of Amazonian tree diversity is dependent on river floodplains." Nature Ecology & Evolution.

Amazonia’s floodplain system is the largest and most biodiverse on Earth. Although forests are crucial to the ecological integrity of floodplains, our understanding of their species composition and how this may differ from surrounding forest types is still far too limited, particularly as changing inundation regimes begin to reshape floodplain tree communities and the critical ecosystem functions they underpin. Here we address this gap by taking a spatially explicit look at Amazonia-wide patterns of tree-species turnover and ecological specialization of the region’s floodplain forests. We show that the majority of Amazonian tree species can inhabit floodplains, and about a sixth of Amazonian tree diversity is ecologically specialized on floodplains. The degree of specialization in floodplain communities is driven by regional flood patterns, with the most compositionally differentiated floodplain forests located centrally within the fluvial network and contingent on the most extraordinary flood magnitudes regionally. Our results provide a spatially explicit view of ecological specialization of floodplain forest communities and expose the need for whole-basin hydrological integrity to protect the Amazon’s tree diversity and its function.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 7 of 14

Maldonado, W. (2024). "Viabilidad poblacional del oso andino (Tremarctos ornatus) en un escenario de cacería y pérdida de hábitat " Revista Mexicana de Biodiversidad 95, e955108.

Abstract: El oso andino es la única especie de oso que habita Sudamérica; su población se reduce principalmente por pérdida de hábitat y cacería debido a la interacción humano-oso andino. El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar la viabilidad poblacional en el paisaje Madidi Tambopata a través de modelado computacional. Para ésto, se diseñaron varios escenarios: base, fragmentación de hábitat y cacería, y efectos combinados de la fragmentación de hábitat y cacería. Cada escenario se simuló 1,000 veces con proyecciones a 100 años con el software VORTEX 9.6. Se evaluaron: probabilidad de persistencia, tasa de crecimiento y tiempo de extinción. Los resultados señalan que la población del oso andino es viable (PP = 100%) en 100 años de simulación, creciendo en 0.04% anualmente y no hay riesgo de extinción. Sin embargo, la cacería redujo la probabilidad de persistencia a 41%, la tasa de crecimiento disminuyó a -0.03% anualmente. En un paisaje fragmentado, la tasa decrece a -0.04% por efecto de la endogamia y la probabilidad de extinción aparece a los 60 años. Es fundamental establecer estrategias de conservación que apunten al control de la cacería; al mismo tiempo, establecer mecanismo de conservación que aseguren una disponibilidad continua de hábitat adecuado.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 8 of 14

Martin, M. J., W. D. Halliday, S. H. Ferguson, B. G. Young, R. Charish, ... and S. J. Insley (Early View). "Exposure of satellite tagged bowhead whales (Balaena mysticetus) to transiting vessels in the Eastern Canadian Arctic." Marine Mammal Science, e13125.

Climate change poses new challenges to Arctic marine mammals, with increasing vessel traffic and associated underwater noise pollution emerging as significant threats. The bowhead whale (Balaena mysticetus), an endemic Arctic cetacean, faces these new threats. The Eastern Canada-West Greenland (ECWG) bowhead whale population migrates through areas with the highest levels of vessel traffic in the Canadian Arctic. Here, we document the spatial and temporal overlap between 36 satellite-tagged ECWG bowhead whales and vessels equipped with Automatic Identification System (AIS) transponders during 2012–2017. We report 1,145 instances where vessels were within 125 km of a tagged whale, with 306 occurrences within distances ≤50 km. Overlap between vessels and tagged bowhead whales was quantified monthly within years to investigate individual whale encounter rates. Results indicate that ECWG bowhead whales encounter the majority (79%) of vessels annually during August–October, with the highest number of encounters (42%) observed in September. Encounter rates ranged from 0.25 to 0.51 vessels encountered per day per whale during August–October compared to <0.07 vessels per day in all other months in this study. To better inform conservation strategies, further research is required to assess bowhead whale behavioral responses relative to distance from vessels.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 9 of 14

McClanahan, T. R., A. M. Friedlander, J. Wickel, ..., M. K. Azali and N. A. Muthiga (Early View). "Testing for concordance between predicted species richness, past prioritization, and marine protected area designations in the western Indian Ocean." Conservation Biology, e14256.

Scientific advances in environmental data coverage and machine learning algorithms have improved the ability to make large-scale predictions where data are missing. These advances allowed us to develop a spatially resolved proxy for predicting numbers of tropical nearshore marine taxa. A diverse marine environmental spatial database was used to model numbers of taxa from ∼1000 field sites, and the predictions were applied to all 7039 6.25-km2 reef cells in 9 ecoregions and 11 nations of the western Indian Ocean. Our proxy for total numbers of taxa was based on the positive correlation (r2 = 0.24) of numbers of taxa of hard corals and 5 highly diverse reef fish families. Environmental relationships indicated that the number of fish species was largely influenced by biomass, nearness to people, governance, connectivity, and productivity and that coral taxa were influenced mostly by physicochemical environmental variability. At spatial delineations of province, ecoregion, nation, and strength of spatial clustering, we compared areas of conservation priority based on our total species proxy with those identified in 3 previous priority-setting reports and with the protected area database. Our method identified 119 locations that fit 3 numbers of taxa (hard coral, fish, and their combination) and 4 spatial delineations (nation, ecoregion, province, and reef clustering) criteria. Previous publications on priority setting identified 91 priority locations of which 6 were identified by all reports. We identified 12 locations that fit our 12 criteria and corresponded with 3 previously identified locations, 65 that aligned with at least 1 past report, and 28 that were new locations. Only 34% of the 208 marine protected areas in this province overlapped with identified locations with high numbers of predicted taxa. Differences occurred because past priorities were frequently based on unquantified perceptions of remoteness and preselected priority taxa. Our environment–species proxy and modeling approach can be considered among other important criteria for making conservation decisions.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 10 of 14

Nunn, P. D., R. Kumar, H. M. Barrowman, ..., E. Kubunavanua et al. (Early View). "Traditional knowledge for climate resilience in the Pacific Islands." WIREs Climate Change, e882.

Pacific Islands, many relatively remote and small, have been occupied by people for more than 3000 years during which time they experienced climate-driven environmental changes (both slow and rapid onset) that challenged human survival and led to the evolution of place-based coping strategies expressed through traditional knowledge (TK). In today's globalized Pacific Islands region, into which western worldviews and global adaptation strategies have made significant inroads, most plans for coping with climate-changed futures are founded in science-based understandings of the world that undervalue and sideline TK. Many such plans have proved difficult to implement as a consequence. This paper reviews the nature of extant Pacific TK for coping with climate change, something that includes TK for anticipating climate change (including climate variability and climate extremes) as well as ancillary TK associated with food and water security, traditional ecological knowledge, environmental conservation, and settlement and house construction that represent coping strategies. Much of this TK can be demonstrated as being effective with precedents in other (traditional) contexts and a compelling plausible scientific basis. This study demonstrates that Pacific Islands TK for coping with climate change has value and, especially because of its place-based nature, should be central to future climate-change adaptation strategies to enhance their uptake, effectiveness and sustainability. To this end, this paper proposes specific ways forward to optimize the utility of TK and ensure it has a realistic role in sustaining Pacific Island communities into the future.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 11 of 14

Saalfeld, S. T., M. Valcu, S. Brown, ..., R. McGuire, M. D. Robards et al. (2024). "From land to sea: The fall migration of the red phalarope through the Western Hemisphere." Marine Ecology Progress Series 729, 1-29.

Abstract: Understanding how and where individuals migrate between breeding and wintering areas is important for assessing threats, identifying important areas for conservation, and determining a species’ vulnerability to changing environmental conditions. Between 2017 and 2020, we tracked post-breeding movements of 72 red phalaropes Phalaropus fulicarius with satellite tags from 7 Arctic-breeding sites in the Alaskan and Central Canadian Arctic. All tracked red phalaropes left their Arctic breeding grounds (i.e. were obligate migrants) but then switched to a more facultative migration strategy with a fly-and-forage migration pattern once in the marine environment. We documented high variability in migration timing and routes, with birds often taking indirect, circuitous routes with numerous stops that greatly lengthened both the duration and distance of their southward migration. Across nearly 500 stopover areas, which were often associated with areas of presumed greater food availability, individuals spent an average of 6 d and traveled within an average area of 1880 km2. Stopover areas were concentrated in onshore and nearshore habitats of the Beaufort and Chukchi seas, the western edge of the Bering Strait, along the Alaska Peninsula and Aleutian Islands, and near the Pribilof Islands in Alaska. Within the Beaufort and Chukchi seas, females frequently stopped within the marginal ice zone, whereas males tended to stay on land or in open water. Our results identified important marine areas that can aid future conservation and management decisions. However, conservation of the species will also need to address the numerous direct and indirect anthropogenic threats red phalaropes experience at sea, many of which are not site-specific.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 12 of 14

Serratosa, J., S. Oppel, S. Rotics, ..., A. Nicholas, ..., M. P. Mgumba et al. (2024). "Tracking data highlight the importance of human-induced mortality for large migratory birds at a flyway scale." Biological Conservation 293, e110525.

Abstract: Human-induced direct mortality affects huge numbers of birds each year, threatening hundreds of species worldwide. Tracking technologies can be an important tool to investigate temporal and spatial patterns of bird mortality as well as their drivers. We compiled 1704 mortality records from tracking studies across the African-Eurasian flyway for 45 species, including raptors, storks, and cranes, covering the period from 2003 to 2021. Our results show a higher frequency of human-induced causes of mortality than natural causes across taxonomic groups, geographical areas, and age classes. Moreover, we found that the frequency of human-induced mortality remained stable over the study period. From the human-induced mortality events with a known cause (n = 637), three main causes were identified: electrocution (40.5 %), illegal killing (21.7 %), and poisoning (16.3 %). Additionally, combined energy infrastructure-related mortality (i.e., electrocution, power line collision, and wind-farm collision) represented 49 % of all human-induced mortality events. Using a random forest model, the main predictors of human-induced mortality were found to be taxonomic group, geographic location (latitude and longitude), and human footprint index value at the location of mortality. Despite conservation efforts, human drivers of bird mortality in the African-Eurasian flyway do not appear to have declined over the last 15 years for the studied group of species. Results suggest that stronger conservation actions to address these threats across the flyway can reduce their impacts on species. In particular, projected future development of energy infrastructure is a representative example where application of planning, operation, and mitigation measures can enhance bird conservation.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 13 of 14

Sibarani, M. C., I. Ekanasty and R. A. Surya (First View). "Using bycatch data to model sun bear Helarctos malayanus occupancy in Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park, Sumatra." Oryx.

Surveys targeting flagship species frequently record the presence of other species, providing valuable bycatch data to fill knowledge gaps on the ecology of overlooked species. Using bycatch records from camera-trap surveys for the tiger Panthera tigris, we model occupancy of the sun bear Helarctos malayanus, predict its temporal change in occupancy during 2015–2019 and determine its activity patterns in Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park, part of a UNESCO World Heritage Site in Sumatra, Indonesia. We performed single-season occupancy modelling that considered unequal detection probability from sun bear detection/non-detection records. We found that the sun bear occupancy in the Intensive Protection Zone (i.e. the priority protection area) of the National Park was slightly higher than in the north of the National Park. In the Intensive Protection Zone, sun bear occupancy was estimated to be 0.67 in 2015 and increased to 0.83 in 2019, but this increase was not substantial. The sun bear exhibited a cathemeral activity pattern. Most activity occurred during the day (46.2%), followed by night (21.2%), dusk (20.9%) and dawn (11.7%). We encourage collaboration amongst institutions conducting camera-trap studies in Sumatra to examine the ecology of other threatened yet overlooked species, to assess the broader biodiversity benefits of flagship species conservation and to strengthen science-based conservation efforts.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 14 of 14

Trabue, S. G., M. L. Rekdahl and H. C. Rosenbaum (2024). "Photo-identification and skin lesion prevalence of bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops erebennus) in the waters of New York and New Jersey." Aquatic Mammals 50(2), 65-85.

Abstract: Cetaceans can serve as sentinel species in marine environments as long-lived, apex predators that can concentrate environmental contaminants with potential health consequences. Thus, monitoring the well-being of these species may provide an additional indicator of ecosystem health. In cetaceans, one method for assessing individual and population health is by examining skin conditions. For decades, skin lesions have been increasingly documented in coastal populations of bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops spp.) worldwide. Lesion presence can indicate diminished health and may reflect environmental stressors. Herein, we document the prevalence of epidermal lesions/marks in bottlenose dolphins from the waters off New York and New Jersey during their seasonal presence from spring to fall. Photographs of distinct individuals sighted from May to October 2017 to 2021 were compiled into a catalog, and skin lesions were categorized and counted. Annually, the lowest skin lesion prevalence was in 2021 (p = 0.31), and the highest was in 2017 (p = 0.81). By month, prevalence generally decreased from spring to fall. Overall lesion prevalence in this population was higher than reported estimates for other populations in the coastal waters of the United States. The five most common categories were cloudy white spots, dark spots, white amorphous lesions, tattoo lesions, and dark fringe lesions; and the three most common groups were potentially pathogenic lesions, hypopigmentation, and rake mark-associated potentially pathogenic lesions. Some of the observed lesions have been associated with viral infections that may be exacerbated by environmental stressors. This research establishes an important baseline for further studies into bottlenose dolphin population health in and around the New York–New Jersey Harbor Estuary, particularly given the continued expansion of anthropogenic activities, including those related to forthcoming offshore wind development.

Grey Literature Citations

Grey Literature Citation 1 of 1

Kaczensky, P., A. Salemgareyev, J. D. C. Linnell, S. Zuther, C. Walzer, N. Huber and T. Petit (2024). “Post-release movement behaviour and survival of kulan reintroduced to the Central Steppes of Kazakhstan.” International Research and Training Conference: Conservation of Biological Diversity and Development of the Network of Specially Protected Natural Areas. Kostanay, Kazakhstan: Akhmet Baitursynuly University.

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Peer-Reviewed Literature Citations


Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 1 of 4

Clements, H. S., E. Do Linh San, G. Hempson, ..., P. T. Telfer et al. (2024). "The bii4africa dataset of faunal and floral population intactness estimates across Africa’s major land uses." Scientific Data 11(1), e191.

Abstract: Sub-Saharan Africa is under-represented in global biodiversity datasets, particularly regarding the impact of land use on species’ population abundances. Drawing on recent advances in expert elicitation to ensure data consistency, 200 experts were convened using a modified-Delphi process to estimate ‘intactness scores’: the remaining proportion of an ‘intact’ reference population of a species group in a particular land use, on a scale from 0 (no remaining individuals) to 1 (same abundance as the reference) and, in rare cases, to 2 (populations that thrive in human-modified landscapes). The resulting bii4africa dataset contains intactness scores representing terrestrial vertebrates (tetrapods: ±5,400 amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals) and vascular plants (±45,000 forbs, graminoids, trees, shrubs) in sub-Saharan Africa across the region’s major land uses (urban, cropland, rangeland, plantation, protected, etc.) and intensities (e.g., large-scale vs smallholder cropland). This dataset was co-produced as part of the Biodiversity Intactness Index for Africa Project. Additional uses include assessing ecosystem condition; rectifying geographic/taxonomic biases in global biodiversity indicators and maps; and informing the Red List of Ecosystems.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 2 of 4

Eppley, T. M., K. E. Reuter, T. M. Sefczek, ..., P. A. Abanyam, ..., I. Imong, ..., D. Kujirakwinja, ..., F. Maisels, ..., C. M. Sanz, ..., R. B. Wallace et al. (Early View). "Tropical field stations yield high conservation return on investment." Conservation Letters, e13007.

Abstract: Conservation funding is currently limited; cost-effective conservation solutions are essential. We suggest that the thousands of field stations worldwide can play key roles at the frontline of biodiversity conservation and have high intrinsic value. We assessed field stations’ conservation return on investment and explored the impact of COVID-19. We surveyed leaders of field stations across tropical regions that host primate research; 157 field stations in 56 countries responded. Respondents reported improved habitat quality and reduced hunting rates at over 80% of field stations and lower operational costs per km2 than protected areas, yet half of those surveyed have less funding now than in 2019. Spatial analyses support field station presence as reducing deforestation. These “earth observatories” provide a high return on investment; we advocate for increased support of field station programs and for governments to support their vital conservation efforts by investing accordingly.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 3 of 4

Gallegos, S. C., C. Mayta, M. Villegas, G. M. Ayala, ..., M. E. Viscarra, N. Bernal-Hoverud et al. (Early View). "Habitat differences in seed-dispersing vertebrates indicate dispersal limitation in tropical bracken-dominated deforested areas." Biotropica, e13317.

Abstract: Shifting agriculture and anthropogenic fires are among the main causes of deforestation in the tropics. After fire and land abandonment, vast deforested areas are commonly dominated by the bracken fern Pteridium for long periods. Although forest regeneration in bracken-dominated areas is mainly hindered by dispersal limitation, little is known about the role of seed-disperser communities in slow forest succession. Our objective was to unravel the differences in the properties of the seed-disperser communities between forests and bracken-dominated areas to assess their role in dispersal limitation to foster ecological restoration. We compared species richness, diversity, abundance, and composition of seed-dispersing birds, bats, and medium and large terrestrial mammals between both habitats in a montane forest of Bolivia. The species richness and diversity were similar for bats and higher for birds in bracken-dominated areas than in the forest, but species composition was different between both habitats and groups. Although species composition was similar between both habitats for terrestrial mammals, the abundance was higher in the forest than in bracken-dominated areas. Differences in species composition of seed-dispersing birds and bats could be one of the main causes of dispersal limitation in forest regeneration in tropical bracken-dominated areas. The few shared species between both habitats could explain the low seed rain of animal-dispersed forest tree species in bracken-dominated areas and the consequent hindered forest regeneration. Future studies relevant to natural forest regeneration should focus on analyzing the effects of animal-attractants such as perches, artificial bat-roosts, and seedling transplants on disperser communities, seed dispersal effectiveness, and forest regeneration. Abstract in Spanish is available with online material.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 4 of 4

Stefanović, M., W. Bogdanowicz, R. Adavoudi, ..., S. Ostrowski et al. (2024). "Range-wide phylogeography of the golden jackals (Canis aureus) reveals multiple sources of recent spatial expansion and admixture with dogs at the expansion front." Biological Conservation 290, e110448.

Abstract: The current rapid climate change and human-induced alteration of landscapes and animal communities have led to range expansions in numerous species, raising concerns about potential negative impacts on genetic diversity, biotic interactions and hybridization with related species in newly colonized areas, and the need to adjust management plans. The recent explosive range expansion of golden jackals in Europe, now extending to the Arctic Circle, provides an opportunity to assess the consequences of this process at a broad geographical scale. We analysed the genome-wide diversity of golden jackals from nearly the entire species range, including recently colonized areas. Grey wolves and free-ranging dogs sympatric with golden jackals were also analysed to test for introgression among these canids. Our results showed that golden jackals expanded from Asia to south-eastern Europe at the end of the Pleistocene, while in more recent times they naturally broadened their range in central and northern Europe from at least two distinct southern populations. At the northern edge of the range and in the recently expanded area, golden jackals showed evidence of admixture with dogs. Further monitoring of introgression rates and phenotypic effects of this process is crucial to ensure they do not facilitate the synurbization process. No reduction in genetic diversity was observed at the expansion front, most likely due to complex expansion routes, involving multiple waves and source populations, and introgression of genetic variants from dogs. We propose the development of management and legal plans that focus on transboundary cooperation considering the observed genetic diversity and structuring.


Grey Literature Citations

Grey Literature Citation 1 of 4

Grupo de Trabajo para los Llanos de Moxos and Wildlife Conservation Society, Bolivia (2023). Expedición Científica a los Lagos y Lagunas de Reyes y Santa Rosa. Informe científico. Relevamientos de Biodiversidad y Arqueología en los Llanos de Moxos, Beni. La Paz, Bolivia: Grupo de Trabajo para los Llanos de Moxos and Wildlife Conservation Society, Bolivia.

Grey Literature Citation 2 of 4

Ondzie, A., G. Bounga, B. Ngouembe, K. Cameron, M. Cournarie, E. Kuisma, D. Montecino-Latorre, M. Perrin and S. H. Olson (2023). Rapport de Données sur les Enquêtes Menées Entre 2009 et 2020. Brazzaville, Congo: Wildlife Conservation Society.

Grey Literature Citation 3 of 4

WCS Forests & Climate Change Program (2023). WCS High Integrity Forest (HIFOR) Investment Initiative: The Science Basis. Bronx, NY: Wildlife Conservation Society.

Abstract: This brief describes the science basis for the High Integrity Forest (HIFOR) Investment Initiative. The initiative aims to create a new climate and biodiversity asset class to help finance the protection of high integrity tropical forests — those that are least degraded by human impacts — on the basis of their role in climate change mitigation and biodiversity conservation. The HIFOR Unit represents a hectare of well-conserved, high integrity tropical forest. Associated with this unit are metrics that quantify climate regulation benefits (in terms of the number of tons of net CO2 removals into forest biomass over the course of a decade) and biodiversity conservation benefits (in terms of the number of hectares of high biodiversity forest maintained with high integrity over a decade). Large, remote, high integrity forests, and hence the services they provide, are often wrongly perceived to be safe from human pressures, but in fact face substantial and growing risks, and so their protection represents a critical conservation priority. For example, from 2017 to 2021 the extent of high integrity tropical forest declined by about 3.1% per year. Infrastructure expansion, logging, agriculture, fires, mining, and hunting all drive this trend. Natural ecosystems worldwide, primarily forests, reduce the impact of anthropogenic GHG emissions by absorbing ~30% of anthropogenic CO2 emissions. Carbon uptake by this “land sink” is distinct from the uptake associated with forest restoration, which is accounted for as part of “net land use change.” The action of this sink (currently 11.4 GtCO2 per year; 765 GtCO2 since 1850) has probably prevented around 0.6°C of global warming. Tropical forests mapped as ‘high integrity’ likely contribute around 1.8 GtCO2 per year to the land sink. The strongest average removals in high integrity tropical forests are found in Africa (2.9 tCO2 ha-1 yr-1), followed by Asia (2.0 tCO2 ha-1 yr-1) and the Americas (1.1 tCO2 ha-1 yr-1). Deforestation and degradation are eroding the area that contributes to the sink, whilst climate change and other factors are slowing the rate of carbon removals in some remaining areas. Loss or degradation of high integrity forest cover in the tropics typically causes additional climate warming, quite apart from the carbon impacts, by altering land surface energy and moisture exchanges. These biophysical processes increase the estimated warming effect of tropical deforestation or degradation by about half compared to counting only CO2 emissions. Total deforestation in the tropics could increase global warming by around 0.28°C (at least 0.11°C of this from high integrity forests) through biophysical effects alone. These biophysical effects also promote local climate stability, lowering average peak temperatures in nearby areas by around 1.0°C (range 0.2-2.4°C depending on locality) and reducing extreme temperatures by substantially more. Higher ecological integrity correlates with higher biodiversity. High integrity forests support consistently higher numbers of forest-dependent species, ensure lower extinction risk for the species present, support higher genetic diversity within species and lead to a lower risk of ecosystem collapse. Loss of integrity has an impact on the many functions (often called services) an ecosystem performs. High integrity forests are also better able to cope with climate change and other stresses. In addition to the climate regulatory functions and biodiversity values that this brief focuses on, high integrity forests embed many other environmental values, including large carbon stocks, regulation of local and regional hydrology, decreased risk of zoonotic disease spillovers, and contributions to the livelihoods and cultures of Indigenous Peoples and other local communities. High integrity forests have long helped to buffer us against the worst effects of climate and biodiversity crises. If we are to meet the 1.5-degree goal, halt human-caused extinctions and prevent the collapse of many ecosystems, it is essential that we invest in their protection.

Grey Literature Citation 4 of 4

Wildlife Conservation Society, Viet Nam (2023). Guidelines for the Safe Handling of Wildlife and Wildlife Products During Counter Wildlife Trafficking Enforcement Operations in Viet Nam. Ha Noi, Viet Nam: Wildlife Conservation Society, Viet Nam.


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Peer-Reviewed Literature Citations

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 1 of 7

Allberry, K., J. J. Rovie-Ryan, N. A. N. G. Ali, N.-A. Elias, M. R. Darmaraj et al. (In Press). "Emerging patterns of genetic diversity in the critically endangered Malayan tiger (Panthera tigris jacksoni)." Biodiversity and Conservation.

Abstract: Southeast Asia experiences some of the highest deforestation in the world. Loss of tropical forest typically leads to widespread habitat fragmentation, with detrimental effects on dispersal ability and gene flow—particularly for large carnivores. We conducted mtDNA and microsatellite analysis to assess—for the first time—contemporary patterns of genetic diversity in the Malayan tiger. We collected 295 suspected carnivore samples in Peninsular Malaysia, from which we identified 26 as originating from tiger using 16 polymorphic microsatellite loci, comprising 22 individual tigers. Despite limitations of the study, our findings suggest tiger subpopulations in the north of the peninsula maintain some genetic connectivity and migration between two putative geographic subpopulations in the Main Range and Greater Taman Negara, with negligible population segregation due to dispersal barriers such as road infrastructure. We identified consistently lower levels of genetic diversity in tigers in the Greater Taman Negara region compared to tigers in the Main Range and small but emerging differences in nuclear and mitochondrial genetic diversity. Our mtDNA haplotype and nuclear DNA analyses suggest the levels of genetic diversity in Malayan tigers may be amongst some of the lowest of the surviving tiger subspecies, though the study is limited both in scale and genomic loci. Our findings are consistent with an expected lag between the rapid decline of tigers in Peninsular Malaysia by over 95% in the last 70 years and observed differences in their levels of genetic diversity.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 2 of 7

Bayliss, J., G. B. Bittencourt-Silva, W. R. Branch, ..., H. Matimele et al. (2024). "A biogeographical appraisal of the threatened South East Africa Montane Archipelago ecoregion." Scientific Reports 14(1), e5971.

Abstract: Recent biological surveys of ancient inselbergs in southern Malawi and northern Mozambique have led to the discovery and description of many species new to science, and overlapping centres of endemism across multiple taxa. Combining these endemic taxa with data on geology and climate, we propose the ‘South East Africa Montane Archipelago’ (SEAMA) as a distinct ecoregion of global biological importance. The ecoregion encompasses 30 granitic inselbergs reaching > 1000 m above sea level, hosting the largest (Mt Mabu) and smallest (Mt Lico) mid-elevation rainforests in southern Africa, as well as biologically unique montane grasslands. Endemic taxa include 127 plants, 45 vertebrates (amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals) and 45 invertebrate species (butterflies, freshwater crabs), and two endemic genera of plants and reptiles. Existing dated phylogenies of endemic animal lineages suggests this endemism arose from divergence events coinciding with repeated isolation of these mountains from the pan-African forests, together with the mountains’ great age and relative climatic stability. Since 2000, the SEAMA has lost 18% of its primary humid forest cover (up to 43% in some sites)—one of the highest deforestation rates in Africa. Urgently rectifying this situation, while addressing the resource needs of local communities, is a global priority for biodiversity conservation.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 3 of 7

Galligan, B. P. and T. R. McClanahan (2024). "Tropical fishery nutrient production depends on biomass-based management." iScience 27(4), e109420.

Abstract: The need to enhance nutrient production from tropical ecosystems to feed the poor could potentially create a new framework for fisheries science and management. Early recommendations have included targeting small fishes and increasing the species richness of fish catches, which could represent a departure from more traditional approaches such as biomass-based management. To test these recommendations, we compared the outcomes of biomass-based management with hypothesized factors influencing nutrient density in nearshore artisanal fish catches in the Western Indian Ocean. We found that enhancing nutrient production depends primarily on achieving biomass-based targets. Catches dominated by low- and mid-trophic level species with smaller body sizes and faster turnover were associated with modest increases in nutrient densities, but the variability in nutrient density was small relative to human nutritional requirements. Therefore, tropical fishery management should focus on restoring biomass to achieve maximum yields and sustainability, particularly for herbivorous fishes.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 4 of 7

Luize, B. G., D. Bauman, H. ter Steege, ..., E. Vilanova Torre et al. (Early View). "Geography and ecology shape the phylogenetic composition of Amazonian tree communities." Journal of Biogeography.

Abstract: Aim: Amazonia hosts more tree species from numerous evolutionary lineages, both young and ancient, than any other biogeographic region. Previous studies have shown that tree lineages colonized multiple edaphic environments and dispersed widely across Amazonia, leading to a hypothesis, which we test, that lineages should not be strongly associated with either geographic regions or edaphic forest types. Location: Amazonia. Taxon: Angiosperms (Magnoliids; Monocots; Eudicots). Methods: Data for the abundance of 5082 tree species in 1989 plots were combined with a mega-phylogeny. We applied evolutionary ordination to assess how phylogenetic composition varies across Amazonia. We used variation partitioning and Moran's eigenvector maps (MEM) to test and quantify the separate and joint contributions of spatial and environmental variables to explain the phylogenetic composition of plots. We tested the indicator value of lineages for geographic regions and edaphic forest types and mapped associations onto the phylogeny. Results: In the terra firme and várzea forest types, the phylogenetic composition varies by geographic region, but the igapó and white-sand forest types retain a unique evolutionary signature regardless of region. Overall, we find that soil chemistry, climate and topography explain 24% of the variation in phylogenetic composition, with 79% of that variation being spatially structured (R2 = 19% overall for combined spatial/environmental effects). The phylogenetic composition also shows substantial spatial patterns not related to the environmental variables we quantified (R2 = 28%). A greater number of lineages were significant indicators of geographic regions than forest types. Main Conclusion: Numerous tree lineages, including some ancient ones (>66 Ma), show strong associations with geographic regions and edaphic forest types of Amazonia. This shows that specialization in specific edaphic environments has played a long-standing role in the evolutionary assembly of Amazonian forests. Furthermore, many lineages, even those that have dispersed across Amazonia, dominate within a specific region, likely because of phylogenetically conserved niches for environmental conditions that are prevalent within regions.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 5 of 7

Morgans, C. L., S. Jago, N. Andayani, M. Linkie et al. (Early Access). "Improving well-being and reducing deforestation in Indonesia's protected areas." Conservation Letters, e13010.

Abstract: Protected areas (PAs) are central to sustainability targets, yet few evaluations explore outcomes for both conservation and development, or the trade-offs involved. We applied counterfactual analyses to assess the extent to which PAs maintained forest cover and influenced well-being across >31,000 villages in Sumatra and Kalimantan, Indonesia. We examined multidimensional aspects of well-being, tracking education, health, living standards, infrastructure, environment, and social cohesion in treatment and control villages between 2005 and 2018. Overall, PAs were effective at maintaining forest cover compared to matched controls and were not detrimental to well-being. However, impacts were highly heterogeneous, varying by island and strictness of protection. While health, living standards, and infrastructure aspects of well-being improved, education access, environmental conditions, and social cohesion declined. Our analysis reveals the contexts through which individual PAs succeed or fail in delivering multiple benefits and provides insights into where further on-ground support is needed to achieve conservation and development objectives.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 6 of 7

Nugraha, R. T., W. Y. Komara, P. A. N. Krisna, O. R. Puspita, M. Muslich, U. Mardhiah and W. Marthy (First View). "Evaluating the effectiveness of protected area management in Indonesia." Oryx.

Abstract: Protected areas worldwide are strongholds for safeguarding biodiversity, natural habitats, ecosystem services and cultural values. Yet despite their importance, the effectiveness of protected area management varies greatly. Indonesia is a biodiversity hotspot, with 554 protected areas that cover 27 million ha across the archipelago. To assess and improve the management effectiveness of these protected areas, the Government of Indonesia applied an adapted version of the Management Effectiveness Tracking Tool (METT) to assess 422 of the country's protected areas, of which 170 were repeatedly assessed in 2015, 2017 and 2019. We investigated the METT score changes across these protected areas and the factors explaining the varying scores. Over the study years, METT scores significantly improved (mean increase of 44.1%). National parks had the highest mean score, which was 13.4 points higher than other protected area types. After correcting for spatial autocorrelation using a generalized least-squares model, we found that METT score increase was positively influenced by year of assessment and having a well-resourced management authority, with no influence of protected area size or mean protected area budget allocation per ha. The assessments identified five main threats to protected areas: poaching, illegal logging, human settlements, tourism and non-timber cultivation. The widespread and repeated use of METT across the protected areas of Indonesia and the increasing METT scores indicate an overall improvement in management and professionalism. Building on the foundational work in our study, future studies should assess the association between METT scores and progress made towards achieving the conservation objectives of protected areas.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 7 of 7

Rachman Tarigan, S. A., Munasik, D. P. Wijayanti, ... and S. Pardede (2024). "Dynamic of coral recruits in the Karimunjawa National Park, Central Java, Indonesia." Biodiversitas 25(2), 869-880.

Abstract: After a disturbance event, coral reefs can recover naturally by recruiting new corals. These can be affected by environmental factors like the substrate's physical and biological structure, predation, and accidental mortality of recruits by grazers, as well as the number and size of parent corals supplying larvae. This study examined the connection between newly recruited corals and biological factors such as sea urchin density, herbivorous fish abundance, and hard coral coverage. The study was monitored changes in coral cover, juvenile coral density, herbivore abundance, and hard coral coverage at 43 locations and two depths (shallow; 2-3 m) and deep (8-10 m) from 2013 to 2022. The locations were distributed across six different zone systems: the core zone, protection zone, tourism zone, traditional fisheries zone, aquaculture zone, and rehabilitation zone. Multiple Linae Regression, ANOVA test, and Principal Component Analysis were employed to assess the relationship between coral recruitment and other variables. Results indicated that the coral recruitment density was not significantly different when comparing different zoning systems (two-way ANOVA test, P-value>0.05). Based on the PCA analysis, we found that in 2013 and 2019, excavator, sea urchin, browser, and hard coral have a positive relationship with coral recruitment, which implies that coral recruitment would increase as sea urchin, browser, and hard coral increase. Meanwhile, in 2019 and 2022, coral recruitment has a negative relationship with scraper, and also with hard coral growth (although only in 2022), implying that coral recruitment would decrease if scraper and hard coral increase. The study recommends restoring the role of herbivorous species in Karimunjawa National Park (KNP) by prioritizing them in conservation efforts and managing their populations.


Prepublication Citations

Prepublication Citation 1 of 1

Romero, L., G. Rodrigo, O. Loayza and R. B. Wallace (Prepublication). “Gold mining and genotoxic effects on vicuñas: A comparative study of buccal cells and lymphocytes.” Research Square.

Abstract: The vicuña (Vicugna vicugna) is a wild camelid native from South America, known for its highly valued fiber. In Bolivia, the Apolobamba protected area is a key area for vicuña conservation and Apolobamba’s indigenous communities sustainably harvest the fiber of wild vicuña. The vicuña is an important cultural and economic resource, as well as an indicator of ecosystem health. Over the last decade gold mining activities have increased in Apolobamba potentially causing high levels of mercury contamination, endangering the health of vicuñas, humans, and terrestrial ecosystems. This study used genotoxicity markers: micronuclei (MN) and nuclear abnormalities (NA) in buccal cells and lymphocytes of vicuñas in 13 vicuña management communities in Apolobamba. A mean frequency of 0.48% MN and 14.91% NA was found in buccal cells, and 0.32% MN and 57.13% NA in lymphocytes. A higher frequency of MN in buccal cells was expected as they are the first barrier to inhalation or ingestion of genotoxic agents. However, a higher frequency of NA in lymphocytes suggests a possible prevalence of damage. Furthermore, a gradient of MN frequency was observed consistently with mining activity, but mining may not be the only cause of this damage, as vicuñas are exposed to mixtures of environmental chemicals, including traces of microplastics and persistent organic pollutants that have been detected in the area too. These findings provide a baseline for future vicuña populations monitoring and can be used as bio monitors and sentinels of environmental pollution.

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Peer-Reviewed Literature Citations

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 1 of 9

Finucci, B., N. Pacoureau, C. L. Rigby, ..., P. A. Mejía-Falla, ..., J.-M. Cuevas et al. (2024). "Fishing for oil and meat drives irreversible defaunation of deepwater sharks and rays." Science 383(6687), 1135-1141.

Abstract: The deep ocean is the last natural biodiversity refuge from the reach of human activities. Deepwater sharks and rays are among the most sensitive marine vertebrates to overexploitation. One-third of threatened deepwater sharks are targeted, and half the species targeted for the international liver-oil trade are threatened with extinction. Steep population declines cannot be easily reversed owing to long generation lengths, low recovery potentials, and the near absence of management. Depth and spatial limits to fishing activity could improve conservation when implemented alongside catch regulations, bycatch mitigation, and international trade regulation. Deepwater sharks and rays require immediate trade and fishing regulations to prevent irreversible defaunation and promote recovery of this threatened megafauna group. Over the past decade, the plight of the world?s sharks has received increasing attention, leading to increased regulation and finning bans. However, whether this increased attention has translated into improved outcomes for sharks is unclear. Finucci et al. found a need for increased regulations in their study of deep sea sharks and rays, which are experiencing declines due to increased fishing mortality, particularly when targeted for oil and meat. Increased regulations are urgent, because the potential for most sharks to recover from such declines is limited due to their slow development and reproduction. ?Sacha Vignieri The international fish liver oil and meat trade is driving rapid depletion of deepwater sharks with extremely slow life histories.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 2 of 9

Galligan, B. P. and T. R. McClanahan (In Press). "Tropical fishery nutrient production depends on biomass-based management." iScience, e109420.

Abstract: The need to enhance nutrient production from tropical ecosystems to feed the poor could potentially create a new framework for fisheries science and management. Early recommendations have included targeting small fishes and increasing the species richness of fish catches, which could represent a departure from more traditional approaches such as biomass-based management. To test these recommendations, we compared the outcomes of biomass-based management with hypothesized factors influencing nutrient density in nearshore artisanal fish catches in the Western Indian Ocean. We found that enhancing nutrient production depends primarily on achieving biomass-based targets. Catches dominated by low- and mid-trophic level species with smaller body sizes and faster turnover were associated with modest increases in nutrient densities, but the variability in nutrient density was small relative to human nutritional requirements. Therefore, tropical fishery management should focus on restoring biomass to achieve maximum yields and sustainability, particularly for herbivorous fishes.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 3 of 9

Homsy King, M., H. Nahabwe, B. Ssebide et al. (2024). "Preventing zoonotic and zooanthroponotic disease transmission at wild great ape sites: Recommendations from qualitative research at Bwindi Impenetrable National Park." PLOS ONE 19(3), e0299220.

Abstract: Employees at wild great ape sites are at high risk of transmitting infectious diseases to endangered great apes. Because of the significant amount of time employees spend near great apes, they are a priority population for the prevention and treatment of zoonotic and zooanthroponotic spillover and need adequate preventive and curative healthcare. Qualitative, semi-structured interviews with 46 staff (rangers and porters) at Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, Uganda (BINP) and key informants from five other wild great ape sites around the world were performed. The objectives of the study were to 1) evaluate health-seeking behavior and health resources used by staff in contact with great apes at Bwindi Impenetrable National Park; 2) evaluate existing occupational health programs for employees working with great apes in other parts of the world; and 3) make recommendations for improvement of occupational health at BINP. Results show that BINP employees do not frequently access preventive healthcare measures, nor do they have easy access to diagnostic testing for infectious diseases of spillover concern. Recommendations include assigning a dedicated healthcare provider for great ape site staff, providing free annual physical exams, and stocking rapid malaria tests and deworming medication in first aid kits at each site.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 4 of 9

Jagadish, A., A. Freni-Sterrantino, Y. He, ..., S. Mangubhai et al. (2024). "Scaling Indigenous-led natural resource management." Global Environmental Change 84, e102799.

Abstract: Rights-holders, practitioners, and researchers recognize the importance of Indigenous-led resource management for building a more ecologically just world and addressing climate change and biodiversity loss. Yet, it remains unclear how to support them in a way that increases their spatial extent and ensuring impact on equitable biodiversity conservation. We address this gap by using Diffusion of Innovations theory to explain the rapid spread of an Indigenous-led network of Locally Managed Marine Areas in Fiji. We found that 74.9 percent of adopters had a previous adopter as their nearest neighbor, and that despite contrasting patterns of adoption at the island level, such patterns could be accounted for by: perceived relative advantage, village chiefly status, distance to tourism hotspots, and presence of district-level management committees, support organizations, and trust. These insights can inform the design and implementation of Indigenous-led approaches that can scale appropriately and respond to the global environmental crisis.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 5 of 9

McClanahan, T. R., A. M. Friedlander, P. Chabanet, ... and M. K. Azali (2024). "Modeling the spatial distribution of numbers of coral reef fish species and community types in the Western Indian Ocean faunal province." Marine Ecology Progress Series 730, 59-78.   

Abstract: Predicting and mapping coral reef diversity at moderate scales can assist spatial planning and prioritizing conservation activities. We made coarse-scale (6.25 km<sup>2</sup>) predictive models for numbers of coral reef fish species and community composition starting with a spatially complete database of 70 environmental variables available for 7039 mapped reef cells in the Western Indian Ocean. An ensemble model was created from a process of variable elimination and selectivity to make the best predictions irrespective of human influences. This best model was compared to models using preselected variables commonly used to evaluate climate change and human fishing and water quality influences. Many variables (~27) contributed to the best number of species and community composition models, but local variables of biomass, depth, and retention connectivity were dominant predictors. The key human-influenced variables included fish biomass and distance to human populations, with weaker associations with sediments and nutrients. Climate-influenced variables were generally weaker and included median sea surface temperature (SST) with contributions in declining order from SST kurtosis, bimodality, excess summer heat, SST skewness, SST rate of rise, and coral cover. Community composition variability was best explained by 2 dominant community richness axes of damselfishes-angelfishes and butterflyfishes-parrotfishes. Numbers of damselfish-angelfish species were ecologically separated by depth, and damselfishes declined with increasing depth, median temperature, cumulative excess heat, rate of temperature rise, and chronic temperature stresses. Species of butterflyfish-parrotfish separated by median temperature, and butterflyfish numbers declined with increasing temperature, chronic and acute temperature variability, and the rate of temperature rise. Several fish diversity hotspots were found in the East African Coastal Current Ecoregion centered in Tanzania, followed by Mayotte, southern Kenya, and northern Mozambique. If biomass can be maintained, the broad distributions of species combined with compensatory community responses should maintain high diversity and ecological resilience to climate change and other human stressors.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 6 of 9

Moheb, Z., K. Sahel, M. Fazli, M. Hakimi and S. Ismaily (2024). "Safeguarding snow leopards in Badakhshan, Afghanistan." Snow Leopard Reports 2(1), 1-5.

Abstract: Snow leopard Panthera uncia predation on livestock is common across the species’ range, which poses potential threat to human livelihood and also risk the predator’s own survival. Here we report snow leopard intrusion into livestock corrals and making surplus killing of livestock in two districts of Badakhshan, one of which being the first documented record of the species in those areas. In all but one of the incidents, the predator had been trapped within the corral but due to the safeguarding of the new administration and with the support of WCS-Afghanistan the snow leopards were returned safely to the wild. Local communities have also had very supportive role in releasing the illusive mountain predator despite being responsible for the loss of over 40 livestock.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 7 of 9

Moreno, P., M. Uhart, M. M. Cafrune, H. Ferreyra, L. F. Beltrán-Saavedra et al. (2024). "Disease ecology in wild South American camelids: Conservation implications of a long cohabitation history with exotic ungulates". In G. Acosta-Jamett and A. Chaves, Eds., Ecology of Wildlife Diseases in the Neotropics, 287-319. Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing.

Abstract: Guanaco (Lama guanicoe) and vicuña (Vicugna vicugna) are wild South American camelids (WSAC) adapted to arid landscapes of the neotropical region. Guanacos have an extensive distribution, ranging from southern Argentina and Chile to northern Perú, while vicuñas are restricted to high Andean environments above 3000 masl. The geographical distribution of both species has been gradually shrinking in recent decades, affected by competition with livestock and habitat fragmentation. Interactions with livestock and habitat loss carry implications for the health of wild camelid populations. SAC (South American camelids) are known to be susceptible to pathogens introduced by livestock (cattle and sheep). Habitat fragmentation and loss, on the other hand, restrict the area available to WSAC, and this can increase their population densities, which in turn may influence pathogen transmission. This chapter addresses the known and unknown aspects of the ecology of health and disease of WSAC populations, summarizing current knowledge and identifying gaps that need further research efforts.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 8 of 9

Nampindo, S. and T. O. Randhir (2024). "Dynamic modeling of African elephant populations under changing climate and habitat loss across the Greater Virunga Landscape." PLOS Sustainability and Transformation 3(1), e0000094.

Abstract: Elephants in Africa are declining rapidly due to habitat loss and human-wildlife conflicts, with these problems worsening with climate change. Understanding how age classes respond to such events is crucial to designing and implementing mitigation strategies and developing the adaptive capacity of wildlife managers to respond to these challenges adequately. This study builds a dynamic simulation model of the age classes of elephants and their interaction with habitat, water, and climate. The dynamic response of elephant populations to habitat change, water resources, and climate change is assessed. It is observed that climate change affects older elephants more than young ones in terms of survivability and migration. It is also likely that the undetected direct climate change impact on the elephant population is due to changes in habitats, particularly forests and wetlands used for thermal regulation. An improvement in the habitat type and availability of water resources improved the age classes of populations. The results suggest that if the environmental and anthropogenic stressors are not mitigated, Greater Virunga Landscape (GVL) will face a change in population demography for younger elephants and impact overall populations. Such age-class-specific stress could substantially affect African elephants’ long-term population viability and sustainability. Conservation of elephants requires a transboundary management approach to climate change mitigation, cooperation among conservation agencies, and effective partnerships with all relevant stakeholders for conservation.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 9 of 9

Rodriguez, P., D. K. Tarbert, F. Ridgley, K. J. Conley et al. (2024). "Clinical and pathologic findings in iguanids with sodium urate cholelithiasis." Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 55(1), 256-267.

Abstract: Four green iguanas (Iguana iguana) and one blue iguana (Cyclura lewisi) from five facilities were diagnosed with sodium urate cholelithiasis. One case was diagnosed antemortem via ultrasonography, and the iguana underwent a choledochotomy for treatment. The other four cases were identified at necropsy. Pathologic hepatic and biliary changes were present in four of the five cases at necropsy. Histologically, four iguanas had hepatic fibrosis, three had bile duct hyperplasia, and one had cholangiohepatitis and pancreaticocholedochitis. Two iguanas had pathologic renal changes. This is the first report of sodium urate cholelithiasis in reptiles. This case series highlights the potential significant clinical disease caused by sodium urate cholelithiasis and the importance of biliary system evaluation. Further investigation is recommended to explore the pathogenesis of reptilian sodium urate cholelith formation.


Grey Literature Citations

Grey Literature Citation 1 of 5

Johnson, J. E., D. J. Welch, M. C. Pineda, A. Hughes, S. D. Jupiter and R. Howard (2023). Solomon Islands Community Marine Monitoring Toolkit: A Facilitators Guide. C2O Pacific and Wildlife Conservation Society.

Grey Literature Citation 2 of 5

Johnson, J. E., D. J. Welch, M. C. Pineda, A. Hughes, S. D. Jupiter and R. Howard (2023). Solomon Islands Community Marine Monitoring Toolkit: Field Guide. C2O Pacific and Wildlife Conservation Society.

Abstract: This Field Guide has been developed to support the Solomon Islands Community Marine Monitoring Toolkit. It provides guidance and tools to be used in the field when conducting monitoring using the Toolkit methods. The development of this Field Guide recognises that community members may need prompting when conducting monitoring and assistance while they become more experienced in the methods. The Field Guide is designed to support trained community monitors and empower them to provide leadership and training for others in their community to raise awareness about local coastal resources and effective community-based resource management. This Field Guide includes resources for each module: a quick start for monitoring methods, identification guides, data sheets, data analysis sheets, pictorial examples to assist with surveys and reporting posters. The Field Guide has five modules for community-based monitoring: 1. Fish catch surveys 2. Invertebrate surveys 3. Coral reef surveys 4. Mangrove surveys 5. Seagrass meadow surveys Each module is independent, and community monitors can use one or more modules, depending on their local needs, issues and resources. The Field Guide provides all the steps to establish and conduct community monitoring for each module, and how to share the results with communities to inform local decisions.

Grey Literature Citation 3 of 5

Nguimdo Vouffo, V. R., E. E. Abwe, B. J. Morgan, …, F. Maisels et al. (2023). “Long-term impacts of conservation interventions on landscape-level hunting dynamics in the African rainforest.” Wildlife Research and Conservation 2023, 9-11 September 2023. Wildlife Research and Conservation 2023 Conference Proceedings. Berlin, Germany: Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research, 71.

Grey Literature Citation 4 of 5

Sandrin, F. and D. Wilkie (2024). Kuwinda Nyama: A multiplayer hunting game for social learning and sustainable use. Rome: FAO, Wildlife Conservation Society, CIFOR-ICRAF and CIRAD.

Abstract: Games can help people learn about complex issues, make choices and adapt their actions as they observe the consequences of their choices. They allow adults and children to explore, safely, different scenarios that can generate a variety of outcomes depending on the choices they make as they play the game. Therefore, the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) with support from the SWM Programme, developed this low-tech, multiplayer decision-making game to play with rural communities in the Republic of the Congo and in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. This Manual explains the rules and materials needed to play the Kwinda Nyama game which tests players’ responses to different hunting scenarios with different rules. The SWM Programme is a major international initiative that aims to improve the conservation and sustainable use of wildlife in forest, savannah and wetland ecosystems. It is being funded by the European Union with co-funding from the French Facility for Global Environment (FFEM) and the French Development Agency (AFD). Projects are being piloted and tested with governments and communities in 17 participating countries. The initiative is coordinated by a dynamic consortium of four partners, namely the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the Center for International Forestry Research and World Agroforestry (CIFOR-ICRAF), the French Agricultural Research Centre for International Development (CIRAD) and the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS).

Grey Literature Citation 5 of 5

WISH Fiji (2023). Watershed Interventions for Systems Health in Fiji: Report on the 2022 “Impact and Interventions” Workshop. Suva, Fiji: Wildlife Conservation Society, Edith Cowan University, University of Sydney and Fiji National University.

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WCS-AUTHORED PUBLICATIONS,  26 February-3 March 2024


Peer-Reviewed Literature Citations

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 1 of 3

Gill, D. A., S. E. Lester, C. M. Free, ..., E. S. Darling et al. (2024). "A diverse portfolio of marine protected areas can better advance global conservation and equity." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 121(10), e2313205121.

Abstract: Marine protected areas (MPAs) are widely used for ocean conservation, yet the relative impacts of various types of MPAs are poorly understood. We estimated impacts on fish biomass from no-take and multiple-use (fished) MPAs, employing a rigorous matched counterfactual design with a global dataset of >14,000 surveys in and around 216 MPAs. Both no-take and multiple-use MPAs generated positive conservation outcomes relative to no protection (58.2% and 12.6% fish biomass increases, respectively), with smaller estimated differences between the two MPA types when controlling for additional confounding factors (8.3% increase). Relative performance depended on context and management: no-take MPAs performed better in areas of high human pressure but similar to multiple-use in remote locations. Multiple-use MPA performance was low in high-pressure areas but improved significantly with better management, producing similar outcomes to no-take MPAs when adequately staffed and appropriate use regulations were applied. For priority conservation areas where no-take restrictions are not possible or ethical, our findings show that a portfolio of well-designed and well-managed multiple-use MPAs represents a viable and potentially equitable pathway to advance local and global conservation.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 2 of 3

Platt, S. G., S. Boutxakittilah, O. Thongsavath, S. C. Leslie, L. D. McCaskill et al. (2024). "First confirmed reproduction by a translocated female Siamese Crocodile Crocodylus siamensis (Crocodylidae: Crocodilia) with observations of nest attendance and nest-associated fauna " Journal of Threatened Taxa 16(2), 24760-24768.

Abstract: The Siamese Crocodile Crocodylus siamensis is considered one of the most imperiled and poorly-studied crocodilians in the world. Translocations (reintroductions) - often in conjunction with head-starting of juveniles - are a critical component of efforts to restore viable wild populations of C. siamensis. We here report the first confirmed nesting by a known-age, head-started, and translocated female C. siamensis together with observations of nest attendance and nest-associated fauna based on camera trap imagery. Our observations occurred in the Greater Xe Champhone Wetland Complex (GXCWC) in Savannakhet Province, Lao PDR. GXCWC encompasses 45,000 ha of seasonally inundated natural and anthropogenic wetlands, agricultural ecosystems, scrubland, and forest. While collecting eggs for incubation in May 2022, we were able to identify a unique series of notched tail scutes on a female C. siamensis as she aggressively defended a nest. From these markings we determined the female was hatched on 11 August 2012 (age = 9.75 years) and released in March 2014, approximately 3.5 km from the nest site. A game camera placed at the nest on 11 May 2022 and recovered on 5 July 2022 (34 trap nights) recorded 1724 images. These images indicated the female remained in attendance at the nest throughout the monitoring period. Camera trap imagery captured eight nest repair events and two nest defense events; during the latter the female defended the nest from village dogs. Eleven species of nest-associated fauna were recorded by the game camera, including eight and three species of birds and mammals, respectively. Our observations are the first confirmed nesting by a head-started, translocated female C. siamensis indicating these are effective conservation strategies for restoring wild populations. We also unequivocally established that head-started female C. siamensis are capable of reproducing when nine-years-old.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 3 of 3

Theobald, D. M., A. L. Jacob, P. R. Elsen et al. (Early View). "Evaluating ecosystem protection and fragmentation of the world's major mountain regions." Conservation Biology, e14240.

Abstract: Conserving mountains is important for protecting biodiversity because they have high beta diversity and endemicity, facilitate species movement, and provide numerous ecosystem benefits for people. Mountains are often thought to have lower levels of human modification and contain more protected area than surrounding lowlands. To examine this, we compared biogeographic attributes of the largest, contiguous, mountainous region on each continent. In each region, we generated detailed ecosystems based on Köppen−Geiger climate regions, ecoregions, and detailed landforms. We quantified anthropogenic fragmentation of these ecosystems based on human modification classes of large wild areas, shared lands, and cities and farms. Human modification for half the mountainous regions approached the global average, and fragmentation reduced the ecological integrity of mountain ecosystems up to 40%. Only one-third of the major mountainous regions currently meet the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework target of 30% coverage for all protected areas; furthermore, the vast majority of ecosystem types present in mountains were underrepresented in protected areas. By measuring ecological integrity and human-caused fragmentation with a detailed representation of mountain ecosystems, our approach facilitates tracking progress toward achieving conservation goals and better informs mountain conservation.


Prepublication Citations

Prepublication Citation 1 of 1

Stiegler, J., C. Gallagher, R. Hering, ..., B. Buuveibaatar, ..., K. Olson et al. (Prepublication). “Sensitivities of mammals to capture and tagging: Faster recovery in human-disturbed landscapes.” Research Square.

Abstract: Wildlife tagging provides critical insights into animal movement ecology, physiology, and behavior amid global ecosystem changes. However, the stress induced by capture, handling, and tagging can impact post-release locomotion and activity and, consequently, the interpretation of study results. We analyzed post-tagging effects on 1585 individuals of 42 terrestrial mammal species using collar-collected GPS and accelerometer data. Species-specific displacements and overall dynamic body acceleration, as a proxy for activity, were assessed over 20 days post-release to quantify disturbance intensity, recovery duration, and speed. Differences were evaluated, considering species-specific traits and the human footprint of the study region. Over 70% of the analyzed species exhibited significant behavioral changes following collaring events. Herbivores traveled farther with variable activity reactions, while omnivores and carnivores were initially less active and mobile. Recovery duration proved brief, with alterations diminishing within 4-7 tracking days for most species. Herbivores, particularly males, showed quicker displacement recovery (4 days) but slower activity recovery (7 days). Individuals in high human footprint areas displayed faster recovery, indicating adaptation to human disturbance. Our findings emphasize the necessity of extending tracking periods beyond one week and particular caution in remote study areas or herbivore-focused research, specifically in smaller mammals.

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WCS-AUTHORED PUBLICATIONS,  12-25 February 2024 [2 Weeks]


Peer-Reviewed Literature Citations

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 1 of 11

Anderson, C., A. Zuckerwise, R. B. Wallace, G. Ayala, M. Viscarra and O. J. Schmitz (2024). "Small felids coexist in mixed-use landscape in the Bolivian Amazon." Animals 14, e697

Abstract: In the face of global species loss, it is paramount to understand the effects of human activity on vulnerable species, particularly in highly diverse, complex systems. The Greater Madidi Landscape in the Bolivian Amazon includes several biodiverse protected areas that were created with the goal of sustaining healthy and diverse ecosystems while not impeding the livelihoods of local indigenous peoples. In this study, we sought to use camera trap data and single-species occupancy analysis to assess the impacts of different forms of human activity on four species of small felids: ocelots (Leopardus pardalis), margays (Leopardus wiedii), jaguarundi (Herpailurus yagouaroundi), and oncilla (Leopardus tigrinus). We modeled both human variables (proximity to indigenous communities, roads, and tourist camps) and non-human variables (terrain ruggedness, proximity to rivers, canopy height, prey availability, and large cat abundance). Margay occupancy was unaffected by any of these human variables and ocelots showed only weak evidence of being affected by tourism. Ocelots were particularly pervasive throughout the study area and were consistently estimated to have high occupancy probability. We did not obtain sufficient data on jaguarundi or oncilla to reliably model these effects. Our results indicate that small cats successfully coexist both with each other and with the surrounding human activity in this unique landscape, which serves as a model for global protected area management.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 2 of 11

Calderón, A. P., P. Landaverde-Gonzalez, C. Wultsch, ..., R. Garcia-Anleu et al. (2024). "Modelling jaguar gene flow in fragmented landscapes offers insights into functional population connectivity." Landscape Ecology 39(2), e12.

Abstract: Preserving functional connectivity is a conservation priority to secure the long-term viability of geographically dispersed subpopulations, such as the jaguar (Panthera onca) populations in Central America. However, managing connectivity in this region is limited due to the scarcity of local assessments of the connectivity between existing populations, some of which exhibit low levels of gene flow and genetic admixture.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 3 of 11

Heimpel, E., A. Ahrends, K. G. Dexter, ..., C. Sanz and D. J. Harris (2024). "Floristic and structural distinctness of monodominant Gilbertiodendron dewevrei forest in the western Congo Basin." Plant Ecology and Evolution 157(1), 55-74.

Abstract: Background and aims: The forests of the Congo Basin contain high levels of biodiversity, and are globally important for carbon storage. In order to design effective conservation strategies, and to accurately model carbon stocks, a fine-scale understanding of the different forest types that make up this forest block is needed. Monodominant Gilbertiodendron dewevrei forest covers large areas of the Congo Basin, but it is currently unclear whether it is sufficiently distinct from adjacent mixed terre firme forest to warrant separate treatment for conservation planning and carbon calculations. This study aimed to compare the structure and diversity of monodominant and mixed forest, and ask whether there is a unique vascular plant community associated with G. dewevrei forest. Material and methods: We utilised a combination of plot data and herbarium specimens collected in the Sangha Trinational (a network of protect areas in Cameroon, Central African Republic, and the Republic of Congo). Plot inventories were used to compare G. dewevrei forest and mixed forest for stem density, basal area, above ground biomass, stem size distribution, species diversity, and species composition. In addition, a database of 3,557 herbarium specimens was used to identify species of vascular plant that are associated with G. dewevrei forest. Key results: Gilbertiodendron dewevrei forest is distinct in both structure and species composition from mixed forest. Gilbertiodendron dewevrei forest has a lower stem number (of trees ≥ 10 cm), but a greater proportion of larger trees (> 70 cm), suggesting higher carbon stocks. The species composition is distinct from mixed forest, with 56 species of vascular plant significantly associated with G. dewevrei forest. Conclusion: Monodominant G. dewevrei forest in the Sangha Trinational is both compositionally and structurally distinct from mixed forest. We therefore recommend this forest type be considered separately from mixed forest for conservation planning and carbon stock calculations.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 4 of 11

Iyer, M. L., D. Sanchez-Migallon Guzman, M. Sosa-Higareda, ... and C. E. Alex (2024). "Multifocal hepatocellular carcinoma in a Malayan wreathed hornbill (Rhyticeros undulatus)." Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery 37(4), 321-329.

Abstract: A 30-year-old female intact Malayan wreathed hornbill (Rhyticeros undulatus) was presented for presumed nesting behavior, progressive anorexia, dropping food, and coelomic distension. A complete blood count and plasma biochemistry analysis revealed marked inflammation, severe electrolyte abnormalities, elevated liver enzyme activities and bile acids, and normal plasma iron concentrations. Radiographic images of the patient were consistent with hepatomegaly and loss of serosal detail in the coelomic cavity. A computed tomography study revealed multiple poorly contrast-enhancing hepatic nodules, hepatoperitoneal and intestinal peritoneal fluid and gas, and a contrast-enhancing mass in the ventral coelom. Cytologic samples of the liver were consistent with necrosis, and the coelomic effusion was characterized as an aseptic suppurative exudate. An exploratory coeliotomy was performed and biopsy samples of the liver and a mesenteric mass were histologically interpreted as a tubular carcinoma with metastasis to the liver and secondary portal hepatitis. Euthanasia was elected and multiple liver masses and a peripancreatic mass were identified on necropsy. Histopathological samples collected during the postmortem gross examination showed multiple well-demarcated hepatic masses consisting of neoplastic hepatocytes encapsulated by fibrous tissue and proliferation of dysplastic biliary ductules, as well as a peripancreatic heterophilic granuloma with adjacent pancreatic atrophy and ductular proliferation. Ultimately, the patient was diagnosed with multifocal hepatocellular carcinoma and chronic granulomatous and heterophilic pancreatitis, steatitis, and coelomitis with intralesional bacteria. Malignant hepatobiliary neoplasia has been poorly documented in hornbills despite high anecdotal incidence in this and other avian species predisposed to iron storage disease. This report illustrates clinical and pathological information, including advanced imaging, which could aid in the diagnosis of this condition in hornbills and other avian species.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 5 of 11

McClanahan, T. R. (2024). "Perceptions of preparedness to address climate change threats in the western Indian Ocean." Marine Policy 162, e106055.

Abstract: The aim of the study was to improve understanding of the state and needs of knowledge, perceptions, threats, preparedness, and actions to address climate change among maritime Western Indian Ocean national institutions. Two hundred and eighty-nine respondents were contacted directly and 134 (46.4%) fully completed a questionnaire asking specifics concerning these aspects of climate preparedness. Results allowed evaluations of respondents in 9 nations and 7 marine and research organizational categories. Responses indicated that climate change is broadly acknowledged, being addressed, and organizations are making progress towards adaptation goals. However, specifics of locations, timing, and organizational planning and action cycles were less clearly articulated. Respondents clustered into 3 main groupings named as decisive, indecisive, and divergent as reflected in their degree of affirmation of proposed adaptive planning and interventions. The decisive group were 43% of the respondents who were clear that sea level rise and hotter temperatures were the main threats. The indecisive and divergent respondents (28% each) had a mixture of negative and uncertain responses that represented a mixture of critical thinking and a mixed state of preparation. All respondents reported a mixed implementation approach that included biodiversity conservation, sustainable resource extract, coastal development, and alternative livelihoods activities. Most were influenced by a portfolio of funding opportunities, but primarily focused on capacity building. Planning, monitoring, revising, and coordination were less frequently reported even among organizations with this capacity. There was little evidence that respondent organization were completing an adaptive cycle where data collection and sharing provided feedback and needed adjustments. Common-sense capacity building drove most funding and actions, but rapid responses for effective change will require building monitoring, evaluation, and coordination activities to accelerate learning and adaptation.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 6 of 11

McClanahan, T. R., R. M. Oddenyo and J. K. Kosgei (2024). "Challenges to managing fisheries with high inter-community variability on the Kenya-Tanzania border." Current Research in Environmental Sustainability 7, e100244.

Abstract: Reconciling variable between-community and neighboring country goals is the focus of the United Nations partnership goals (Sustainable Development Goal 17) because of the challenges of managing shared common-pool resources, such as fisheries. Our objective was to better understand and suggest management that accounts for this variability among fishing villages along the Kenya-Tanzania national boundary. We asked stakeholders to scale their dependency on fish, objective knowledge of fisheries, governance effectiveness, management preferences, and future fisheries provisioning scenarios among villages economically aligned with international trade or national park conservation. We found high dependency on fish (90% daily consumption), modest objective knowledge about fisheries and their status (62% correct answers) but a broad agreement on the need for community engagement (>90% agreement). The perceived weakest governance principles were fisheries monitoring and the resolution of conflicts with neighbors. Considerable variability in opinions about how to provide more fish reflected the international boundary trade and conservation contexts. Rural households further from the border favored community management and local or national fisheries closure management whereas stakeholder preferences with more urban and public were associated with greater support for offshore fishing and port and aquaculture infrastructure developments. Previously measured losses of fisheries catch production in most villages was hidden from stakeholders by a lack of catch monitoring and production potential estimates. Lost fisheries production and sustainability could be recovered by increased knowledge of resource production capacity, monitoring, and governance engagement that increases compliance. Village level economics and transnational contexts require multilevel governance and good coordination to manage the diverse capacities, preferences, and management needs.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 7 of 11

Mo, L., C. M. Zohner, P. B. Reich, ..., B. Swanepoel et al. (2023). "Integrated global assessment of the natural forest carbon potential." Nature 624(7990), 92-101.

Abstract: Forests are a substantial terrestrial carbon sink, but anthropogenic changes in land use and climate have considerably reduced the scale of this system1. Remote-sensing estimates to quantify carbon losses from global forests2–5 are characterized by considerable uncertainty and we lack a comprehensive ground-sourced evaluation to benchmark these estimates. Here we combine several ground-sourced6 and satellite-derived approaches2,7,8 to evaluate the scale of the global forest carbon potential outside agricultural and urban lands. Despite regional variation, the predictions demonstrated remarkable consistency at a global scale, with only a 12% difference between the ground-sourced and satellite-derived estimates. At present, global forest carbon storage is markedly under the natural potential, with a total deficit of 226 Gt (model range = 151–363 Gt) in areas with low human footprint. Most (61%, 139 Gt C) of this potential is in areas with existing forests, in which ecosystem protection can allow forests to recover to maturity. The remaining 39% (87 Gt C) of potential lies in regions in which forests have been removed or fragmented. Although forests cannot be a substitute for emissions reductions, our results support the idea2,3,9 that the conservation, restoration and sustainable management of diverse forests offer valuable contributions to meeting global climate and biodiversity targets.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 8 of 11

Rainwater, T. R., R. Singh, C. A. Tuten, ..., S. G. Platt et al. (2024). "Fauna associated with American alligator (Alligator mississippiensis) nests in coastal South Carolina, USA." Animals 14, e620

Abstract: Crocodilians are considered to be “ecosystem engineers” because their modification of habitats provides opportunities for feeding, drinking, breeding, and other vital life activities to a wide variety of other animals. One such habitat modification is the construction of nest mounds during the breeding season by most crocodilian species, including American alligators (Alligator mississippiensis). While many reports exist describing wildlife associated with alligator nests, no studies have quantified faunal associates and their corresponding behaviors while visiting nests. To address this data gap, we used automated game cameras to monitor wildlife and their behaviors at alligator nests during the egg incubation period (June–September) in coastal South Carolina, USA (2016–2021). We documented a total of 81 species (79 vertebrates and 2 invertebrates) at 78 alligator nests representing six taxonomic groups, including 48 birds (59.2%), 9 mammals (11.1%), 19 reptiles (23.4%), 3 amphibians (3.7%), 1 malacostracan (1.2%), and 1 insect (1.2%). Collectively, faunal associates primarily used alligator nests for feeding/foraging (51.8%), traveling (29.3%), and loafing (19.9%) and to a much lesser extent basking, burrowing/shelter, breeding, and nesting. However, trends in alligator nest use varied among faunal associate groups (birds, mammals, reptiles, amphibians, etc.), subgroups (e.g., passerines, raptors, wading birds, and waterfowl), and species. Several novel behaviors by some nest associates were also noted during the study, including the first observations of Virginia oppossum (Didelphis virginiana) opening and predating nests, bobcat (Lynx rufus) consuming alligator hatchlings, and Carolina wren (Thryothorus ludovicianus) feeding on the contents of a recently predated alligator egg. The results of this study indicate that a diverse assemblage of vertebrates (and some invertebrates) use alligator nest sites in coastal South Carolina for a variety of life activities during the egg incubation period, and the proportion of the behaviors exhibited varies among animal groups and species. This study provides a first step for investigations regarding the net impacts of alligator nest-faunal associate interactions and ultimately the greater ecological role of alligators and other crocodilians.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 9 of 11

Stinchcomb, T. R., Z. Ma, R. K. Swihart et al. (Early View). "Mapping social conflicts to enhance the integrated management of white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus)." Conservation Science and Practice, e13086.

Abstract: Understanding the social feasibility of wildlife conservation approaches is essential to reducing social conflicts over wildlife and public backlash toward wildlife agencies and organizations. The Potential for Conflict Index2 (PCI2) and geospatial analyses of conflict can help wildlife practitioners strategically engage their publics, but these two tools have yet to be combined. Using data from a 2021 survey about white-tailed deer in Indiana (n = 1806), we analyzed conflict levels among stakeholder self-identities and political ideologies regarding the acceptability of six possible management methods, three lethal and three nonlethal. We then conducted a hotspot analysis of gridded PCI2 values to map areas of high and low social conflicts across the state. Conflict potentials showed more consistent covariation with political ideologies than with stakeholder self-identities, aligning with urban–rural divides in wildlife experiences. Data on political leanings and residency may thus be more reliable than stakeholder categories to predict social conflicts over wildlife management. Hotspots of conflict over lethal methods clustered around urban areas, indicating that agencies should focus on engaging urban residents about deer management. Our conflict hotspots can be combined with other spatial data to create social units of analysis, which can help practitioners develop targeted and socially accepted strategies for wildlife conservation and management.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 10 of 11

Walter, R. K., J. K. O'Leary, S. Vitousek et al.. (2023). "Corrigendum to “Large-scale erosion driven by intertidal eelgrass loss in an estuarine environment” [Estuar. Coast Shelf Sci. 243 (2020) 106910]." Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 291, e108431.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 11 of 11

Zec, S., M. A. Mitchell, K. Rockwell and D. Lindemann (2024). "Evaluating the anesthetic and physiologic effects of intramuscular and intravenous alfaxalone in eastern mud turtles (Kinosternon subrubrum)." Animals 14, e460

Abstract: Current sedation protocols for chelonians can pose a challenge to clinicians because of prolonged induction and recovery times, difficulties in gaining venous access, and natural species variation. This study evaluated the sedative and physiologic effects of intramuscular (IM) and intravenous (IV) alfaxalone in six wild-caught adult eastern mud turtles (Kinosternon subrubrum). The turtles received alfaxalone 10 mg/kg IM and IV in a randomized cross-over design. A 10-day washout period occurred between trials. Baseline parameters (heart rate, respiratory rate, temperature, and reflexes) were assessed prior to injection and every 5 min post-injection until recovery. Three venous blood gas samples were also collected and analyzed over the course of each trial (baseline, induction, and recovery). Intravenous alfaxalone resulted in a significantly faster induction (p = 0.016; median: 1.5 min, 25–75%: 1–7.5, minimum–maximum: 1–21) and a shorter total sedation time (p = 0.041; median: 52 min, 25–75%: 34.5–62.5, minimum–maximum: 33–87) when compared with IM alfaxalone (induction, median: 20 min, 25–75%: 15–22.5, minimum–maximum: 15–25; total, median: 70 min, 25–75%: 65–82.5, minimum–maximum: 65–90). Blood gas and physiologic parameters were not significantly different between groups; however, the pH (p = 0.009) and glucose (p = 0.0001) significantly increased, and partial pressure of carbon dioxide (p = 0.024) significantly decreased over time. This study demonstrated that alfaxalone 10 mg/kg IV or IM can be used to provide safe and effective sedation in eastern mud turtles.


Grey Literature and Prepublication Citations

Grey Literature and Prepublication Citation 1 of 2

Pauly, M., W. Crosse, C. Moore, K. Brown, O. Griffin et al. (Prepublication). “A multi-modal analysis of REDD+ baselines in Cambodia.” Research Square.

Abstract: Cambodia is facing widespread deforestation due to agriculture, logging, land grabbing, and infrastructure. The implementation of REDD+ (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation) projects has become a key strategy to protect at-risk forests using the sale of verified emission reductions as financing; generated by reducing forest loss against counterfactual baseline scenarios. We test a series of ex-post baseline assessment methodologies on three Cambodian REDD+ projects using two geospatial datasets (one global and one locally calibrated for maximum accuracy); integrating results to assess the reasonable accuracy of their respective baselines. We find different datasets applied to different control sites produce a wide range of forest loss rates. The baselines of all three projects fall within or below a “zone of reasonable accuracy,” based on an integration of ex-post forest loss rate results, establishing the concept of reasonable accuracy as a valid standard against which to assess REDD+ project baselines.

Grey Literature and Prepublication Citation 2 of 2

Villalba, L., B. Ortiz and N. Gengler (2024). Principales Mamíferos del Chaco Central. Asunción, Paraguay: Wildlife Conservation Society, Paraguay.

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Peer-Reviewed Literature Citations

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 1 of 5

King-Nolan, C. D., M. L. Rekdahl, A. Murray, S. Strindberg, M. F. Baumgartner and H. C. Rosenbaum (2024). "Fin whale song characteristics and potential subpopulation identity in the New York Bight." Scientific Reports 14(1), e2931.

Abstract: Fin whale (Balaenoptera physalus) song can follow a highly consistent pattern, and regional differences in song patterns can be a valuable indicator of subpopulation identity and distribution. In the Northwest Atlantic, endangered fin whales are currently managed as a single stock despite previous identification of different regional song patterns, which indicates potential subpopulation structuring and vulnerability to anthropogenic disturbance if not managed accordingly. Here we document fin whale song in the New York Bight (NYB) from 2017 to 2020 using passive acoustic data to identify monthly and yearly trends in song patterns and to explore potential subpopulation structuring. The predominant song pattern observed was highly consistent with the pattern documented almost a decade prior in the NYB, with short inter-note intervals (INI) from fall–winter and long-INIs in the spring. However, in one song year the majority of songs were composed of long-INIs. This change in song pattern could be due to a shift in fin whale behavior or possibly multiple fin whale subpopulations using the NYB. Fin whales in the NYB may be particularly vulnerable to disturbance given the increasing anthropogenic pressures in this region, and further research into subpopulation structuring is needed to ensure adequate management of these endangered whales.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 2 of 5

Li, Y., X. C. Gao, H. J. Chen, Q. Wang and J. Zhao (In Press). "Spatial-temporal distribution characteristics of Harpadon nehereus in the Yangtze River Estuary and its relationship with environmental factors " Frontiers in Marine Science 11.

Abstract: To investigate the spatial-temporal distribution characteristics of Harpadon nehereus in the Yangtze River Estuary (YRE) and its relationship with environmental factors, this study used the data from resource and environmental surveys conducted in the YRE and adjacent waters during August (summer) and November (autumn), 2017-2022. Generalized additive models (GAM) were employed to analyze the relationships between the relative resources of H. nehereus and environmental factors and to predict the spatial-temporal distribution of H. nehereus resources in 2022. Our results revealed that the best model deviance explained in summer and autumn was 64.89% and 49.90%, with average effect sizes of 0.75 and 0.70, respectively, for cross-validated regression slopes. Water temperature and salinity were identified as the key environmental factors influencing the relative resources of H.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 3 of 5

Lisnizer, N., P. Giudici, M. Pollicelli, ... and P. Yorio (In Press). "Winter consumption of the introduced green crab Carcinus maenas by kelp gulls Larus dominicanus." New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research.

Abstract: The introduction of species can have negative effects on species, communities, and ecosystems, although native predators may profit from the introduced prey. We present an evaluation of the consumption of the introduced Green Crab (Carcinus maenas) by Kelp Gulls (Larus dominicanus) during the austral winter in Patagonia, Argentina. Green Crab remains were present in 9.4% (n?=?416) of the Kelp Gull pellets collected between June and August of 2021, at four coastal sectors distributed along more than 400?km of coastline. Frequency of occurrence of Green Crabs in Kelp Gull pellets varied between 0 and 66.7% depending on the location, and being similar for the three studied months. Overall, Kelp gulls included at least 35 food items in their diet with variable contributions from different food categories, again depending on the location. This is the first report on the winter consumption of Green Crabs by Kelp Gulls and provides baseline information for understanding the role of this introduced species in newly invaded coastal ecosystems.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 4 of 5

Mendoza, A. P., A. Muñoz-Maceda, B. M. Ghersi, M. De La Puente, C. Zariquiey, N. Cavero, Y. Murillo, M. Sebastian, Y. Ibañez, ..., S. H. Olson and M. H. Rosenbaum (2024). "Diversity and prevalence of zoonotic infections at the animal-human interface of primate trafficking in Peru." PLOS ONE 19(2), e0287893.

Abstract: Wildlife trafficking creates favorable scenarios for intra- and inter-specific interactions that can lead to parasite spread and disease emergence. Among the fauna affected by this activity, primates are relevant due to their potential to acquire and share zoonoses - infections caused by parasites that can spread between humans and other animals. Though it is known that most primate parasites can affect multiple hosts and that many are zoonotic, comparative studies across different contexts for animal-human interactions are scarce. We conducted a multi-parasite screening targeting the detection of zoonotic infections in wild-caught monkeys in nine Peruvian cities across three contexts: captivity (zoos and rescue centers, n = 187); pet (households, n = 69); and trade (trafficked or recently confiscated, n = 132). We detected 32 parasite taxa including mycobacteria, simian foamyvirus, bacteria, helminths, and protozoa. Monkeys in the trade context had the highest prevalence of hemoparasites (including Plasmodium malariae/brasilianum, Trypanosoma cruzi, and microfilaria) and enteric helminths and protozoa were less common in pet monkeys. However, parasite communities showed overall low variation between the three contexts. Parasite richness (PR) was best explained by host genus and the city where the animal was sampled. Squirrel (genus Saimiri) and wooly (genus Lagothrix) monkeys had the highest PR, which was ~2.2 times the PR found in tufted capuchins (genus Sapajus) and tamarins (genus Saguinus/Leontocebus) in a multivariable model adjusted for context, sex, and age. Our findings illustrate that the threats of wildlife trafficking to One Health encompass exposure to multiple zoonotic parasites well-known to cause disease in humans, monkeys, and other species. We demonstrate these threats continue beyond the markets where wildlife is initially sold; monkeys trafficked for the pet market remain a reservoir for and contribute to the translocation of zoonotic parasites to households and other captive facilities where contact with humans is frequent. Our results have practical applications for the healthcare of rescued monkeys and call for urgent action against wildlife trafficking and ownership of monkeys as pets.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 5 of 5

Thurman, L. L., K. Alger, O. LeDee, ..., S. H. Olson, M. Pruvot et al. (Early View). "Disease-smart climate adaptation for wildlife management and conservation." Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, e2716.

Abstract: Climate change is a well-documented driver and threat multiplier of infectious disease in wildlife populations. However, wildlife disease management and climate-change adaptation have largely operated in isolation. To improve conservation outcomes, we consider the role of climate adaptation in initiating or exacerbating the transmission and spread of wildlife disease and the deleterious effects thereof, as illustrated through several case studies. We offer insights into best practices for disease-smart adaptation, including a checklist of key factors for assessing disease risks early in the climate adaptation process. By assessing risk, incorporating uncertainty, planning for change, and monitoring outcomes, natural resource managers and conservation practitioners can better prepare for and respond to wildlife disease threats in a changing climate.

Prepublication Citations

Prepublication Citation 1 of 2

Cook, C. N., M. Rao, P. J. Clyne, V. Rathbone, C. Barrientos, A. Boveda, A. Diment, J. Parra, V. Falabella, M. Linkie, D. Kujirakwinja, S. Ostrowski, K. Olson, V. Patankar, L. Rasolofomanan and H. S. Grantham (Prepublication). “Evaluating the likelihood for areas important for conservation to be recognized as Other Effective area-based Conservation Measures.” bioRxiv

Abstract: Other effective area-based conservation measures (OECMs) have expanded area-based conservation to recognize sites that deliver effective biodiversity outcomes even if not managed for conservation. Yet our ability to identify sites likely to qualify as OECMs remains limited. To address this gap, we established and tested a set of indicators to judge whether sites meet the essential criteria to be considered OECMs, evaluating a large, global sample of 173 important conservation areas: 81 potential OECMs and 92 nearby protected areas. We found that most potential OECMs were largely in good condition with the potential to achieve conservation outcomes, but none currently met all the OECM criteria. Formally designated protected areas in our dataset performed better but the majority also failed the criteria. With so many important conservation areas unable to deliver effective conservation outcomes, our findings raise important questions about how to ensure area-based conservation promotes positive and sustained outcomes for biodiversity.

Prepublication Citation 2 of 2

Valenzuela, L., C. Saavedra, A. Herrera and G. Forero-Medina (Prepublication). “Environmental and human-mediated factors influence vertebrate occupancy in two tropical ecosystems.” Authorea.

Abstract: A species presence within its geographic range can be influenced by environmental variables and disturbance history, resulting in particular occupancy patterns. Understanding the factors affecting occupancy is essential to evaluate the impact of human activities on species and design conservation or restoration measures. For tropical vertebrates, there is little understanding of how multiple factors influence occupancy and interactions with other species under different conditions and disturbance levels. In this study, we evaluated how natural and human-mediated factors determine the presence of mammals and terrestrial birds in two tropical landscapes that share some species but differ in the type of ecosystems and the degree of human disturbance. We adjusted single-season occupancy models for each species to assess the key variables (human-influenced and natural) determining its presence in each landscape, and co-occurrence models to evaluate potential inter-specific relationships. Although species richness was similar between landscapes, small, generalist species had a higher occupancy in the more disturbed landscape (ψ 0.58 Vs 0.40), while larger species had a higher occupancy in the less disturbed one (ψ 0.79 Vs 0.21). Species in the more fragmented and altered landscape were mainly affected by human-mediated variables, although the effect was not always negative, with smaller species being favored by such conditions. In contrast, in the less altered landscape, environmental variables were more determinant of vertebrate occupancy. Additionally, the number, magnitude, and direction of species interactions usually changed from one landscape to another. Results from this study contribute to the broader understanding of the mechanisms that determine vertebrate occupancy in tropical ecosystems. They confirm how human disturbance can have a direct effect on occupancy of larger species of mammals, and demonstrate how in more altered ecosystems factors associated with human presence may become more limiting or more beneficial than natural ones becoming the primary determinants of occupancy.

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WCS-AUTHORED PUBLICATIONS,  29 January-4 February 2024


Peer-Reviewed Literature Citations

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 1 of 2

Lemos, L. P., D. S. S. Ferreira, M. A. Oliveira, ..., C. C. Durigan et al. (2023). "Subsistence hunting and wild meat trade in Brazilian Amazonia." In W. R. Spironello, A. A. Barnett, J. W. Lynch et al., Eds., Amazonian Mammals: Current Knowledge and Conservation Priorities, 241-274. Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing.

Abstract: Subsistence hunting is a widespread human activity in Brazilian Amazonia, rooted in diverse and complex socioecological universes and intrinsic to a continental-wide region. In this sense, hunting needs to be understood in its whole complexity, encompassing material factors as well as immaterial attributes of peoples and cultures that use wildlife across Amazonia. Mammal species occur in a variety of hunting profiles and together are the most targeted game taxa in this biome. In addition, mammal meat trade is undertaken in poor sanitary conditions and in an unregulated manner in this region, affecting social, ecological, and sanitary security. Nowadays, people who deal with hunting management in Brazil are in a virtual “limbo,” where hunting continues to be carried out by rural and urban populations, surveillance campaigns are hampered by a poor legal framework to prevent overhunting, and hunting comanagement or other forms of sustainable use of wildlife are inactive. In this chapter, we provide a literature review and case studies concerning subsistence hunting and the wild meat trade of mammals, with the aim of highlighting that wildlife management is imperative to achieving biodiversity conservation in Brazilian Amazonia. / A caça de subsistência é uma atividade humana amplamente difundida na Amazônia brasileira, enraizada em universos socioecológicos diversos e complexos e intrínseca a uma região de proporções continentais. Nesse sentido, a caça de mamíferos precisa ser compreendida em toda a sua complexidade, abrangendo tanto os fatores materiais quanto os atributos imateriais das pessoas e culturas que utilizam a fauna na Amazônia. As espécies de mamíferos ocorrem em uma variedade de perfis de caça e, juntas, são o táxon mais visado nesse bioma. Além disso, o comércio de carne de mamíferos é realizado em condições sanitárias precárias e de forma não regulamentada nessa região, afetando tanto a segurança social, ecológica quanto sanitária daqueles que utilizam da fauna silvestre. Atualmente, as pessoas que lidam com o manejo da caça de subsistência no Brasil estão em um “limbo” virtual, onde a caça continua sendo realizada por populações rurais e urbanas, as campanhas de vigilância são prejudicadas por um fraco arcabouço legal para prevenir a superexploração dos animais silvestres, e a cogestão da atividade de caça ou outras formas de uso sustentável da fauna, estão inativas. Neste capítulo, fornecemos uma revisão da literatura e estudos de caso sobre a caça de subsistência e o comércio de carne de mamíferos, com o objetivo de destacar que o manejo da fauna é imperativo para alcançar a conservação da biodiversidade na Amazônia brasileira.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 2 of 2

Zhuo, Y., M. Wang, Z. Liu, ..., A. M. Rajabi, ..., S. P. Faryabi, S. Michel, S. Ostrowski, Z. Moheb et al. (2024). "Border fences reduce potential for transboundary migration of Marco Polo Sheep (Ovis ammon polii) in the Pamir Plateau." Science of The Total Environment 912, e169298.

Abstract: Border fences have severely impeded the transboundary migration of a number of large mammals worldwide, with central Asia being one of the most impacted. The Marco Polo sheep (Ovis ammon polii), an iconic species of Pamir, is threatened in its transboundary movement by increasing border fencing among their five distributed countries, including Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, China, Afghanistan, and Pakistan. In this study, by building ensemble species distribution models, we found that eastern Tajikistan had the largest suitable Macro Polo sheep habitat (about 42 % of the total suitable habitat), followed by China (about 32 %). We used least-cost paths to identify 51 ecological corridors including 5 transboundary ecological corridors, which may be important to maintain connectivity in both domestic and transboundary regions. To assess the potential barrier effect of border fences, we assessed four scenarios (30, 40, 50 and 60°) corresponding to the upper limit of the slope for the construction of fences. In areas too steep for fencing, these could be used by wild sheep to cross barriers or borders and may represent migration or movement routes, defined as natural passages. In the most pessimistic Scenario 60, only 25 migratory passages along the border fences were identified, compared to 997 in the most optimistic scenario (Scenario 30), indicating a strong negative effect of intensive border fencing on the transboundary movement of Marco Polo sheep. The establishment of transnational conservation parks, and ensuring permeability is maintained in key areas, could have a positive impact on the connectivity and persistence of Marco Polo sheep populations, and provide important lessons for other large migratory mammals in transboundary regions.

Grey Literature Citations

Grey Literature Citation 1 of 1

Diogou, N., W. D. Halliday, S. Dosso, ... and S. J. Insley (2023). “Spatiotemporal patterns and habitat preferences of bowhead whales in the Eastern Beaufort Sea, Arctic Ocean.” In A. Astolfi, F. Asdrudali, and L. Shtrepi, Eds., Proceedings of the 10th Convention of the European Acoustics Association Forum Acusticum 2023, 4843-4846. Turin, Italy: European Acoustics Association.

Abstract: The Arctic is warming four times faster than the rest of the globe. The shrinking sea-ice causes cascading effects throughout the ecosystem. While cetaceans experience climate-driven changes in the ocean, their adaptation mechanisms include spatially and/or temporally shifting their habitat occupancy, or even permanently altering their migration phenology. The urgent need for monitoring Arctic cetaceans, combined with the challenge of long-term studies in the Arctic, was addressed with passive acoustics. During 2014-2021, ten sites in the Beaufort Sea were equipped with fixed acoustic recorders, monitoring the ocean soundscape for 1-12 months. Combined manual and automated bioacoustic analysis with statistical analysis, allowed quantifying the variability of bowhead whale (Balaena mysticetus) presence through time and space. The bowhead is the only Arctic endemic mysticete and a species of high cultural and nutritional value for the Inuit. Results indicate a large variation in bowhead presence over the years and across the stations. However, a clear seasonal pattern is dominant throughout the data. These spatiotemporal patterns, combined with in-situ and remotely-sensed environmental variables in multivariate models allowed identifying the conditions that affect the bowhead distribution. Understanding these responses is key for predicting the impact of environmental change and important while the ocean is warming.

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Peer-Reviewed Literature Citations

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 1 of 6

Arias, M., P. Coals, Ardiantiono, ..., M. da Silva, ..., E. Payán et al. (2024). "Reflecting on the role of human-felid conflict and local use in big cat trade." Conservation Science and Practice 6(1), e13030.

Abstract: Illegal trade in big cat (Panthera spp.) body parts is a prominent topic in scientific and public discourses concerning wildlife conservation. While illegal trade is generally acknowledged as a threat to big cat species, we suggest that two enabling factors have, to date, been under-considered. To that end, we discuss the roles of human-felid conflict, and “local” use in illegal trade in big cat body parts. Drawing examples from across species and regions, we look at generalities, contextual subtleties, ambiguities, and definitional complexities. We caution against underestimating the extent of “local” use of big cats and highlight the potential of conflict killings to supply body parts.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 2 of 6

Campbell, M. A., R. J. Brown, K. M. Fraley, ... and M. D. Robards (In Press). "Biogeography of Beringian fishes after the molecular revolution and into the post-genomics era." Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries.

Abstract: Significant progress in our knowledge of Beringian biodiversity and in the technologies available for biodiversity research has been made in the several decades since a comprehensive biogeographic synthesis of Beringian freshwater fishes was compiled and published in 1986. Further, the fish fauna of Beringia and, more broadly, of high latitude freshwater systems of the northern hemisphere face some of the most intense well documented effects of global climate change. Here we synthesize current understanding of how the dynamic spatial and ecological landscapes of Pleistocene glaciations have shaped the distribution of taxonomic and genetic diversity in fish faunas of Beringia. Through a more complete integration of knowledge obtained in studies of fishes in Russian drainages, we aimed to identify promising strategies to test alternative biogeographic hypotheses on the roles played by the Bering land bridge, paleorivers and glacial history in intercontinental faunal movement. We focus on freshwater fishes of the Bering Strait region, which live in an environment that is premised on extreme instability and profound changes in long-term connectivity for fishes and offers opportunities to assess long-term evolutionary trends in both speciation and life history variation. Such information is critical for both our scientific understanding of evolutionary processes in fishes and valuable for those tasked with the challenges of management and conservation of natural resources in this expansive, dynamic and remote region. We provide an overview of Beringian freshwater ichthyofauna and examine genetic differentiation among population units within these lineages. We also examine evidence for how long population units have been separated based on historic glacially-related separations and the more recent marine barrier of the Bering Strait that constrains freshwater or diadromous species based on their ability to disperse in salt water. Our review concludes on how Arctic and sub-Arctic fishes may adapt and persist in their dynamic environment considering low genetic diversity, the role of adaptive introgression, and epigenetic variation. We find that Beringian fishes may poorly fit traditional taxonomic categories and the designation of conservation units below the species level may be of great practical application. Furthermore, as hybridization is documented to increase in the Arctic, the use of this process for ecological monitoring may also be of high utility with Beringian fishes.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 3 of 6

Chimeddorj, B., B. Buuveibaatar, N. Galsandorj et al. (In Press). "From isolation to integration: assessing habitat connectivity of the endangered saiga antelope in Mongolia." Mammalian Biology.

Abstract: This study provides the first comprehensive assessment of habitat connectivity for the Mongolian saiga, a species endemic to Western Mongolia. We utilized a resource selection function (RSF) to identify core habitats (CHs) throughout the saiga’s entire range. Additionally, the Circuitscape approach was employed to map the least-cost paths (LCPs) among these core habitats. The RSF models revealed a strong preference for high productivity areas, while avoiding disturbed regions. Through a spatially explicit model, 34 CHs covering an area of 12,480 km2 (30.7% of the saiga’s range) were identified. The connectivity models identified 68 LCPs between various pairs of CHs, totaling 1700 km in length across the entire saiga range. The core habitat in the center of the saiga range displayed the highest centrality scores, highlighting their critical importance in maintaining their habitat interconnectedness. Furthermore, the presence of pinch points was observed in several CH pairs within the northwest region, suggesting potential bottlenecks that may hinder movement between these habitats. It is imperative to implement measures aimed at addressing these pinch points and establishing secure corridors to facilitate the saiga movement between the CHs. To ensure the survival of the saiga, it is also crucial to mitigate the impact of existing and planned linear infrastructures, as well as other human disturbances that have the potential to fragment habitats and disrupt connectivity. These findings serve as valuable insights for targeted conservation efforts and the formulation of effective management strategies geared toward safeguarding this iconic species in Western Mongolia.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 4 of 6

Choy, C., H. Booth and D. Verissimo (Early View). "Understanding consumers to inform market interventions for Singapore's shark fin trade." People and Nature.

Abstract: 1. Sharks, rays and their cartilaginous relatives (Class Chondrichthyes, herein ‘sharks’) are among the world's most threatened species groups, primarily due to overfishing, which in turn is driven by complex market forces including demand for fins. Understanding the high-value shark fin market is a global priority for conserving shark and rays, yet the preferences of shark fin consumers are not well understood. This gap hinders the design of evidence-based consumer-focused conservation interventions. 2. Using an online discrete choice experiment, we explored preferences for price, quality, size, menu types (as a proxy for exclusivity) and source of fins (with varying degrees of sustainability) among 300 shark fin consumers in Singapore: a global entrepôt for shark fin trade. 3. Overall, consumers preferred lower priced fins sourced from responsible fisheries or produced using novel lab-cultured techniques. We also identified four consumer segments, each with distinct psychographic characteristics and consumption behaviours. 4. These preferences and profiles could be leveraged to inform new regulatory and market-based interventions regarding the sale and consumption of shark fins, and incentivize responsible fisheries and lab-cultured innovation for delivering conservation and sustainability goals. 5. In addition, message framing around health benefits, shark endangerment and counterfeiting could reinforce existing beliefs among consumers in Singapore and drive behavioural shifts to ensure that market demand remains within the limits of sustainable supply.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 5 of 6

Elsen, P. R. (In Press). "Shifting needs to safeguard diversity." Nature Ecology & Evolution.

Abstract: Systematic conservation planning in the European Alps suggests that priorities to safeguard multifaceted plant diversity will shift from low to high elevations and across latitudes, necessitating a coordinated and transboundary conservation strategy.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 6 of 6

Mendgen, P., N. Dejid, K. Olson, B. Buuveibaatar et al. (2023). "Nomadic ungulate movements under threat: Declining mobility of Mongolian gazelles in the Eastern Steppe of Mongolia." Biological Conservation 286, e110271.

Abstract: Increasing habitat fragmentation and disturbance threaten long-distance movements of ungulates. While the effects of impermeable barriers on ungulate migrations have been well researched, quantitative evidence for gradual, long-term changes of mobility remains rare. We investigated changes in movement behavior of Mongolian gazelle Procapra gutturosa using GPS tracking data collected from 62 gazelle individuals between 2007 and 2021. We quantified 16-day displacement distances as a metric for long-distance movements before using linear mixed models, generalized additive models and quantile regressions to assess how anthropogenic and environmental factors affected gazelle movement behavior. Long-distance 16-day movements decreased by 36 %, from 142 km in 2007 to 92 km in 2021. Changes in mobility were affected by increasing vehicle numbers in Mongolia, but could not be explained by concurrent changes in other environmental factors like temperature, precipitation or vegetation greenness. Gazelle movement decreased close to roads, and gazelles stayed further away from roads during the snow-free season, when traffic likely is most intense. Conserving landscape permeability is essential for maintaining populations of highly mobile species. Our study provides evidence for a gradual decline in gazelle mobility over fifteen years as a response to increasing anthropogenic impact. The transportation infrastructure permeating the Eastern Steppe does not pose physical barriers, yet our findings suggest that increasing traffic volume may create semipermeable barriers to gazelle movement. As human activity is increasing, interactions between ungulates and vehicle traffic need to be closely monitored to identify and mitigate semipermeable barrier effects before landscape permeability is severely altered.

Prepublication Citations

Prepublication Citation 1 of 1

Emogor, C. A., L. Coad, B. Balmford, D. J. Ingram, D. Detoeuf, R. J. Fletcher Jr., I. Imong, A. Dunn and A. Balmford (Prepublication). “Changes in wild meat hunting and use by rural communities during the COVID-19 socio-economic shock.” OSF Preprints.

Abstract: There has been limited quantitative research into the effects of socio-economic shocks on biological resource use. Focusing on wild meat hunting, a substantial livelihood and food source in tropical regions, we evaluated the impacts of the shock from Nigeria’s COVID-19 lockdown on species exploitation around a global biodiversity hotspot. Using a three-year quantitative dataset collected during and after the lockdown (covering 1,008 hunter-months) and matching by time of year, we found that successful hunting trip rates were more frequent during lockdown, with a corresponding increase in the monthly number, mass, and value of animals caught. Moreover, hunters consumed a larger proportion of wild meat and sold less during lockdown compared to non-lockdown periods. These results suggest that local communities relied on wild meat to supplement reduced food and income during lockdown, buffering COVID-19’s socio-economic shock. Our findings also indicate that wild species may be especially vulnerable to increased hunting pressure during such shocks.

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Peer-Reviewed Literature Citations

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 1 of 7

Cadaillon, A. M., B. Mattera, A. Albizzi, ..., A. Raya Rey et al. (In Press). "Multispecies mass mortality in the Beagle Channel associated with Paralytic Shellfish Toxins." Harmful Algae, 102581.

Abstract: The Beagle Channel is a Subantarctic semi-estuarine environment at the southern tip of South America, where intoxication events associated with harmful algal blooms have been reported since 1886, including a world record in toxicity due to Alexandrium catenella in 1992. Toxic algae affect public health and ecosystem services, particularly mussel aquaculture and fisheries management. During the austral summer of 2022, an intense bloom of A. catenella (5 × 104 cells L−1) occurred in the Beagle Channel, leading to the second most toxic event in the area, with mussel toxicity reaching 197266 µg STXeq kg−1. This event was synchronous with the mortality of marine organisms from different trophic levels and terrestrial fauna, i.e., two Fuegian red foxes and a southern caracara. Stomach content and liver samples from dead kelp gulls (Larus dominicanus), Magellanic penguins (Spheniscus magellanicus), papua penguins (Pygoscelis papua), and imperial cormorants (Leucocarbo atriceps), presented variable paralytic shellfish toxins (PST) levels (up to 3427 µg STXeq kg−1) as measured by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), suggesting that deaths were associated with high PST toxicity level. The different toxin profiles found in phytoplankton, zooplankton, squat lobsters (Grimothea gregaria), Fuegian sprat (Sprattus fuegensis), and seabirds evidenced possible toxin transformation along the food web and the possible transfer vectors. The unexpected detection of PST in terrestrial fauna (up to 2707 µg STXeq kg−1) suggested intoxication by scavenging on squat lobsters, which had high toxicity (26663 µg STXeq kg−1). PST trace levels were also detected in a liver sample of a dead false killer whale (Pseudorca crassidens), an oceanic odontocete stranded on the coast during the bloom. Overall, our results denote the exceptional nature of the toxic, multispecies mortality event and that toxins may propagate to several levels of the food web in this Subantarctic environment.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 2 of 7

Crisfield, V. E., F. Guillaume Blanchet, C. Raudsepp-Hearne and D. Gravel (Early View). "How and why species are rare: Towards an understanding of the ecological causes of rarity." Ecography, e07037.

Abstract: The three-dimensional rarity typology proposed by Rabinowitz in 1981, based on geographic range, habitat specificity, and local abundance, is among the most widely used frameworks for describing rarity in ecological and conservation research. While this framework is descriptive and is not meant to explain the causes of rarity, recent advances in ecology may be leveraged to add explanatory power. Here we present a macroecological exploration of rarity and its underlying causes. We propose a modification of Rabinowitz's typology to better distinguish between the dimensions of rarity and the ecological processes that drive them, and explore the conservation implications of our modified framework. We propose to add occupancy (the proportion of occupied sites within a species' range) as a rarity axis, and recast habitat specificity as a cause of rarity, thus yielding a modified classification based on range size, occupancy, and local abundance. Under our framework, habitat specialists are no longer considered rare if they are widespread and abundant; we argue that this modification more accurately identifies truly rare species, as habitat specialists may be common if their habitat is abundant. Finally, we draw on the macroecological and theoretical literature to identify the key processes and associated traits that drive each rarity axis. In this respect, we identify four processes (environmental filtering, movement, demography and interactions), and hypothesise that range size and occupancy are primarily driven by environmental filtering and movement, whereas local abundance is more strongly influenced by demography and interactions. We further use ecological theory to hypothesise the conservation concerns associated with each rarity axis, and propose conservation measures that may be suitable for conserving different types of rare species. Our work may provide a basis for developing hypotheses about the causes of rarity of particular focal taxa or groups, and inform the development of targeted conservation strategies.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 3 of 7

Hua, F., W. Wang, S. Nakagawa, ... and P. R. Elsen (In Press). "Ecological filtering shapes the impacts of agricultural deforestation on biodiversity." Nature Ecology & Evolution.

Abstract: The biodiversity impacts of agricultural deforestation vary widely across regions. Previous efforts to explain this variation have focused exclusively on the landscape features and management regimes of agricultural systems, neglecting the potentially critical role of ecological filtering in shaping deforestation tolerance of extant species assemblages at large geographical scales via selection for functional traits. Here we provide a large-scale test of this role using a global database of species abundance ratios between matched agricultural and native forest sites that comprises 71 avian assemblages reported in 44 primary studies, and a companion database of 10 functional traits for all 2,647 species involved. Using meta-analytic, phylogenetic and multivariate methods, we show that beyond agricultural features, filtering by the extent of natural environmental variability and the severity of historical anthropogenic deforestation shapes the varying deforestation impacts across species assemblages. For assemblages under greater environmental variability—proxied by drier and more seasonal climates under a greater disturbance regime—and longer deforestation histories, filtering has attenuated the negative impacts of current deforestation by selecting for functional traits linked to stronger deforestation tolerance. Our study provides a previously largely missing piece of knowledge in understanding and managing the biodiversity consequences of deforestation by agricultural deforestation.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 4 of 7

Pacha, A. S., A. Pande, S. Arya et al. (2023). "New insights on the phylogeny and genetic status of a highly vagile seabird from East Antarctica." Polar Science 38, e100972.

Abstract: Wilson's storm-petrel (Oceanites oceanicus, family Oceanitidae, order Procellariiformes) breeds in rock cavities along the ice-free coastline of Antarctica, a habitat susceptible to environmental change and human disturbance. Despite extensive presence, high numbers and wide-ranging movement, there are taxonomic ambiguities surrounding species' phylogenetic positioning and data gaps for most parts of its range. In this study, we provide support to the phylogenetic status of family Oceanitidae through new genetic datasets and modern analytical approaches. We generated mitochondrial cytochrome b gene sequences from samples collected from east Antarctica's ice-free regions. Reconstructed trees obtained using Bayesian and maximum likelihood models show Oceanitidae as a monophyletic group where Hydrobatidae (northern storm-petrels) appeared as a basal group to the order Procellariiformes. Phylogeographic network analysis resulted in seven distinct haplotypes with strong genetic differentiation (FST > 0.99) between east Antarctic and sub-Antarctic populations. Our study provides one of the first genetic datasets on Wilson's storm-petrel populations in east Antarctica. It serves as a baseline to undertake rigorous investigations into species' population structure, genetic connectivity and demographic responses to human-mediated changes in the austral environment.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 5 of 7

Peripato, V., C. Levis, G. A. Moreira, ..., E. Vilanova Torre et al. (2023). "More than 10,000 pre-Columbian earthworks are still hidden throughout Amazonia." Science 382(6666), 103-109. [Prepublication here:]

Abstract: Indigenous societies are known to have occupied the Amazon basin for more than 12,000 years, but the scale of their influence on Amazonian forests remains uncertain. We report the discovery, using LIDAR (light detection and ranging) information from across the basin, of 24 previously undetected pre-Columbian earthworks beneath the forest canopy. Modeled distribution and abundance of large-scale archaeological sites across Amazonia suggest that between 10,272 and 23,648 sites remain to be discovered and that most will be found in the southwest. We also identified 53 domesticated tree species significantly associated with earthwork occurrence probability, likely suggesting past management practices. Closed-canopy forests across Amazonia are likely to contain thousands of undiscovered archaeological sites around which pre-Columbian societies actively modified forests, a discovery that opens opportunities for better understanding the magnitude of ancient human influence on Amazonia and its current state. Indigenous societies have lived in the Amazon for at least 12,000 years. Finding evidence of these societies, however, has been greatly hampered by the density of the forest in Amazonia. Peripato et al. used LIDAR (light detection and ranging) surveys to identify more than 20 previously unidentified developments and then modeled the occurrence of others across the Amazon. The authors predict that between 10,000 and 24,000 ancient earthworks are waiting to be discovered. Sampling of some of the LIDAR transects revealed a consistent set of domesticated tree species associated with the developments, suggesting active forestry practices among these societies. ?Sacha Vignieri Amazon-wide LIDAR surveys and predictive models suggest thousands of undocumented archaeological sites across the basin.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 6 of 7

Sari, I., E. Matthews, K. Barclay, N. M. L. Thant, N. Stacey and M. i. Mizrahi (2023). "A review of resources and experiences supporting gender and fisheries within development projects in Southeast Asia." Gender in Aquaculture and Fisheries Section of the Asian Fisheries Society Newsletter 4, 17-21.

Abstract: Many resources and materials have been published on women’s empowerment and gender inclusion in fisheries and conservation management. While these provide useful theoretical frameworks, these materials often fail to meet the needs of local practitioners due to the use of technical and academic language. Furthermore, these materials provide limited practical guidance on the entire project cycle from institutional strategy to design and implementation. In addition, the operational tools developed by in-house gender specialists tend to serve unique objective(s) of individual projects and are accessible only internally. Toward optimizing resources needed for promoting gender equality in small-scale fisheries, the sharing of implementation tools as well as the conceptual or theoretical frameworks are crucial to assist the organizations more widely, especially those with limited resources. To this end, we offer seven recommendations and emphasize that a collaborative platform may be needed to facilitate the sharing process and accelerate gender inclusion initiatives.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 7 of 7

Plumptre, A. J., D. Baisero, T. M. Brooks, ..., C. Raudsepp-Hearne et al. (2024). "Targeting site conservation to increase the effectiveness of new global biodiversity targets." One Earth 7(1), 11-17.

Abstract: Global protected area extent has increased recently but often outside areas of biodiversity importance. Governments recently committed to conserving 30% of land and seas, especially “areas of particular importance for biodiversity.” Reviewing site-based conservation approaches, we propose harnessing key biodiversity area criteria to target such locations.


Grey Literature and Prepublication Citations

Grey Literature and Prepublication Citation 1 of 4

Abreu Grobois, F. A., A. C. Broderick, M. W. Bruford, C. Ciofi, A. Formia et al. (2023). “Ascension Island hawksbills: Where do they hail from?” Proceedings of the Thirty-Second Annual Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation. International Sea Turtle Symposium, March 13-16, 2002, Huatulco, Oaxaca, Mexico. Miami, FL: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 70-71.

Grey Literature and Prepublication Citation 2 of 4

Chang Bennett, R., A. Ingram, E. Christian, ..., C. L. Campbell and C. J. Lagueux (2002). “Conservation and management of the legal green turtle fishery in the Region Autonoma Atlantico Sur (RAAS), Nicaragua.” Proceedings of the Thirty-Second Annual Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation. International Sea Turtle Symposium, March 13-16, 2002, Huatulco, Oaxaca, Mexico. Miami, FL: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 51-52.

Grey Literature and Prepublication Citation 3 of 4

Maina, D., J. A. Kawaka and R. B. Machaku (2002). “Community driven awareness and advocacy initiatives in restoring sea turtle populations and management of the marine environment: Experiences from Kenya.” Proceedings of the Thirty-Second Annual Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation. International Sea Turtle Symposium, March 13-16, 2002, Huatulco, Oaxaca, Mexico. Miami, FL: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 59.

Grey Literature and Prepublication Citation 4 of 4

Vander Zanden, H. B., K. Arthur, A. B. Bolten, B. N. Popp, C. J. Lagueux, E. C. Harrison, C. L. Campbell and K. A. Bjorndal (2002). “You are what you eat and where you eat it: Interpreting the isotopic niche of the Caribbean green turtle.” Proceedings of the Thirty-Second Annual Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation. International Sea Turtle Symposium, March 13-16, 2002, Huatulco, Oaxaca, Mexico. Miami, FL: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 92.

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Peer-Reviewed Literature Citations

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 1 of 4

Bayu, Z. A., F. Surahmat, M. I. Lubis, R. A. Surya and L. Septiadi (2024). "A new locality record and observation of the False Warted Treefrog, Theloderma pseudohorridum Kurniawan et al., 2023 in southern Sumatra, Indonesia." Herpetology Notes 17, 21-24.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 2 of 4

Delavaux, C. S., T. W. Crowther, C. M. Zohner, ..., B. Swanepoel et al. (2023). "Native diversity buffers against severity of non-native tree invasions." Nature 621(7980), 773-781.

Abstract: Determining the drivers of non-native plant invasions is critical for managing native ecosystems and limiting the spread of invasive species. Tree invasions in particular have been relatively overlooked, even though they have the potential to transform ecosystems and economies. Here, leveraging global tree databases, we explore how the phylogenetic and functional diversity of native tree communities, human pressure and the environment influence the establishment of non-native tree species and the subsequent invasion severity. We find that anthropogenic factors are key to predicting whether a location is invaded, but that invasion severity is underpinned by native diversity, with higher diversity predicting lower invasion severity. Temperature and precipitation emerge as strong predictors of invasion strategy, with non-native species invading successfully when they are similar to the native community in cold or dry extremes. Yet, despite the influence of these ecological forces in determining invasion strategy, we find evidence that these patterns can be obscured by human activity, with lower ecological signal in areas with higher proximity to shipping ports. Our global perspective of non-native tree invasion highlights that human drivers influence non-native tree presence, and that native phylogenetic and functional diversity have a critical role in the establishment and spread of subsequent invasions.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 3 of 4

Marcinczyk, M., N. Songsasen, E. E. Hammond, G. DeCesare, ... and D. McAloose (2023). "A retrospective study of disease processes in maned wolves (Chrysocyon brachyurus) in North American zoological institutions with emphasis on urolithiasis, inflammatory bowel disease, and neoplasia." Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 54(4), 681-691.

Abstract: The objective of this retrospective study is to summarize causes of disease and mortality in maned wolves (Chrysocyon brachyurus) in the North American Species Survival Plan Program (SSP) population. This information will inform and enhance animal health, husbandry, and conservation efforts. Pathology reports were requested from all zoological institutions housing maned wolves between 1930 and 2021. Data were reviewed and cause of death (COD) and reported diseases were summarized and compared by age group, organ system and disease process. One hundred and seventy-one wolves, 82 females and 89 males, met the inclusion criteria. The majority were geriatric (>11 yr; n = 96) or adult (2–11 yr; n = 67). Noninfectious diseases were the most common COD by process (n = 94; 54.9%). For COD by organ system, diseases of the digestive (n = 41) and urinary (n = 34) systems were most common. Neoplasia was the most common noninfectious COD and was the primary COD in 37 wolves (21.6% overall; 39.4% of noninfectious diseases). A total of 145 benign (n = 72) and malignant (n = 73) neoplasms were diagnosed in 44 individuals. Dysgerminoma was the most commonly reported tumor (n = 18), and was the most common neoplastic COD (n = 8). Cystinuria or urolithiasis (n = 71) and gastritis, enteritis, enterocolitis, or colitis (n = 50) (overall and grouped in each system due to presumed common underlying cause) were also common but were more often reported as comorbidities than as COD (n = 16 and n = 11, respectively). Infectious COD were reported in 17 wolves and included babesiosis (n = 4), acanthocephalans (n = 2), and one viral infection. Infections with a variety of bacteria in different organ systems were a COD in eight wolves.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 4 of 4

Pérez-Fleitas, E., Y. Milián-García, G. Sosa-Rodríguez, ..., N. Rossi et al. (2023). "Environmental DNA-based biomonitoring of Cuban Crocodylus and their accompanying vertebrate fauna from Zapata Swamp, Cuba." Scientific Reports 13(1), e20438.

Abstract: Crocodylians globally face considerable challenges, including population decline and extensive habitat modification. Close monitoring of crocodylian populations and their habitats is imperative for the timely detection of population trends, especially in response to management interventions. Here we use eDNA metabarcoding to identify the Critically Endangered Crocodylus rhombifer and the Vulnerable C. acutus, as well as vertebrate community diversity, in Cuba’s Zapata Swamp. We tested four different primer sets, including those used previously in Crocodylus population genetic and phylogenetic research, for their efficiency at detecting crocodylian eDNA. We detected C. rhombifer eDNA in 11 out of 15 sampled locations within its historical geographic distribution. We found that data analyses using the VertCOI primers and the mBRAVE bioinformatics pipeline were the most effective molecular marker and pipeline combination for identifying this species from environmental samples. We also identified 55 vertebrate species in environmental samples across the four bioinformatics pipelines— ~ 85% known to be present in the Zapata ecosystem. Among them were eight species previously undetected in the area and eight alien species, including known predators of hatchling crocodiles (e.g., Clarias sp.) and egg predators (e.g., Mus musculus). This study highlights eDNA metabarcoding as a powerful tool for crocodylian biomonitoring within fragile and diverse ecosystems, particularly where fast, non-invasive methods permit detection in economically important areas and will lead to a better understanding of complex human-crocodile interactions and evaluate habitat suitability for potential reintroductions or recovery programs for threatened crocodylian species.

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Peer-Reviewed Literature Citations

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 1 of 4

Campagna, C., M. Uhart, V. Falabella, J. Campagna, V. Zavattieri et al. (Early View). "Catastrophic mortality of southern elephant seals caused by H5N1 avian influenza." Marine Mammal Science.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 2 of 4

Galligan, B. P. and T. R. McClanahan (2024). "Nutrition contributions of coral reef fisheries not enhanced by capture of small fish." Ocean & Coastal Management 249, e107011.

Abstract: Recent policy recommendations have highlighted the nutritional benefits of fisheries that capture small finfish species. Small fish, particularly those that feed in the pelagic zone, tend to be more nutrient dense than larger species, with increased concentrations of calcium, zinc, and omega-3 fatty acids. However, capturing fish below some recommended size limit (i.e., length at first maturity = Lmat) in coral reefs is frequently considered to be unsustainable and associated with reduced yields and losses of ecosystem functions. To evaluate the potential effects of fish body size, we analyzed nutrient concentrations of 424 demersal and pelagic finfish species reported from Western Indian Ocean artisanal fisheries. We found that length and food source are associated with only small differences in nutrient density in the artisanal catches of this region (≤7% of a child's daily requirement in most cases). We also analyzed 20 years of catch monitoring data from Kenya, where many of the common species have Lmat ∼20–25 cm, to test the potential benefits and tradeoffs of capturing small fishes. Small capture sizes were associated with low yields and sexually immature catches with a mean length of 15 cm resulting in 38% lower catch per unit effort, 37% lower nutrient yield, and a 22% lower maturity index compared to a mean body length of 30 cm. Catches of undersized fish were not associated with substantial increases or decreases in nutrient content relative to human nutritional requirements. Thus, coral reef artisanal fisheries should target moderate to large fishes (>20 cm) to maximize overall yield, nutrient yield, and sustainability.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 3 of 4

Peters, N., C. J. Kendall, M. Mgumba, C. Bracebridge and C. Beale (2024). "Identifying priority high risk areas for anti-poison work for the conservation of endangered vultures." Vulture News 84(1), 72.

Abstract: Vultures are declining worldwide and poisoning is the greatest threat in Africa. This study estimated the exposure, threat, and risk of poisoning to vultures in southern Tanzania. Exposure to poisoning was defined as the areas that vultures use and where carcasses are likely to be found by a given individual, and was calculated using GPS tracking data from 33 vultures and capture-recapture modelling. Threat of poisoning was a proxy of human footprint and thus areas where poisoning was possible. Risk of poisoning was determined by areas with an overlap of exposure and threat. Similar to other studies, the results support that vultures are highly efficient at finding the carcasses where they spend time foraging. Risk areas identified using the risk assessment framework covered a smaller geographic area than simple spatial buffers. The inference from these findings were to prioritise anti-poisoning interventions to reduce the risk of vultures encountering poisoned carcasses.

Peer-Reviewed Literature Citation 4 of 4

Veith, T., L. F. Beltrán-Saavedra, T. Bleicker, M. L. Schmidt, J. L. Mollericona, K. Grützmacher, R. Wallace, J. F. Drexler, C. Walzer, T. C. Jones, C. Drosten and V. M. Corman (2023). "Divergent genotype of Hepatitis A virus in alpacas, Bolivia, 2019." Emerging Infectious Diseases 29(12), 2524-2527.

Abstract: Hepatitis A virus (HAV) is a common human pathogen found exclusively in primates. In a molecular and serologic study of 64 alpacas in Bolivia, we detected RNA of distinct HAV in ≈9% of animals and HAV antibodies in ≈64%. Complete-genome analysis suggests a long association of HAV with alpacas.

Grey Literature Citations

Grey Literature Citation 1 of 1

Holroyd, S., C. L. Lausen, S. Dulc, E. de Freitas et al. (2023). Best Management Practices for the Use of Bat Houses in US and Canada -- with focus on summer habitat mitigation for Little Brown Myotis, Yuma Myotis, and Big Brown Bat. Wildlife Conservation Society Canada, produced in cooperation with US Fish and Wildlife Service and Canadian Wildlife Health Cooperative for the WNS Conservation and Recovery Working Group.

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