MEASURE 8. Number of students supported with approved theses


Building Latin American capacity for conservation science through formal academic training and support of university students.


Here we are including undergraduate and postgraduate theses. In order to qualify WCS and/or a WCS employee must figure in the acknowledgments of a given thesis


Cumulative results show a total of 231 theses defended between 1995 and 2015, of which approximately 49.36% are from South American students, largely due to the international nature of thesis support in the Yavari-Samiria Landscape of Peru. Even so Latin American student thesis support is significant.

Figure 1. Cumulative Number of Defended Theses.

Figure 2. Percentage of WCS Supported Defended Theses by Student Nationality.

Figure 3. Percentage of Defended Theses by Country Program.

Figure 4. Latin American Student Theses Defended by Country.