The Greater Muskwa-Kechika - Building a better network for protecting wildlife and wildlands. WCS Canada Conservation Report Report No.13.
Weaver, John
Wildlife Conservation Society Canada conservation scientist John Weaver has developed a bold plan to build on the existing array of protected areas scattered across the Greater Muskwa-Kechica. The network of new areas recommended for protection is based on Dr. Weaver’s analysis of the results from detailed studies by provincial and university biologists. The plan has been carefully shaped to minimize conflict with resource industries while maximizing protection for the core habitats of keystone species, such as caribou, stone sheep, bull trout and moose. This expansion would ensure the Greater Muskwa-Kechika remain a stronghold for wildlife in a world being swept by an extinction crisis.
muskwa-kechika; BC; Kaska First Nation; Aichi Targets; Pathway to target 1

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